After soaring

Chapter 219 Evolution

The demon world.

Time has no meaning for a small magic insect. After hiding in a few huge firestones, a small magic insect in the demon world quietly absorbs energy. Compared with other unconscious magic insects, this magic insect develops much faster. In the body of the magic worm, under the guidance of a dark consciousness, the magic worm consciously accelerated the absorption of the surrounding nutrients.

I don't know how long it will take for such a boring day, ten thousand years, or even longer, finally one day...


Over the valley, a thunder exploded, and the rolling dark clouds gathered from all directions with thick magic gas, shrouding the transpiration of the valley, and then it rained heavily between heaven and earth.

Under the majestic heavy rain, the rain fell into the flame valley, steaming out the white fog. Although the rain was fierce, it could not extinguish the long-standing flame in the flame valley.


A slight sound, and then a three-foot-long little warcraft with black tender skin staggered out of the cracks in several pieces of firestone. The little warcraft is a little similar to a black panther, but its appearance is quite ferocious, with a sharp horn on its forehead, which is long.

This weak warcraft has sharp and hard claws and a long demon tail, but now, his body is full of scars, full of scratches, a wound in his abdomen is pulled away, and black blood keeps dripping from the wound. You can also faintly see half of the intestines.

This little warcraft was obviously seriously damaged, his eyes were dim, and he staggered to the middle of the Flame Valley. His body shook, and finally turned to the ground. His limbs were straight, and his two black eyes were still open...

The heavy rain in the sky washed down, washing the bodies of this low-class warcraft. In the direction of the mouth of the flame, a huge monster slowly came over, with a long cone-shaped tail dragging on the ground, swinging from side to side.



The whole earth trembles at every step of the warcraft with thick layers of skin and flesh. When passing by the corpse of the Warcraft lying in the middle of the road, the thick-skinned Warcraft glanced at the black Warcraft doubtfully, glanced at the cracked abdomen, and then walked slowly, opening his huge mouth, and dripping crystal saliva dripping on his white teeth...

When the blood basin opened its mouth and was about to eat the body in the middle of the road, the little beast that seemed to be dead. It suddenly burst out like a flash of lightning. Rush into the mouth of the warcraft, the sharp horns. He guessed and went to the skull cavity of this huge warcraft. As early as when the little beast burst out, the big beast had already noticed something wrong. The upper and lower pairs of tusks were about to close, but it was still not as fast as the little beast.


The sharp horns entered the skull cavity of the Warcraft, and the black blood of the canopy shot out along the horns, spilling all over the mouth.


The big warcraft let out a huge roar of pain and shook its head vigorously, but it was useless. A large amount of black blood flowed down the mouth.


The huge earth warcraft fell to the ground like pushing the golden mountain and pouring down the jade pillar. A sharp horn came out of the head of the warcraft, and the hole became bigger and bigger. Then, the original young black beast came out of the hole made by the horn. In a pair of dark eyes, it flashed cold, vicious, and a cunning light.

After the little black beast came out, the scars on his body disappeared, and even the scars on his abdomen left only a little scar.

The little black beast loosened its body lazily, and its body trembled. Suddenly, a black fog gushed out of the body of the little black beast.


A sound like a bullet of steel sheet came. From the body of the little black beast, black and white bounced out one by one, and every black hair flashed like a steel needle.

The little black man, who was originally petite and cute, suddenly became powerful and fierce. The dark eyes turned around, and a bloodthirsty breath emanated. Suddenly, the little black beast seemed to have found something and listened. Then, it quickly got into the skull cavity of the warcraft that fell to the ground - the skull cavity of the warcraft had already been emptied by it.

Soon, another huge warcraft came and stopped in front of the dead warcraft on the ground. After a moment of hesitation, the warcraft finally opened its huge mouth and swallowed the whole warcraft...

Most of the essence of Warcraft is in the skull cavity.

When the little black beast came out of the huge mountain of Warcraft's skull cavity, a layer of purple-blue scales had already appeared on his body surface, and there were huge Warcraft corpses behind him, and the little black beast quickly drilled into the intricate fire rock...

The law of survival in the demon world is eternal: the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest.

For this weak black beast with strong magic knowledge, the life of the demon world is tested by treachery and viciousness. At least, in a weak state, if you want to survive and develop, you must follow this rule.

Over and over again, the little black beast kills these monsters that are more powerful than it by its own unique means. The two fierce beasts are far away from each other. It will take the trouble to attract them from two places, then fight in the valley, and finally pick up a bargain.

For it, whether it's a trick or something else, everything must be done, everything, just for survival...

This is an instinct!

Time is meaningless for gods and demons, and it is also meaningless for a little black beast. Everything is just to absorb enough magic gas and collect the energy needed for evolution...


Tens of thousands of years have passed again. In the Flame Valley, I don't know how many Warcrafts died here. In the perception of all Warcrafts, there is a strong smell of blood, which can always attract them, but they are also deadly.

It is a quiet night. There are three bright moons hanging high in the sky. On a rock pillar made of several red fire rocks, a dark shadow gradually relaxes the body.


A violent roar rolled around the top of the firestone pillar in all directions, a circle of black ripples from the top of the rock pillar, and all the stone pillars higher than the firestone pillar were swept away.

At the top of the shadow cast by the stone pillar on the ground, the leopard-shaped shadow slowly stretched out, and the body was getting taller and taller. The forelimbs were gradually raised and stretched out. The small toes became longer and longer, and five long sharp nails stretched out.


With a roar, at the top of the stone pillar, there was a horn on the head, and the whole body was **. The ordinary demon clan with purple scales stood at the top. On his buttocks, a sharp cone made of pure scales slowly stretched out and elongated. The cone tail was like a snake bending in the air. Between the swing Sound.

. At the beginning of the voice of the demon clan, is it very astringent? [ "I finally recovered, hahaha... I finally got rid of the body of Warcraft."

The dark shadow looked around, and the bright moonlight in the sky cast a wisp of light on the face of the demon clan. In the black pupil, there was a faint trace of purple.

"I... I am..." The long-term instinctive predation has made the brain of the little black beast that has changed into a demon for the first time a little confused. With this effort to explore the origin, various information is pouring into the brain.

"I... I... I'm Fengyun Wuji!" The eyes of this weak demon clan suddenly lit up and became clear: "Hahaha... Yes, I am Fengyun Wuji, Fengyun Wuji is me, here is the demon world, my future territory! Hahaha..."

Fengyun Wuji, who has all the dark consciousness, is very different from his previous personality. Looking up to the sky, Fengyun Wuji looks at the three evenly distributed moon in the sky. The soul has been connected to the original dignity of the sword domain.

"I, I have transformed and sent my magic element." With the connection of the soul, Fengyun Wuji keeps calling in the soul.

Sword Domain.

Mr. Jian, the whole mountain trembled. In the mountain, another Fengyun Wuji opened his eyes, and his eyes were cold. Then, a black light burst out of Mr. Jian's mountain, roaring in the void, with a horrible atmosphere, directly blasting the void and disappearing on the other side...

The demon world.

A comet-like demon air mass fell from the sky. It hit Fengyun Wuji heavily, and the surging magic gas wrapped Fengyun Wuji whole. A trace of magic gas poured in from Fengyun Wuji's tricks like having life. The magnificent pure magic element opened up the meridians in Fengyun Wuji's body, and the body that had been tempered for tens of thousands of years, whether it was the body The strength is still in terms of toughness. It is much stronger than the human body. Fengyun Wuji's magic body itself has a strong compatibility with magic gas. With the cooperation of all aspects, the magnificent magic gas directly open up the meridians needed to operate the 'star-absorbing method' in Fengyun Wuji's body one by one, and elevates it to the realm of the fourth heaven of


While reaching the fourth heaven and earth of the star-absorbing method, from Fengyun Wuji's body. There was also a crisp sound of bone joints, and the original tall figure was abruptly raised again.


Feng Yun Wuji's body suddenly bowed, and there was a miserable sound in his mouth, with two cracks of silk-like voices coming from behind him--


Behind Fengyun Wuji**, two bloody mouths suddenly broke out, and two bloody tender wings came out of the narrow wound with a large cloak of black blood.

At the beginning, the two wings were very weak, just like newborn birds. The meat membrane is loosely wrinkled together, and the skeleton is soft and drooping. It seems that if you touch it, it will collapse.

But very fast. A stream of magic gas surged from Fengyun Wuji's body to the wings of the new place.


With a burst of slap, the pair of tender wings gradually opened, growing in the wind, a pair of devil's wings mixed with blood, wide open, shaking against the night wind.


Fengyun Wuji's pair of black eyes without any white eyes flashed over the pair of gold and iron wing pounds behind him, and suddenly looked up and laughed wildly. Then the body, the black devil's wings behind him fanned several times. A gust of wind blew, and the wind and clouds flew into the sky like a big bird, drawing a spiral trace in the air, and then suddenly accelerating, it turned into a lightning, leaving across the sky, and quickly turning into a black spot in the sky...


This is a huge palace stacked with fire rock. Although it is rough, it shows the demeanor of a demon king with its rough style and hundreds of feet high.

Here is the territory of a small demon king near the Fire Rock Valley in the demon world. In the demon world, the status is divided into five levels of king, king, emperor, emperor and god. Near the Fire Rock Valley, there are billions of devils of Warcraft, which is really not an inconspicuous place. However, such a Coster demon king commands tens of thousands of weak demons.

In the palace, the tall demon king with a bull's head and a demon body sat on a throne made of white bones. Several witches lying in his arms and laughing with him,

Under the Coster Demon King, a banquet is long lined up, and many demons will sit on both sides. On a long wooden table made of wood trees, there are pelvis made of skulls of giant beasts, in which there is a large amount of flesh and blood. Every demon will be surrounded by a witch Fuhou, on Coster's throne. Below, among a few pieces of jade, there was a flame burning, and the kings and ministers in the hall were full of joy, and suddenly--


A magic soldier shouted loudly, ran into the hall, and knelt down dozens of feet away from the devil king.

"What's going on?" Coster spit out a piece of animal meat in his mouth and shouted with a gloomy face. At the same time, a pair of dark claws also pulled back from the two ** witches.

"There is a demon clan outside the door, and I want to ask to see the monarch!" The magic soldier raised his head and said nervously.

"What?" Coster's face changed: "Is it the Lord of the Demon King who sent someone to summon it?"

"No, he is just an ordinary demon clan."

"Ordinary demon clan, a low-level demon clan doesn't care about him. He will be kicked out. No one can come in before the banquet is over!" Coster said, "If you rush in at this banquet again, I will remove the animal meat and replace it with your meat."

"Yes, King." The demon messenger trembled all over and quickly retreated out.

Seeing that the demon soldier had withdrawn, Coster raised a wine glass made of skull and said to the demons, "Come on, cheers!"

All the demons will promise, raise the wine glass, and be here, only listen--


The magic soldier who had just gone out suddenly broke through the door and flew in...