After soaring

Chapter 52 The Realm of the Sword Emperor

Chapter 52 Oh! The ancient ape infinitely absorbed the power of the stars, and his whole body became blood red in an instant. As soon as his figure rose, he actually rose thousands of feet again. His already terrible height had become almost stepping on the ground.

A violent wind raged within a kilometer of the ancient ape's body on Monday. The ancient demon ape's face was ferocious and abominable. Suddenly, it bombarded heavily under his feet. Within a thousand feet, the land was lifted like waves, and then pieces of debris flew out with bloody light, rushing to the The people shot away.

Including Fengyun Wuji, all of them are within the attack range of these rubble.

Seeing the overwhelming momentum of the gravel coming, Feng Yun Wuji suddenly seemed to realize something. He hesitated to stretch out his right palm, spread it out flat, and falsely aimed at the bottom.

Boom! An invisible force seemed to meet the tens of millions of gravel bursting up, and then everyone was shocked to see that the bloody locust rain, which almost covered the whole ground, stagated strangely.

This stagnation time is not long, no more than one second at most, and then shot at the original speed.

Touch!!! A sound of blunt objects came through the body, and bursts of miserable howls were endless.

With the power of this ancient ape, with the help of the power of the stars, although the power has been dispersed, even so, the power far exceeds that of an ordinary Taigu master.

Unprepared by the pawn, hundreds of warriors were killed by gravel, and thousands of warriors were injured.

More people went higher at the last moment and narrowly avoided this blow.

"Hahaha... I see, I finally understand, it turns out that this is the realm of the Sword Emperor!" A burst of laughter suddenly spread to the four fields. Everyone looked at it in surprise, but they saw that Feng Yun Wuji's face was covered with blood. The indirect fight just now made him bleed. The majesty of the ancient ape could not be borne by everyone.

But Fengyun Wuji was seriously injured. On the contrary, he didn't know why he laughed. The laughter was getting bigger and bigger, and everyone was also inexplicable. He said secretly that this man was crazy.

Fengyun Wuji stood proudly in the void, the laughter was getting louder and louder, and the momentum on his body was also getting stronger and stronger, more and more amazing. In the end, everyone present felt a stormy sword storm and had to retreat again.

The dark clouds in the sky are rolling, the sky and the earth are gray, the wind is blowing, and the sand and stones are flying.

One person laughs wildly in this world and shows his pride.

Listening to the sound of 'bo', it seemed that something was broken, and something seemed to break out of the cocoon. No one understood what was going on.

The thin old man in black robe sighed, "There is finally a sword emperor in this world!" Remind me!!! The long knife in the hands of tens of thousands of sword warriors trembled endlessly, as if suppressed by an invisible force, and a wind roared by. In the four fields, the area that had not yet been affected by the battle, the dense vegetation suddenly slantedly pointed to the wind and clouds. The next moment, hundreds of billions of grass, leaves shot Generally speaking, it shoots intensively into the wind and clouds.

From the void, with the battlefield as the center, the dense black spots around it fly quickly, like a high tide, that is, the dark clouds in the sky are also rolling, forming a vortex.

Fengyun Wuji's laughter stopped abruptly, and his face was awe-inspiring. His left and right fingers were like halberds, and he waved the ancient ape in front of him again and again.

Hions of millions of leaves with the sound of a sharp sword breaking through the sky, leaning at the huge ancient ape.

Boom! Under the control of Fengyun Wuji Sword Emperor, the blade is no less than the real sword. So many sharp swords bombard the ancient demon ape. Even with his ability to attract stars and dozens of times stronger, he screamed in pain and was about to rush forward to deal with the tiny human beings.

Fengyun Wuji spread his hands again. Within a radius of a thousand, tens of millions of rubble, under the control of an invisible force, focused on the head of the ancient demon ape.

Roar! The head is not as weak as the body. It is very weak. So many sword-like gravel bombarded the head of the ancient demon ape. Even with its thick skin, the head was shaken, but it was not over yet.

Fengyun Wuji waved his hand again. This time, the long knife in the hands of the warriors in the field of the knife field trembled. Suddenly, with a 'shh' sound, it flew out of the air.

In the realm of the Sword Emperor, except for the realm of the Sword Emperor and above, there is nothing to resist, and the swords are all in the imperial envoys.

With a wave of both hands again, the nearly ten thousand Xuantie long knife was as heavy as an arrow out of the string, and it bombarded heavily on the head of the ancient ape.

This time, the ancient ape let out a great howling! The third wave of attacks has not been completed, Fengyun Wuji has a smile on the corners of his mouth, and the fourth wave of attacks has already taken action.

The hands are flat, like wings stretched out. On the left and right sides, the dense incandescent swords are arranged in rows and appear in the void. Looking from afar, there is a pair of light wings stretching thousands of meters on both sides of the wind and clouds.

With a wave of his hand again, the tens of thousands of three-foot swords that appeared in the void blasted out again.

The ancient demon ape is born with bad luck, but there is no way to avoid this shadow-like sword.

Cowardice appeared for the first time in those fierce eyes, and there was a pleading in his eyes.

"It's okay, I had no grudge against you in the past, and I have no hatred recently. Why kill so much!" Fengyun Wuji looked at the pleading eyes of the ancient demon ape, and finally sighed. With a wave of his hand, the tens of millions of air sword silently disappeared three feet in front of the ancient demon ape.

Shock, absolutely shocking! No one expected that this young kendo master would be as tough as fighting!! The people in the knife field know him well, but they didn't expect that his strength soared in a short period of time! Fengyun Wuji!" Someone exclaimed.

At the time, everyone was dealing with this murderer. How could there be a sudden appearance of Fengyun Wuji. It was not until someone called out his name and saw his strong strength that it became clear that this person was the Fengyun Wuji who spread all over the world.

For a moment, the eyes of all kinds of different expressions turned to Fengyun Wuji.

And after the ancient ape suffered a few strokes, it seemed to become smart and did not stop. When everyone was shocked, he pulled his arms and ran out.

The sound of the earth shaking is deafening.

"You don't go after it quickly. If you don't go, it will run away."

Fengyun Wuji pointed to the ancient ape who rushed away and said indifferently.

Then he heard a burst of exclamations, and figures rose to the ground and chased the ancient ape.

The ** of 'God' is too big.

Fengyun Wuji smiled and said nothing, and the joy of the improvement of the realm filled his heart. He was not very interested in this 'divine style'. No matter how strong the thing is, he can find out its figuratives, and he can naturally deal with it easily.

With this kind of understanding, Feng Yun Wuji walked out step by step.

Just then, I suddenly heard an exclamation behind me: "Master, wait for me!" Fengyun Wuji looked back, but saw a young master rushing in... (Ask for votes) _____________________________Recommend a good book <Hero Invincible National War>, book number 140731 Introduction:............ ................................... Chi injury is a lazy guy, even if he plays games, but no matter how lazy he is, he always has good luck and spoils him.

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