The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 142 is so fucking exciting--

Chaos was stunned for at least a minute.

Then he asked me, "What is Ebola virus?"

I'm sweating... Why did I forget that this guy is not only not high IQ but also illiterate? You should know that Ebola, an advanced virus that theoretically covers the whole planet, has never heard of this name? Are the four fierce beasts only limited to the Celestial Empire and not across the ocean?

I had no choice but to rack my brains to describe the characteristics of the Ebola virus with chaos: "This is too complicated from a biological point of terms. I guess you don't have the patience to listen even if you say it... Let's put it this way, AIDS knows?"

Chaos thought for a moment: "Is it willow disease?"

I nodded happily. At finally, he knew about this sub-advanced virus, otherwise he hadn't even heard of AIDS. I described it very bitterly: "It's that kind of disease, and then the effect of Ebola virus is basically to compress the clinical response of AIDS within a year. You understand what I said. ?"

He took it for granted that he didn't understand.

It's not his fault, and I don't understand it myself. I almost forgot what I saw in Baidu Encyclopedia. I only roughly remember that this virus is fierce and ferocious: "If I remember correctly... it's probably the kind of virus that can melt all your internal organs..."

Chaos' eyes lit up when they heard the words, revealing the unique eyes of fanatical scientists when they found the new virus library. I secretly said that it was not good. As soon as I couldn't speak well, I saw Chaos rushed at me attentively: "Let me see, where is your virus? Show me!"

I was so scared that I retreated repeatedly: "I'll go, don't rely on you! This disease can be transmitted through contact with body fluids! If you touch it, you will get sick! I have the one with the highest fatality rate. EBO-Z is still S, with a fatality rate of more than 90%! If you don't want to die, stay away from me!"

Chaos turned a deaf ear: "I'm not even afraid of death? Come on, show me your virus. Next time I fly in the sky, sprinkle some down, and I promise to die!"

I'm embarrassing.

Then he reacted immediately: "Can you spread the virus?"

He nodded calmly: "We can do it, but I'm more enthusiastic about it."

...Then why did I rack my brains to make up an excuse for being seriously ill?!

At this time, I should really be glad that Chaos is a guy whose IQ lowers the social average. I folded my hands in front of my chest and guarded my left eye against the alert of my right eye: "Hold on! Listen to me first!"

He stopped to look at me with great face: "What?"

"I have this disease..." I paused, thought about it for a few seconds, and then tried to brew sadness and said, "As long as the internal organs are touched by a spiritual person, it will dissolve immediately..."

"..." Chaos silence.

"..." I was also silent.

And I believe that everyone who sees here or listens to what others have said here... is also silent, right... My reason is really a little... too much, right...

If you have a little IQ, you won't believe this statement, okay!!

In the long silence, Chaos did not speak, and I blinked and blinked again. After blinking for at least ten minutes, I finally saw Chaos react. I looked at me with a completely indistingible expression whether it was entangled, pleasant, novelty or... excited: "Then I can't touch you?"

"In theory, it is." I nodded very seriously and thanked God in my heart.

Chaos was shocked, and then rubbed his hands and stood up from the ground. His expression and tone became more and more strange: "It's not easy to do... Um... I have to report to the boss."

No need to ask for instructions to report! Make the decision directly! Why are you so obedient, so honest and loyal! No matter how stupid you are, you are one of the four fierce beasts in ancient times! Haven't you got a supervisor position after following the nine-tailed fox for so long?

I roared in my heart, but Chaos had already communicated "um, yes, yes, um" um". The process looked very strange, saying that it was a report. Only chaos on the whole rooftop nodded to a mass of air, and did not even describe the "the cause of the time and development of the person's affairs", but I didn't have time to slander Chaos. There is no report to the nine-tailed fox, and it is not surprising that the conclusion of the nine-tailed fox is "Oh? Then you grab her and have a look. It doesn't matter if the internal organs are melted." -- Nonsense! Damn it! Does the Ebola virus have this effect? I don't know if the nine-tailed fox can know!

So after making trouble, I still have to escape, and I have to think of a way to let Chaos catch me so quickly... You said that Brother Chengying Bi Xie (... is there anyone to wait for now) who didn't dare to move because his vest was grabbed. Why hasn't anyone come out of danger to support me for so long!

Are you creatures with chromosomes of XY so useless? Your brains usually come out of Tianya Maopu's new hand-held photography poor three generations of SLR and destroy the development of new software to capture the Internet market without considering "if you have your own EX/apprentice/fiancee/?? The way to save the other party handsomely and gracefully when being held hostage by the enemy? FLAG!? Options to increase goodwill!? Can you be sure of the vest route of this plot?!

Forget it, you can't expect this group of brainless people. A few days ago, my mother took a picture with Cheng Ying and boasted, "Even if you are not here, I can handle it alone." Today, let me immediately meet this embarrassing situation... It's really... The world report is too fast!

Well, let's stop talking nonsense. After reporting on the chaotic work, I will be carried back to the nest of the nine-tailed fox. Let's find a way to get out quickly...

Basically, this is the situation--

Chaos stood in front of me, dragging his cheeks with his left hand and holding his arm in his right hand. He looked at the front and nodded "Uh-huh-huh" in front of me. I sat cross-legged in front of him. From the position, it was three steps away from the door and the edge of the rooftop................. More than 20 steps. Although it is close from this side to the rooftop, I have to bypass the chaos and rush out. Moreover, the door seems to be locked, and it will take a few seconds to open it (even if it is opened with a spiritual balloon, the process of gathering spiritual power will take time!). Although it is a little far away, as long as you jump out of the wall, there will be a free world below!

Chaos should not want to fight with me... It should be, so as long as I can reach the edge of the rooftop and jump down, I can make the swordsmanship fly far away.

But this plan doesn't work either. First of all, there is no difference between Chaos and the rooftop and the rooftop. Secondly, I'm not sure if he doesn't mind going to go to war with me. If he really doesn't mind destroying me directly like a tiao, then...

It's a very difficult question whether I can make a move under him...

There is no way to escape from Chaos...

I have a headache about why all the nine-tailed fox's men are so difficult to deal with. After thinking for a long time, except for the fish dead net and "I fought with you!" There is no way to fart. I was depressed to launch a method and veto it. When I introduced another method and vetoed it again, Chaos finally ended the communication and reporting work with the leader. "Well", nodded, then looked down at me, and my eyes were shining: "I've asked the boss."

"How about it?" I don't expect the result anymore. It's nothing more than "the boss said it doesn't matter. He can find a way to cure you when you get back" or "The boss says it doesn't matter, and the internal organs can be repaired with spiritual power" and so on...

There is so much spiritual power! It's amazing to know Taoism! Isn't it just a bunch of mythical monsters under the bosses of the company? It's amazing that you can solve the marriage problems of elderly leftover men and women and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law!

Ma Jingtao roared in my heart, but Chaos smiled happily beside him, and then said happily, "The boss said, I'll take care of it."

I stayed for a second.

This is what you want to do... How can you do it?

I looked at Chaos in a daze. He looked at me with a friendly expression, and then squatted down and looked at me: "There is a hospital under my name that specializes in treating difficult and terminal diseases. Of course, ordinary people need to make an appointment for treatment, but your case is special. I'm also very interested in you. How about you treat it for free?"

Thank you, fierce beast, but I hope you can make it clear. What's the difference between you being free and dragging me to do experimental research on the virus?

I didn't move. I just sat on the ground and looked at him: "What hospital do you open?"

He said the name of a hospital that although I had never heard of it, but only heard it from the name, it felt very powerful, noble and famous. I stayed and asked, "Are you abroad?"

He nodded.

"...are you the chairman?"

"Also the attending doctor." He added with a smile.

Why hasn't Nima heard of the Ebola virus?

I stared at him and asked, "What's your name in the hospital?"

"Every department is registered except for the chairman." Chaos said with a smile, "When you need to go to any department, just change your face to the nameplate."

Oh, yes, I forgot that this face can be switched freely.

Chaotic smiled at me and continued to say, "It's not my turn to do most of minor injuries and minor diseases, and the doctors below can handle them. I will do it myself for particularly rare and serious diseases. The cure rate is basically above 97%. How about that? Do you want to stay in my hospital?"

I thought for a moment: "How are the conditions in the ward?"

"There is air conditioning, TV and broadband Internet access. The monthly bandwidth is more than 100M. There is no shielding system. There is no need to climb over the wall on special websites. At the same time, there is an independent bathroom and washing machine. You can wash clothes in the room or hand it over to the care nurse for washing. It is free. Meals are provided in the canteen 24 hours a day, and the VIP ward is also For XBOX and PS3. Chaos bent the corners of his lips, "How about it?"

It's so fucking touching... I'm telling the truth.

If I'm going to be sick, I absolutely promise to stay if I don't want to. The key and key problem is that I'm not sick? How to rub the house if you are not sick?

I have a headache. Finally, after thinking for a long time, I finally came up with a flash of a reason that was not a reason: "No... I can only live for a week at most. I also want to take this opportunity to go to the Sound Horizon concert in District 11. Live at your place. I can't see it."

"I can invite them over." Chaos still smiled and said without feeling embarrassed at all, "There is an entertainment company under the name of Yu."
