The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 85 is only 3 centimeters away from freedom!

It turns out that there is more than one water ghost in this pool!

I was stunned with a buzzing in my mind and forgot how to resist for a while. However, I couldn't resist that situation at that time. Anyone who saw that their feet were entangled by a water ghost would probably stay like me, and the idiot would scream.

I also want to scream, but now it's still at the bottom of the pool. I'm afraid that all the air in my lungs will bubble, so I held back the scream that rushed into my throat and shook my calf to get rid of the hair wrapped around it.

Of course, you thought about this kind of thing with your knees and knew that it was impossible to succeed, but I couldn't take care of anything at that time, so I could only try with the idea of "may not be tight". As a result, I found that my hair was getting tighter and tighter, and even the hair that originally floated at the bottom of the pool began to curl up, which seemed to wrap my other foot, and I was shocked. I didn't care to do a leg shaking experiment in the water, and then the buoyancy wanted to rush out of the water.

Sister, my requirements are not high, and it's okay to take a few breaths of oxygen to call for help. However, when I rushed up like this, my hair immediately straightened, and then my whole body was pulled down and stopped 3 centimeters from the surface of the water!

3cm! Just3cm! Looking at the distance only 3 centimeters from the free sunlight and the air, I burst into tears. I hate why I don't grow taller, no more than 3 centimeters! Although I usually don't care about height, this 3cm gap always puts me in trouble again and again, such as not daring to buy 160 clothes every time, and now it almost surfaced...

I shook my right foot, and my hair was still motionless. The female ghost was kind and did not directly drag me into the water, but she pulled me up and down like this, but it made me more depressed, because I was going to be dragged down by her. According to my personality, I directly raised my fist to greet her face, but now she is stationed in the water. Stiff, unable to float up, unable to step down on the foot of the female ghost.

I'm so depressed that I want to kill someone! Looking at Chengying, he was also deadlocked. His vest was so wrapped that he couldn't breathe. Water Ghost No. 1 also floated around in the water with his head, which could suffocate the vest in the blink of an eye, but left a few gaps that he could breathe and hung the vest half his life.

Yes! That's the situation! My waistcoat and I are hanging. I can't survive and die. The only thing that can move is Chengying. If I step forward, I can cut off the hair wrapped in the vest, and if I retreat, I can cut off the hair wrapped around me. But I have no doubt that as long as he makes a choice, the other one will die in an instant!


The water ghost is really hard...

This is an obvious plan to move the tiger away from the mountain. First, insert a tooth stained with aura at the bottom of the pool. When Chengying and I dive into the bottom of the pool to check, they suddenly appeared and pulled the vest. Moreover, the two water ghosts obviously know that I have a difference between speed and Chengying. Even if they rush to rescue at the same time after seeing the vest, the time, the arrival time is bound to arrive. There were fast and slow, so the other one was waiting for me to separate from Chengying, and then suddenly dragged me to the bottom of the water.

Good strategy, but Chengying and I didn't notice the abnormality before. Why did they suddenly appear in a blink of an eye? This doesn't make sense...

Chengying also found that I was pulled by a water ghost. There was a flash of panic and anger on his face, but the emotion appeared too fast. I couldn't see more content. I instinctively felt that Chengying probably wouldn't save me, because the oxygen in my lungs could still support me for a period of time, but the waistcoat could not last long. As long as Chengying turns his head and rushes towards me, the dead head floating on the shore can immediately entangle the vest. It is said that at the critical moment of life and death, I still have doubts in my heart. It's really a two-hearted strong man... I don't know where these two water ghosts hid before. How can they not only monitor our actions without being sent by us? Now.

During the meditation, Chengying really made a decision. Through the bright sunshine on the surface of the water, I saw Chengying nodded firmly and slightly at me, followed by a sword spirit cutting at the hair wrapped in the vest!

At that moment, the hair wrapped around my ankle suddenly pulled me to the bottom of the water, and then a large amount of long-planned hair hit me.

I didn't want to sit and wait for death. As soon as I was pulled to the bottom of the pool, I turned around and fled, but the space to move in the water was always limited. In addition, my swimming level was a complete tragedy, so I was tightly wrapped up in two times. What's terrible is that the air in my lungs was also consumed poorly. No more, the metabolic carbon dioxide can't be excreted, the lungs are swollen and uncomfortable, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, dizziness... At most, I will definitely hold my eyes and open my mouth to breathe!

The hair floating around also slowly wrapped around my neck, just waiting for me to get in from my mouth when I couldn't open my mouth to breathe. The turbulent transparent pool water twisted the sunlight, and slowly made me unable to see the situation above. I don't know what happened on the water, and I don't know if Chengying has rescued the vest. All I know is that if I wait like this, I will really drown!

The water avoidance spell is useless. There is not enough air at the bottom of the pool to compress me; I don't need the advanced Taoist art of separating the water surface. I looked at the bright sunshine above and wanted to cry without tears. Do I really want Gameover to be in this place?

I haven't flirted with my uncle, pushed down Zhengtai, Lily passed the royal sister, ** passed Lori, watched SoundHorizon's concert, and cheered Sky at the WCG final. I also want to travel around Japan after getting the Taoist rating, make a pilgrimage to Akihabara, raise a huge banner at the 2012 Kunshan WCG Finals, and write "Sky will never be defeated!" WCG owes you a Triple Crown!" So how can I...

I was so aggrieved and dragged by the water ghost's hair at the bottom of the pool!!

I'm still waiting... I saw Sky standing on the WCG podium in a five-star red flag, winning the highest honor of War3 back to China again!!

In an instant, all the spiritual power around me broke out, and the hair wrapped around my feet was shaken away. The turbulent pool water was also evaporated by my explosive spiritual power. In an instant, a vacuum belt appeared at the bottom of the pool.

The water ghost was shocked by the spiritual power I burst out, and I couldn't swim in for a while. But this one-sided miracle only lasted for three seconds, and the spiritual power bursting from my body began to dissipate. I took a deep breath, and then took out my mobile phone to switch to Sogou Pinyin as quickly as possible: "SOS!"

As soon as the last word was knocked, the separated pool water immediately closed, followed by the water ghost's ready hair to attack again, but I was ready to quickly pronounce the wind blade spell before the pool water approached me. The split wind blade immediately cut off a few rays of long hair that hit me, and the rest was weakened by the pool water.

Seeing this, the water ghost immediately cracked the corners of his lips and smiled, as if laughing at me, but he saw a green light behind me. The blonde and blue-eyed teenager appeared handsomely in the sparkling waves, holding a long gun and a thrust, and the closed pool water was also separated by this blow: "How dare to bully Mo Yuan! Let's ask about my gun first!"

With such a close distance and such a fast attack, the water ghost can't hide even if he wants to. For a moment, the water ghost who was still ready to use his hair to launch a must-kill skill on me was stabbed by a long gun, followed by the old man swinging a long gun and turning in an arc. The water ghost who was picked on the tip of the gun was immediately smashed at the bottom of the pool and swinging a water pattern.