After soaring

Chapter 299 The Field of Heart of War

Everyone was silent again. The appearance of the sword god was just an episode on the battlefield, but this episode reflected the cruelty of the ongoing war in another area.

In any case, even if the performance of the war emperor in his heart is very happy, there is always a bit of confusion in everyone's hearts: the war emperor, why hasn't he been able to do it?

He disdained to remove the people in front of him, felt that it was humiliating to his identity, or his skills, and he could not intervene in the war of the war clans in the field?

No one knows the real answer. The strange behavior of the War Emperor is a trace in everyone's line, and his strength makes his behavior more confusing.

Silence, only the sound of the wind blowing, faintly coming from the ground, the moans of the lying warriors. Here, everyone seemed to have become idle people who had nothing to do with the war, etc., quietly on the battlefield, around the war emperor's palace, like the lord of the war clan, quietly waiting for the result of the battle

"Powerful people have their own unique ideas, which are not something that we can imagine..." Everyone thought in awe and hesitation.


The dark sky, the dark earth, the roaring Black Sea, and endless ghosts, this is the field of demons.

The pale-faced teenager, with a timid look, stood alone in the dark field. The pair of white and slender palms were still shaking nervously, making a loud sound.

"I don't want to hurt you, really, I really don't want to hurt you..." The teenager muttered, as if he had said to Tai Xuan, and thought he was talking to himself. His pupils were as dark as ink, extending to the whole eyeball, without any white eyes. Countless roaring shadows, constantly twisting, shuttling through his body, and then came out and let out a low wailing in the void.


The teenager held his eyes in his eyes and made a low sob, and slowly squatted down. The sound was sincere and real, and there was no falsehood. However, at the corners of the teenager's mouth, there was a strange touch of infinite complacency and a ferocious smile that kept expanding. The two extremely opposite emotions were on It is a harmonious combination, which is so natural and there is no disharmony at all.


An extremely painful voice came from a distance. The teenager was shocked and raised his head from between his hands, but he saw that it was not far away, describing extreme embarrassment, his hair was too mysterious and ferocious, and he stood up from the ground tremblingly.

He looked down at the nine-life armor on his body. On it, a clear palm print was prominently imprinted on it, and the palm print was slowly becoming blurred and fading.

Tai Xuan was stunned: "Where did the teenager come from? What kind of martial arts did he learn? How could he slap so much power?"

That slap almost killed him. If it hadn't been for the practice of the nine-turn life-and-death Xuangong who was different from ordinary people, I'm afraid that the palm would have cost half of his life and was doomed to the final outcome in this field,

"I don't want to hurt you, really..." The tears on the teenager's face were not dry, and the traces of two lines of tears on his face were still clearly visible, but the crying had stopped, but he still choked, shook and slowly walked towards Taixuan.

A creepy feeling rose in Taixuan's heart, and he suddenly shouted angrily: "You perverted bastard boy, ***, hurt me, I'm going to kill you"

Taixuan exhausted the hysterious roar: / "Tai Xuan Seven Style/!"

The whole field roared. Taixuan's right hand turned his hand and cut out to the approaching teenager like lightning. The sky suddenly darkened, and Taixuan's body was suddenly shattered within a hundred feet, turning into a black broken space belt hundreds of feet long, engulfing Taixuan. From the dense, flipping and changing space fragments The high black knife came out of the air and cut at the teenager like lightning...


The young man's expression was still so pale, so dull, as if he had not seen the magnificent knife that had been cut over. At the moment when the knife came to his body, the teenager's body suddenly made a soap-like sound. From top to bottom, it was evenly divided into two halves, like a thin black paper, left and Two halves, gently floated, and then rippled away. The magnificent black knife light brushed out of the cracked figure, breaking the sound waves in the distance, and disappeared into the deep space...

The world is dark and obscure, and it has changed several times between the ghost and the deep darkness. The figure of the teenager melted like ink into the water...

"In this field, you can't kill me..." Countless cold voices floated from all directions. Taixuan, who fell with a knife, was suddenly shocked. Looking around, he saw the edge of darkness, exactly the same teenagers one by one

Out of the deep darkness, the pale face like paper foil and the visual impact formed by the darkness.

The young man's white robe turned into ink-like black against the dark. The robe bulged and flew in the night, like the wings of a demon,

"I don't want to hurt you...really..." The teenager's voice floated from all directions at the same time, with a neurotic trill...

An indescribable feeling surged into my heart. Taixuan suddenly felt extremely cold, and a cold water poured from the top of his head to the soles of his feet...

Snow in heaven and earth is not only heaven and earth, but also countless snowflakes floating on the earth. The snowflakes floating in the sky and the earth are intertwined in the air, forming beautiful snow willows connecting the heaven and earth.

In this space, there seems to be no rule of gravity. The sky is the earth, and the earth is the sky. Endless snowflakes are floating between heaven and earth, sprinkled one after another, getting bigger and bigger. The heart of war turned to the wind and clouds and said indifferently, "Give up, this is my space. I make

"Is this what you want to say to me?" Fengyun Wuji slowly walked over. Under his feet, large pieces of hard ice gradually took shape, and the heaven and the earth were getting colder and colder. In the time when Fengyun Wuji walked a few steps, the snowflakes floating between heaven and the earth had become as big as thumbs, and the veins were all tible.

The heart of war was silent, meditated for a moment, and slowly turned around. As he turned around, the temperature of the space became lower and lower:

"Actually, what I want to say to you is... If you want to challenge the emperor, you are not qualified."


A huge crisp sound came from all around. It was the sound of icing. At the end of the vision, the bright lines stretched out at a certain height above the ground with some rules. It was a huge piece of solid ice dozens of feet thick, and the heaven and the earth were frozen, like one. The ice is wrapped on all sides and energies into the middle like life.


Another huge sound came, but this time, the direction of the sound was not the ground, but the sky. Feng Yun Wuji felt in his heart. He suddenly stopped under his feet, raised his head and looked up at the sky, but saw a frost from the sky, and the clouds seemed to be frozen. From all corners of the clouds, there was huge pieces of The shuttle hangs down, twists, rotates, and rolls up to the ground...

"When this place turns into a piece of hard ice, it is when your graveyard takes shape!" Zhan Xin said coldly, "With all due respect, you really don't deserve the title of Sword God. The sword domain is doomed to die!"

The heaven and earth are constantly icy, the huge hard ice and twisted huge ice shuttle is constantly extending towards the center, and the temperature is constantly falling.

Fengyun Wuji was silent for a long time. He suddenly raised his head and said to the fighting heart, "I don't know much about the field, but I have something to say to you!"

"What?" Zhan Xin said coldly, but the curiosity in his eyes revealed his real thoughts.

"Field, and invincible, are two words."

The heart of war was stunned. Before he understood what was going on, Fengyun Wuji had already burst into dazzling light all over his body. Beams broke through the air and sank into the hard ice extending from all sides, and deep caves came out one by one: it was a beam of light, and it was also a sword!

Dingyin! Tinkering!

Ten thousand swords roared together, and countless burning sword leaves roared, forming a storm of swords, rotating rapidly around Fengyun Wuji. The sword leaves formed and the radius of the vortex reached hundreds of feet, and the surging sword spirit forced the cold around!

In the center of the vortex formed by the sword leaf, Feng Yun Wuji's body was surrounded by a milky white light. The light gradually became softer and softer. Finally, it turned from the sword lotus into a snow lotus. The rapidly rotating sword leaf suddenly stagnated, and its shape changed rapidly, turning into a snow lotus The sharpness of the beginning is not revealed.

In the thousands of lotus, Fengyun Wuji slowly pressed the void with one finger. When one finger fell, the lotus flew, crossed perfect arcs, and floated out in all directions!


Around the wind and clouds, the hard ice within hundreds of meters burst and turned into a mass of white snow fog, permeating.

Almost at the same time, he has been hidden in the hard ice, like a fish in water. The unimpeded heart of war suddenly burst out, broke through the ice, shouted loudly, and a knife has broken out of the air. In the field, the knife of the heart of war has been greatly enhanced. Only one knife, the knife is soaring The area that has not yet been covered by the hard ice has been completely covered, and Fengyun Wuji is listed here...