The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 73 I feel that I'm not far from vomiting!

"Day!" In time to say such a word, my neck suddenly tightened, and a pull behind me pulled me directly against the wall.

I raised my hand to touch my neck, and the seaweed-like black hair slid directly between my fingers, sticky, smooth and slippery. After a pause between my fingers, it actually tied my hands!

"Day!" I was so angry that I had no choice but to spit out this word again, because I really couldn't find any other words that could highly summarize my inner thoughts. I only saw Xiao Chun slowly turn around and slowly smiling towards me. His smile was gentle and skillful, the posture was elegant and dignified, and the words were sinister and vicious: "It doesn't matter if you don't let me go down. Isn't... I can still possess you."

Day by day! I was extremely shocked. The next day, seven flowers were tied on a vine, and Xiao Chun stepped on a cat step towards me and finally stopped in front of my eyes. He raised his right hand and touched my face with a disgust: "It's really disgusting to attach to a woman."

Get out! Sister, it's disgusting that I was possessed by a woman!

Then Xiao Chun sighed and said quietly, "But just use it first. You have to find a way to attach to the second Dai later."

After saying that, she took a step back and opened her mouth. A burst of black smoke immediately came out of her mouth, followed by a pair of white, plush tentacles sticking out of her mouth. The thing shook, stopped in the air and trembled, and slowly continued to stretch out from her mouth.

My face, which had just shown a disgusting expression, immediately froze, because I saw two green eyes behind the tentacle-like thing, and a slightly fat head slowly poked out of Xiao Chun's mouth. When the head was about to stick out of his mouth, several other hairy tentacles also stretched out...

zhi... spider!

It turned out to be a plush meat spider crawling out of Xiao Chun's mouth!

I wanted to vomit. When I saw Xiao Chun's infinitely growing mouth, my stomach was even more acidic. Mom's scene was already scary. Before she stopped, another spider crawled out of it. In the blink of an eye, four or five spiders crawled out of her mouth one after another. The battle seemed to be over and quite childish. The endless posture of my descendants made me feel nauseous on the spot!


I did that.

My ability to bear in my heart was not so bad. When I hit my brother, I even saw the body soaked in sulfuric acid. However, when Xiao Chun smiled and stretched out his hand to me and pinched my jaw to let me open my mouth, I finally couldn't help spit it on Xiao Chun with breakfast and the undigested Beijing roast duck. .

I'm a strange hunter, not a strange hunter! It's nothing to watch He's Y when I have nothing to do, but it's too difficult for me to eat all the meat spiders as meat cakes!

Xiao Chun was scared by me, and several spiders that were about to crawl on me were also thrown to the ground with the spit out breakfast. She instinctively frowned and retreated, and her hand holding my neck hurriedly withdrew to pat the vomit on her body: "Are you disgusting? My clothes are all dirty!"

Go to her sister. At this juncture, I didn't care whether she was wearing high-end clothes or not. When there were signs of loosening my hair, I quickly pinched the flame spell: "Split flame, break the sky, the flame of heaven, rise!"

There was a firelight in my right hand, and then a string of fire dragons rushed out of my fingers and burned my hair into coke in an instant. Xiao Chun... No, now it should be said that the spider spirit looked at me both shocked and angrily, and almost gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you break free from my bondage and burn my hair!"

"Don't say anything!" I reached out to stop her, and then knelt on the floor and vomited, "Let me vomit first..."

Spider spirit: "..."

I should thank Xiao Chun's cleanliness fetish. Although she became a spider spirit, she was essentially a clean girl. Seeing that I vomited so miserably, she handed me two pieces of paper, and then squatted silently, silently watched me vomit, and asked sympathetically, "Have you finished vomiting?"

"Almost..." I took the paper and wiped my mouth and stood up from the ground. Xiao Chun immediately nodded in a trance: "Oh, let's continue."

With that, another row of spiders crawled out of her mouth quickly. I looked sideways, tried to resist the desire to vomit, and rushed to the window with an arrow!

What are you kidding? Still coming?! If you come back, I will spit out my internal organs! I spit out my heart, liver, spleen and kidney! Don't ask me why I didn't rush to the door. Didn't you see that there was still a seal spell!? Let alone the moment when my eyebrows are burning, how long will it take for me to lift the seal spell and then open the anti-theft door? Just let me take a look at those meat spiders, I want to point the intercontinental missile at Xiao Chun and press the launch button!

When the rich second generation took the edge of the window and looked at the vest smashing the car, the window was not closed, so I rushed to the window with full fire. Yu Guang saw countless black hair and sharp arrows attacking me behind me, followed by countless familiar meat spiders crawling towards me. I was shocked. I jumped and turned over in place and was ready to jump out with one hand against the window.

Five floor.

The vertical distance is not high, but if it falls directly, the lower body will still be paralyzed. Sister, who am I? I remember the route as early as I came here. Jump down from this position, move slightly in the air to step on the air conditioner on the fourth floor, and then jump to the right, which can steadily fall on the air conditioner on the third floor. I jumped down on the air conditioner all the way. As soon as I landed, I heard the sound of breaking wind behind my head, so I jumped to the right one foot--

"Bum!" Three air conditioners hit directly on the place where I just stood.

It's impossible that such a loud voice didn't disturb others, so I watched the crowd of embarrassing goods - I really hate these guys now and turn back at once.

The whole scene was silent for about three seconds.

Then the tide-like exclamations continued one after another: "Oh, what's going on! Whose air conditioner has fallen off?

"Whose? Oh, it's not mine..." - This man is absolutely gloating.

"Why was it so loud just now? It turned out that the air conditioner fell down. Whose? So unlucky."

"How did it fall? Which floor fell? Huh? Where is the woman standing?

My first reaction was to talk about me. When I just wanted to explain, I looked up and found Xiao Chun standing on the air conditioner. I was immediately shocked. Once I was shocked, I immediately reacted!

She chased it down!

At that time, I only wanted to escape from the house and didn't pay attention to what Xiao Chun was doing. When she saw that her hair and even the spider couldn't catch up with me, she immediately smashed three air conditioners to kill me. After hiding, she became angry and chased me directly from the fifth floor. This... Her hair was still long and dragged on the ground, and her eyes were also from her hair. Staring at me in the seam, his eyes are sad and resentful, and he can't wait to tear me up on the spot!

It was the onlookers who broke the silence. From afar, I heard someone in the crowd roaring: "My air conditioner!! Fuck! I will kill you as a thief!" The onlookers immediately sharpened their knives and rushed to the pigs and sheep.


I ran away from where I was and rushed to the vest without looking back. This time I was careless and dared to go out without Chengying. There is not enough inventory on my body, and there is no Taoist charm tonic. Spiders, which are sticky and disgusting, can't fight hard. It's better to drag the vest back and pull Chengying.

Thinking that I accelerated and ran towards the vest, I heard bursts of exclamation behind me: "Oh, what is this? It's so disgusting. Spiders? Why are there so many?"

I staggered in the wild run and instinctively recalled what I just said:

zhi... spider?

How can it be!

I turned around in shock. The onlookers had already formed a circle. Xiao Chun looked straight at me, with the corners of his lips slightly raised, his long black hair drifting without wind, and tens of thousands of white-haired spiders crawled out of her long skirt under her!

She risked it!

She took the risk!

I thought she would worry about the people around her and dare not act. Unexpectedly, she didn't feel confused at all. After landing, she directly released the dormant spider army. I understand what she meant. She was not going to retreat. She just wanted to be desperate and turn everyone into her host!

Grandma's. I clenched my teeth on the back of my hand and couldn't wait to slap myself in the face. Why do I think of her so noble and simple that she will only squat in that room and won't chase her out?!

The spider spirit did not give me time to feel guilty and buffer. The meat spider crawled and climbed on a girl's lap. The girl screamed and was ready to throw the spider away. My eyes were sharp, and I saw the spider's head shaking, opening its lips and spitting silk out.

The silk is small and thin, and its appearance is still translucent. It can't be seen by the sun without paying attention. If it were an ordinary person, most of the effort would have been hit in the blink of an eye, but the girl reacted fiercely and stamped her feet and jumped in the same place. Thanks to her jumping like this, the spider's silk did not stick to her feet for the first time.

I turned around and rushed to the girl, and pointed forward with my right hand as a sword: "Go!"

The spider climbing her shoes immediately broke in half, and the cracked head splashed green **, which was thick and sticky. I felt that I was not far from vomiting!

When it comes to this kind of horror and disgusting, the people's reaction is always very unified. As soon as they see the spider on the girl's feet explode, they immediately shouted, "What's this? What's so disgusting!" Scatter around.

In an emergency, I didn't care so much and roared, "Make way, get out of the way!" The spider in the laboratory ran out!" He rushed to Xiao Chun bravely and bravely, and in an instant, just like a trick, the gossip of the onlookers all over the world disappeared without a trace! A doubtful and shocked voice came from behind: "Xiao Chun?!"

The spider spirit and I stopped at the same time. I turned back stiffly and raised her head stiffly. I saw the embarrassing man standing behind me, staring at Xiao Chun with two cows' eyes and said in shock, "What's going on?"

"...Day." I cursed with the spider spirit at the same time.

Forget that this product has regained consciousness.