The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 181 Mountain Monster Hunter Online Edition

Brother looked at me very sadly: "You... just fell into the water and got up... You didn't eat anything when you woke up... Just start like this... Can you stand it?"

I sneered, stretching out my head is also a knife, and shrinking my head is also a knife. You have to be stabbed in the horizontal and vertical neck. It's better to be stabbed sooner than late. Otherwise, what's the use of dragging? Did I tell my brother that I'm not ready yet? You give me some time to arrange the future first, such as making enough living expenses, buying a house and paying off the mortgage before kicking me out?

Even if my brother really nodded and promised to ask me how long I would wait, I was afraid that I would be embarrassed to say, "It will take an estimated 30 or 50 years."

So I just raised my eyebrows and said coldly, "It's okay. Come on. I can stand it."

The elder brother looked back at the fish intestine very hesitantly. The fish intestine spread his hands to show no problem, followed by his eyes shaking his eyes. The elder was waiting for him to act with great interest, so the elder brother had to look back at Bi Xie: "Well, let's start."


Why is Bi Xie the master of the expulsion ceremony...?

I looked at Bi Xie with a blank face. I saw him nod solemnly and seriously, followed by a sleeve fishing action. My right hand touched an empty arm before the corners of my mouth twitched. I suddenly remembered that I was wearing a short sleeve, so I coughed and took out a... something that seemed to be probably a bracelet from the appearance. Get to my hand.

"..." I asked Bi Xie with my eyes: What are you doing?

"..." He looked back at me with unpredictable eyes: You don't understand.

I burst out angrily and was pressed back by my brother as soon as I got up: "Xiaoyuan, don't move. Bi Xie is doing a test."

Is he testing my high blood pressure?

Several people standing next to him did not move. The fish intestines looked at me with a smile, and the man next to him looked curious. Even Mo Zhiru, who came in with a plate of pears, ate pears with a flat face. I had to look down at the bracelet in my hand with grief and angrily, thinking that it was probably such a thing. As long as I put it on my hand, I could eliminate all my memories of the Mo family, and then release hypnotic substances, which made me sleep drowsy. When I woke up, I found myself inexplicable (and it is very likely that my clothes were not covered) Lying under the overpass.

In a word, just follow the routine of the Gongkou game.

YY was happy. Suddenly, he saw Bi Xie raise his eyebrows, put down his hand on my pulse and raised his head: "No problem, you can use it."

The senior man standing behind was overjoyed and immediately turned around and pulled Mo Zhiru, who was watching the play, out of the door. I was the only one sitting blankly **. Seeing that Bi Xie also turned around and was ready to leave, he quickly grabbed him: "Is this removal ceremony also done..."

It's too grand - I didn't finish saying a few words. The brother, who had turned his head and left, came in with another helmet. Seeing that I pulled Bi Xie's sleeve and didn't say much, he came directly and put the helmet on my head: "You wear it first. Do you feel dizzy or dizzy?"

Not to mention, my mind is still wandering in the doubt of whether this removal ceremony is too grand. When I open my eyes, there is an endless grassland in front of me. Hundreds of flowers bloom nearby, and streams flow from their feet. A farther away is the sky and white clouds are far away. As soon as the wind blows, the foot of the mountain is low. The herbivorous dragon foraging its head emerged from the grass more than one person high.

I was stunned.

He sincerely asked, "What is this...?"

Bi Xie said next to him: "How about the newly developed spiritual power-stimulating battle props? Is it vivid?"

I shook my body and raised my hand and took off the helmet on my head: "What did you just say?" Stimulate spiritual power?

Bi Xie shook his legs and nodded: "Yes."

Seeing that I was still stunned, I added very kindly: "It's a prop that inspires people's potential spiritual power."

Nonsense, I know it is a prop that stimulates people's potential spiritual power. The key is why Bi Xie does this thing do?

Brother slowly turned out from behind Bi Xie, raised his hand and put it on my shoulder and said, "You said before that you had no spiritual power to destroy your spiritual veins."

I nodded.

"But Bi Xie has tested it with the spiritual ring, and there is still a spiritual flow in your body, but it is not your spiritual power, but the spiritual power overflowing from the soul."

My mouth is so open that I can swallow an egg directly.

The senior said leisurely again, "So I analyzed with Bi Xie that although you can't generate spiritual power, the locked soul in your body can also absorb spiritual power and release spiritual power. If you can make good use of this treasure, even if the spiritual vein is destroyed, you can still borrow the lock heavenly soul to mobilize spiritual power."

I opened my mouth to see Bi Xie, and he nodded inexplicably.

I looked back at my brother again: "So... even if my spiritual veins can't recover... can I still use Taoism?"

Brother nodded with Bi Xie.

I burst into tears. Just as he was about to jump up and hug his brother, he heard Bi Xie's very begging sentence: "It's just..."

... Don't gasp for your ×× words: "Just what?"

"This prop is only a trial type at present. I have just developed it and hasn't officially put it into use yet. It's your first time to use it here, so it's a side effect..." He looked at me with a vicissitudes face and wrote "Areyouunderstand?" in his left eye? The right eye says "You know."

I nodded. As far as my current situation is concerned, I actually have nothing to choose. I should be thankful that I can continue to use Taoism when I have no spiritual power. How dare I dare to be polite to Bi evil: "I understand. No problem."

Bi Xie ran out with tears in his eyes to prepare.

Brother sighed softly and sat down beside me: "I'm sorry to make you suffer."

It's okay if he didn't say anything. As soon as he said it, I really felt wronged. I immediately lifted the quilt and threw it on my brother: "Brother!"

He was shocked by me and quickly turned around to help me: "What?"

"How was the prop developed by Bi She Niang?"

Brother: "..."

Don't do it. Don't blame me for not knowing the customs. I really want to know how the props of Bi Jianniang were developed. As soon as Mao wore it on his head, I saw the vast Inner Mongolia prairie, and there was also a saying that stimulated potential spiritual power. I really looked at this thing horizontally and vertically, and I felt that it was born after death. Treasures!!

The senior brother stroked his forehead: "I don't understand this kind of high-tech thing... Why don't I ask the old man to come and tell you?"

I shivered: "No need..."

But it's too late.

The elder is holding a can of traditional Chinese medicine. As soon as he heard that my brother said that he was curious about the props developed by Bi Xie, he began to explain endlessly. I was very dizzy. I only know from the data analysis of the old man that this is similar to a simulation game. After wearing it, I can immersively enter a training game, and then improve my spiritual power by using various Taoist arts in the game category.

After I was dizzy and had a headache, I grabbed the endless gap of the old man and asked, "What kind of training game is Bi Xie's costume?"

"Can you use Taoism..." He didn't hesitate, "It's either Monster Hunter or Warcraft."

Mouth Hu, where is Taoism in Monster Hunter? But at that glance just now, the scene reflected in the helmet is indeed like Monster Hunter...

...Let's just think of it as a copycat made by Bi Sheniang plagiarizing Monster Hunter and Yamaguchi Mountain.

In a word, I know that I'm in a good mood to still use Taoism, because I can still use Taoism, which means that I can still eat and drink in the Mo family, and I can also eat and drink in the Mo family, which means that I can ask the elder for water, electricity, tuition, living expenses, Internet access, bus cards, and the elders when I have no way out. Fei was able to find his brother to buy me all kinds of snacks and dance blanket game consoles in another village, so when Mo Zhiru leaned his head at the door and held a watermelon and asked, "The game console has been built, will you come?" At that time, I didn't want to answer on behalf of everyone: "Come on!"

Mo Zhiru went out to prepare, and the senior brother glanced at me: "Your mood has recovered quite quickly."

I smiled. Of course, who knows that he can still eat and drink. Of course, I didn't say this in front of my brother. I just lifted the quilt and got out of bed: "How to play that game?"

... Judging from Bi Xie's description, it is basically a Monster Hunter Online version of Yamaguchi Mountain.

Bi Xie's game is very realistic, and the helmet is basically 3D sound effects. However, there are still some prompts in the system. The way it appears is that an electronic display screen appears directly with a flash of green light in front of you.

When I entered the field, I was shocked by the message box that suddenly popped up, and I found that the operation instructions were displayed: keyboard or handle.

My first reaction was surprise: I haven't seen any game that can be used with keyboard controllers. When I think about it, I feel relieved. If this is a fighting game or action game, it is true that the keyboard controller can be used. There is nothing strange.

Bi Xie's game basically refers to the route of the copy of Yamaguchi Mountain, and upgrades the equipment to push the BOSS, but the protagonist has no upgrade setting, and only LV1 can be changed with the CMF plug-in. Only the equipment and weapons can be upgraded, but rare materials are also needed. In short, it is the plot of MH's operation WOW.

I turned over in the arsenal, but I didn't find that Bi Xie developed weapons such as the dragon knife, rainstorm pear blossom needle, seven-star butterfly sword, and peerless good kitchen knives. There were only lonely long guns, double knives, single hands, Tai Dao, heavy swords, light crossbows, flutes, war hammers, heavy crossbows, bows... One, two, three four... ten weapons, completely loyal to the mountain. After Zhai MH's game setting, he couldn't help looking up to the sky and sigh: "Bi lady, don't you have the energy to design more weapons or copy MH's weapons to attack to save trouble?"