The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 140 Information integration is simply an artifact!

I said "ah" and remembered that Wu Gong would not follow me to go to the safety building. Although I escaped from the dream, the 17-eight lively beautiful teenagers were still inside. They didn't care about their lives and just wanted to play a cat and mouse with me. Once the game is found to be separated from the game, those teenagers who have become props may only be thrown away by him as useless chess.

According to the character, it is undoubtedly the biggest possibility to kill them directly!

So Wu Gong smiled and sat on the ground and looked at me slowly and said, "Although I can't accompany you to go to the safety building, I believe you can find the puppet. During this period, the surveillance of the dream is left to me to deal with. You just need to find his puppet and destroy it."

I nodded and looked at the teenager and smiled. I turned around and asked him the last question before leaving: "Why did you help me?"

Wuch smiled and slowly answered as his figure faded away: "Because you once saved me."

I opened my eyes blankly.

Then I heard him float in the wind and came to the second half of the sentence: "Have you forgotten? I'm the centipede you picked up from the bathroom floor.


Oh...the centipede who peeked at me** and massaged my head while I was in the shower...


Wait, there's something wrong! What does it mean to peek at me** and massaged the centipede on my head in the shower?! Why did I finish reading it when I didn't know anything?! It doesn't matter if Chengying saw me when she was a child. It doesn't matter if I was dragged into the river by my senior brother when I was a child. It's okay to be a guy who can monitor any corner of the earth from all-round, multi-angle, high-precision and no dead-angle. It's okay for Mao's appearance of a centipede now. The guy in my body!

Where is my innocence!!

Where is my chastity!!

Where is my integrity!!

Even if the last thing falls to the ground and is taken away by the Siberian sled dog as dinner, at least God will give me a chance to balance!! There are only a few people around me! Everyone has seen the secrets of my body! Why don't I have a chance to see other people's secrets?! Even Bi Xie pulled his trousers that time, okay?

Damn... I also want to see the vivid Armstrong low-pressure Armstrong rotary gun instead of the mosaic cylinder in RVMB...

Wufeng over there has passed away with the wind. I'm still looking up and sighing. In fact, the situation just now is not the worst. The worst thing is that I found that I was still barefoot in my pajamas after roaring. When Wufeng dragged me out of the dream, I didn't even get a pair of paper slippers. I'm going to the safety building now. You have to walk there barefoot... Damn it! I traveled a long distance with my bare feet in pajamas - of course, I don't have money to take the bus to the safety building. In fact, I doubt if there is a bus stop near here - the dust rushes to the safety building, and the security guard with a slightly normal mind won't let me in!

I'm so fucking in pain!

There's nothing we can do... The conditions are limited, and we have to make supplies without supplies... Anyway, this situation is better than the situation that everyone unanimously infers at the beginning, "I will be chaotic in the pit in the middle of the construction site, then ×, then ×, then ×, and then ×, and then × until I can't be ○ or ×" More, right?

I stood tremblingly in the cold wind for two minutes, carefully observed the construction site, roughly recalled the monitoring map drawn by the old man, and then estimated the distance between my position and the safety building from the direction and was ready to set off.

Thank you for not walking there.

This place is at least three kilometers away from the security building. It should be dark when I roll all the way in my pajamas. At that time, even if I barely drag the chin in the dream, I guess I don't have the strength to turn over the rooftop... So I immediately called out a light sword and jumped in place and stood firmly on the lightsaber. Noodles.

Flying with the sword is actually one of my best Taoism skills.

I don't know much about offensive Taoism and defensive Taoism, but I have learned all the Taoism that has something to do with swords. At least my level is specialized in flying and attaching offensive spells to swords. Among other things, there are few Mohists who do better than me, let alone Taoist priests of other genres. He said that he can definitely give more face than me. It's just that if you really count it... Few people will fly with a sword to measure the ability of a Taoist priest...

I judged the right direction. After flying in the air for a while, I found the outline of the safety building. After all, the building has 22nd floor. In order to facilitate the landing, my basic sword flies at an altitude of about 35th floor, so as to avoid flying too low by those advanced professions such as Taoist priests (...) and Taoism. Small citizens with advanced spells can see it, and on the other hand, it is also convenient to directly bypass the security guard and enter the rooftop.

Of course, basically, except that I didn't have time to get in touch with my senior brother, I flew completely without danger. Originally, I wanted to fly directly to the rooftop of the security building with my sword, but suddenly remembered that Wu Gong said that "using spiritual power to detect the puppets will be found", so I had to collect my spiritual power halfway. A few meters away from the rooftop, I made a springboard with spiritual power. A standing jump in the air fell firmly on the rooftop, and then began to fall yellow. The spring is looking for anything suspected to be a puppet.

Bi Xie placed props to generate a confined space here. There should also be arrangements for the boundary. Not to mention the old man, there is monitoring on the other side. I guess most of the old man had already found me and Wu Gong when he appeared on the construction site before, so I don't worry much. I'm just a little strange why Placing the puppet on the rooftop of the security building?

He should be aware of the props set by Bi Xie, and should also be able to guess our plan, so most of the puppets he put on the safety building are not that kind of spiritual power transmission type. After all, that type of puppets can't transmit spiritual power in the closed space generated by Bi Xie's props. I can only understand the puppets. For the type of "electronic surveillance eye", the key and key problem of the problem is--

Even if his body is not here, there is only a puppet on the rooftop, but after all, this is the place where we plan to fight against chaos. Put the puppet here... Aren't you afraid of being accidentally injured by us in the melee?

Is that place so secret that it can't be touched by the long gun formed by the integration of swordsmanship information?

I frowned and looked around. The rooftop was swinging, and there was nothing suspicious, at least from the outside.

There is nothing strange about door frames, floors, barbed wire and windows.

But the floor of the rooftop is not a common cement floor, but a cement square. If you can pry up the square, you can hide something underneath.

So I checked very carefully. I squatted on the ground and checked it carefully one by one. I almost looked at the whole rooftop. Not only the edge of the rooftop, but even the ground seams were close to the ground, but I didn't find anything strange. I suddenly felt desperate and doubtful, and my center of gravity sank and sat down on the ground.

Where is it?

It can make you feel at ease and boldly put the puppet in it.

I did see every place on the rooftop, from beginning to end, not even the bottom of the barbed wire fence close to the outer wall, because I can't rule out the possibility that the puppet is a cloth doll. During the inspection, I deliberately touched the barbed wire one by one with my hands to prevent the thread tied above from being left by me. I didn't find anything, and I couldn't help but be a little nervous.

I won't be able to find a puppet...

From the separation from Wu Gong to now, almost 20 or 30 minutes have passed. I can't get in touch with Wu Gong. Naturally, I don't know the situation on his side. Judging from the fact that he hasn't appeared on the rooftop of the security building, he should be safe, but what about those teenagers in the dream?

If it's really as I and Wu Gong understand, he is a fierce and highly intelligent guy, and it will be a matter of time before he finds that I escaped from the dream - maybe he has found out as soon as I escaped from the dream. He didn't chase him directly just to give us a chance to survive, and then wait for us to separate, no The attack returned to the dream and continued to torture Wuqi. After that, he twisted the souls of 17 or 18 beautiful teenagers and the bodies of the headless family and looked at me and said coldly, "This is the consequence of your escape"?

It's not that there is no such possibility!

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, and the cold sweat came out of my head. Although I kept saying to myself in my heart, "Don't be afraid, don't panic, don't panic, don't think nonsense, don't think nonsense, it's okay." However, I still can't help drifting in a more curious direction.

The cold wind began to blow from behind, and slowly pasted the sweaty pajamas on me. I shivered and lowered my head, only to find that a few green words appeared faintly on the ground.

Back against the door, go straight for three steps, and the left grid can be opened.

............sou yuan?!

I was shocked and instantly reacted, right! Cymish! He can monitor any place covered by consultation through information integration, and the rooftop of the security building must also be under his monitoring. Although I can't get in touch with my brother Bi Xie, the old man must know that I am looking for a puppet on the rooftop of the security building. I can't directly detect the location of the puppet with spiritual power, but the old man can Adjust the video from a few days ago to check the entry and exit video of the rooftop!

Good boy...QAQ...Information integration and missing body is simply an artifact!

I didn't hesitate. I stood up and touched the grid all the way according to the old man's prompt. The grid looked exactly the same as other grids, and even the edge connection seemed to have no sign of loosening. When I pressed it with my hand, I really found that the floor was loose and was only pressed by me. The floor bounced up as if the mechanism had been touched, revealing a looming, dark black wooden doll below...