The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 135 So many beautiful teenagers stared at me~~

- Before the beginning, let me ask: Does anyone need me to explain the meaning of BattleRoyale?

I don't think it's necessary for me to talk nonsense. Almost everyone present has seen Battle Royale starring Takeshi Kitano, so at the moment he finished saying that sentence in Chaos, everyone present was silent. There were so many people present, and no one doubted "chaos", because the embarrassing goods floated into the air with a smile as he spoke! Still crossing your legs! He looked at all the people in the basketball court with a smile.

I was speechless, but several teenagers next to me pinched their arms in disbelief, and the result was pain without exception. Chaos" looked at everyone's expression from blank to surprise with a smile, and finally turned into panic before taking out the set of lines that almost everyone was familiar with and saying:

"The rule of Battle Royale is to say that only the last person is killed. Of course, there are site restrictions and site conditions in the original. My ability is limited, so I can't provide an island for everyone to play games..."

My OS: "You are good enough to provide a basketball court."

He turned a deaf ear and continued to talk: "But it is still possible to provide a Chinese and Western-style building for everyone to play games. Although I don't think you need to say that you know the law of BR, letting you familiarize yourself with the terrain of the room while playing games can also increase the fun of the game, but in order to facilitate everyone's games, be understanding I'd better explain it to you for a moment..."

There was a dead silence in the basketball hall, and no one booed after saying this sentence. I think this is probably the beautiful teenager who was shot in the head before, so in order not to make myself look too different, I also turned out the paper and pen (from nowhere) to record "chaos" "Explanation.

The BR method formulated by "Chaos" is the same as BattleRoyale: "If there is only one person left, the game will be over."

But he has no limit on the game time. Before killing the last person, everyone can play the game endlessly, and we won't feel hungry in the dream. "It's just that you will still feel pain when you are beaten, and you will really die if you die here." The smiling "chaos" said so.

I gritted my teeth while listening, but there was no expression on the surface. Chaos' faint green eyes under the light seemed to look at me and casually glanced back before I confirmed.

This building has five floors and 12 rooms on each floor. I won't set up a restricted area in the game. Every room in this building can be used, but one thing needs to be noted in advance: not every room can be used directly. Some rooms are locked, and some rooms are piled with furniture and debris. You can find a way to pry open the lock, or take the furniture in the room as a weapon... Whatever you want, I'm not responsible for providing weapons. You can hide, run, fight or kill, as long as there is only the last person left.

The basketball hall is still quiet.

Everyone looked at the people around them blankly and even began to calculate quickly. I am also one of them, because I found a very obvious bug: since there is no forbidden area or time limit in this game, and the people who participate in the game will not feel hungry, this kind of game without oppression will not arouse the participants' impulse to fight desperately. Participants who notice this need to unite to find The way to crack the dream, the closed space set by "chaotic" can be invalid in an instant.

I believe that more than one person has thought of the same problem, because four or five teenagers have exchanged eyes with me between my thinking, and they have confirmed the same information in each other's eyes, but at this time, the damn "chaotic" smiled and hit lightly. It interrupted us to convey information with our eyes.

"Bear, I forgot to tell you that although there is no time limit or restricted area in this game, you will not feel hungry in the game, but the pain in the game is true, and you will be injured and die if you are attacked."

He snapped his finger, and the teenager's shoulder in front of him suddenly seemed to have been cut open by an invisible blade, and the bright red blood spewed out.

Everyone looked at the teenager covering his shoulders and kneeling on one knee, and then heard a tall, thin, white, calm and arrogant voice: "Just like him."

Damn it, does he want to build prestige like this? Bastard!

I looked hatefully at the tall, thin, white and dazzling, but he was very flat. He bent his lips and smiled and looked at the restless crowd and said word by word, "In addition, your time here is synchronized with real life. As long as you stay here, you will be sleepy in reality. I won't force you to kill people. You can get along with each other here without limit, but I don't think you want to lie like a vegetable all the time, right?

"Even if you dream, you don't want to live in nightmares all the time, do you?"

The teenagers on the court looked at each other, and one or two of them faintly showed a strange light in their eyes. My heart tightened, slowly clenching my fists and loosening.

Ah... Sure enough.

Although there is no time limit and physiological oppression, mental pressure and urgency always exist. After all, among the more than a dozen game participants present, except for me as a half-hearted Taoist priest, other ordinary people do not have the ability and confidence to find a way to solve this dream. Even if everyone will not attack others out of moral restraint at the beginning, for a long time, the sense of isolation and the anxiety of never being able to get out of the confined space will make them collapse. There will always be someone to attack in order to meet people such as family, friends and lovers who are extremely important to them. At that time, even if Chao does not deliberately set a killing order, and everyone will still follow his hints to play the game.

We have to figure out a way quickly. I clenched my teeth and tried to accumulate spiritual power from my body. Chaos did not block the flow of my spiritual power in a confined space, and did not move from beginning to end, but when I secretly accumulated spiritual power to look for attack opportunities, I suddenly raised my hand and pointed to me: "Add a special condition. Whoever kills her first can leave here. The rest continue to fight here until the last one is left.

In an instant, there is a dead silence around.

My whole body was almost frozen, and the spiritual power accumulated was almost dispersed. Those dangerous and uneasy breaths spread in the air and finally turned into malicious eyes and pricked me like a needle.

I can be sure now that this guy is not chaotic. He can't make such a high move, and he is not as ruthless as this guy! But there is no doubt that he is true and absolutely under the bastard of the nine-tailed fox!

Only that guy's men are so rhythmic! One or two are confused with the mentality of "If you don't get it, you will be ruined"! This is not a fucking persuasion... This is not a fucking persuasion!!

This is simply "Kill her quickly!" Kill her for self- Protection! If you kill her, you don't belong to God's blessed human beings! Hurry up and follow me into the darkness!"

Why don't you get out...

I was set to stay where I was, and my brain was running fast. In just a few seconds, the atmosphere on the field changed. Now, everyone except me, the first goal is undoubtedly to find a tall, thin and white beauty with the head of my item first!

What should I do... Did I break by myself in order to avoid the tragedy? Are you kidding... I'm just a Taoist priest, not a missionary. I don't love Allah, Christ Jesus, God and Buddha! Whoever wants to go to hell! Anyway, I'm not interested in going!

The tall, thin and white beauty still floated in mid-air with a smile. When the uneasy atmosphere was completely opened, it suddenly interrupted everyone: "Okay, handsome men and beautiful women, the game is about to begin. Let's prepare first and give each other a buffer time. Come on, DJ, play the eighth set of radio gymnastics music again, and let's move your muscles and bones. The game officially started after finishing the eighth set of radio gymnastics.

After saying that, the funny and like the music of death's music sounded again. The second time, the beautiful teenagers who were set in the position by the tall, thin white and beautiful began to stretch their hands and feet stiffly, but their eyes were uncontrollable, and two of them stuck on me like needles, which made me both depressed and sigh.

I'm depressed: everyone is taking a look at the fat muscles and fat on my body, considering whether to break my hand or blow my head first.

I sighed: So many beautiful teenagers stared at me like tigers, I'm fucking shy~~ shy~

But there is no time to hesitate. No matter who looks at me, whether my mother is looking at my chest, thighs or buttocks. In short, as soon as the broadcast gymnastics music is played, I'm really not far from death! Before that, if I don't think of a way to get out of here, I will really die! Brother Xinchun is useless! Unless she brings me back to life full of blood!

I tried to move my hands and was happy to find that I was not controlled by the tall, thin white beauty, and I don't know whether he deliberately didn't control me or had the energy to control me. In short, I was the only one who did radio gymnastics with the same hands and feet... Ah, no, in fact, well, I admit that I haven't done it for a long time. I forgot what the exercise was after stepping still. I happened to be standing on the far left of the first row. After stepping still, I couldn't secretly follow the people in front of me, so I hesitated...

I was immediately delighted to find out that I could move!

As usual, the first reaction of ordinary people was to kick the door and escape from the basketball hall while everyone was doing radio gymnastics, but the tall, thin and beautiful basketball hall did not need to think about it and knew that the door could not be broken, so I only raised my feet and walked a few steps and stopped silently.

You can't escape... You can't escape!

Once I leave here, the tall, thin and white beauty will immediately kill the beautiful teenager here. How can this anti-human and anti-social waste of resources happen around me!

What's more, even if I want to escape... with my little ability... Humph... sad things are not mentioned here.

But...what on earth do I have to do to get out of here?