After soaring

Chapter 211 Extraterresmary Sky

Fengyun Wuji looked at the scene that appeared in front of him in shock: this huge space, the whole space presents a sphere, and it is impossible to pry into where the edge of the sphere is or how big it is.

In the eyes, inside this vast white sphere, countless heavenly demons are densely packed with this space. The more the edge of the sphere, the more there are. These heavenly demons' bodies are twisted and constantly in and out of this space. For the strange visitor Fengyun Wuji, no one seems to have noticed that the extraterritorial demon will be Brahma It has long been lost.

Fengyun Wuji never dared to imagine that there was such a space. Here, hundreds of millions of heavenly demons constantly went in and out of the sphere, and most of the heavenly demons looked blank and had no intelligence.

Fengyun Wuji stood in the void and looked at those demons in a daze. The demons passed by Fengyun Wuji one by one, and no one noticed him. These disorderly demons seemed to regard him as one of them.

Quiet, terribly quiet. This is a silent world. Every celestial demon is in a hurry, constantly coming from the plane outside the sphere space, entering the depths of the sphere, and more celestial demons go from here to the outside.

Fengyun Wuji remembered the previous legends about heavenly demons and heart demons, and suddenly understood that these hundreds of millions of heavenly demons, I'm afraid they keep going in and out here every day, to ** those people whose minds are not enough to control the power they have. Demons, even angels.

For several days in a row, Fengyun Wuji was hit by a great shock. He stood here in a daze, watching the magic changes these days and going in and out of it. The longer it gets, the more you get, the more you get to this extraterritorial demon

Every day, in this space, countless demons will be born. Similarly, there are countless celestial demons that perish, such as life and death, and endless life.

The newborn devil is very fragile and has no intelligence, and often fluctuates slightly. They can blow away their disorderly bodies, let them disappear from now on, and then a new demon will be born.

Most of the newborn demons will leave this plane, and the demons who stay on this plane will dissipate sooner or later.

Fengyun Wuji once noticed that some weak earth demons returned again after leaving this extraterritorial demon. The body is much stronger, which is not the same as before.

After staying for a long time. Fengyun Wuji finally recovered from the initial shock and sought a way to get out of here. Extraterritorial magic sky. For Fengyun Wuji, it is a mystery, a puzzled trace. I have never heard of it. There is such a place. These demons seem to be born with the ability to travel through space. Even in the ancient continent, they can easily travel through. This is quite incredible. It's quite incredible.

Fengyun Wuji exuded his divine consciousness - which also made him a little strange, in the state of the soul. In this space, the divine consciousness can still be used - the extraterresmological heaven seems to be very small, but in fact it is boundless.

The Heavenly Demon can easily suddenly disappear and travel through time, but Fengyun Wuji is not a Heavenly Demon. Without this ability, what's worse, Fengyun Wuji found that in this space, although he has the ability to use divine consciousness, he can't use his broken silver eyes. Without the help of broken silver eyes, Fengyun Wuji lost the greatest strength of exploration for the secret of this space.

In a flash, Fengyun Wuji has disappeared to the edge of this space and flew to the center of the extraterritorial demon sky. I don't know how long it has been flying. The first thing he saw was all white turbulent earth demons, which was gradually replaced by the dark demon.

These heavenly demons bite each other, just like the gods and demons on the battlefield. They constantly bite each other to enhance their own strength. Every time they swallow some heavenly demons, those swallowed heavenly demons have a darker body color and a strong breath.


Not long after moving forward, suddenly a roar came. Fengyun Wuji did not look back. He directly condensed out a shadow sword in his right palm, and did not look at it. A sword poked it away. After him, his face was ferocious. The demon, like a beast, was pierced by Fengyun Wuji. His big mouth

Fengyun Wuji waved casually, and the heavenly demon dissipated in an instant. He looked back indifferently at the blue smoke turned by the demon that day, and Fengyun Wuji flew to the depths of the extraterritorial demon.

Before going far, I suddenly saw two torrents coming from a distance, a black stream, a green stream, two torrents mixed together, and the sound of killing was endless. From the two torrents, extraterritorial demons kept falling from them, screaming, turning into smoke one by one.

Fengyun Wuji saw at a glance that this was two extraterritorial celestial demons fighting, and he did not want to do more entanglement here. An idea flashed his mind and suddenly flew aside, stood next to a group of ordinary celestial demons, and then made a dull look like ordinary celestial demons around him.

Those two strands were menacing. In a blink of an eye, they appeared in front of him. Fengyun Wuji couldn't help but be shocked to see at least tens of millions of demons tearing up each other. These two heavenly demon armies are like crucian carp crossing the river, tightly squeezed together, and it is almost difficult to insert a finger in the middle.

The more Fengyun Wuji doesn't want to participate in the battle of demons in this extraterritorial sky, the more troublesome it is to find him. A powerful demon was covered with scars, and one arm was hanging. Suddenly, it flashed out of the black torrent and rushed straight to Fengyun Wuji. He said to himself, "Catch some little demons to make up for it first, and then fight!"

On that day, a pair of bird claws of the demon's undead stretched out to Fengyun Wuji, and sighed in his heart. Fengyun Wuji knew that this pass could not be avoided, so when the strong Heavenly Devil casually stretched out his claws, his right hand suddenly shook, and the spiritual sword had entered the heart of the With a twist, a hole appeared in the devil's chest that day.

The devil was not dead for a while. He opened his eyes and pointed to Fengyun Wuji and said in shock, "You! ...You are not a demon!"

Fengyun Wuji's heart is not good. He directly splits the heavenly demon from the beginning to the end with one sword and divides it into two. But it was still too late. On the edge of the rolling black stream, countless black demons came to their senses and turned their heads with a ferocious face. Then tens of thousands of black demons rushed over and surrounded Fengyun Wuji. The sky became magic, and countless weapons came to Fengyun Wuji.

On the other side, when the other black demons saw their companions killing one place, they split another group and rushed to Fengyun Wuji.

There is a way that it is difficult to beat four hands with two fists, not to mention so many extraterritorial demons. At this time, the only thing Fengyun can rely on is a strong divine power. The right hand condenses the sword, and the hand is blocked like lightning, protecting the whole body, but the more demons there are, the helpless, so they have to condense the sword with both hands, appear full of sword flowers, and protect the whole body.

Seeing that although the demons can't break through their own defenses, they are more and more. Gradually moving themselves to the center of the battlefield, Feng Yun Wuji can't help but be anxious. The spiritual power is not infinitely usable. In this space, the longer you stay in this space, the more the mental Big.

has been moving in the rolling black current, and Fengyun Wuji is passively resisting, while controlling the range of movement, so that he is easy to

The two heavens and demons meet, but they are always far away from these two torrents.

When the divine consciousness radiated out, and he sensed that he was pushed to the intersection of the black and white demons by the black stream, Fengyun Wuji suddenly shouted, and the powerful spirit swept out around him, like a hurricane, blowing all the demons around him, and Fengyun Wuji's body was accompanied by the thrown crowd. He flew towards the center of the extraterritorial demon sky.

I don't know if it's because the heart demon has absorbed Fan Li for a day. Fengyun Wuji feels that the divine consciousness has been enhanced a lot in this space, and this feeling has become stronger and stronger over time.

In the end, along the way, when I saw the first-class celestial demon, Fengyun Wuji slapped him directly. Along the way, Fengyun Wuji didn't know how many demons he had destroyed. Finally, he finally reached the center of the extraterritorial demon.

When Fengyun Wuji rushed to the center of the extraterritorial celestial demon sky, he saw a huge ball at a glance. The ball was formed by countless celestial demons, and the dense celestial demons systematically formed a huge ball emitting gray light.


bursts of moans came from the mouth of the heavenly demon that formed the giant ball, and Feng Yun Wuji floated in this space, quietly looking at the huge ball.

"Who told you to break in here without permission? Here is where you can do it... Wait!" The angry voice came from the top of the ball, from the initial earthquake. It turned into shock. At the same time, Fengyun Wuji felt a powerful consciousness comparable to himself sweeping over his body.


With a huge vibration, the huge and unparalleled ball vibrated. In the vibration, a huge throne made of heavenly demons appeared at the top of the ball. On the throne, a gray figure several feet tall sat in it. No facial features. There are no ears, just a vague human figure.

Next to him, several delicate women dressed in light and seductive posture around the neck and shoulders of the gray figure.

Fengyun Wuji wrinkled his head slightly and looked up at the huge gray shadow on the throne. He said coldly, "Are you the master of the extraterritorial heaven and earth?"

The gray shadow shook and suddenly sat up. A pair of eyes appeared on a chaotic face, and then the nose and lips appeared one by one.

"You are not a demon, you are a human!!" The gray shadow exclaimed, "No, how can it be? A human soul is not allowed to appear here. Not to mention human beings, they are angels. It is impossible for the demon clan to reach this extraterritorial demon sky!!! How did you get in?"

Feng Yun Wuji floated up and jumped to the huge slowly rotating ball. Here, several beautiful girls around the gray shadow suddenly shouted, "Be bold!"

Then his body shook. Turned into several strong sighs, holding a long halberd in his hand, and he wanted to come to Fengyun Wuji.

A strong force surged in, which could not describe this feeling at all. Fengyun Wuji suddenly had an extremely powerful feeling. With a wave of his hands, the several heavenly demon guards suddenly screamed. Fly backwards, on the body. Several parts turned into light smoke.

"What do you want to do? ...Human beings, even if you kill me, you can't get out of here!" Fengyun Wuji's power was obviously beyond the gray shadow's expectation, that is, in an instant, it immediately judged that it was not the opponent's enemy.

Feng Yun Wuji was silent and ignored the gray shadow. The feeling of increasing power was still pouring in, which was a kind of soul strengthening.

"What the hell is going on? I feel like I'm getting stronger and stronger!" Feng Yun Wuji thought in his heart. In the void, there seemed to be an invisible pipeline, constantlyshuing energy to himself: "It can't be for no reason. What's going on? It can't be because of the unique reason of this space. If it's because of this space, the power will not increase from time to time.

It is completely an intuition. Fengyun Wuji feels that in this space, something that has a lot to do with him must have happened. However, even if Fengyun Wuji wants to break his head, he doesn't understand why his mental energy has increased so much.

I didn't want to break it, so I simply gave up.

"Do you have a name?" Feng Yun Wuji raised his head and said coldly to the gray shadow not far away.

"Yes, the devil is me!" The gray shadow is quite proud, and at the same time, it has always maintained a high degree of vigilance in Fengyun Wuji.


Suddenly, a large number of celestial demons gushed out from under the ball, and the dense celestial demons surrounded the wind and clouds.

The original humility of the great free devil was gone at this moment, and turned into a madness: "Hahaha... Human beings, you are still too young. No matter how strong you were before, here, as long as this extraterritorial demon, I am in control of everything... On, kill him!"

"Slow!" Fengyun Wuji stretched out his hand to stop the way.

"What else do you have to say? No matter what, non-sky demons are not allowed to appear here. After killing you, I will thoroughly investigate how you got to this extraterritorial demon!"

Feng Yun Wuji glanced around, and there were more and more demons, but his expression was extremely calm. He said coldly, "Therefore, you can let these hundreds of millions of demons annihilate me, but I can cause you fatal trauma before this. I don't know if you believe it or not?"

The condensed pupils of the demon shrank, and then laughed and said, "It's useless. Have you been in this extraterritorial demon for a long time? Thinking about it, you should also know that this extraterritorial demon sky is simply indestructible. Even if the Lord God comes, there is nothing you can do about it. Hundreds of millions of heavenly demons, tens of millions of heavenly demons are born every day, and tens of millions of heavenly demons perish. They live and live forever. They are first-class creatures. When they reach this extraterritorial celestial demons, it is impossible to kill all the heavenly demons. What's the use of killing me? You can't get out of here after all. Soon, a new free demon will be born. At that time, you will still be trapped here.

"If you don't care about your own life, you might as well ask these heavenly demons or something to besiege me together..." Fengyun Wuji said coldly, "But before that, I can at least guarantee that I will die with you. Anyway, I can't get out of here. Sooner or later, it I'm so sleepy."

After saying that, Fengyun Wuji stood with his hands behind his hands and looked coldly at the big free devil. In the virtual shadow beside Fengyun Wuji's body, a nearly ten-length sword-shaped shadow suspended in the air...

All the heavenly demons look at the big free devil, waiting for its decision. Once the big free heavenly demon makes a decision, these hundreds of millions of heavenly demons will definitely trap the wind and clouds with the tactics of the sea of people...

The whole extraterritorial celestial demon sky, calmed down for a moment, and all eyes were focused on the changeable face of the big free demon...