After soaring

Chapter 176 Lord Carl Next

The demon's wings behind Fengyun Wuji slowly withdrew from his body and returned to a normal person. He stretched out his hand and said, "The first demon emperor under the demon world is very happy to see the lord. Maybe both of us will really become good allies."

Carl stretched out a hand and held it with Feng Yun Wuji, but his face showed hesitation, "Destroying the demon god? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"There are millions of emperor-level masters and tens of millions of emperor-level masters under the Throne of Destruction. How can you say you don't know?" Feng Yun Wuji pretended to be angry.

"I'm very sorry. Dear First Demon Emperor, our blood clan is generally within the dimension and rarely goes to other planes. Therefore, I don't know much about the demon world. I don't mean to blasphemy the destruction of the demon god. I hope the First Demon Emperor can understand."

Fengyun Wuji nodded and expressed his understanding: "The strength of the Alstun family is very strong. Our Majesty the Demon God will definitely be willing to become friends with such a powerful family. When I return to the demon world, I will naturally tell the great Demon Destroyer."

Carl nodded with a smile, and suddenly turned his head to look in the other direction. A dark cloud fluctuated up and down in the sky, making a squeak. It was a group of bats.

"Is that...?" Feng Yun Wuji asked.

"Well, when we first came to this material plane, a subordinate of our Auguston family, named Cain, sprinkled the bloodline of our Auguston family on this plane without authorization, and produced these mixed-race blood clans... Tut, Cain's strength is too poor. No wonder my Auguston family's bloodline on this plane. It will be so weak that even Cain seems to have been killed by the Holy See on this plane.

"What do you say?"

Carl smiled: "The first demon emperor actually expressed his willingness to form an alliance, and the destruction demon emperor is so powerful. I, the Carlstone family, should reveal something to show that we really have a sincere alliance."

Dunkar said, "Our blood clan generally does not easily develop descendants. Each blood clan can only create a limited number of descendants in his life, such as the pure blood viscount. Only a drop of blood can develop six descendants in a lifetime, and the empty number changes with the improvement of the level. Even the oldest patriarch of our Agustone family can only have 100 descendants of pure blood. If this number is exceeded, then 100 descendants will be born later. They are all mixed-race children. The bloodline is not pure, and they will never reach the position of the top blood clan, just like him.

Carl pointed to a bat that fell to the ground and turned into a human form and said, "Although he is a pure blood clan that is very different from the prince, his appearance is no different. But his strength, not to mention the real prince, is a pure-blooded count, who can easily kill him! The upper blood clan has absolute control of life and death for the lower blood clan and the pure blood clan, just like although they are not my direct blood clan, but in front of me. Only submit! And be afraid!"

After saying that, Carl stared at the blood prince of London, who trembled in Carl's eyes, bowed his head and dared not look at Carl.

The prince trembled with fear, not to mention other low-level blood clans, who were almost overwhelmed by the momentum of Carl's upper blood clan.

"Blood, a lot of blood. Do you understand?" Carl's body suddenly pulled up, his upper body was half-baked, his mouth was full of fangs, and he rushed down and roared.


A group of blood clans cried and retreated under Carl's majesty. The two hugged each other and looked at Carl in fear.

"Yes. Great demon god, we'll do it right away!" Only the prince was reluctant to say complete words, but his face was also pale and blue.

"Go ahead! I'll go to your nests to see the ground!" Carl waved his hand, and these blood clans turned into a dark cloud and flew away like running for their lives, one by one for fear of falling behind.

After the large blood clan flew away, the prince still stayed where he was, and sweat had oozed from his forehead!

"B take us to your family for a break!" Carl said solemnly.

The blood prince's chicken nodded like a pecking rice. Carl waved his hand, and he turned into a bat and flew towards the Tower of London.

Carl sighed, "These blood clans are so weak that they haven't even learned the real batization!"

After saying that, his body suddenly rose high, and his bulging chest broke his clothes. The cloak behind him turned into two huge bat wings, fanning the dark clouds towards the direction of the golden bat. Fengyun Wuji shook his hem and rubbed up. After him, the deputy lord of Wilson blew up into a pile of golden bats. The bat, squeaking strangely, chased after Fengyun Wuji.

Thousands of meters away from the Tower of London, Carl put away his bat wings and slowly fell to the ground. In the process of landing, he slowly turned into a human body, and Feng Yun Wuji fell with him almost at the same time. The group of bats transformed by Wilston gathered together. It is fried into a ball of green smoke, gathering in the shape of ** on the ground.

"How can there be a personal family!" Two wizards in black robe frowned and looked at Fengyun Wuji.


Carl suddenly took action, and the lightning speed hit the two wizards in black. The two wizards were immediately shattered and fell one after another. Lord Carl said, "This is my noble guest of the Agustone family. How dare you be so unreasonable!"

Everyone turned a blind eye to it. The blood prince took a few steps forward, stretched out one hand, and recited the cadence spell in his mouth.


In the incantation of the blood prince, the loud ground in front of Fengyun Wuji gradually bulred in the roar. Under the ground, a large mass of black smoke rose, and in the black smoke, a huge castle slowly rose from the ground.

In front of the castle, a demon-like entrance with a big mouth is facing the people, and there is a faint trace of magic leaking out.

"This is the great dark parliament. Our blood clan also has a place in the dark parliament. In order to facilitate the unity of the dark world, the whole London blood clan has moved to the dark parliament," the blood clan prince respectfully said.

"Hmm!" Carl nodded and walked into the channel first. In the dark channel, all the members of the dark world in the stealth fork, including dark wizards, werewolves and ghosts, nodded humbly to Carl. In the dark world, there has always been a legend. Under St. Petersburg in the Vatican, far before the medieval battle of gods and demons (this refers to the battle of gods and demons in the material plane, the war between the dark world and the Holy See). In a longer era, a group of dark world demons were suppressed in the center of the Holy See. Later, in order to suppress the only remaining gods in the dark world, St. Peter the Great built St. Peter's Cathedral above, hoping to suppress the demons forever with the holy power of the Holy Land.

There has always been a legend in the dark world, as long as the Great Demon God breaks out. Then the whole world will be subdued under the magic of the Great Demon God, and the whole world will fall into darkness.

The movement of the Holy City Vatican is so great that non-human creatures can detect the strong holy power and magic.

Wherever Carl passed all the way, all the creatures in the dark world lay on the ground and dared not come out.

For dark creatures, Carl's dark atmosphere as a pure-blooded lord is too strong to resist these little dark creatures. The organisms in the material plane are limited by their bloodline and the qi of heaven and earth. It can't be compared with the top blood lords.

Inside the dark parliament, the old president of the dark parliament, dressed in a wide black robe, knelt on the ground and said respectfully, "Welcome your majesty of the great demon god!"

Carl just nodded, brushed the black hair hanging from his forehead, and strode to the throne that originally belonged to the dark speaker. Sit down.

"Very good. You are worthy of being the people of my dark world. Without us, you can still compete with the damned Holy See. Now the Holy See of this material plane has been destroyed, and the world is the world of my dark world! Haha..." Carl laughed, and the laughter echoed throughout the castle.

"Dear Demon Lord, who is this? ...I seem to have smelled people on him?" The speaker of the dark was not pleased with Carl's rude behavior, but looked up at Feng Yun Wuji doubtfully.


Fengyun Wuji snorted coldly, and the voice came to the dark speaker's ears, like thunder exploding, which made the dark speaker shake his whole body.

"Do you mean that I have a human breath in me?" The wind and clouds suddenly pulled up, and his wings stretched out from behind, with a fierce blow. The dark speaker only felt that a powerful hurricane was coming in the blink of an eye. The human beings in front of us have changed into a powerful upper demon.

The dark parliament was in a cold sweat on the long forehead: "Lord Demon God has changed for no reason. Punut has made a mistake. Please forgive me."

Compared with Carl's changed bat demon, the form after the demonization of Fengyun Wuji is closer to the earth demons in Western mythology. In fact, most of the so-called demons in Western mythology are the legends left by the demon world after the demons ran to the material plane through the space cracks.

Fengyun Wuji changed the magic body. The huge figure was projected on the dark speaker kneeling in front of him. The magic spirit was around him, and the powerful momentum destroyed the heart of the dark speaker like a storm.

"I don't know what Punut can do for the great demon god?" Compared with Carl, the form of Fengyun Wuji can make the dark speaker show his inner respect.

"Very good, I heard that the dark parliament is very powerful. I need to find a human called Taiji Taoist. It is said that he was captured by the Holy See thousands of years ago and suppressed here. Go!" Fengyun Wuji's magnificent voice echoed in the underground of the castle: "Find his place for me!"

Lord Carl originally showed an unhappy look on his face, but after listening to what Fengyun Wuji said, he turned to calmly, "It turns out that the first demon emperor came to find a human being. I don't know why the great victory of the demon god of destruction needs to find a human being?"

Fengyun Wuji turned his head to Carl and said indifferently, "This is the private secret of my demon clan. The number of Taiji Taoism reached this material plane tens of millions of years ago. It is said that he has a very powerful and unique set of skills. Our Demon God is very interested in it!"

Fengyun Wuji is another nonsense, but because his demonized body was too much like the real upper demon clan, even Carl was fooled by him.

"So that's it." Carl said, "Maybe our blood clan can help the first demon emperor!"

Carl waved his hand, and the blood prince came forward respectfully.

"Find the Taiji Taoist for the greatest first demon emperor in the demon world and search all the places with the footprints of the Holy See!"

The blood prince nodded and turned away.

"Although these mixed-race families are not pure in blood, they can't incarnate thousands or thousands like Willton, and they can't get the real power of bats like me. However, they are not many, and after bats, it is easy to find him! Efficiency should be good!" Carl looked at the blood prince who strode away from the door and came slowly.

In the underground castle of the Dark Council, a large group of bats stared at the round little eyes, flapped their wings like dark clouds, and drilled out from all parts of the castle in waves, squeaking and leaving to all sides.

The whole castle seemed to turn into a monster, swallowing a large number of blood clans. It was not until a few hours that no blood clan flew out of the castle.

Almost at the same time, the creatures of the whole dark world received an order from the dark speaker: to find a Taiji Taoist for the great demon emperor from the abyss of hell.

A wolf voice came from all sides. Countless werewolves and dark wizards gushed out of the castle, constantly pouring into all corners of the whole material plane. The Holy See was destroyed, the Pope died, and three high-level demons appeared. The whole world was the world of dark creatures, and all the creatures that went out were extremely excited... ...