After soaring

Chapter 116 Return to Taikoo

More than 500,000 warriors from all factions in the world, plus more than 500,000 military armored soldiers, a total of one million soaring, appeared on the ancient earth. When this million troops appeared on the ancient land, the countless monsters around them were stimulated by this human breath. The slightly intelligent monsters could feel that although there were many of these human beings, their skills were not very high.

Countless monsters roared from all directions, and black gas columns spewed straight into the sky from all sides. Even the monsters thousands of miles away were attracted here and rushed over like crazy. In the eyes of the monsters, there was good food here. Seeing the army of monsters suppressed on Thursdays coming from all sides, the faces of the soarers changed greatly, and the strong breath of the monsters hit the hearts of these soarers. Here, the soarers who are proud of the world in the plane are as fragile as a baby.

When the 500,000 armored cloth array was lined up and preparing to deal with these horrible monsters with huge bodies, the figure in front of him flashed, and Feng Yun Wuji had already appeared on his body.

Boom! The monsters that had gathered from all sides suddenly seemed to be frightened and scattered as birds and beasts. In Fengyun Wuji, the bloody smell that slaughtered thousands of top monsters stimulated these monsters, making them scared and crazy, and ran around.

Fengyun Wuji's eyes swept around. Under the sleeve robe, his big hand stretched out. In the sky, a huge strange bird suddenly seemed to be pulled by something. It flapped its wings and struggled hard. But when Fengyun Wuji pulled his wrist, the strange bird sang sadly and hit the ground like a meteor. Before it fell When it collapsed and fell to the ground, it had turned into a huge skeleton with only a layer of skin.

As soon as Fengyun Wuji stepped on his right foot, he passed by the left side of the bone of the demon bird. Fengyun Wuji glanced around and did not find the temple's successor. Since the death of the last messenger, the temple should not have had time to appoint the next successor. However, it is not necessary. From then on, there will be no more soarers on this plane.

"Come with me and fly with the air." Seeing that the people behind him were still in a daze for the ancient and towering mountain and the vast land, Feng Yun Wuji turned around and said.

Millions of people, no one made a sound and quietly looked at the earth. Hearing the sound of Feng Yun Wuji, they finally came to their senses and flew close to the ground one by one. The warriors who fly to the realm can fly in the air, but they can't fly high, and it consumes a lot of real energy.

Millions of people rose into the air, but those armored soldiers were not used to flying. At a glance, the big sleeves swept away, and the magnificent real spirit had already taken action. It was not difficult to easily destroy the true power of an ancient mountain. It was not difficult to take 500,000 people to fly in the air.

The dark pressure was a million soaring people, and a huge shadow was cast on the ground. Wherever they passed, birds and beasts retreated all the way, and some liberal factions were stunned when they saw this scene, and almost couldn't believe their eyes.

Finally, I arrived at the sword field. The millions of soaring army fell in the vast area in front of the sword pavilion, which shocked the sky. In the sword pavilion, all the people had already been shocked. They ran out one by one to look at the wind and clouds standing in front of the million soaring army, and then look at the soaring army that could not be seen at a glance, all When did it become so easy to fly?

The late injury met Fengyun Wuji. Looking left and right, he only saw Leng Ruoshuang, who was as if he had just recovered from a serious illness. There was also a teenager who followed Fengyun Wuji's indifferent and dull face. He couldn't help but doubting: "Master, don't

Fengyun Wuji sighed and said, "They are all dead. This operation was a big accident, and there are other external forces to intervene. Alas, let's settle them now. Let's talk about this in the future." After saying that, he stepped into the sword pavilion.

Millions of troops, even the four domains can't accommodate it. How can a sword pavilion be accepted? Looking at so many descendants, I'm worried about the late injury.

Within the second floor of the Sword Pavilion, Fengyun Wuji sat alone on the smooth floor. Although he had not returned for several months, he cleaned the place very cleanly. The window pavilion was closed, and it was dark in the second floor. A ray of light shone into the room, leaving a ray of light on the floor. Here, the wind and clouds felt quiet and very peaceful. Fengyun Wuji feels that he needs to calm down and think about it carefully.

Fengyun Wuji, the master of the sword domain, quickly spread the whole Taigu the next day after a few months and the news of the return of a million troops, and all the people who heard the news were boiling. Millions of people! What kind of concept is this? The whole ancient masters add up to only tens of millions, and Fengyun Wuji brought back a million soaring army at one time. This amount is horrible enough.

The four realms are boiling, whether it is the knife domain, the demon domain, the holy domain or the nine witches are shocked.

In the early morning of this day, Fengyun Wuji sat on the third floor of the Sword Pavilion and felt a strange and strange breath approaching.

Hundreds of feet away from the Sword Pavilion, an old man with a wide black robe with dry skin and thin as purple came from the sky. The old man held a crutch of more than ten feet in his hand. He did not walk very fast, but hundreds of feet away and arrived in an instant.

"This senior, I don't know what's going on here." Seeing this old man, he didn't dare to neglect and said respectfully.

"I want to meet your domain owner."

"Injured, let him in." The voice of Fengyun Wuji came from the pavilion. The old man who seemed to have spent many years of mulberry years raised his head, and the wrinkled skin on his face seemed to move slightly, and then suddenly disappeared in front of the late injury...

On the third floor of the Sword Pavilion, a little green light appeared from the darkness, and then the dry and skinny old man stood out not far in front of Fengyun Wuji.

Fengyun Wuji is too terrible. The way this old man appeared is too strange. It is not what martial arts can do at all. Although he was shocked, Fengyun Wuji did not show any look on his face. He knew that the other party must ask for something. This time, it was the seed to show his strength.

"I am the elder of the witch clan in Jiujiu Mountain, the witch festival. This trip represents the witch clan and asks for the sword emperor. The old man in black said.

This is Fengyun Wuji's first real negotiation with the people of the witch clan. In this witch elder, Fengyun Wuji feels a huge and strange power. In the face of this witch elder, it is like facing the whole reckless ancient times and a vicissitudes of life. Fengyun Wuji didn't know what kind of mysterious power it was, which gave him such a strange feeling. In his heart, the word witch was coated with a thick layer of mystery.

"I don't know what the elder wants? If you can help, Wuji naturally dares not shive off here. Out of courtesy, Fengyun Wuji rose up and sat opposite the elders of the witch clan.

"Then on behalf of the witch clan, I thanked the Sword Emperor first. The witchcraft learned by our witchcraft is too strange. Haohan, if it were not a talented person, he would never be able to practice witchcraft, and the ancient population was withered. Therefore, the number of the witch clan has not many people. This time, I heard that Let our family choose a few disciples from these millions of soarers. The witch priest said.

Feng Yun Wuji murmured, while the witch sacrifice kept looking at him, waiting for his reply.

The four realms of magic domain, the sword domain and the sword domain have been enemies. The remaining two realms of the nine witch clans, as well as the snow field. Although I don't know the strength of these two domains, they are as famous as the knife domain and the magic domain. The strength is not vulgar. At present, it is really not The domain can't completely swallow such a large number of soarers. Thinking of this, Fengyun Wuji said loudly, "Elders, please, as long as they are willing, Wuji will not stop it."

The witch festival stared at Fengyun Wuji for a moment and said, "So, the witch festival represents Mr. Wu to thank the sword emperor. Our witch clan inherits the fate of the front line of incense in the sword pavilion, and there will be a reward in the future."

Chapter 117 Friends Come from afar

Fengyun Wuji was overjoyed. With the words of the elder of the witch clan, the whole witch was almost pulled to his side.

"Can the sword emperor, the master of the sword domain, be available?" Suddenly, a cold and beautiful woman's voice came from the sky, faintly smelling of ice and snow.

Fengyun Wuji was slightly stunned, and God saw through the air, but he found that above the clouds, a woman dressed in cicada wing silk, three-inch golden lotus feet stepped on the cloud boots, and several ribbons around her standing proudly above. The woman's skin was like snow, but her extremely beautiful face seemed to have a frost, Son.

"My concubine is proud of the snow temple in the snow field." When the woman swept through Fengyun Wuji's divine consciousness, she found Fengyun Wuji at the same time. She shook her long sleeves slightly and slowly fell from the air.

"Fairy, please come in." Fengyun Wuji shook his big sleeves, and the window door in the third floor of the Sword Pavilion opened by itself. Outside, the saint of the ice hall looked cold and indifferent, and walked slowly into the void. His eyes glanced at the witch elder's witch festival, slightly stunned, and then said with a slight blessing, "The younger generation will see the witch festival elders."

Wu Ji nodded slightly and said, "Is the cold smoke girl also here for the millions of soarers in the sword field?"

Ao Hanyan nodded, turned his head to look at Feng Yun Wuji, and gently opened his cherry lips and said, "I don't know if the Sword Emperor can be accommodated. There are very few women in the Ice Hall of my snow field. I heard that among the soaring people this time, some women in our snow field hope to get the

Among the soarers this time, although there are some women, there are not many. Men's nature is suitable for practicing martial arts, and women are inferior in this respect. Therefore, Taigu has always been more men than women, and women are extremely short. Almost all women are concentrated in the snowy ice hall.

Fengyun Wuji said, "There are not many women among the soaring people this time, but most of them are men in the Sword Pavilion. It is not very appropriate to keep some women's mistress, but they can just be a smooth person and send them to the snowy temple."

Thinking of this, he simply said, "This time, millions of people soared. Although most of them can be regarded as our subordinates, when it comes to ancient times, they are also real ancient human beings. As for the choice of the family, like the witch sacrifice elders, as long as the fairies can convince them, I will naturally not stop them.

Ao Hanyan's eyes quickly flashed across a trace of surprise. Hearing this, she nodded slightly and said, "I thought that the Sword Emperor might turn it over, but I didn't expect that I was too careful. At that time, my concubine thanked the Sword Emperor on behalf of the Snow Sanctuary.

"No... There are guests coming to the door again," Fengyun Wuji heard a sound of breaking the air in his ears. He stepped under his feet and simply jumped out of the sword pavilion. A figure in the distance flashed. It turned from extreme movement to extreme quiet, but his robe did not move. Seeing the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, The smoke was shocked and blurted out, "Your Excellency."

That man is the right servant whom Fengyun Wuji has seen in the temple. The upper level of the temple rarely appears, and the right servant is the highest level of the temple 'high level' that Fengyun Wuji has ever seen. Of course, to be precise, the left and right waiter can only be regarded as the manager of the temple martial arts and the Not on the real high-rise of the temple.

Ao Hanyan and the witch sacrifice bowed slightly when they saw the left servant. In ancient times, the status of the temple was extremely sacred.

"Ha ha, millions of soarers, the temple did not care, but the snow field and the witch came first." The left waiter stood with his hands on his hands and said with a smile.

There was a trace of panic on the faces of the witch festival and Ao Hanyan, which made Fengyun Wuji curious. Looking at the reaction of these two people, I'm afraid that the position of the temple in ancient times is far beyond their own imagination. However, the temple seems to have rarely been involved in the affairs between the four domains.

"Cold smoke dare not!"

"The witch sacrifice dares not!"

The two of them bowed their heads in a row, but their faces were really frightened. The left servant smiled and said, "You don't have to be serious. Millions of soaring people are really a big problem for the temple. There has never been so many soaring people."

Turning his head, he said to Fengyun Wuji, "In just a few hundred years, you have broken through to the realm of the Sword Emperor. I haven't seen many people with this talent... The new soaring people had to register their names in the temple first, and then the temple was responsible for teaching them martial arts and three years of protection. Come on, the temple is not allowed. However, your skills this time are quite large, and millions of people have soared. This is never allowed to appear in heaven and demons. The ancient agreement originally stipulated that all ancient human beings are not allowed to teach ancient martial arts to any plane without authorization. However, it is not stipulated that people who originally belong to the plane can teach their own martial arts to the plane. This kind of opportunity can be used, but because the human beings in the plane do not know the truth at all, as well as the greed and selfishness of the people, the martial arts created by some natural martial arts wizards, only teach the body and related people. As a result, for hundreds of millions of years, only a few people have soared every once in a while.

Speaking of this, the left servant couldn't help looking up to the sky and sighing, and the arrogant smoke and the witch sacrifice were also silent. Hearing this, Fengyun Wuji solved a doubt in his heart - why there have been so few ancient human beings, although they all have the ability to bring millions of people to ancient times in an instant.

"My situation is special and does not belong to the Taikoo agreement?"

"That's right," Zuo Shi took a look at Fengyun Wuji with appreciation, and then said, "Your time in ancient times is very short. Hundreds of years are nothing at all. You can be classified as ancient human beings, or it can be said that you are still a person in the plane. What's more wonderful is that the martial arts The spread of people in the plane has nothing to do with the temple. This makes the people in heaven have nothing to say. But the increasing number of soarers will eventually make heaven unbearable and intervene in the face of this matter... Strength is what determines everything. Zuo Shi sighed for a long time, but his words were full of sighs.

Feng Yun Wuji murmured and said nothing. He knew the word strength more deeply than anyone else.

"Is that why I was sent back to the plane?"

"Yes, there is no more suitable person than you. Our temple, including others, can no longer interfere in it. That will only lead to greater controversy. The left servant of the temple replied.

paused and said, "This time, you can say that you have made a great contribution to the whole human race. You can make a request. No matter what it is, the temple will try to agree... Don't open your mouth easily, wait until you think about it."