The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 162 The life of the maid

This is an ancient begging skill to kill for mercy. It comes from the early comic "Ranma" that changed from a man to woman into a man into a man into a pig into a man into a man into a duck panda andsoon, which is called: Tiger Landing.

The method of use is: sit down (which can be simply understood as kneeling), then raise your hands flat forward and shout "I'm sorry!" Sorry! I'm sorry!" Kowtow to the ground; if you feel troublesome, you can also directly make the posture of the pilgrim kneeling with your head, so that the other party can't tell whether you are crying or laughing.

For example, now, when I crawl on the ground, Chengying can't see my expression, and naturally, I don't know what's thinking in my heart.

He was silent for a long time.

We didn't say anything during this period. The indoor atmosphere is quiet and dignified. Until my knee began to numb, Chengying still didn't say anything. I only heard a faint sigh, and then looked up, and the room was empty.

He should have left, right?

I didn't move. I maintained my kneeling posture and stayed on the ground for a while. After waiting for at least three minutes without seeing Chengying appear, I slowly stood up from the ground and rubbed my legs and walked out of the door.

He did leave.

I kind of want to know where Chengying has gone now. Should I go back to the world to choose a contractor or directly sign a contract with the vest? But I didn't think too much about it, because when I was kneeling down just now, I quickly sorted out what to do next. I don't think it's fucking much. I can list seventy-eight with EXCEL column. A table, and these things are too complicated. I really can't distinguish priorities without sorting them out.

Sometimes I'm afraid that there are too many things to do. Sometimes it's okay to deal with only one or two things in a hurry. At worst, I'll finish this matter. If I can't finish this one, I'll catch two things together. I'm in a hurry to do four or five things now! We should not only think about breaking the spiritual interference of the nine-tailed fox and go back to revisit Taoism. We should not only go to the library to check the information of the Element King, but also enter the world to select swords. After that, there are still a lot of task analysis and closing reports waiting to be handed in! If Dr. Li didn't take the initiative to call me, I wouldn't be ready to ask. I can't ignore the key treatment! The body is the capital of revolution!

Looking at the hall, my brother and Bi Xie still haven't come back, and I don't know where to go. I thought about acting coquettishly with my brother at dinner in the evening and asking him to help me recover from the injury. Then I grind him to ask him to help me write the closing report, and then I have to summon up the courage to do a good job in psychological construction. The library and the vast sea of books have struggled! Choose a sword? Now don't ask my sister to choose a sword. Even if I really entered the wilderness, I have to think about which sword is better first, right?

I was calculating vigorously, and I suddenly heard someone calling me in my ear. I looked back and saw a teenager who had never seen before sitting on the corridor railing and looking at me smiling. Seeing that I turned around and showed two dimples, I shouted from afar: "Mo Yuan, are you going to heaven and earth to choose a sword?"

"Yes." I'm surprised that this happened so quickly? Have they all spread out? I don't seem to have seen this teenager. Who is the new disciple recently?

The teenager seemed very happy to hear my answer. He jumped off the railing and ran towards me in two steps: "Have you ever thought about choosing a sword?"

I uh said, "... still... I'm not sure."

"Is there a type you want to choose? Long sword and short sword? Dagger epee? There is a bow in the wilderness. Do you consider using a bow in the exam? The teenager is like a salesman, skillfully selling me the grocery store "Heaven and Earth".

I was wore for two seconds, and I really followed his thinking and asked for it! Forget the bow. I haven't practiced that. It's amazing that I can shoot an arrow target 50 meters away. The epee is not considered, the attack speed is too slow, and the defense is inconvenient... The dagger needs a close combat, and I probably can't do assassination. The long sword..."

I thought about Chengying, and then I thought about Chengying. I found that I don't know how long this guy is until now! Originally, according to my previous idea, if I didn't terminate the contract with Chengying and enter the flood of heaven and earth, I would definitely choose a short sword to defend myself, but now that the contract has been terminated, should I choose to use a long sword?

It's always safer to hold a weapon with a long attack distance in your hand, dear! Although the Tomahawk has a long attack distance, its weight is amazing. It's just that I thought about it and felt that it would be too flattering to walk on the street with a long sword on your back. Don't you know that it's a violation of the public security management regulations?

So I have to use a long sword, as expected, it is still the best to use Chengying. A sword hilt is held in my hand, and I can't see the blade in front of me. I want to say it is a COSPLAY prop, and those turtles have no doubt about him! Of course, there is no need to consider it at this stage.

I thought about it, thought about it seriously, and finally came to a conclusion: "The dagger, medium length is fine, as long as it is easy to carry and hide."

The teenager's eyes lit up: "For example?"

"For example..." I turned my eyes and thought about it, and then stretched out my hand to force it out... Roughly the distance that I can still stick in my boots in my knee-length boots, "Is it so long or a little shorter than this?"

He immediately smiled, then raised his hand and patted me on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Well, then I'll wait for you in heaven and earth. Remember to call my name. You know who I am.

After saying that, his body retreated, and the whole body disappeared directly into the air, leaving me alone. It took me a long time to react.

"Wait...who are you?"

I probably met the sword spirit.

I don't think I need to emphasize this point.

But the boy was very happy. Hearing what I said, he grabbed me and kept asking each other's characteristics. I felt strange at his request and couldn't help looking at him: "Can't you drop the video?"

"Your spiritual density is high, and the video needs to be corrected by the upper management system. It's too troublesome. I'll ask you directly." The man pulled my sleeve and shook it, and his eyes were shining.

I was so cute by the cute eyes that I hid a big cake face and howled in my heart on the spot, then rubbed my face and coughed and pretended to be calm: "That guy... He is quite cute, doesn't look very old, and he is not very tall, just a twelve or three-year-old boy? It's impossible to be more than 15 years old, because he looks very righteous, uh... more than you. Not only the appearance, but also the height is better than you.

Yes, that teenager is the real Zhengtai. Although the old man is tender, he is one head taller than me. He looks 15... six or seven years old, but the teenager is shorter than me. At most 13 years old in image, he is also very tender. His red lips and white teeth are not enough to describe. In a word: his skin is so good that he can't see pores at all. He can't see pores at all. Pores...

How can this make me live for a person whose pores are so big that they almost cover their nostrils!

The old man thought about it very seriously, and then asked, "Did he say his identity?"

"After he returns to his original shape, it should be shorter, or almost the same." When I said the length, the old man's face suddenly became a little solemn. "It can transform into a sword spirit and enter the wilderness. The spiritual power is higher than what I can detect. I know your name, and the sword body is relatively short... It should be, only..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard my mobile phone vibrating, so I had to smile at the man and took out the phone first with my right hand: "Hello?"

"Is this the Mo Daochang?" The voice over there is very polite and pleasant to listen to. It was the name of Mo Daochang that made me sweat.

"Sorry, nine of our ten Taoist ministers are surnamed Mo, and only one is a guest surnamed Bi. Which Mo are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Taoist priest Mo Yuanmo. Is he there?"

Look for me? This is really strange. And it's so polite that it's raining red.

I looked at the man, and his expression was also curious, so I asked, "Yes, what can I do for you?"

"I was introduced by Li Lion. I have something to trouble you. Is it convenient for you to answer my phone now?"

The name stunned me for a moment and didn't react for a moment: "physiotherapy? ...Which physiotherapy?"

"Dr. Li, who opened a pet hospital on ×× Road." The person who called was also a little surprised, but he still communicated with me very politely, "Do you have any influence?"

Beast...medical. There is only one thing I can think of that meets this condition: "Is it surrounded by Zhiqi... No, a good-looking god... No, the doctor of the boy?"

"Yes! That's her!" The man looked quite happy, "I'm the friend she introduced! I heard from her that you have come back and would like to ask for a favor. Is it convenient for you?

It's inconvenient. I have a lot of things to do now. -Of course, I only dare to think so, but I don't dare to say so. I casually replied, "What's the matter? Come and listen to it."

"I have encountered something evil here. I want to ask you to help me take a look. Is it convenient for you now? I'm outside the door of Mojia Taoist temple.

Me: "..."

How fast is this sister's action? As soon as I got off the plane, I stayed outside the door of the dojo, and I also used this kind of semi-forced guarding rabbit... If I want to say it's convenient, she will immediately ask me if I can come in and have a look; I want to say it's inconvenient, but you don't go out after being guarding the door...

Well, I'm unlucky. I am the life of the lady's maid, seriously ill and hard-paid...

I had to delay the world and the library. After replying to her, "I'll come right away", I looked up at the old man and asked, "Do you want to go?"

He reluctantly looked at the library behind and looked back at me nostalgicly: "Can't you go?"

"Of course not. Do you still want to enter the library if you don't follow me?" I couldn't help but drag the old man straight to the door.

Dr. Li's friend really looks very polite. He not only speaks politely and behaves politely, but also looks very politely. As soon as she saw me and the old man coming out of the door from afar, she immediately greeted us enthusiastically: "Excuse me, are you the Taoist priest Mo?"

I nodded, hum, and looked up at her, but I was shocked!

I haven't seen such a dead person for almost three or four years!