The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 95 Don't tell me that you didn't go to the men's toilet when you were a child!

Since I received the commission of the vest, my lucky value has been falling. Although it's bad that I didn't receive the commission before, it hasn't been so far that I've always taken half my life... Speaking of it, it's obvious that everyone is entrusted to take it together, and the copy is done by everyone, and the BOSS brushed together. Why am I the only one who breaks my hands and feet every time the blood flows into a river?

... It must be the bastard who brushed my lucky value from E to E-.

The progress of the commission in the past few days is also very slow. It's not that I want to complain about the strength of my opponent, but from the current situation, I did be played by my opponents. I ran from the swimming pool to Nanyuan and back to the swimming pool from Nanyuan. Now I run back to Nanyuan from the swimming pool. No matter how patient I am, I guess they want to beat my opponent to this point. Ash.

I suppressed my anger and instructed the man: "My waistcoat and I went to Nanyuan to squat, and by the way, I took the female ghost to look around to see if she had really been to Nanyuan. Chengying asked him to deal with the client slowly and always ask questions with his ability. Just stay in the swimming pool and check the surveillance video, check it for me by byte, and don't let go of any clues from beginning to end!"

I don't believe it. This kind of method that only spends the screen when the fake palace worker appears can fight against the old man. You have to do your hands and foot before the old man and the fake palace worker are photographed in the surveillance video, so that neither of them can't be photographed. What's the use of doing things only when the fake palace worker shows his face? Do you still want to show off that in addition to double parasitize, HACK technology is also first-class?

Don't dream!

As I poked my hand and wrote on the screen, I instructed the old man: It's so powerful that I can smash my mobile phone. "Examine it carefully and seriously, I can't find any problems. I'll go home at night to format the hard disk by myself."

The old man quickly returned a "yes" and seventeen exclamation points.

My vest and I progressed rapidly. It only took more than half an hour to rush to Nanyuan without running the red light. After rushing all the way to the influential male toilet of the female ghost, I almost looked ferociously out of her from the OB: "Quick! Go in immediately to see if there is anything that can remind you of your own affairs.

The female ghost twisted at the door and didn't want to go in: "This is a men's toilet."

"You're still so shy!" Without saying a word, I slapped her in, and then looked around. I felt that there was really no one within 50 meters. I explored with my spirit and found that there was no one in the men's toilet, so I nodded to the vest: "You watch here."

Then he walked into the men's toilet without looking back.

The female ghost floated inside and saw me come in and looked at me with admiration.

I frowned and smelled it first and found that the toilet was well cleaned, and the ground was not dirty or pungent, so I pulled down the female ghost floating in mid-air: "Take a closer look, do you feel familiar with anything?"

She looked at the toilet from top to bottom and then shook her head: "No."

I frowned: "Are you sure?"


"So where do you feel familiar with this place before?"

She thought for a moment: "Probably the appearance?"

...Then why did I come in?

But since you came in, you'd better check all the men's toilets for safety.

While thinking about it, I took the female ghost and walked into the toilet and looked through the bathroom one by one. Each bathroom pressed the female ghost's head to make her come closer to see: "Do you have any impression here?"


Another bathroom pressed her head in and said, "What about here?"

"It's still not!"

Finally, I turned around and looked at all the female ghosts. After making sure that all the bathrooms were not impressed, I came to the × slot and looked at her step by step: "Is there any impression here?" "What about here?" "What about here?"

The female ghost's expression was like kneeling down for me: "No impression! Absolutely not this place!"

I said, "There's nothing I can do. Let's go outside and have a look."

The female ghost was very happy at first glance. I looked at her coldly and cut off her happiness: "But I'll say the ugly words first. I don't plan to come here often. You'd better show me the problem today. Don't stay here for a long time today without finding the problem. Come and tell me tomorrow that you have an impression. Come and have a look again. To figure out that your business is a non-staff job. I can pick you up from the swimming pool. Now I'm running around with you purely to satisfy my curiosity, so I hope you know that even if I'm curious, my curiosity will be limited.

The female ghost smiled and froze on her face, stunned, and floated over and asked, "You mean...?"

"It just reminds you of the past quickly." I looked up at her slightly and slowly raised my eyebrows: "Don't you think I have the patience to follow you all the time?"

Her eyes moved and wanted to speak. I cut her off: "I'm not going to follow you all the time. Now I'm following you because of curiosity. If you're going to take a long time, I will naturally deal with other things. I won't care about my business wherever you go. Do you understand what I mean?"

The female ghost is not stupid and immediately understood what I meant.

But in fact, that's not what I want to say at all.

I will now run up and down with the female ghost and jump around to find out the reason why her body was burned. The reason for the double parasite is that I think there is something worth digging into, and I don't know these insiders now. Once I find them, it is very likely to shock me. Of course, this is my intuition, but even if I am lucky enough to get E-, I still believe in my intuition as a woman.

I just admit that it contains more or less a little indisputable heart.

On the other hand, I also want to remind the female ghost to correct her attitude, because she behaved strangely from beginning to the swimming pool, to the innocent face after being picked up by us, and then transitioning to the instant collapse of knowing our death, and finally followed us from the swimming pool to Nanyuan and from Nanyuan floated back to the swimming pool and calmed down!

It is said that the sky has not collapsed.

Of course, I know that the sky has not collapsed, but the speed of this female ghost's emotional recovery is really too fast. I don't know if it is the reason why she has lost her nature by the loss of memory. When she encounters such a serious thing, she can still wander around heartlessly. It doesn't show that ordinary people suddenly find themselves dead and lose their memory at all. At the same time, he also saw his own reaction to being burned. Generally speaking, this situation should not be roaring: "God is jealous of talents!! God is jealous!! Eighteen years later, another good man!! I really want to live another 500 years!!" Is it?

So I privately think that this female ghost probably has different values from ordinary people since she was a child. Maybe it is the type that tries to explore the origin of life and the truth of the universe and believes in reincarnation, and finds that she can float around like a soul after her death, and this process does not affect her speech. When things exchanged life with us, I was surprised first, and then I was depressed for a while. Finally, I found that this seemed to be a good idea. I didn't think about who killed me and retrieve my memory, and followed us around. Otherwise, this would have happened to me. I would have tried my best to find out the real murderer and kill him for thousands of times.

If you spend more time with me, the female ghost must know that these words are lying to her. Even if she really can't remember the past, I won't drive her away. After all, there is already an old man in the family, and it doesn't matter if she buy a doll to live with her, but the key and key problem is...

The female ghost is not familiar with me now.

So the female ghost was scared by me, paused, looked at me for a long time, and then slowly asked, "What would happen if I left you?"

"If you leave us..." I looked at the ceiling with my arm in my arms and thought about the consequences very seriously: "First of all, I should be exposed to the sun, right? Because you don't have a body now, your soul can't withstand the strong light of the sun, and then you should be blown away by the wind, but that feeling of blowing away is different from the feeling when we blow dandelion? Specifically, it's more like being cut off the flesh with a knife, and then you can't even bear the light of the moon. As long as you are illuminated by the light, your soul will feel hot pain, oh! By the way, it will be even more uncomfortable if it rains, because the current rain has been polluted by car exhaust, as long as it falls on the body like being splashed with sulfuric acid, and then..."

"Don't say!" The female ghost's face was green. She fell from mid-air to the ground and looked at me with a serious expression: "I will definitely find my memory!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran back to the men's toilet, leaving me to stare at her at the door: "... Don't you say that there is no impression inside?"

The female ghost took my words as sarcastic and didn't look back. She said coldly with determination, "It's safer to look at it again."

I shrugged my shoulders and followed the female ghost to continue stepping in. As soon as my forefoot crossed the line, I heard the brake sound behind me, followed by the vest trying to remind us, but only had time to shout a "ah", and then, it was the sound of who walked towards the men's toilet.

Personally, I'm not afraid of being seen breaking into the men's toilet... Is there anyone who hasn't been to the toilet of the opposite sex these days?

However, at such a ** moment, it was found that I was standing in the men's toilet in such a special place, which gave me a headache... So I quickly looked around the men's toilet for a week and rushed to the nearest bathroom with lightning speed at the moment when the visitor stepped on the stairs of the men's toilet, pulled the door, rushed in and closed the door. .

The sound of the man walking slowly came from outside.

Then the man did not wander around inside, but just found a place to stop, and the sound of unzipped the zipper came from outside the door. I'm extremely glad that that guy is just drizzling things instead of cannon bombing thunder and lightning, otherwise he may have to squat here until when he can go out.

It's not right.

If that guy blows up mines... Can I completely open the door and slip out when he fires? Is it necessary to squat on the toilet like this and wait for him to walk away with the hair hanging on my shoulder after the rain?

It's useful to hang with this hair hanging on my shoulder...

Together with this hair...

and this hair...
