The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 100 Help - No manuscript!

The basic chat between Chengying and Bi Xie lasted a total of 37 minutes and 57 seconds. During this period, I asked the waiter to refill the cup. The vest left for an excuse to calm down once. After returning, I was so depressed by the heat of Chengying and Bi Xie again, so I left for a stable mood twice. I took advantage of the fire and asked the vest to help bring it. After several snacks, I finally turned around with my vest to find the grocery store selling golden needle mushrooms in cold bags. The results of the survey were fed back to my mobile phone.

is MMS. I took it out and saw that there was a high-definition uncensored photo on the front, and the note was: the truth of the fake palace worker.

This boy is quite technical.

I patiently waited for the MMS to download, and then clicked out to share with the vest. The first reaction is that this person is quite good-looking. At a glance, he is [crossed out] and [crossed out]. The second impression suddenly felt that... Why is this guy a little familiar?

Have you seen him recently... And it should have been more than once, otherwise I wouldn't have this impression, but this man doesn't look like a palace worker or Fu San Dai. Where did I meet him before I feel so familiar? A worker in the parking lot? The delivery man? A pizza delivery rider? A waiter in a coffee shop? Zandala's follower? ......


I reacted: "It's him!"

The worker in Zandala's store who handed me the message and grabbed me to leave the letter when I left!

How could it be him? When Zandala left a message asking me to catch the fake palace worker, she should know that there is something wrong with the fake palace worker. If she is bored and helps me divination at the same time, she should know that the fake worker has a face with the waiter beside her after being restored by the mirror image of the man. Is it possible that the fake palace worker can borrow the face of Zandala's follower?!

No... Maybe the two of them are twin brothers, and one of them is with Zandara and the other is engaged in all kinds of shady work outside, so Zandara didn't say much about my coming to her in the letter, and even the letter was deliberately asked one of the twins to hand it to me, otherwise I wouldn't care at all. When I know where the fake palace workers have seen, I will only hesitate to post on the human flesh search.

Anyway, it is inevitable to go back to Nanyuan to find Zandala or her follower. Fortunately, the milk tea shop we chose is not far from Nanyuan, and it takes 30 minutes to drive back and forth.

I turned my head and pulled my vest and walked towards the parking lot. She asked in the back, "Where are you going?"

"back to Nanyuan. I remember where I've seen this guy."

"Really?" The vest was also very excited, "Where have I seen it?"

"The waiter in the divination hall looks exactly like him. I'm not sure if it's the same person. Anyway, let's go and have a look first!"

The vest looked back at the place where Chengying and Bi Xie sat and chatted, and was a little puzzled: "Don't you call them?"

I said calmly without looking back, "Do you think those two gays seem to have time to block people in Nanyuan with us?"

"..." The vest said it was very hurt.

I want to comfort her, but at this stage, I am more concerned about whether I can get information from the Nanyuan waiter. The guy's motivation for burning Lv Gui's body really makes me care. The man was killed by Fu Sandai, I beat the wronged ghost, the body was fished by the old man, and the soul was patted by Bi Xie. From beginning to end, he pretended to be a palace worker who was crazy and stupid. Why did he burn Lv Gui's body when he left?

Even if it is the third Taoist priest or the fourth Taoist priest who destroyed the body by the rich family, this kind of behavior is a little excessive. Can't he burn Lv Gui's body and leave the ashes and send it to Lv Gui's parents for mourning? People like me who [crossed out] despicable and shameless and have no public morality [/crossed out] who are short of money are willing to donate all the 400,000 yuan from the rich family to Lv Gui's parents. It's really too low for him to beat the other party!

You can't just let him go like this! If you can't beat him, you will scold him to death!

When I was familiar with Nanyuan, I led my vest to the divination hall without even saying hello. The group of blind waiters wanted to stop me, but they stared back one by one by me!

I rushed to Zandala's door with the momentum of kicking the hall. I just raised my right hand to knock on the door and stopped the last boss guarding the gate: "Miss, please wait..."

He didn't finish his words, because someone suddenly opened the door from the inside. Zandara leaned out half of his body, took my hand inside, and simply closed all the vest and BOSS outside the door: "Did the man escape?"

I nodded silently.

Zandala's expression was very flat: "Well, I saw it here."

She pointed to the crystal ball on the table, which was playing the key plot, and the summary was fixed on the fake palace worker's smile at the camera.

When I saw the fake palace worker's face, I was furious and pointed to the crystal ball and said, "That's him! It's exactly the same as your class! Zandala, do you know where he is now?

"It's gone," Zandara held the crystal ball and slowly said, "About three hours ago, you flew to Beijing after leaving the swimming pool."

"..." Why did his grandfather move so fast!

Zandala pointed to the fake palace worker in the crystal ball and said to me, "This guy is very smart. He came here to divine me before going to the swimming pool. He knew that you had taken this task, so he acted quickly and booked a ticket to go to the swimming pool. Two masks were also worn, one pretending to be a worker in the swimming pool, and one was cracked on the first level of defense.

I was shocked: "Two masks?"

She nodded: "Well, your friend's cracked face is also fake. It should have been borrowed by him after divination here, otherwise I will leave you a note and let you catch it directly according to Xiao Wu."

"Can you divine his information?"

Zandala dialed the crystal ball with his hand and didn't move: "Mo Yuan, why are you asking these questions? I want to go to Beijing to find

"Otherwise? Did you just watch him run away?

"But your commission does not include finding this person." She looked at me and said leisurely, "Your commission is only to catch the female ghost in the swimming pool. There is no need to continue to chase this person down."

"That's right, but I..."

"And." She interrupted me and pointed to the man in the crystal ball and said, "This guy is a fool. He specializes in dealing with these murders and stolen goods for the star millionaires. He is much more experienced than you in the designer, and he has a good set of anti-reconnaissance technology. You won't be his opponent."

I believe Zandala's words, and there is no reason for the chief soothsayer of Nanyuan to lie to me. But after listening to her say that, I should go to Beijing to find that guy, because he took a possession charm from me. Although the spell on it is my ghost charm, I do have spiritual power on it. It's hard to say what will happen if I get it from my evil colleagues.

I looked at Zandala and was ready to ask her to help with the fortune-telling of the fake palace worker. I accidentally saw Zandara's hand pointing to the crystal ball and found that her hand was shaking with a slight curvature.

"...Zandara." I frowned, "Is that guy tricky?"

She nodded slowly.

"How tricky is it? Can Chengying and Bi Xie have fought?

She smiled and her expression was a little reluctant: "My Taoism is not that high, and I can't calculate the winning rate. All I know is that from the results of divination, you will be defeated miserably.

"It doesn't matter if you just lose badly." Anyway, he didn't die. I thought to myself, and then smiled indifferently: "Zandara, can you help me divine his itinerary in Beijing?"

She looked at me and frowned slightly: "Are you still going?"

"Well, I've been provoked by you." I'm kidding.

As a result, Zandala's face suddenly changed, four points of panic, three points of guilt, two points of shock, and one point of strangeness that can't be seen. She looked down at the crystal ball, her eyelashes trembled, and said for a long time, "If you really want to find him, I can't stop you, but I hope you can come back safely." After all, I told you about him, and I don't want you to be fine.


Well, is it really so serious?

I'm also a human being. Naturally, I was a little hesitant to hear Zandala's words, but when I saw her pull out the paper from the drawer to write about the time and place of the fake palace worker's appearance in Beijing, she rubbed her face fiercely and scolded herself how she could retreat against difficulties. Zandala only said that I would be defeated miserably and did not say that I would die miserably. I'm here. What's the hesitant and scared? Have I returned from any battle so far? Fighting the mirage demon flat centipede fight Fang Ya killed the pen fairy and killed the nine-tailed Xiao Chun draw Lv track field is very embarrassed, and this is all a boss battle with the assistance of strong foreign aid and the old man. I am forced to be a scum with only 5 combat effectiveness.

So... Anyway, it's so humiliated, and it doesn't matter if it's humiliated again...

I thought so, took the dense itinerary from Zandara's hand, and then took out my mobile phone to send a message to the young man: "Little go to the Taoist priest forum immediately to receive the task transfer in Beijing × × District, and take all the can! It doesn't matter if the remuneration is less. In short, the longer you can stay there, the better. By the way, we will buy the ticket to Beijing together, and we will go back to pack our luggage and go to Beijing.

The old man was at a loss, but he still did as I ordered and began to act.

I hung up the phone and found that Zandara was still standing beside me looking at me, so I smiled at her and said, "It's okay. Do you want me to bring you a gift back when I'm traveling to Beijing or have a trip?"

She shook her head and never said anything more. She just stressed that she must bring the wind chime she gave me when I went to Beijing. Then she sighed and suddenly blinked her eyes: "Do you want to try again?"


No, forget it. I thought silently.

I'm afraid that the value of this divination has fallen to a negative value.