The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 178 Don't tell me that everything I experienced before is a dream

What did she just say? Big brother? Third brother? What is that? Can I eat it?

I haven't seen many people in Beijing. Except for the editor and the hotel waiter, I have only seen... Brother Chengying Bi Xie Chaos, among which can be commensurate with brothers and can be linked to family relations...

It's day!" Are you a glutton? Or is it poor?"

"Poor." Zandala... No, it should be called Qiongqi now. He smiled and said, "Mo Xiaoyuan is still very smart."

I smiled bitterly. Whether they are smart or not is no longer the key. Now it's just their gods! When did Zandara become the four fierce beasts? And still poor? Wherever I go, I can meet the physique of mythical monsters. Is it Lucky EX or Lucky E?!

I'm really careless... I always feel that the chaos in the four fierce beasts are all men, and the other two should also be men. I didn't expect that a fierce beast squatting in front of me now was a woman, and my previous relationship was quite close to me, and I almost became sisters. Now that I think about it, it's really cold. If I had to worship my ancestor Nanyuan with Zandara before, I may not know what my death will be like now.

Qiongqi is indeed one of the four fierce beasts in ancient times, and its name is gluttonous and chaotic. In my impression, the introduction to it in the Classic of Mountains and Seas is... I forgot what it is. But listening to her, she actually knew that the nine-tailed fox was going to arrest me and besiege me. So why did she persuade me not to go to Beijing at that time? Bitter meat plan? Or do you pretend to be interested in me?

It's okay for her not to confess her identity. Now as soon as I confess, I immediately figured out a lot of things, such as why Chaos knows my whereabouts so well, such as why she is so enthusiastic and interested in me. For example, her brother Bi Xieming set up layers of barriers in the hotel, but he can still make me Drag into the dream and so on...

Nima! Isn't it all because I brought the bells sent by Qiongqi?

I took out the bell and threw it on the table. As soon as I copied it, I said coldly, "What is this? Surveillance or a gift?

She looked at me with her chin and smiled: "Both understandings are fine."

I didn't say anything. Qiongqi smiled there, and the action of holding tea was very elegant: "If you join us, the bell will be given to you as a gift; if you don't join, the bell will be used for surveillance. Don't say that you don't need bells to join us? Unlike us, you can't feel each other's situation when you are far away. It's good for you to put a bell beside you, so that we can get there in time when you need help.

I really don't need it.

But I didn't answer. I just looked at her coldly and frowned for a few seconds: "What else is your plan?"

"What do you think?" She raised her eyebrows.

I hesitated for a moment and felt that I was squatting in the poor nest anyway, so I simply didn't hide it: "The elevator ghost of the safety building should be your subordinates, but the editor's commission should be a coincidence; Fu Yi Dai's commission should also be a mistake. The person arranged by you should have the fake worker in the swimming pool."

"Correct solution." Qiong Qi raised his eyebrows with a smile and then made it clear: "Now the Chengying sword and the fish intestine sword are not with you, and your brother and the software have not followed. The props produced by the Bi family..."

She glanced at me and smiled and said, "I didn't bring it. Nanyuan is my sphere of influence. You have no chance of winning when you resist. Ten thousand steps back and say that even if you do it, I can wave to the security guard. You don't want too many people to know that you are a Taoist priest, do you?"

Yes, I don't want outsiders to know, because the Taoist industry is not easy to get along these days, and everyone calls us witch sticks.

But what Qiqi said is also true. No one around me, and I don't bring props and so on. Even if I call the spiritual understanding, the tacit understanding between the fish intestine and me now is not enough to call out a spell - not to mention that the spiritual understanding is not a spell.

When I went out, my brother Bi Xieyu was fighting. The loser only brushed the lower limit without stickers - for example, he opened the window and patted his chest outside and shouted "We want women!" Or wrap a bath towel and knock on the door next door and ask if they need special services... How can I ask them to come out?!

I can try my best to restrain myself from the words "I don't know any of these embarrassing people" which is already great, and it's called a hitman... Are you full?

But it's really a little difficult for me to break through Qiongqi in this helpless situation. After all, I can't really call out the light sword, fireball, wind blade and ice whip to fight with her. What's more, even if I really fight with her, my combat effectiveness is completely inferior to her.

So I didn't say anything. I just held my arm and looked at Qiongqi and watched the change. I didn't move.

Qiongqi was not annoyed. He drank tea leisurely there. After drinking a cup of rose eggplant, he looked up at me and smiled, "It's almost time to work, right?"

"What?" I instinctively asked, but saw that the corners of her lips were more obvious, and then slowly raised her eyebrows: "medicine."

Before the words fell, a dazzling light flashed in front of me, followed by a golden butterfly of at least 10,000 words. I shook my head and looked at it. I couldn't see it clearly. I just felt that my head was dizzy and dull, and the world in front of me slowly turned white from the edge. When I finally dyed Qiongqi's smiling face white, I finally lay down on the table and slowly fainted.

The cold floor, the painted white wall, the locked door, the narrow single bed, and a broken lamp flashed brightly and darkly overhead. Basically, what I saw when I woke up was the things above.

I haven't recovered from the chaos for the time being. The first reaction is only strange. When did Nanyuan have such a cell-like room?

Look at the decoration, look at the layout, the design is quite decent. I don't know if it's Zandala, and I don't know whether it's a secret room set up in a poor room or a VIP room specially requested by rich people with special hobbies. In short, this prison sense of restoration is quite high.

I stood up and looked around. I couldn't see the scenery outside from this position. I only saw a gray sky, and I didn't know if it was man-made or another layer of wallpaper outside the room. When I stood up and wanted to walk to the window to have a look, I found that the scenery outside the window was a little strange. At a glance, it didn't look like a simulated wallpaper or 3D light effect. At that moment, it appeared in front of me, as if it was probably true... It was a bare soil and a few immortal trees.

Is there such a place in Nanyuan?

It's impossible... The greening of that place is quite good, and any place can be advertised as an ecological park, and the wasteland outside the window looks too wide, conservatively estimated to be thousands of square meters. Even if there are rich people who really love prison games, isn't it too wasteful to come out of such a large area to play role-playing?

What's more, what I'm wearing is not a student's uniform, a sailor's uniform and a nurse's uniform...

I looked down at my clothes. Yes, it's true that it's not a student's uniform, a sailor's uniform and nurse's uniform, but what I'm wearing is not my previous casual clothes, but... a hospital uniform.

What kind of god is this... I wipe it! Won't you tell me that everything I experienced before was a dream? What is a dream to test the practice of a Taoist priest and a sword contract to defeat demons and eliminate demons? Conquer the world and save the vest. After flirting with the evil, it is a dream to meet the fish intestines... I'm actually not a Moist Taoist priest but a patient in a mental hospital?? Is Chaos Poor Qi a doctor? After racking my brains to design, I finally got back from the outside suffering from schizophrenia and fantasy?

Don't!! If it really develops like this, I will jump up and beat people! I would rather accept that I was arrested by Qiongqi and locked up in a place that is so inaccessible that it is suitable for silence than accept that everything that happened before is a fantasy!

The iron door behind me made a slight noise. I looked back and saw a very familiar person coming in from the door. When he saw me turn around, he smiled and raised his medical record and came to me: "Are you awake?"

I looked at him without blinking: I had a blonde and green-eyed baby face and a delicate work badge on my chest. Who else can this man be in the chaos that was separated by my compound spell on the rooftop before?!

I know that the combination of conceptual spiritual power and healing speed is very fast, but from the previous explosion on the rooftop and now standing in front of me intact, the time is too short and the recovery is too fast. The impact of such subversion of people's common sense and refreshing people's worldview and correcting people's ideas made me have to ask: "Are you chaotic?"

He nodded with a smile.

I asked again, "Is it the doctor?"

He still nodded.

×Hospital? Chairman and attending doctor? The ward inside is very luxurious, and the facilities are very complete. There is no problem in watching TV and playing games on the Internet, and the employees and nurses inside can also speak N language +13?

Chaos nodded and never objected from beginning to end. I suddenly felt black in front of me and forced myself to ask a very critical question before spitting blood: "Am I a patient in the hospital? What department? Internal surgery, obstetrics and gynecology or psychiatry?"

The corners of the chaotic lips are bent, and the answer is not ambiguous at all: "Research Department."

"..." What kind of subject is this?

He seemed to see my puzzlement and threw the medical record book to ** and walked to the window side by side with me: "Didn't you say that you were infected with the Ebola virus, and the internal organs would dissolve immediately after a spiritual person touched it? When the elder sister took you to transfer in an instant, she touched your body with spiritual power and didn't find that your internal organs were dissolved. So I initially concluded that you should not have infected with that virus.

God bless. I was half relieved when he said this, because the assumption that "everything I have experienced before is hallucinations and dreams" has been ruled out by him. Sure enough, I am still a Moist Taoist priest. I can fight, eat and drink. I am not a psychopath with unarmed nerves and problems. I can fight against them with Taoism and swordsmanship. As long as I can find a chance, I can beat them out of prison.

However, Chaos looked at me and smiled and slowly said, "I didn't find any Ebola virus in your body when I brought you here, but I was also very nervous about the fact that your internal organs would dissolve immediately after being touched by a spiritual person, so I specially borrowed a treasure from the eldest brother to seal it. The spiritual power in your body.

He bent the corners of his lips and looked at me with a smile and said, "How about it? Do you find that you are completely unaware of the flow of spiritual power in your body?