After soaring

Chapter 173 Blue-winged Angel

St. Paul's Cathedral, located on the banks of London and the Thames, is a pure Goe style building with a height of 365 feet.

It's another weekend. In front of St. Paul's Church, there was a sea of people. Countless travelers and believers came from all directions. At seven o'clock in the morning, it was almost crowded in front of St. Paul's Church. The usually obviously wide St. Paul's Square was crowded with nearly tens of thousands of people at this The River Thames is full of all kinds of boats.

In the crowd, you can see hundreds of interview cars. The camera is high on the roof of the car, and the young and beautiful program hosts are constantly reporting with microphones.

In the sky, helicopters with several TV station signs hovered in the sky. In the four places, police cars pulled up the cordon.

When the red-robed cardinal, accompanied by several bishops and clergy, appeared at the vaulted door of St. Paul's Cathedral, the crowd exploded. One by one, the believers stretched out their hands and rushed to the cardinal.

"Amen!" The cardinal hung a silver cross on his chest. Seeing the crowd**, he reached out and drew a cross on his chest. The noise immediately stopped abruptly. The believers, together with the reporters, showed their pious and sacred faces. They drew ten on their chests and recited together, "Amen!"

! ~

! ~

! ~

... Count the ancient bells came from afar. It was the bell from the oldest bell tower in London. Several people on the field lined up in rows, with their hands on their chests, and then put their hands on their chests. Under the leadership of the cardinal, they closed their eyes and chanted:

Our Father in heaven, may everyone honor your name, and may your kingdom come

May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven

Our daily diet is given to us today

Forgive us debts, just as we forgive people's debts

It doesn't make us meet temptation

Save us from evil

Because the country, power, and glory are all yours


In the sound of prayer, vaguely, everyone heard a pleasant harp playing. A huge holy light fell from the sky, and the holy light shot in front of the vault of St. Paul's Cathedral and fell in front of the cardinal.

From the source of the light, there was a pleasant choir-like sound, and the rain of flowers fell from the holy light, and then everyone saw countless ** little angels gushing around the holy light, flying around the holy light with all kinds of musical instruments one by one...

Oh my God! The reporters and beauties of the TV stations opened their mouths wide. He stroked his mouth with one hand, his eyes wide open, and looked at the huge holy light that fell from the sky. He didn't know that the microphone in his hand fell off, and his face was full of incredible.

At this moment, all the viewers watching in front of the TV felt that the screen suddenly shook, and even completely turned upside down towards the smooth floor. After a few moments, everything returned to normal, but when the picture returned to normal. The whole London and even Europeans opened their mouths and unconsciously said, "Amen!" The sound of the earth, the right hand devoutly drew a cross on the chest.

In the screen of almost all TV stations, you can see the singing of the Holy Pillar of Light and the little angels in the sky. A beautiful and holy angel slowly fell from the air. With long silver hair, white light wings more than one meter long, and a proud figure, this is a real angel. When he appeared, countless holy lights fell from the air over St. Paul's Church, covering the believers in front of St. Paul's Church. Everyone felt a burst of peace and holiness from the heart at this moment. Everyone felt guilty and bathed in this holy light, just like the first baptism, washing away all lead and sins.

"You should believe in the Lord!" The angel was wearing a loose silver shirt, and his slender legs gently tapped on the round vault of St. Paul's Church. The voice is cold and round, with a natural high-level atmosphere. In the depths of those silver eyes, a cold and indifferent look flowed out, and there was a slightly disdainful look, like a human, looking down at a group of ants.

"All of you will believe in the Lord, believe in your Father, offer your devout hearts, wash away the sins in your hearts, and the Lord will forgive you for your sins, as long as you return to the arms of the Lord. Those who believe in the Lord will have eternal life, those who do not believe in the Lord will be judged, and their souls will suffer forever in the flames!"


The dense crowd knelt on the ground, with a respectful and obedient look. Countless people watching in front of the TV burst into tears of excitement!

"Believe in my Lord, the Lord will give you new life!" After the silver-haired and silver-eyed angel finished speaking, his white palm brushed out, and a circle of milky halo expanded outward with St. Paul's Cathedral as the center. All the people who came into contact with the milky holy light were full of tears, as if they were new.


On the roof of a high-rise building near London, there was a wolf howling. In the camera, tall werewolves stood on the building, howling up to the sky.

"The alien, the one who blasphemes the god, will be punished." A deputy referee in a divine robe with several crosses hanging on his chest and a face of about forty or so came out from behind the Cardinal, holding a silver simple sword. After the referee, there were several religious referees, as well as many other priests and clergy.


Rough shadows rose from the nearby hills and the penthouses of high-rise buildings, jumped high and fell to St. Paul's Church.

"Exile the aliens on the edge of God's love, accept the anger from the Lord!"

The referee and cardinal flew into the air to greet the hundreds of werewolves under the stunned gaze of the believers.

"The Lord said that there should be light in the world, so there is light!"

The cardinal sang, the black robe waved out, and a wisp of wide holy light came out of his hand, piercing dozens of werewolves, and a call of tragedy came. The werewolves were full of smoke and fell into the crowd. Some ferocious werewolves grabbed some believers on the spot and opened their necks, He raised his head and let the blood in his mouth growl. He bounced hundreds of meters high and rushed to the clergyman.

"Sinful soul, accept the anger from God, holy light!"

A referee sang, waved his hand, and a very thin holy light in the sky crossed, piercing the head of a jumping werewolf. Burning.

On the other side of the Thames and on the Tower of London, black-robed wizards appeared one by one, and many legendary black-robed wizards also appeared in secret corners. From the direction of the clock tower in London, a dark cloud-like squeak of bats poured in, and a sharp voice shouted, "Angels are all out, Gaga, what's the Holy See doing? I heard that there is a high-tech called three-dimensional projection now. Gaga, it can't be that. Take this opportunity to be equal, It's time to show your face. Gaga..."

In the cameraman's stunned eyes, a group of bats from black and white to white gold fell into the crowd. In the sound of a burst of violence, they turned into a cloak of black smoke. After the black smoke disappeared, they appeared one by one with pale faces and noble and elegant manners. A man with a big black cloak.

Chapter 173 Blue Wing Angel (2)


A female reporter screamed, and a silver-haired old man grabbed the female reporter. He sneered and said, "It's the blood clan, the blood clan, the noble blood clan... Do you understand?"

The beautiful female reporter looked pale, like a chicken pecked at rice.

"I know, ul. That's good! The old man said and twisted his hand. The head of the female reporter fell off.


The crowd was in chaos. They screamed one by one and rushed to all sides. The TV station had already cut off the picture broadcast, but it was not that several vampires grabbed the camera from the photographer who had already fainted and posed for the camera.

In the holy light, the angel remained motionless and looked down coldly.

"Gaga, I said, this guy must be human projection technology!" A vampire duke laughed and flew to the phantom. Almost at the same time, thirteen ancient sword knights in bronze armor suddenly rushed out of the crowd. From the crowd, countless clergy came faintly.

"The Judgment of Light!"

The first knight suddenly flew into the air, raised his sword in his right hand, knelt on one knee in the void, and chanted with a holy face.

"The Ruling of Light!"

"The punishment of light!"

"Redemption of Light!"

Thirteen ancient sword knights knelt on one knee in the void at the same time, and the medieval sword rushed straight to the sky with a wisp of silver-white holy light. At the same time, with the holy sword in their palm as the center, a circle of halo fluctuated around with strange power!

hoarse voices chanted spells, and came from all sides. A stream of black fog surged from all directions, competing with the floating white halo. Where the black fog passed, all the people stained on it turned into blood, leaving only a skeleton shelf standing.

At the top of the Tower of London, a man in a black robe with a strong breath held a black walking stick in his hand. He was stunned in the void, and the magic surged up into the sky, covering the sky of St. Paul's Church.

Thirteen Templars seemed to be quite difficult to face the attacks of so many dark creatures. Holy lights shot down from the top of their heads, and the middlemen immediately rose black smoke all over his body and died on the spot.


In the distance, the dense werewolves howled, jumping to St. Paul's Church, and the chanting of the dark wizards became louder...

The holy light spreads around, and the sound of prayer is endless, but compared with the huge dark army, it is too weak.

"I didn't expect even the dark speaker to come!" The deputy captain shouted angrily.

At this time, the light-winged angel, who had been motionless, suddenly opened his mouth: "Crime creatures, accept the punishment from the Lord!"

The angel's pair of light wings suddenly opened, and the two light wings suddenly blazing, and then a strong circle of holy light came. The blood clan in the square screamed and instantly turned into smoke. Only two golden vampire bats fled...

"Oh my God, this is a real angel!" Under the Tower of London, a dark wizard exclaimed.

In the panicked cry of the dark creatures, the angel suddenly knelt down on one knee and recited in a low voice, "Dear starry sky angel, please give me destruction, the great waiter of God, Lolo Kidd, please give me redemption!"

In the void behind the angel, the shadows of two four-winged angels appeared, and one of them stretched out a hand and fell into the angel's wings.

"In the name of the Lord, I will give you destruction!" The angel stood up and said coldly.

After that, the sky suddenly fluctuated white halo towards the surrounding clouds. The dark speaker looked up at the sky, and the milky white appeared quickly in a large area. His face changed wildly and roared, "Run, this is the light of destruction that only real angels can use!" He turned into a mass of black smoke and escaped into the distance.

The silver-haired angel sneered and looked at the escaped dark creatures. The light of destruction is far larger than what can be seen. Non-dark creatures will not do any harm, but if it is a dark creature, it will definitely die.

"Birds of Paradise, take your life!" A loud shout came from the Tower of London. The silver-haired angel looked up and saw a silver light sneering. Coming in front of you. The angel drank an abnormal geothermal heat, condensed a lightsaber in his hand, and waved his hand with a sword!

A holy light hundreds of meters wide broke up from the lightsaber and met the light of the sword.


The holy light burst out, and the yin Taiji went against the holy light, cut it out with one sword, banging, and cut the angel into two!

It seems to be indepressing, and the yin and tai chi are waved with several swords. Cut the angel into pieces, and the upcoming light of destruction in the sky suddenly dissipated.

From the minced meat, a crystal clear heart flew out, and the heart sensation appeared. There is still a living beating, and there is still residual heat.

Yin Tai Chi stabbed it with a sword. Unexpectedly, he did not pierce the angel's heart, but let it speed up its escape.

behind him, Fengyun Wuji stared at the fleeing angel's heart, took a phantom with a palm, and took a shot at the angel's heart. The angel's heart, which flew hundreds of feet, shot back at a faster speed than when he went, and threw at Fengyun Wuji.

Fengyun Wuji grasped the angel's heart and operated with all his strength. The jumping heart shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. When Fengyun Wuji opened his hand, a little dust in his palm floated up and was already empty.

After the angel's heart was completely absorbed by Fengyun Wuji, the transformed energy was concentrated in Fengyun Wuji's palm.

The energy is already enough, and Fengyun Wuji dares not absorb energy again. If he is not careful, he absorbs too much energy, and the two qi of life and death may be unbalanced at any time. The pure energy transformed by the heart of the angel was compressed into a ball by Fengyun Wuji and stored in a meridians, ready to deal with the abnormal situation when the energy is insufficient at any time - the material plane, the earth gas is very thin, with the earth energy required by the ancient master, it is difficult to collect a large amount of earth gas needed in a short At that time, the energy contained in the heart of an angel is also very considerable.

"You are so excited. It's very dangerous to face heaven like this... It's a pity. If you don't kill him, maybe I can find out his memory from his mind and find out the location of your master and the situation of heaven." Fengyun Wuji walked to the yin Taiji and said indifferently.

"He... They actually killed angels! ..." A voice of shock came from below. Feng Yun Wuji looked down, but it was a cardinal's voice.

Fengyun Wuji held out his palm, and his five fingers were open. In the void under his body, it was densely covered with blazing swords. Fengyun Wuji brushed his hands, and it turned into wisps of white light like a locust sword rain.


A scream came, and strength determined everything. Whether it was the referee or the cardinal, they were all pierced by the rain of swords shot from the sky, completely ignoring the holy light they shot.

Feng Yun Wuji glanced down and said coldly, "These people have become the teething of the Holy See, and it is not a pity to die. Let's go. I just captured the memory of a clergyman. According to his memory, the angel should have come from the Vatican, which is the place where the Pope is located and the stronghold of the whole heaven in the material plane. From the memory of the clergy, I know that a few days ago, there were angels in the Vatican, and it seemed that there were still a lot of them. According to legend, the church kills demons, and some demons that are very difficult to subdue are suppressed under St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. With the help of the holy power of heaven, if the Taiji Taoist is detained and survives, it is likely to be suppressed under St. Peter's Cathedral of the Vatican!"

"Then let's go, but we have not seen each other for hundreds of years. I don't know when these strange races appeared in this material plane. When the ancestor came, the world. It is still the era when our descendants of China are respected, but now, there are so many of these strange people. Everyone believes in heaven. Damn it.

The two of them shook their bodies and turned into a breeze towards the Vatican, below. Leave a corpse on the ground...

The two of them did not find that a spy satellite in the sky clearly sent the photos to the United States. In a satellite reception room, the staff in white sweated coldly...


There is silence in the usually lively square of St. Peter's Cathedral. There is no one, only the sound of a breeze blowing on the ground.

St. Peter's Cathedral is said to have been built by Constantine the Great on St. Peter's Cemetery in 326-333 A.D. It is called Old St. Peter's Cathedral, which was completed in 326 AD. It is a Romanesque and Baroque architectural style.

Around St. Peter's Square, military vehicles are surrounded by a semicircle. Surrounding the whole St. Peter's Square, on the top of the military vehicle, a soldier in camouflage held all kinds of guns to the top, as if waiting for something.

A wisp of breeze blew between the military vehicles. No one noticed...

In St. Peter's Cathedral. The figure flashed. Fengyun Wuji and Yin Taiji appeared on the red carpet inside the church. At the top, there were countless paintings, all of which praised angels and gods.

"They seem to be ready!" The yin and tai chi said carefully.

"Strength is the most important thing." Feng Yun Wuji said indifferently, and then the sun turned and walked directly towards an angel floating picture in the divine consciousness.


There was a buzz in Fengyun Wuji's hand, and the sharp fifth sword gallbladder burst out of his hand, straight to the sky, and then threw it. The fifth sword was deeply immersed in the painting of the vault.


The floating picture suddenly screamed, and the body twisted, a large amount of blood flowed from the eyes, and the blood flowed down the dome.


The fifth sword gallbladder buzzed happily and automatically fell back into the hands of Fengyun Wuji.

"This kind of trick dares to be used in front of me. Let's show your strength openly!" The wind and clouds were cold, and the sound echoed like a cold wind inside St. Peter's Cathedral. Above. The angel's embossed body was twisted, and wisps of blood flowed all over the body made of plaster.

"Alas, come in!" An old voice came from the inside.

"Go and find your ancestor. The breath of the holy light here is very strong, and any other breath is covered up... Leave these angels to me." Feng Yun looked at Yin Taiji indifferently.

The yin Taiji nodded and turned to the dark door on one side...

Da! ~

Da! ~

Da! ~

Da! ~

Fengyun walked slowly along the corridor to the inner court in the sense of consciousness.

"You evil infidel, die!" From both sides of the corridor, a clergyman of the Inquisition shouted angrily and rushed out, shooting a holy light to Fengyun Wuji.

Fengyun Wuji's face remained unchanged, as if he didn't see it. He continued to walk forward. With a right hand and a thin sword with countless feet in the palm of his hand, he pierced the whole cleric who rushed out...

Along the way, hundreds of Holy See personnel in divine robes have been nailed to death by wind and cloudless air swords on both sides of the corridor.

Turning around a corner and along another corridor, Fengyun Wuji saw the old Pope forty-sixth. This is just an ordinary old man, and there is no energy fluctuation.,

The surroundings were empty. The Pope wore a sea eel crown on his head and held a scepter. He glanced at Feng Yun Wuji and said indifferently, "Here you are coming. ..."

Fengyun Wuji didn't say anything. He just stared at the old Pope. His right hand stretched out his five fingers, and the fifth sword slid down from the bottom of his sleeve. A strong momentum broke out and enveloped the Pope. In the whole church, the wind was drumming, like the wind and rain were coming.

"Protect Your Majesty!" From the mantle on both sides of the papal throne, a large number of holy court warriors in bronze armor gushed out from both sides of the ancient bronze swords. Dozens of holy court warriors knelt in front of the Pope, while other holy court warriors rushed to the wind and clouds, drinking angrily one by one, and the long sword

Fengyun Wuji sneered. As soon as the sleeve robe was displayed, he heard that the place full of swords was extremely hot. Countless bronze swords flew out of the hands of the holy court with milky white holy light and shot straight into the air. Fengyun Wuji pressed his right palm down, but when he heard a scream, the bronze ancient sword had been shot back, piercing the whole warriors of the Holy Court. Nail it to the ground.

Originally, the group was angry, and the bronze warriors came to Fengyun Wuji. They were all immobile about ten feet away from Fengyun Wuji. Blood came out of their heads. Everyone's eyes were wide open. It seemed that they did not believe that they had died under their own sword, and a bronze sword was full of bronze warriors and the Between...

"What else do you want to keep? The angel beside you can't hide my consciousness!" Feng Yun Wu Ji said indifferently. His robe swung in the wind, his right foot stretched out, and his body had stepped into the void, looking down at the Pope from the air.

Under the Pope's throne, the bronze warriors turned into immortal sculptures, and the blood flowed from under the armor and converged into a blood stream...

The Pope sighed and said, "In the name of the 46th Pope St. Paul, summon the angels of heaven!"

Chapter 173 Blue Wing Angel (3)

From the top of the scepter in the Pope's hand, a milky white light rushed straight to the dome. From the floating picture above his head, holy lights were cast one after another. In the holy light, a famous angel stretched out his wings and opened his eyes. The eyes are full of ruthlessness and coldness.

one. Two channels. Three... Twenty-three holy lights have been cast, and twenty-three angels have emerged in the void inside St. Paul's Cathedral.

"In the name of the Lord, give the spear to destroy you!" An angel opened his eyes and stared coldly at Fengyun Wuji.

"Summon the flame blade of the heavenly world!" An angel knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to pray. In his empty right hand, a light sword was suddenly formed, and the blade extended inch up from the hilt. With a bang, a long sword had already appeared in the angel's hand. Almost at the same time as the sword of the sky was formed, the long sword in the angel's hand roared and raised the invisible flame.


Twenty-three empty angels turned into twenty-three meteors, enclosing the wind and clouds. Several sneers came, and ropes composed purely of holy light shot from all directions. At the same time, the sword angel formed by the karma of the heavenly world shouted angrily, turned into a white light, and stabbed at Fengyun Wuji.

Feng Yun Wuji snorted coldly, and his body turned into a streamer and rushed out of the twenty-two light chains. In the air, he cut out with a sword, and dozens of swords broke through the sword and attacked the twenty-three angels respectively.


Twenty-three angels were smashed into pieces by Fengyun Wuji's sword. Fengyun Wuji brushed his long sleeves and was about to walk towards the Pope. Suddenly, twenty-three angels took shape again in a blink of an eye. An angel sword burning with blazing flames had stabbed several inches behind Fengyun Wuji in a

Fengyun Wuji's face changed, and the fifth sword gallbladder turned back. This time, it only bombarded the angel and did not explode. After the reunion, the strength of these angels seemed to have increased a lot.

With one sword cut out, Feng Yun Wuji suddenly felt wrong. After careful inspection, he found that the holy flame actually spread along the fifth sword gallbladder to his body.

"Sin people, although you have strong force, be ready to accept the punishment of the Lord God of Heaven! When your soul burns out, it is when you are redeemed. The angel with the holy sword in heaven shouted coldly.

Feng Yun Wuji's face was indifferent, and he couldn't see any emotional fluctuations, but his right sleeve robe bulged, and the real energy gushed out of his body, pouring into the fifth sword.

"No use, the flame of heaven is the flame of burning the soul, which cannot be extinguished. Now, you throw away the sword, the connection between you is still there, and the flame of heaven can still burn your body." The angel said coldly, and his kneeling figure slowly stood up, pulled up, and attacked Fengyun Wuji. Together with the twenty-two angels, he turned into white light at the same time and rushed to Fengyun Wuji.

Fengyun Wuji snorted coldly, shook his hand and nailed the old pope to the throne with a sword. The old pope seemed to be really the same as ordinary people, and he was nailed to the throne by Fengyun Wuji without any resistance.

The Pope was nailed to the throne by Feng Yun Wuji, and the angels in the sky did not respond and turned a blind eye to it.

"The cut of the holy light!" A huge dazzling holy light shot down from the dome, Feng Yun Wuji bounced, dodged the blow, slapped out, and smashed the cold spell angel into pieces.

The broken fragments of the angel's body had not completely dispersed. Suddenly, it condensed and became the original body again, and the breath was listed as strong.

This is only a few seconds, and the holy flame of that day has burned to the position of the hilt of the sword. Fengyun Wuji loosened his right hand, and the fifth sword turned into a flying rainbow. It circled in the air and twisted the angels all over the sky into pieces.

A wisp of holy light fell. After twenty-three holy light, twenty-three angels took shape again. The shape of each angel soared a lot, and his figure suddenly rose.

"Summon the flame blade of the heavenly world!" Twenty-two angels knelt down on one knee. Pray devoutly, a sword of heaven with a burning flame appeared in the hands of the angels.

Fengyun Wuji's face changed. These angels can't be killed, and they are getting stronger and stronger. This is a trouble.

Suddenly, a burning pain came. Feng Yun Wuji snorted slightly and looked down. On the palm of his right hand, a little bit. The translucent small flames burned on the palm of the hand, and in the rear, countless small flames lined up in a line, entangled in the wind and clouds.

A little silver appeared from the depths of Fengyun Wuji's left eyes. Then it expanded to the entire pupil of the left eye.

Just as the angels rushed to Fengyun Wuji with long swords in their hands, Fengyun Wuji did not bombard these angels into fragments, but suddenly broke a nearby wall. The faint silver light in his left eye shot on the small heavenly holy flame. The small holy flame suddenly had an infinite amplifier in his eyes, Fengyun Wuji God's consciousness endured the burning pain and raised a holy flame of heaven in front of him, and the tiny holy flame was reflected in the eyes of Fengyun Wuji.

The world is changing into black and white. In addition to the holy flame, there is endless darkness in the eyes. The silver eyes decompose the holy flame little by little. In the eyes of Feng Yun Wuji, the holy flame is not a holy flame, but countless small things composed of tiny particles containing strange energy, which rub against each other.

Fengyun Wuji's right eye and silver eyes are blazing. Breaking through the heavy particles, Fengyun Wuji peeled off the coat of the holy flame particles. In the center, Fengyun Wuji saw a polar regular particle of a tetahedron.

With divine consciousness turned into a fine thorn, Fengyun Wuji bombarded the particles of the tetahedron. Boom! With a loud noise, the energy contained in the small tetahedron is far beyond the expectation of the wind and clouds. When the spirit of the wind and clouds bombarded the tiny crystal tetahedron, a huge white flame burst into the void, the flame disappeared, and the tiny holy flame disappeared.

"Sinner, repent, kill for you, repent for your blasphemy, God will forgive you and give you the final redemption."

At the opening of the hole, the angels poured in, and the light wings behind them became more condensed.

Fengyun Wuji raised his head. In the black-and-white world, the angel's body was instantly decomposed and left in his eyes. There were only intertwined rays and a constantly agitated angel's heart. In the hearts of these angels, Fengyun Wuji found that a wisp of extremely thin silk thread connected to their angelic hearts at one end, while the other end was immersed in the void behind them.

When Fengyun Wuji raised his head, the holy flames burning on his body had all been extinguished, and the silver eyes appeared in the eyes of the angels. There was no sunshine, cold and majestic, like the gods overlooking hundreds of millions of planes.

Twenty-three angels looked shocked, stroked their chests, and knelt down slightly, but soon reacted and looked at Fengyun Wuji in shock: "You!—..."

Fengyun Wuji suddenly ejected and rushed to the twenty-three angels. The twenty-three angels looked calm and shook their hands. Twenty swords of the heaven took the holy flame of the bear world to Fengyun Wuji. At the same time, they sang loudly: "The light of judgment!"

The holy light shot at Fengyun Wuji. Fengyun Wuji's face was indifferent, but he didn't look at it, and didn't care about the 23 swords of heaven that split his body. He directly slapped the angels into the hall, throwing dozens of feet like a broken kite one by one, and the geothermal abnormal Concentration.

When these angels were bombarded into pieces by Fengyun Wuji, in Fengyun Wuji's eyes, time slowed down in an instant. The process of those angels from bursting to aggregation was reflected into Fengyun Wuji's eyes.

At the moment when the angel was smashed to rebirth, Fengyun Wuji's left eye was blazing. On the silver eyes, there were extremely thin filaments. These filaments were pulled out of the heart and introduced into the body fragments, and the filament connected to the heart became thicker at this moment, in Fengyun Wuji's Following the silver filament, Feng Yun Wuji, through the layers of smoke, found that in the secret dark underground room of St. Peter's Cathedral, the twenty-three giant bodies were full of pain.

The pupil of Fengyun Wuji's left eye suddenly dilated. Through the several layers of flesh, Fengyun Wuji found that the extremely faint angel shadow hidden in the body was exactly the same as the twenty-three angels above. The angel's figure had become extremely faint, as if it was going to disappear at any time, and the filament was connected The place of the angel's heart in the body.

"So that's it!" Fengyun Wuji sneered in his heart. He was about to destroy those Stigma patients. Suddenly, a huge force came from behind him and bombarded heavily under Fengyun Wuji's body.


Fengyun Wuji broke through the layers of walls from St. Peter's Church and flew out. At the moment of turning his head, Fengyun Wuji saw a tall bald angel emerge from the back of the Pope's body nailed to the throne. His tall and slender body sat on the throne, with one palm stretched out, and behind him. A dazzling holy light shot out, as if something was struggling from behind him.


Like a butterfly flapping its wings, behind the bald, female-looking angel. A pair of green wings broke out from behind. Gently stretch to both sides. Soft and beautiful, with a little light blue starlight...

Fengyun Wuji folded in the air and fell to the ground. There was a blood hole behind him, and blood flowed out. The muscles around the blood hole were charred, and the sudden appearance of the storm caused the panic of the Italian military in the defense outside St. Peter's Church. There was a sound of machine guns.

Fengyun Wuji frowned slightly, raised his right palm out, paused in the air, and then waved out, all the soldiers on the periphery. Together with the military vehicles, they were all lifted up by an invisible huge force. Throw it away...

Fengyun Wuji closed his eyes. The power of life and death is running, the bleeding behind the back is quickly stopped, and the muscles are closed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the door of St. Peter's Cathedral, the bald angel with light eyes and light blue wings came out in a casual silver robe, followed by 23 angels.

Feng Yun Wuji's left eye and silver eyes swept, under the St. Peter's Church, in the dark rooms, the bodies of those Stigmata patients were suddenly cut open, and the palms made of light stretched out from it, and then the beautiful but lacked human feelings came out barefoot from the bodies of those Stigma.

There are several clerical clergy who respectfully presented a silver silk shirt made of unknown material.

A famous cold-hearted angel ejected from various exits inside St. Peter's Cathedral. In the blink of an eye, countless angels have surrounded the whole St. Peter's Church.

"We walk in heaven, Father, and the original people honor your holy name..."

bursts of devout and sacred chants came from all directions of St. Peter's Church. These chants were faintly accompanied by music. St. Peter's Church was suddenly full of holy light, and countless holy lights were emitted from the interior. The holy power accumulated over the years was stimulated at this moment, and a holy light gushed out Together, form an illusory blind lightfly

A huge holy light was cast in the sky, covering the whole huge St. Peter's Church. The rain of flowers and the sound of the harp came, and countless two-inch little angels gushed out of the holy beam of light, with a pure smile on their faces, dancing or dancing, in and out of the holy light.

These beautiful illusions do not exist at all in Fengyun Wuji's left eyes, only waves of Holy Power particles.

All the angels, except the angel with light blue wings, closed their eyes and chanted prayers.

behind the light blue light wing angel, the two angels hold a sacred light chain in their hands, and the other end of the chain is connected with a messy cathode.

Fengyun Wuji suddenly realized that those angels used the holy power of the new angels and used the secret method to suppress the yin and tai chi in the ground. In the case of the holy light filling the whole space, all other forces were suppressed, and the yin and tai chi were captured.

"Tight your hands, you can save your companions!" The bald blue-winged angel looked up at Feng Yun Wuji and said indifferently.

"I'm sorry! ..." Yin Taiji lowered his head and was depressed.

Fengyun Wuji was gloomy for a long time and said indifferently, "You don't have to apologize to me!" Men need to be responsible for what they do. You and I are the same, do you understand?"

Yin Taiji nodded. He understood the meaning of Fengyun Wuji's words. Fengyun Wuji had already indicated that he would not save him for the time being, but only tried to save himself.

After saying that, Feng Yun Wuji looked at the blue-winged angel and was speechless.

"You don't seem to be ready to save him!" The voice of the blue-winged angel is very pleasant, like a woman. Seeing Fengyun Wuji's acquiescence, she waved her hand: "Very good, you are really not an ordinary human being. Only an ancient master can have such strength... Take him away!"

The two angels behind him stroked their chests and nodded, pulled the vagina and walked to the interior of St. Peter's Church.

"What level of angel are you?" Feng Yun Wuji glanced at the quickly disappearing negative Taiji and asked.

"I don't have a rank. I'm just a servant of Lord Camilla, the angel of the seat. Let's submit. Bathed in the holy light of God's love, God can give you redemption!"

"Redemption?" Feng Yun Wuji sneered and said, "I can give you redemption now!" After saying that, Feng Yun Wuji flew up, as fast as a meteor...