The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 131 is also my room now

The moment when the two spiritual forces collide almost made me see the birth of the universe. In my opinion, the process that makes people want to buy tickets and make money is only four idioms that can be described as "fighting to death", "chasing me", "with you and me" - and regardless of the blue aura of soy sauce as nourishment next to it. Green Reiki and Silver Reiki are simply the type of fighting against the sky, the earth, the sun, the moon, the wind, the clouds, the sand and stones. What are the big moves, what must be killed, and the stunt assistance one after another. If you don't have enough spiritual power, you can grab it from the blue, until the speed of the blue spiritual power recovery is gradually not reach the speed of consumption. The green aura and silver aura gradually slowed down the offensive and retreated to each other, waiting for the opportunity to move around the blue spiritual power.


That's right.

This feeling does look like the situation in which the idiot heroine is chased by two rich and handsome men in a dog-blooded romance drama. The problem is that the three heroines on TV are deeply loved by the Prince Charming. How come they come to me and become two predators fighting for the final right to eat?

And I just recalled the changes in the spiritual power in my body during this period. I don't feel as intense as in my dream. What I really want to say is, it's like the silver spiritual power swimming around the blue spiritual power, quietly looking for the stage of the brief separation of green and blue spiritual power.

...Isn't this a simple dream... but... a prediction dream?

The senior brother told me about predicting dreams. It is rumored that Jipai Taoist priests are the best at predicting dreams. They can penetrate time and space in dreams and predict the future, and if they don't dream, they will be realized. 100% effective. It's just that once Jipai Taoist priest dreams, he will have insomnia for several days, and it's useless to throw sleeping pills into his mouth as sugar beans!

Therefore, as a last resort, Jipai Taoist priests will never use predictive dreams, while Taoist priests of other schools will forget most situations even if they occasionally have premonition dreams. They will never stand in their dreams as consciously and watch the two spiritual forces fighting as I do.

The green and silver spiritual power in the dream have been ups and down around the blue spiritual power. Occasionally, they tried, but soon retreated. Only the blue spiritual power continued to flow slowly. After a few seconds of rest, the two spiritual forces suddenly collided violently. This time, it seemed to be the final duel. Both sides unreservedly chose to attack each other at the same time. In the sparks of spiritual power, I could faintly see the silver spiritual power changing and expanding. In just a few seconds, I wrapped the other two spiritual forces, and I could also see that the green spiritual power gradually decreased, and the blue spirit The force also began to weaken, but at the moment when the wrapping circle was about to be completed, the green spiritual power suddenly turned into an illusory sword on the edge, piercing the silver wrapping circle quickly and mercilessly.

The silver light began to disperse, and the fragments turned into spots and scattered from the broken void.

I lowered my head to see the flow of the other two strands of spiritual power, but I suddenly found that there was blood oozing out under my left rib, which turned red little by little, slowly penetrated, and dyed my clothes red in the blink of an eye.

The place where blood oozes out.

It happened to be the place where I was pierced before the film.

I was in a cold sweat and woke up from my dream in an instant. When I opened my eyes, the sky had darkened, and it was mostly night in terms of color. I didn't feel like how long I slept, but now I feel exhausted and sore, even more tired than before I fell asleep.

I raised my hand to wipe my head, and I was sweating when I slept. When I got up, I wanted to rush into the bathroom to take a shower. Before I lifted the quilt, I saw my brother looking at me. When I opened my eyes, I smiled and shook at me with a large bag of roast chicken, goose and potato skewers in my right hand: "Do you want to have a snack?"

I kicked off the quilt and rushed over in an instant: "Brother--!!"

However, before the farmer touched the edge of the midnight snack, he saw his brother withdraw his hand as if he had some understanding: "by the way, you are recovering from your wounds... Don't be cold, greasy and spicy, and don't eat it."

I rely on my brother!! I'm about to kneel down for him! At such a golden moment of meeting, how can he make me win countless food taboos in the world!?

I howled and did what I said. I really rushed over and hugged my brother's thigh and knelt down: "I'll kneel down for you! Please let me have a barbecue! Just a piece of chicken wings, a piece of barbecue, a piece of potatoes and a leaf of eggplant!"

"No, you are recovering." The elder brother's expression was calm and put his pocket on the old man's hand: "Oh, put it in the refrigerator and get up tomorrow morning for breakfast."

The old man answered and left with a midnight snack in his arms.

I watched him leave with tears in my eyes, watched him leave the room, and mobilized all my hearings to catch him open the refrigerator door, put the barbecue in, closed the door, and then I heard my senior brother ask, "How long did Mo Yuan sleep?"

"Since you left now..." Chengying seemed to look up at the time, "It's been more than six hours."

"Fix hours?!"

My brother and I were shocked together and raised our hands to look at the time, and then I was shocked, "Why is it 11 o'clock?" Brother was shocked, "I didn't expect to drink outside for so long!!"

I paused and realized the wrong words with Chengying. I looked at my brother together, and then asked on behalf of him, "What? Did you still go drinking?"

"Proposed by Bi Xie." The senior nodded: "It's okay after sending the red deer. Everyone is in a good mood. He proposed to have a drink, and we went there... I didn't expect to drink it for so long."

I immediately turned my condemning eyes to Bi Xie and scolded him for being happy that he finally got rid of his vest. Unexpectedly, Bi Xie sat in a chair solemnly and looked at me and said very seriously, "Miss Mo Yuan, do you like singing?"

I didn't react at once and instinctively said "er".

Only listen to Bi Xie continue to say, "If you don't like singing, do you like listening to songs?"

I still didn't react and continued to stay by my side: "Ah?"

Bi Xie nodded to himself and then looked at me very seriously and asked, "So Miss Moyuan, may I take the liberty to ask which songs you like to listen to?"

"...Suddenly asked this, I also..." I was stunned for a moment and instinctively replied, "I like all the songs of SH, and the others are intermittently listened to. Yuki Kajiura and KOKIA have listened to them. RURUTIA's LOOP was unbearably deleted several times... I can't stand the so-called Healing gas sound... I can listen to the songs of the Chinese wind river map... The rest are probably rock songs..."

"I see." Bi Xie nodded and sat upright, "Then now let me sing a song "Summer Solstice of the 38th Year" for you... The grass is even horizontally sunny ~ half-city willow-colored half-life flute..."

I'm surprised first! Then embarrassing, then the black line, and then Orz! Bi's hypocrite is so high that she is about to break through Tianyuan!

I looked back at my brother and pointed to Bi Xie's hand shaking: "This guy... Isn't he drunk?!!"

The brother stroked his forehead and also had a black-line expression: "Why hasn't this guy woken up... Just came back from a taxi and sang "Glory Kingdom of Glory" on the road all night... Isn't it enough for the old man to pour his three bottles of vinegar... There's nothing he can do... He doesn't wake up now. That's all..."

He sighed and waved to let the old man who had just opened the door come in: "Take Bi Xie back and throw **, tie him up and don't let him move! Plug his mouth too! If he can fall asleep, just wait for him to fall asleep! If you can't sleep, just wait for him to struggle there!"

I was on the black line and looked at the old man running out of the room carrying Bi Xie with a sack. After wiping his sweat, he said to his brother, "I'm also going to bed... You should wash and go to bed early. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you will be very busy for the next few days. You should rest early to ensure that your body will continue to revolution..."

After saying that, I wanted to roll back to **. As soon as I turned around, I was pulled over by my brother's clothes: "Come back, don't pretend to be dead. I haven't finished my words yet. What are your plans for the next few days?"

"I..." I just want to know why one or both of you are so interested in my plan!

However, I was far more slippery than Chengying. As soon as I turned around and stood up, I immediately sent a series of flattery words: "Looking on your great and heroic posture, listening to your wise teachings, following your progress, and completing the things you ordered."

"..." Chengying and his brother's expressions are wonderful.

Half a second later, the senior brother came to his senses and shook his head with a helpless smile: "You are still so cunning. Well, leave it to me for responsibility. Just take good care of yourself at home.

After saying that, he smiled again, reached out and touched my head, and turned around and walked away.

I stood there and watched my brother leave respectfully. As soon as the door closed, I was ready to climb into bed. Yu Guang saw Chengying still standing by the bed and instinctively stunned: "Chengying, why don't you sleep?"

He looked at me and thought about it. He seemed to feel that it was really a little late. Uh-huh, he closed the computer and got up and walked towards me.

I lay in ** and watched him slowly approach, and my mind was full of 100,000 "what is he doing?" AND "What is HE going TO DO?" After LOOPing a hundred times, he finally pressed the quilt with his hand when Chengying bent down and lifted the quilt: "Alas? Why are you going to sleep and pull my quilt? Won't you go back to your room to sleep?"

Chengying looked at me with a flat expression: "I'm sleeping here."

"What?" I suspect that I have hallucinations and hearing.

As a result, I saw Chengying lift the quilt very plainly, hit my paws aside and lay down calmly: "I'm sleeping here."

I was shocked: "This is my room with the vest!"

"It's also my room now." Chengying answered very calmly, and then stretched out his hand and pressed off the desk lamp before I could think of the next sentence, then put me in his arms and said lightly, "Go to sleep."

I stiffened in an instant.

But I don't know if it's an illusion. I just feel that at that moment, the place pierced by the green spiritual force in the dream seemed to coincide with the place where Chengying penetrated me before, slowly and slowly in the darkness that gradually invaded...

A bright red flower blooms again.