After soaring

Chapter 251 The Fourth Magic Mountain

The voice of the soul of killing sounded again: "The place where the turbid demon pool is located is very secret. In the whole demon world, no one knows the specific location of the turbid demon pool, because the chaotic magic spirit it contains, which makes it constantly change its position with the operation of the rules of the whole demon world. In the demon world, almost all the upper demon gods know the existence of the turbid demon pool, but in the lower demons, no one knows.

". The number of pools is very rare, and the location is uncertain, and the other biggest problem is that the turbid demon pool will appear once every million years, and the rest of the time is circulating in the rules system of the demon world. The opportunity once every million years is the only opportunity to transform the demon body. Moreover, once the turbid demon pool appears, if the turbid demon gas inside is not absorbed after a day, it will dissipate in an instant.

Fengyun Wuji was slightly stunned and said, "As you said, there are so many harsh conditions and so strange, can't you find the turbid demon pool at all?"

"My master of hundreds of thousands of generations has become the lord of killing, not the demon god. You are not the first generation. In fact, although many generations have stayed at the demon emperor level and failed to enter the demon god level, there are still some successful in finding the turbid demon pool and successfully obtained the peerless demon body. In the whole demon world, I know the best about the turbid demon pool, and if the turbid demon pool appears again, I can completely find it in advance. The soul of killing.

"So have you found it now?" Fengyun Wuji cares about this.

"Not yet. The turbid demon pool is the treasure of the demon world. It's not a miscellaneous thing. If you want a lot, but... I can feel that in a while, it seems that a turbid demon pool will come.

Fengyun Wuji is completely speechless. For the soul of killing, what he said is equivalent to not saying anything. It's also inconcible. Originally, I was ready to become a peerless demon god first, but now it seems that I think it's too simple.

"Let's go. Didn't you say you wanted to find some old subordinates?"

"It's Unas." Guller said, "I was originally guarding the western demon world, on the passage to the second level of the demon world, but later I was sent to the dark pyramid and became Gongpin. Now, Unas is estimated to have become the new demon emperor, hum! What belongs to me will be returned to me sooner or later!"

"Wait!" Feng Yun Wuji stretched out his hand and said, "You just said the second layer of the demon world?"

Gurel closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The teeth were bitten tightly, making a thor-t-t sound. He opened his eyes and said angrily, "I really don't know that your ancient demon gods are too arrogant. I don't care about anything else, or your magic knowledge is too incomplete. Do you think that this barren and generation of demons is much worse than the first level of the demon world of the same level, which is in line with the noble upper demon god to live in?

"Except for those foreign army of fallen angels, and those who moved here very early. Who else likes to stay in this garbage place to avoid the ancient demons chased by ancient humans? Whether it's the Nicholas dynasty. It's still the Sahara Dynasty. No one will choose to establish their own dynasty in this place... Let those ancient demons and fallen angel armies deal with those annoying angels! Although, I never think there is any difference between fallen angels and angels. It's all so annoying!"

"Shut, do I know I still need you to say it?" Fengyun Wuji said angrily, "Only you lowly demons will pay so much attention to other things, strength! Only strong power is the most important thing. You are known as the seventh demon emperor, but when I am the most powerful, one idea can make you die again!"

Gul was stunned, and then his face showed a look of joy and sincerity: "What the ancient demon god said is that indeed, only strength is the place we should pursue!"

Fengyun Wuji could see that Gulie's words were extremely sincere and did not seem to be fake, so he nodded and said, "You'd better take me to the territory of Unas. I don't want to be a light pole demon emperor!"

Gugliel lowered his head, Feng Yun Wuji did not notice it, and a trace of suspicion passed from Gugliel's eyes.

"It's a little strange, just like an ancient demon god, and it's impossible not to know that the demon world is divided into nine layers, the center is the first layer, and the rest of the layers are grounded with the first demon world," Gull thought in his heart, recalling all the strange things in the dark pyramid, and wondered in What would that be? Ordinary demons and demons can't be like him. With the strength of a demon emperor, it is absolutely impossible to pose a threat to me. What's more, looking at the dark pyramid that he took me to break, even I can't break, it can be seen that he has at least mastered some space rules. What's going on?

Gul glanced thoughtfully at Feng Yun Wuji and said secretly, "I hope he is really the ancient demon god, otherwise, hum! In a million years, I will break you into thousands of corpses and serve a million years of humiliation... I feel sorry for me, the seventh-day demon emperor, and now I have fallen to such a point. Power! ! ..."

"What are you still in a daze?" Fengyun Wuji took a look at Gull and said angrily.

"Let's go, Unas, I can't be a great man. With his strength, it's really difficult to pose any threat to me, but... with my current strength..." Gull's face showed a little hesitation: "In the dark pyramid, I have been imprisoned for too long. Although I have not been sucked by the shack On the other hand, he suffered irreparable damage. If you rush to find Unal, I'm afraid... it's not that easy!"

Fengyun Wuji sneered and said sarcastically, "Are you worried about being defeated by him and weakening your reputation?"

"Nonsense, my seventh demon emperor, how can I be afraid of a servant!" Gulie's color is fierce.

"Okay, don't be stubborn," Fengyun Wuji said coldly, "He used to be your servant because of your strength, but now, it's not known that you can't solve him, I don't believe it, and I can't solve him!"

Fengyun Wuji's right hand trembled, and the magic knife came out of his hand. The long and narrow knife body of more than ten feet made a faint sound of Qingyue, and a strong sense of killing came out of the body of the knife.

The surging murderous spirit flowed in the chest, and a violent murderous spirit burst out of the body. A few feet away, Gullard looked at Fengyun Wuji in shock and closed his eyes. He exuded the momentum of the world. A breath of endless killing came to his face. Within a hundred feet, the whole space was distorted and blurred. Fengyun Wuji's head, and the sky was slightly bright and dark, changeable.


A solid murderous air suddenly turned into a fierce beast, bursting out from Fengyun Wuji's body and bombarded heavily on Gull. Even if Gull's power was deep, he couldn't help being hit by this blow, which made his qi and blood surged, and retreated a few steps. Hiddenly, Gull heard the The sound of magic roar...

"Are you all right?" Fengyun Wuji suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Gullel, saying strangely.

" No, it's okay!" Even if something happened, it is impossible for Guller to tell the truth at this moment. Doesn't this weaken his reputation? However, in his heart, Guller is more doubtful: "Did he suddenly recognize himself and think of some ancient magic skills?"

"If it's okay, then let's go," Fengyun Wuji said coldly. He closed the magic knife and inserted it into the ring buckle. After the awakening of the soul of killing, the armor of the killing was partially modified, so that the magic knife could be smoothly inserted into the ring buckle.

"Let's go!" Ancient

I didn't ask Fengyun Wuji. What was going on just now? The ground collapsed under his feet. Then Gull broke through the air like a cannonball and went to the west. Fengyun Wuji shook his cloak and followed him quickly. In the blink of an eye, they turned into two black spots on the sky and disappeared...< /P>


The demon world is a very strange place, and the demon world is divided into nine layers. The first layer of the demon world is very large, and based on the first layer of the demon world, the remaining layers are parallel to the first layer of the demon world. In other words, the demon world is like a large platter. The center of the platter is the first layer of the demon world, and the rest is the edge platter.

But what's a little special is that the ninth layer of the demon world is really located below the other eight layers of the demon world, and above the eighth layer of the demon world is the kingdom of the dark god. Like the kingdom of the main god, although the ninth level of the demon world belongs to the demon world, there has never been a demon god to the ninth level, or more accurately, most of the demon clans do not have the ability to reach the ninth level of the demon world, and those who have the ability will never come out after entering the ninth level of the demon world.

Legend has it that the ninth floor of the demon world is a mysterious area cursed by the dark god. The secrets hidden in it are as vast as the stars in the stars in the starry sky, but even the noble emperors of several dynasties have never set foot in that field. Legend has it that only the dark monarchs are the land. Domain, have some understanding.

The first layer of power of the demon world is intricate. On the one hand, the emperor of the demon kingdom dynasty, on the one hand, to avoid fighting with heaven. Reduce your own losses and enter the other layers of the demon world, but at the same time, you have to send troops to guard the channel connected to the first demon world to prevent being closed by others. At the same time, the first layer of the demon world, for some reasons. It is impossible to be abandoned.

Under the throne of Nicholas, it is divided into Heavenly Demon God, Heavenly Demon Emperor and Heavenly Demon Emperor. Under the seat of Nicholas the Great, there are 130 Heavenly Demon Gods, 1,300 Heavenly Demon Emperors, and Heavenly Demon Emperors. There are 13,000, and the number is in line with the thirteen respected dark gods. The higher the ranking, the stronger the strength. Like Gull, he ranks 13th among the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

In a vast area in the west of the demon world, the sky is always shrouded in thick dark clouds. From time to time, the sound of deafening mines comes from the dark thick clouds. But it didn't rain.

This kind of celestial phenomena has lasted for a long time. On the throne of Nicholas, seven heavenly demons will guard here, among which the sixth day demon emperor of the demon world personally guarded the passage between the third and first demon world of the Nicholas dynasty.

With the cunning of the three caves, there is naturally more than one channel between the third layer of the demon world and the first layer of the demon world. One heavenly demon emperor, seven heavenly demon emperors assisted, and many heavenly demons will be stationed here, if there is any movement. It may attract the attention of the powerful demon clan in the third demon world through the Heavenly Demon Emperor. So as to break through the boundary and destroy any enemies that appear.

Outside the thick dark cloud, Fengyun Wuji and Gull stood on the flat ground, looking up at the low dark clouds in front of them and the area shrouded in the shadow of the dark clouds.

Gur showed a complex look on his face and looked ahead and said, "This is the channel of the third layer of the demon world. Once it is closed here, the difficulty of opening the space channel will be greatly increased, and the existence time will be greatly shortened. Once the ancient existing channel is closed, there will be some evil and powerful enemy effects. Through some methods, the third demon world can be completely isolated from the base demon world. From then on, you will drift in the space storm and fall forever. Once this happens, basically no one can escape except the cultivation of the demon clan above the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and the whole demon kingdom dynasty will collapse from then on! It's so important that it's impossible not to pay attention to it!"

"In the center of the front, there is a huge peak. The top of the peak is above the dark clouds. After the top of the mountain, there is an abyss, which is the largest entrance to the third demon world. On the mountain, there is the second day of the Nicholas Dynasty. Under the abyss, there is the first day Communicating directly with Nicholas can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai. Unless heaven fights with all its strength, there is no need to close the entrance to the third demon world. As long as the largest entrance exists, even the demon-level demon clan can break through the boundary. One entrance dominates other entrances. If the entrance guarded by the Heavenly Demon Emperor is sealed, the other entrances will dissipate by themselves, and as long as the largest entrance is still there, other new entrances will be derived.

"A largest entrance, seven derivative entrances, each of which is covered by the abyss. Above the abyss is the majestic mountain of the demon world, as strong as gold and iron, used to suppress the entrance. There are many strong people in the demon world guarding each mountain, and Unas is over there," Gulliel pointed to the northwest and said, "The fourth guard of the demon mountain. The seven magic mountains sense each other. If we want to deal with Unas, we need to be careful. Otherwise, once we attract the attention of the Heavenly Demon God, I'm afraid you and I will have to run away!"

Feng Yun Wuji's face was a little gloomy. He turned his face and looked at Gull. He was silent for a moment, and then said coldly, "Can you finish your words next time? Is this called dealing with Unas? You are called subduing your former subordinates. A Heavenly Demon Emperor is stationed here, who is stronger than your heyday. So you asked me to run here with you? Have you been slaughtered by a demon emperor? Humph!"

Gullour looked at the direction of the fourth magic mountain in front of him and said indifferently, "The Heavenly Demon Emperor, it is impossible to leave the first magic mountain!"

"Are you sure?" Fengyun Wuji said coldly, "But there are other things that you didn't tell me, and I should know?"

Gulliel shook his head and said, "No, what we need to do is to fight as quickly as possible and accurately deal with the attacks of Unal and the many demons at any time!"

"It's not so troublesome to find Unas directly. If he submits, then finally, force him to take a blood oath. If he chooses not to submit, then don't talk nonsense and kill him directly. With your prestige, those demons will naturally submit!"

Gul's eyes lit up, and his slightly wrinkled frown unfolded. He nodded and said, "Yes, that's it. After staying in the dark pyramid for a long time, his head is not as bright as before!"

"Let's go. If they don't know all the current affairs, then," Feng Yunwuji's eyes were cold, and he clenched his right hand and made a crisp sound: "Kill them all!"

When Gulie's body was shocked when he heard the words, a coldness rose in his heart. When he looked up again, Fengyun Wuji had taken the lead in sweeping out.

In the void, Fengyun Wuji hid in the thick dark clouds and swept quickly. In the dark clouds, the magic was strong, and there were lightning and thunder from time to time, but these were not a big threat to him.

The devil saw through the body and swept through the cold area under the dark clouds. The ground was desolate. In many places, the soil of ** was gray and fine particles. In the distance, in a huge arc, a row of huge mountains, lined up. After the seven high mountains, a more majestic and spectacular black mountain and The gray fog reflected in my eyes.

Fengyun Wuji knew that it should be the place where the second demon emperor lived. The magic carefully bypassed and trivialized the fourth magic mountain on the left. Then the speed suddenly soared and turned into a rainbow shadow, slanting down...