The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 90 I'm so flashing!

I haven't seen Xiao Chun's soul, but the average soul is not so easy to be parasitize by the erosion spider. After all, everyone's soul is exclusive, and the emergence of another soul in the body will instinctively resist. Although the erosion spider is a master of corrupting the human soul, it also needs to penetrate step by step and slowly. To put it bluntly, this process is similar to the outbreak of cold virus. Everyone will be parasitized by the erosion spider when their will is weak, but some people have strong resistance and adjust their mentality quickly. After being parasitized, they can quickly destroy the erosion spider. Some people have a low will and negative thoughts and always want to escape. Only after the erosion spider is parasitized can they gain the upper hand.

Xiao Chun was abandoned by Fu Dai. Theoretically, he should be in a low mood, but no matter how depressed he is, he is still a sensible girl from my short-term contact with her. It is impossible to occupy her soul in a short time after being parasitized by the eroded spider. What's more, Xiao Chun's situation is clear that he has returned to heaven not long after being parasitized by the spider. If If the soul has been tamped with in advance, how can Xiao Chun be penetrated even by the soul and body after being parasitized in a short time?

Have you ever seen a patient go to see Marx in less than two days from the onset of cold cough and cold symptoms?

Chengying also frowned and let go of the hand covering the female ghost to let me carefully look at the color of the female ghost. The aura attached to it is really light. If it hadn't been for the recent absorption of the spiritual power LeeverUp wrapped in resentment, I would never have seen the transparent aura attached to it with spiritual vision alone.

As Chengying said, the soul of the female ghost is very thin, and the aura attached to it is also very thin, but the attachment position is very clever. It is stuck in the connection of the three souls and seven souls. I came over and looked at it and was shocked: "The aura attached to it can't be eliminated. If it is eliminated, she will be lost!"

Chengying sighed: "I knew it earlier, do you still need to say it?"

... The attachment of the other soul is at the fracture of the female ghost's own soul. It seems that the broken puppet is connected with another material, but as long as the connected material is removed, the puppet will immediately break into pieces.

I suddenly had a hunch that this aura was not used to repair the female ghost, but deliberately left a little to let the female ghost survive.

This guy left the female ghost and washed away her memory... Does he want to use the female ghost to help him do things?

I can't guess now, so I have to say to the female ghost: "You can see the current situation. Your body has been carried to the warehouse by the staff. If you don't want to leave that body, you can go to the warehouse. If you are willing, just follow me first. I'll find a place to store your soul first, and wait until you remember your name. I'll save you."

She shook and looked up at me: "Are you still going to surpass me?"

"Nonsense! Otherwise, will you be exposed to the sun like this?" As I said, I took out the place where the female ghost could store it from my bag, and I was stunned as soon as I put my hand in. Looking at the vest that was ready to go home to drive and Chengying, who was still wrapped in aura, and thought about it, he still felt more sorry for the aura of the female ghost, so he pretended to calmly take out what he was holding in his hand--

"Well, they are all girls. You should be familiar with this thing. OB tampon, you can live on it first."

The vest was stunned, and the female ghost was embarrassing. Chengying silently turned her head and looked next to her...

Wait for the female ghost to parasitize on OB and the staff also came back. Seeing that we were still standing in the lounge, the staff wanted to kneel down for me again: "Daxian! The body has been put away! Please save me anyway! I have an old man and a young man, and I have a flower-like girlfriend in the middle. Anyway, you let me marry her before I die!"

I'm in a hurry to go to Nanyuan to squat, and I don't have the mood to talk to him here. Is he afraid of female ghosts revenge? The female ghost is still parasitist on OB!

Of course, I didn't want to say to him directly, "I've put a spell on you just now, and all the evil spirits dare not approach you in 30 days", so I casually drew a piece of paper from the table and painted it, and handed it to the staff: "Write your name and date of birth in the middle, and then bite your index finger and press it on."

He was stunned for a moment, took a pen and did it. He quickly wrote down his name on the paper and handed it to me.

I took it over and took a look. I liked it first and then praised it. It turns out that this guy is a sex palace, a famous worker. The code name of the previous staff is very similar, and this guy's signature is extremely fluttering, and it comes back against the front, and there are twists and turns. Put the pen in the textbook, which is a model for students to copy and write!

I read the words pretendingly with paper, dragged it for about ten seconds and threw it to the palace worker: "Okay. Don't lose it with you."

He took it with a confused face: "Is that all right?"

"All right." I yawned, and finally brought out the set of ghost words and said, "I have cast this charm. The female ghost can't get close to you in 30 days. Just take it on your body and don't lose it."

He answered, put away the rune paper in panic and asked me, "Is it a close-fitting belt?"


"Take it with you when you take a shower?"

Chengying sneered next to me, and I was embarrassed: Finally, I nodded brazenly: "Well, find a waterproof tape."

The palace worker was "um" again, solemnly pressed the pocket of the rune paper, and carefully asked me, "Daxian... Can I ask what is written on it?"

I looked at him and quickly explained, "I look at the words written on it, not like the words 'urgent as a law' played on TV, so I'm curious. If you offend me, please don't mind."

The vest and the old man didn't see what I wrote, but Chengying sneered again. I flew over with an eye knife and saw him turn his face and look next to him before pretending to be a deep "um": "This is the unique spell of the Mo family. It can protect the person whose name is written in the middle of the spell from being invaded for 30 days. The specific content is a business secret, so I won't talk about it."

Are you kidding? Sister, I write "Money, money, come quickly!", "I'll win five million tomorrow!", "The most annoying thing about going to work!", "There are always 30 days a month that I don't want to go to work." "I will warm the bed and ask for care!" "What is the update? Can I eat it?" Will I tell you these contents?

The vest finally didn't embarrass me too much. After returning home, I drove a QQ car very quickly.

I was relieved when I saw that it was not a famous car. I thought that this girl's parents were not ridiculous. Although they had to live in the best house and drive the worst car, they wanted to give the vest the whole BMW Mercedes-Benz Ferrari or something. I really had to consider talking to the vest about the cost of learning whip magic. .

After pounding for a while, the soul of the female ghost also came out. Like our judgment, the female ghost who removes the aura on the soul will fall apart, but the old man spends more time pounding the female ghost than me, so there are many other discoveries after pounding. He sat on QQ and immediately expressed his opinion: "The female ghost is stuck on the three souls and seven souls. There is more than one, but the other is very light, so it is not easy to see. However, the aura is a little strange. It is sometimes cold, sometimes hot, sometimes warm and sometimes cold. It looks dispensable, but it is a little like controlling another aura.

I frowned: "Is it the gas left by Chengying when he wrapped her at that time?"

The man shook his head: "It's not Chengying. It's a bit like an animal."

A guess flashed through my mind: "Nine-tailed bastard?"

The old man was shocked: "Isn't it so coincidental?"

"It's hard to say, I think it's very likely. It's strange that the amnesiac ghost becomes a water ghost without passing through it, and can split up. It's strange to think about it."

Next to Chengying also frowned and slowly said, "She does have two layers of gas, but not to control the other, but to command the other while absorbing the other."

The old man and I were shocked: "Double parasitize?" How can this female ghost make two guys parasitize her soul at the same time?

There are three possibilities for double parasitization. First, both of them want to be parasitic hosts, and then fight with each other until one of them has the upper hand. Second, after the mantis catches the cicada yellow finch, one of them is first and then occupied by the other parasite; the third is to enslave the parasite. First, one is the parasitic host, and then the absorbed energy absorbed is raised. Supply the latter.

I didn't see the existence of the second aura. I only noticed one of them. The parasitic reaction is so plain. Is it possible that the first aura is raising another guy?

I have seen the eight characters of Fu Sandai's birthday. The five elements are plain and his fate is unusual. This qualification has to ask God to worship Buddha, and put it in the ordinary ghost is enough to die 1,000 times and 10,000 times, but this female ghost is eager to stay in the swimming pool and dare not move. Is it possible that rich San Dai really has a master to help him and let the female ghost stare at this fast fat meat and can't do it?

I don't think it's that simple. You can see that there is a conspiracy just from the female ghost being double parasitize. The female ghost looks as simple as a hundred flowers, but it's not very strong in terms of spiritual power. Whoever is full and has nothing to do to play double parasitism on it... Extreme practice is not like this.

We talked all the way, heatedly discussing, and soon we arrived at Nanyuan.

The security service at the door greeted each other with a meticulous smile. Seeing that the vest was driving a QQ, the face did not change. Bi respectfully greeted the vest and asked the vest to show the membership card. After confirmation, they respectfully let us in.

The old man and I are very curious. I think there should be some security guards here who bully us and don't let us in. When we see the vest driving in at will, we can't help saying: "This security service is of high quality. If you drive a QQ car, you won't be stopped. If you want to change to a high-end community, you will be blocked at the door for a long time.

The vest doesn't agree: "The security guards here have been trained. They don't recognize people and cars. Originally, Nanyuan is a rich man's community, and it is worth hundreds of millions of yuan, so there is no need to drive a high-end car, just the whole Santana.

I'm so dazzling with this flash bomb! It turns out that the vest is worth hundreds of millions of dollars like Fu Dai. You said that you are the same person. Why is the difference between this origin so big?

I covered my face to look out of the window and shed tears in the wind. Finally, when I passed a building on QQ, the OB sanitary napkin in my bag became excited, a burst of smoke rushed out of my bag, and then the female ghost was extremely excited:

"I've been to this place!!"