The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 175 It's useless to remove the lock

Dr. Li made soup. When we entered the door, she was holding the soup, talking, laughing and making trouble (I said the fish intestines were laughing, and the unicorn was a glutton) and greeted us to our seats: "You just came back. The chicken soup has just been served. Come and try it."

I hummed and was about to say a few polite words to her when I saw him rushing up like a gluttonous wind next to me, took the soup in Dr. Li's hand, looked up and swallowed it all.

Me: "..."

Fish sausage: "..."

Dr. Li: "..."

Everyone is silent. The glutton put the basin on the table as if nothing had happened, raised his hand and inserted it. He said calmly, "The taste is a little light, but I've had a cold recently, and I don't taste anything, so it should be fine."

Kirin's blue veins burst out, and immediately picked up the newspaper next to him and hit the glutton's head: "stupid! I didn't ask you to eat alone!"

"I don't have anyone to eat!" Taoyi's expression was both shocking and innocent, "I'm just tasting it. Is this wrong?"

"No, no." Dr. Li smiled dryly beside him, but Kirin snorted coldly, "You have finished everyone's chicken soup."

The gluttony was shocked: "What! Is that all just now? I thought I only brought out one bowl. What, Dr. Li, there is no chicken soup in the kitchen?

Dr. Li was ashamed: "Well... No, it's my negligence. I forgot to make more soup, but I asked Lin Qi to buy vegetables. You can eat more dishes."

Taoyi looked at Dr. Li and us with tears in his eyes, and his expression looked a little aggrieved and innocent: "I'm sorry, I really didn't expect Dr. Li to cook so much soup. I thought the bowl was so small that it was for one person.

It's not small... I'm silent beside me. The "soup bowl" served by Dr. Li is almost as big as a washbasin.

The fish sausage next to him listened curiously and couldn't help asking, "How big bowl do you usually eat?"

Taoyi raised his hand and compared a bowl that could almost be described as a "bucket": "It's almost three bowls so big."

Kirin and I silently bypassed the gluttony and entered the house.

Dr. Li deserves to be a veterinarian. When he heard that he had a cold, he really looked at his tongue at the door, then asked a few questions, frowned and meditated for a while before entering the door and pulling paper and pen: "You should not be the flu, and you are not like an ordinary wind-heat cold or a cold. Judging from the situation you just described, you should have a little lung fever, and I won't give you some medicine to clear lung fever..."

The glutton stood next to him and nodded, and the fish intestines also followed him to look at it. Then he bent his eyes with a smile, stretched out his hand and dragged me who was standing next to him: "Dr. Li, can you help me take a look at Mo Xiaoyuan by the way?"

Dr. Li's hand holding the pen paused and raised his head in surprise: "That... I'm a veterinarian."

"I know." The fish sausage nodded.

Dr. Li's expression was even more hesitant: "Veterinarian... can't see a doctor."

"I know." The fish intestine still nodded and followed the words, but said, "But if you can see the mythical beast, there should be no problem for people to see a doctor."

Dr. Li began to make a black line: "You can't say so... The situation of treating animals is different from seeing people... I treat Taoyuan because it's me..." She hesitated for a moment and looked up at Taoyuan. The other party waved his hand to say that it didn't matter, and then continued, "Take it as a large dog and treat Mo Yuan to see a doctor. know."

I understand.

But the fish intestine said that he didn't understand. After all, when Kirin saw me, his brother Chengying was not following me, so I don't know who helped me see the doctor. I just listened to me and went back to the hotel to see Dr. Li, asked about the wounds on his body, and said that there was spiritual interference in his body. He had to terminate the contract to recover his spiritual power. Naturally, he I want to see a doctor as Dr. Li.

So the fish intestine naturally said that he didn't understand and further asked, "Then you helped Mo Xiaoyuan see a doctor at that time...?"

Dr. Li raised his hand gracefully: "Lin Qi helped me see it."

Yuchang and I immediately turned our heads to look at Kirin, but this time we didn't see him look impatient. Instead, we looked up at me and sighed faintly: "Let's eat first. Let's talk about it after dinner."

I have a vague premonition.

So is the fish sausage. He took my hand and came to my ear and whispered, "It's okay. I'm with you." He turned his head and looked at Kirin with a smile and said, "Okay, let's eat first."

I didn't know the taste of that meal.

The old man suddenly appeared after dinner, or as usual, and the green light appeared directly in front of us. Then he looked at me and immediately rushed over with tears in his eyes: "Wow, Mo Yuan! I finally found you, Mo Yuan!"

I cried like looking for a husband for thousands of miles.

Of course, Dr. Li was shocked, and I was also shocked, but the three next to him did not respond. The gluttony was particularly calm. He looked at the old man with pig's feet in his mouth, and then nod his head: "What's your pinyin?"

The man held my arm and nodded with tears in his eyes.

He said, "Hello, long time" from his throat, and continued to hold the pig's feet and nibble lingeringly.

Dr. Li almost recovered at this time, bent his lips and smiled. He got up and greeted him, "Have you eaten yet?" Would you like to come and have some?"

The old man shook his head and rubbed his arm with tears in his arms. He looked like a puppy that had been lost for more than a year and finally found its owner.

I was extremely relieved. I thought that although my sister was a little stupid and a little stupid, at least there was such a person who was too close to me, so I patted the old man's head: "Why are you here?"

From Nanyuan to Xijiang, he has crossed the province. He won't directly search for my address in the information integration and miss body and rush here in a hurry, will he?

The old man nodded, and as expected, "I searched your address in the information integration and missing body, and when I found Xijiang, I rushed over directly."

"Not bad." The fish intestine nodded beside him, "It costs about 1,000 yuan to fly from Chengdu. It's more than a little money to add plane construction and fuel. You don't even have to buy a ticket. This ability is really a little convenient."

The man still held my arm and burst into tears: "I didn't see you when I woke up, and there was no response to your spiritual power. When I asked Bi Xie and Mo Han, both of them said that they didn't notice your aura. When they asked the vest, she didn't say anything! It was not until you disappeared for three days that you said you went to Nanyuan..."

"What?" I was shocked, "I've been missing for three days."

"More than that, it's been almost seven days since you disappeared and I found you." The fish intestines interrupted calmly next to him. So I was even more shocked: "Seven days?!"

Impossible! From the time I was in a coma to being found by the fish intestine in the south, it took only a day or two at most. After all, it was evening when I woke up in the hospital, and it was only a few minutes when the fish intestines found me... Wait, no!

Now it's day outside Xijiang. It was also day when Taoyi took us to break through the hospital. The chaotic broken hospital is not far from Xijiang. Obviously, it was day when we left the ward, but I clearly remember that it was evening when I woke up in the hospital. Did I fall asleep for a long time after the injection?

It's not that I sensed that there was something wrong with the system... I stroked my forehead, looked up at the man, and said, "Well, you continue."

He began to fast-forward concisely: "The vest said that you went to Nanyuan, and we followed Nanyuan to look for it. As a result, we didn't see you at all, and the surveillance video did not find any problems. All I knew that you went to the divination room, and then your whereabouts were unknown. Mo Han checked nearby and said that the spiritual power fluctuation of Nanyuan was a little abnormal, but Bi Xie and I tried to repair it and couldn't restore the situation at that time. I adjusted the monitoring everywhere. It was not until three minutes ago that I found you were in Xijiang, so I hurried over.

I asked: "Brother, do you know that I'm in Xijiang?"

The little face suddenly turned white: "Forget!"

After saying that, without waiting for our reaction, the green light flashed and disappeared directly to the original place.

I turned around to see the crowd, and there was no response except for Dr. Li's surprised face. Kirin still had that expressionless expression. After nibbling on the pig's feet, he began to nibble on the chicken wings. The fish intestines looked at me with a smile, reminding everyone to get to the point: "Is it almost ready to eat? Dr. Lin, can you help me take a look at Mo Yuan's body now?

Kirin hummed and turned his head to look at Dr. Li. Dr. Li picked up the bowl and smiled at me: "I'm going to wash the dishes."

Then Kirin turned his head and looked at the glutton. The glutton sat motionless, nibbling chicken wings and raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing?"

"...There is a saying that if you are impolite, don't listen, if you are rude, and if you are impolite, don't look at it."

Kirin said very vaguely, but he didn't even move his eyebrows when he heard it. After nibbling the chicken wings, he stretched out his hand to the chicken leg.

Kirin finally couldn't stand it. He picked up a plate of chicken legs and stuffed them all into the gluttony: "If you like it, you can go out to eat. Now we are talking about business. You can avoid it first."

The glutton was not polite. Although he took the plate in his hand, he still sat still: "What's there to avoid? Don't you want to say that Mo Yuan is locked in the sky?"

The fish intestine raised its eyebrows.

Kirin began to stroke his forehead: "That's what I want to say... Anyway, you go out to eat first. I'll talk to Mo Yuan alone about this matter."

"It doesn't matter to say it in front of me, Lao Xiao, your brother is not a fool. I know more or less about Mo Yuan's situation - Lao Si's embarrassing medicine has mutated, right?"

Kirin didn't say anything.

I took a breath of cold air, and the fish intestines reached over to pull me, and my eyebrows were still crescent-shaped: "What medicine?"

"I saw him use the human test drug studied by Lao Si when I went to his hospital to play. If he is correct, he should have injected six or seven drugs on Mo Xiaoyuan, including vitality agents, analgesic tranquilizers, hair growth agents, tomography bone promoters, skeletal muscle agents..."

"What?!" Six, seven kinds of drugs?! I remember that he only took one medicine on me, saying that it was a medicine to enhance bone resilience..."

"That's all later." Taoyi waved his hand as if nothing had happened and said, "He had at least a dozen injections on you in the early stage, otherwise how could there be so many useless needles in the observation room next to you?"

My feeling of shock can no longer be described in words, and my expression began to become a little stiff. Taotie didn't seem to notice, and said that sentence without thinking about it: "So what Lao Si wants to say is that the potion developed by Lao Si has mutated in your body and burned all your spiritual veins. Even if you can remove the lock of the heavenly soul, you can't generate spiritual power again in your life."

- that is to say.

I, completely.

It's useless.