After soaring

Chapter 232 Rainy Night!

The material for creating the killing armor is very special. In five billion years, the white bones that died under the killing armor have accumulated like a mountain, and it is a huge bone mountain tens of thousands of miles long. So many killings and accumulated killings have also reached a terrifying height.

The higher the degree of integration with the killing armor, the more Fengyun Wuji found that he still underestimated this armor... How can the killing armor that can provoke the dark main god's spokesperson in the demon world to chase and kill is not so simple?

Killing armor is divided into three forms. In fact, these three forms are completely the result of the action of power in the dark, which has nothing to do with the original killing generation that created this killing armor. Killing armor has evolutionary ability! - This is inferred from various situations. The first form is the self-protection form after the killing armor loses its master, so as to prevent it from being discovered or tracked by the dark monarch. As for the second form, it is the current appearance of Fengyun Wuji. In this case, the murderous atmosphere accumulated in the killing armor will be with the owner of the killing armor. The killing magic skill of practiced entered the realm and was lured little by little.

From the current practice and the intensity of the induced murderous spirit, Fengyun Wuji deduced a terrible fact: with his current strength of body and consciousness, if the murderous spirit in the killing armor is completely released, in an instant, he will die violently, not even the scum left.

"What is the intensity of the Lord of Killing...?" Fengyun Wuji has been running and killing demons in the body. While thinking to himself, every time he thought of this question, there was a stream of blood surging in his chest: "It's really exciting!"

The killing demon is a total of three heavens, but every heaven and earth practice has its difficulties. The first heaven's "killing spirit", with a total of more than 13,000 words of oral decision, the purpose is to let the owner of the killing armor practice the crazy killing intention, and the stronger the killing intention is. The murderous spirit induced in the armor is stronger and stronger, but when it comes to the first great success, the murderous spirit is strong enough to trigger the change of heaven and earth and turn it into a substance to defeat the enemy.

With the god-level magic knowledge, add God-level cultivation. It has barely reached the last level of the first heaven of the killing demon. In the past few months, there has been no progress, constantly wandering in the realm of the first heaven of killing, hitting the second layer of the sky 'killing the world!' But it failed. Between the first day and the second day, there seemed to be a gap between the sky, which could not be broken through.

In the side hall, Fengyun Wuji sat cross-seated on the ground, within a yardstick. The murderous atmosphere condenses like substance, and constantly gushes out like a tide. It faded again. In Dantian's body, the killing qi turned into a vortex. Circling on Dantian, constantly rotating rapidly, Fengyun Wuji controls the killing spirit circulating in his body. In Dantian, another eddy current is formed, slowly increasing the number of eddy currents...

However, it condenses to six black vortexes, when the seventh vortex is condensed. The original six black vortexes in the body suddenly dispersed and turned into a mass of magic. Then the magic gas quickly condensed and re-condensed into the initial vortex.

"Failed again!" Fengyun Wuji has lost his way in his heart. He can't remember how many times this has been done. According to the 'killing demon decision', when the vortex in the body can condense eight, a qualitative change will occur, so as to enter the second day's 'killing the world'.

With strong imperial strength, Fengyun Wuji can easily condense six black vortexes and operate in an orderly manner. However, when condensing the seventh vortex, it always fails...

In the dark, in the side hall, Fengyun Wuji closed his eyes. With the connection of the soul, he crossed the heavy space and contacted the original master in the ancient sword domain. In terms of comprehension, the original master is almost perverted. In this regard, Fengyun Wuji can't ask for it. After all, he has The method of deducing magic skills has an incomparable advantage of any distractor. In fact, the 'Star-absorbing method' can also be said to be based on the handwriting of the original master, but at that time, it was not distracted.

"I Zun... I Zun..." With the unbroken connection in the soul, Fengyun Wuji surpassed the space and summoned the master below the ground of the sword field.

But I did not reply. Fengyun Wuji was not discouraged and kept calling. Although the soul connection after the distraction was stronger than that of the extraterritorial demon sky, it was not weak.

Fengyun Wuji knows that I am immersed in the deduction of the rules and information of the 'space-time source'. The workload of this matter is very huge. In fact, this is also the most important task acquiesced by me after distraction. If it is not necessary, I have the right to ignore the requirements of other divinism.

After a long call, a cold voice finally sounded from Fengyun Wuji's mind: "Say it!"

Although the soul is connected, it is not close. I have not been strong enough to know everything, so I asked.

Fengyun Wuji was overjoyed and quickly said the doubts in his heart. After Fengyun Wuji said it, there was silence in his soul. I seemed to fall into thinking. For a long time, my cold and ruthless voice once again sounded from Fengyun Wuji's mind: "The requirements can be considered. After analysis and deduction, the effect on It's very big, take it into consideration!"

Fengyun Wuji was half-dead of anger, but he knew that this was the instinctive reaction of the remaining reason. After a moment, a vortex-shaped dark cloud suddenly exploded above the magic palace. The range of the dark clouds was not very large, and the shadow under the stock just covered the magic palace.

In the secret room, in the void in front of Fengyun Wuji, a vortex-shaped black hole appeared. In the hole, two silver-white and cold eyes stared at Fengyun Wuji's abdomen. Two silver brilliance threw into Fengyun Wuji's abdomen. Then, a killing magic gas was separated and formed a The black hole didn't go...

Feng Yun Wuji was shocked all over. I can't believe that my strength has reached this level!!!

"I, what have you reached now? What skills did you just use?" Feng Yun Wuji asked, the dark side in the soul was revealed, and the face was full of greed.

"The problem is not substantive and will not be considered!" The black hole in the side hall quickly dissipated, and the dark clouds above the magic palace also dissipated.


Sitting in the side hall, now, the body has been integrated with the killing armor, and even the armor can't be taken off. Fengyun Wuji can't enjoy those witches at all, and his heart is also helpless. If you want to take off the armor, I'm afraid you have to let the armor reach the third form!

Killing magic skill is a first-class magic world skill. Although there are only three heavens, every heavy sky is unpredictable, but the tens of thousands of words of oral decision is not an easy job. Even with the ability of the original, it is necessary to deduce the ability of rules and deduce such a Top magic skills are not a simple thing

Wuji knows that this matter can't be rushed. Anyway, it's been so long, it's not.

The four demon emperors have been constantly reported. Although Fengyun Wuji, the demon emperor, was a little cowardly and became a bachelor commander several times, he quickly relied on the war and gathered back to a large number of subordinates.

In the demon world, it is universally recognized that the weak respect and obey the strong, and have nothing to do with betrayal!

Under the thunderous means of the four demon emperors, hundreds of demon kings, the demon kings joined the command of Fengyun Wuji, and quickly became a new help to kill demon kings in all directions. According to the proposal of the old mage, the four demon emperors converge for a period of time, and the four demon emperors work hard at

Due to the innate advantage, even among the emperor-level opponents, the four demon emperors also belong to the middle and upper level. The four demon emperors joined hands to quickly enveniage the surrounding territories, and even began to subdue the new demon emperor and let them join the seat of killing the demon emperor.

The disappearance of more than a dozen demon emperors who were killed overnight has long been spread. The name of killing the demon emperor has gradually spread to the demon world. Although there are only some strong demon clans in the neighboring Fengyun Wuji territory who know this name.

After seeing the means of Fengyun Wuji, the four demon emperors also began to accept the unscrupulous means of Fengyun. When they encountered new forces, they directly held up the skull cross sword wrapped in heavy cloth and animal skin, and said coldly, "A life, or death?"

The four demon emperors are almost the same when they are fighting for new territories. After saying this sentence, he no longer said much and gave the other party a period of time. After a period of time, if he did not surrender, he would no longer collect prisoners. What he saw did not exist in the killing demon palace, and all of them were killed. The ground will be razed.

This kind of meeting is just a word, and if you don't agree with each other, you will cut off the style of action, which gradually makes the killing demon emperor famous.

All the demon kings, demons and demon emperors attached to the name of Fengyun Wuji were gradually invisibly affected when they were sent out. Continue to fight for the killing demon emperor. When plundering, they were all cold-faced and said four words: "A life, or death?" After that, the other party was given a few breaths, and then the judgment of fate...

The result of this situation is that many times, the subordinates who kill the Demon Emperor have just come up with the word 'life'. Or before they speak, the other party is all kneeling down. Coned to submission!

Even Fengyun Wuji did not expect it, under his own unconscious influence. Under the subordinates of the Killing Demon Emperor, they have formed a unique fighting style. The direct cause and effect of this fighting style is to greatly accelerate the process of killing the Demon Emperor's conquest of the world. In just a few months, under the seat of Fengyun Wuji, hundreds of demon emperors and thousands of demons have been gathered. There are also tens of thousands of demons, as well as countless demons.

I have time for half a year. With the help of the four demon emperors and their own magic power, a dynasty centered on the killing demon emperors was quickly established, and the demon palaces were built according to the killing demon palaces. Of course, the original demon king's palace was completely disassembled. On the original ruins, a magnificent and spectacular killing demon emperor palace was built!

With billions of demons as labor, this work is not too difficult. In a month, it has been completed. At the same time, thousands of well-qualified witches have been sent to the Killing Demon Palace. For these witches, Fengyun Wuji specially ordered the construction. There is a witch palace to house these witches.

Although Fengyun Wuji can't take off his armor, he naturally can't enjoy those witches, but this is only temporary. It is collected at the moment. Naturally, it is to enjoy these witches when he can take off his armor when he reaches a higher level of killing demons in the future.

The four demon emperors and more than half of the demon emperors were sent out by Fengyun Wuji to continue to fight for themselves. For this kind of war work, Fengyun Wuji will not take action before meeting a real emperor-level strong opponent.

Under the command of killing the demon emperor, although it is famous, the demon emperor with strength does not exist, and naturally the demon clan stronger than the four demon emperors is not absent.

Soon, in the course of this expedition, there was an interception. In the course of the expedition, the troops led by the four demon emperors were besieged by another hundreds of demon emperors under the 'shocking demon emperor' adjacent to the field of killing demon emperors. Among them, there was a demon emperor-level strongman who was stronger than Close to the demon emperor-level strong man.

The situation was very bad. At the last moment, Haram threw the Demon Emperor's sword - the Skull Cross Sword!

A huge and indescribable murderous spirit, Pang covered the whole army of the 'shocking demon emperor', and at the moment when the skeleton cross sword appeared, tens of millions of demons were shocked to death by this condensed murderous atmosphere. Then, the magic power condensed on the skeleton cross sword burst out...

One blow, just a week, hundreds of demon names, together with the remaining demon clans disappeared, the ground where they originally stood, a basin thousands of miles in diameter, hundreds of feet deep, appeared out of thin air...

The demon emperors in all directions were shocked when they heard the words and began to restrain their men.

In the name of killing the demon emperor, it has been even more murderous since then, almost comparable to invincible. Wherever the four demon emperors go, the enemy looks at the wind and escapes...

Fengyun Wuji has not really appeared, and his prestige has reached an indescribable height. Although no one has seen the real face of the Killing Demon Emperor, everyone knows that near the Flame Valley, a new fierce and domineering Demon Emperor has been born, and because of his new life, he must be charged at this moment. Full of ambition...

In terms of me, after a few months, it finally disappeared. After careful deduction, I finally came to a conclusion: "If the magic skill of killing wants to rise from the first day to the second day, it is impossible to practice. We can only rely on killing and a large number of killing. In this way, it is possible to reach the second day." Kill the world's realm!"

When this disappeared, the demon world was at night, and the three full moons that were originally hanging high in the sky were covered by dark clouds. Under the dark clouds, the dense and majestic heavy rain poured down from near to far...

Feng Yun Wuji's magic knowledge swept to the east, and then the killing demon emperor stood on the wide throne of the newly built killing demon palace. In the pale and frightened eyes of the two soft-faced witches on both sides, he slowly stood up:

"It's time for me to go out for activities..."

Fengyun Wuji walked slowly, and then dragged the wide black cloak into the night of torrential rain. As soon as he stepped on his feet, he burst into a circle of ripples. The circle of ripples expanded dozens of circles, and suddenly exploded, bursting dozens of feet high and turned into a water mist. At this time, Feng There is only the sound of the rainstorm hitting the ground, and the sound of the whining wind...