After soaring

Chapter 386 Wind Family, Billion Years of Secret

Dugu is not injured, delayed, Taixuan, Fengyun Wuji, Fengfei and Ximen Yibei and six people, sitting on the sparsely populated barren land, almost isolated from the world, and the whole ancient events have no intersection with them. Everything is only waiting for the moment when Ximen wakes up in the north.

Ximen Yibei is like a butterfly trapped in a silkworm cocoon, constantly struggling, fetal movement, constantly experiencing the painful transformation from chrysalis to butterfly. The breath emanating from him is obscure and difficult to identify, and it is difficult to pry into with the power of divine knowledge.

On the fifth day of the "cocoon off" in the north of the west, the phoenix concubine woke up...

On the tenth day of the north, the sky and the earth were dark, and the clouds gathered from all directions...

On the fifteenth day of Ximen's northern cocoon, with him as the center, on the ground, within a hundred miles, all the vegetation withered and died, and a gray breath covered the whole area...

On the 20th day of Ximen Yibei's 'cocoon off', I couldn't stand the strange sword spirit on Ximen Yibei's body, so I had to use the Taiji way to resolve this...

The breath on Ximen Yibei destroys everything, and everything is left. After the twenty-fifth day, even Fengyun Wuji can't leave the boss of Ximen Yibei for a distance. Looking at Ximen Yibei**'s upper body suspended in the air from afar, below him, there is a secluded area of thousands of feet in In the dark abyss, the soil there has long been completely destroyed by the domineering breath that escapes from Ximen Yibei's body...

"Wuji. Ximen... How did his kendo become like this? The group had long been unable to sit on one side and waited for Ximen to wake up. Dugu stood behind Fengyun Wuji. Behind him were the silent Taixuan and Chishou, as well as the Fengfei standing on one side.

"I don't know," Feng Yun Wuji stood with his hands behind his hands and quietly looked north at the west gate, which was shrouded in a wide range of gray fog. He looked thoughtful: "Ximen's sword was originally a deviation, at the cost of defense, in exchange for a far more powerful attack than his own. Your attack is actually the world's defense, Brother Ximen's kendo. If you go to the extreme, it should also be the world attack!"

"Senior Ximen's kendo is a little strange. I can't feel his breath!" The sound of the delay sounded from behind him. Fengyun Wuji glanced back at the delay injury, with a gratifying look in his eyes, and soon flashed away.

"It's actually a deviation, which is inconsistent with the routine," Feng Yun Wuji remembered the crack that appeared in the sea of his consciousness when he explored Ximen's injury to the north, and then said, "It should have something to do with the demons of war who chased him at the beginning!"

"Maybe! ..."

Everyone was silent. The wind roared, and I don't know how long it took. Chi Wound suddenly said, "Master, this time. I went to Beihai Xuanyuanqiu..."

A trace of pain flashed across Feng Concubine's face, and Dugu's uninjured side was at a loss. These were all that he didn't know. Taixuan, who was originally silent, raised his head, with a look of memories on his face, as if he remembered something.

Fengyun Wuji's mind moved slightly: "Beihai Xuanyuanqiu, that place..."

With a long sigh, Feng Yun Wuji said, "I know what you mean. What do you want to say?

"Master, I want to know. How long do we have to wait? ..." Chi Wo's face showed a trace of confusion, and his voice was inaudible: "I really don't want to fall into this endless struggle anymore. Before soaring, I have experienced enough, enough..."


Everyone sighed, and the situation in front of them is by no means what anyone wants to see.

"Maybe being comfortable for too long will make some people forget our situation... The chaos will not last long. Whether it is the wind clan or the war clan, there will be an end day. This day will not be too long... Fengyun Wuji muttered: "... Everything is ready, only owes... East, wind!"

After saying that, he looked up at the north direction of the west gate. Everyone felt something and raised their heads together.

In the distance, his eyes flashed over the north of the west gate. At the horizon, a figure flew quickly towards here. Feng Yun Wuji frowned slightly: "Feng clan, how dare you find it here!"

He is an old man with a white head and a wrinkled forehead. Judging from his expression, he seems to be very anxious. The breath on his body is the Feng clan skills that Fengyun Wuji is very familiar with - the characteristic that seems to be perfectly integrated with the surrounding atmosphere is only the Feng clan.

"There is no taboo in front of the swordsman!" Far away, the old man first opened his mouth, with a trace of anxiety in his old voice. He sat cross-legged in the west gate, and then turned around far away.

"You are from the Feng clan." Feng Yun Wuji looked at the old man who seemed to have gone through a long journey indifferently and said coldly.

"Yes," the old man nodded and stretched out his palm at the same time, "Before you do it, I hope you can listen to me a few words."

"Tell me," Fengyun Wuji's head turned to one side. This old man seems to have a low status in the Feng clan, but Fengyun Wuji is still sure that he can kill him with one blow. In addition to Fengzun, Fengzun may also have the power to fight, Fengyun Wuji still does not believe that anyone can After all, your own attack is still commesistive to the wind body of the wind clan.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward, and the reputation of the Feng clan in ancient times was too bad. No matter which party it was, it had no good impression of the Feng clan. In comparison, the war clan is better than the wind clan.

The old man thought for a moment, and then said something unexpected: "I hope you can help me with something!"

Fengyun Wuji stared at him: "Do I think I will help you?"

A trace of pain and disappointment flashed across the old man's face, and he said with some disappointment, "But I really can't find anyone else to find help. If you don't agree, then Ruo'er, she can only..."

When Feng Yun Wuji heard the words, his expression changed slightly: "What are you talking about?"

Everyone also heard that there were some strange things in it. It seemed that the purpose of this old man of the wind clan was not as good as what everyone thought at the beginning.

A wry smile appeared on the old man's face. Without answering, he asked a seemingly unrelated question: "The wind clan is now

Isn't the reputation bad?

No one answered. Even if he was late, he looked at him with an indifferent look. This is a question that does not need to be answered.

The old man sighed, with a mixed look on his face: "First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Feng Wuliang. I am an elder of the Feng clan. My status is second only to Feng Zun and several others. Hundreds of millions of years ago, I had another identity..."

The old man's face showed a bright light, and he was quite proud: "Feng patriarch, under the Fengshen seat, General Xuanliu Feng is me!"

"Ah!" The phoenix concubine on one side suddenly pointed to the wind and exclaimed, as if she remembered something.

Feng Wuliang turned his head and looked at Concubine Feng with some vicissitudes. He bowed down and said, "Princess Xuanyuan, long time no see!"

"In fact, a long time ago, the wind clan was not like this. The controller of the wind clan is not the wind god, but the wind god, and the daughter of the wind god is Youruo, the girl you saw in the forbidden land of the wind clan."

A door suddenly opened, and a memory emerged from the sea of consciousness and became clear.

"So it's you..." Fengyun Wuji said calmly. He remembered that before leaving in the forbidden place of the Feng clan, he saw an old man rushing here. It turned out to be him...

"Feng Zun is the brother of the Wind God. He is selfish and not like the Wind God at all. Since the battle of the gods and demons, the Wind God has been seriously injured in the war, but he never expected that Feng Zun would secretly poison him. In the past, there was a set of Feng Zunjue, including a set of vicious skills, which can control the life and death of the clan that has practiced certain skills, and even control the other party's self-detonation with ideas. With this set of skills, he established Bai Liu in the clan, which is today's Feng clan. One day, the wind god is healing. Feng Zun broke into his secret room, and then, Feng Zun announced that Fengshen had been seriously injured and died in the battle of gods and demons. In the future, the wind clan must listen to him. Our Xuanliu was only loyal to the wind god, and naturally it was impossible to listen to him, so a fierce infighting happened... "The wind's infinite mind seemed to return to the distant era, the tragic tearing that took place in the underground cave. On the old face, I couldn't help bursting into tears, and turbid tears kept falling from the eyes Infinitely sobbed, he looked like a wounded wolf: "I'm General Xuanliu, and I can't subdue him at all. But Feng Zun threatened You Ruo, the only daughter of Fengshen, so I had to submit... In the face of my compatriots who were born and died together in the battle of gods and demons, I had to raise the butcher's knife in my hand. And they still trust me like that!!! ..."

The wind kept wiping his tears with his sleeves, as if he wanted to stop the tears in his eyes, but he couldn't stop it. His back bowed unconsciously and appeared in front of everyone, like a really ordinary old man, repenting for the mistakes he had made.

Forced to stop the sadness. Feng Wuquan trembled his lips and said, "The Wind God was injured in the battle of gods and demons. He is a hero. In the face of everyone's powerful gods and demons, only one person is alone. I don't want his only descendant to be cut off, so I was wronged to be a vain elder. Princess Youruo has always been the orthodox heir of the Feng clan. Feng Zun is just a plagiarist. He has always been murderous to You Ruo, but because of his bad reputation, he can't be like those clansmen who were originally executed for treason. But now, the Feng clan has been hit several times in a row, and Feng Zun seems to have contacted other forces. Not long ago, I overheard his self-telling, as if to attack Princess Ruoyou. I can't find anyone to help save this regrettable child. I know that Youruo seems to know you - he doesn't know who you are, but as soon as I see you, I know who you are - unlike other wind clans, she has nothing to do with the sins of the wind clan. I know that Sword God is not an unreasonable person. He must understand. Please, save this poor child..."

The wind swallowed infinitely, and his knees softened, so he wanted to kneel down to Fengyun Wuji.

Fengyun Wuji shook his sleeves and said coldly, "Get up, I can't stand your kneeling."

"I don't know what you said to her when I was not there. Recently, I have been hearing her quietly facing the underground river, often talking to herself, saying something about flowers, grass..., sword god, old man beg you for the poor child, save this child who has never even seen the earth... ..."

Feng Concubine's face showed a sad look when she heard the words. She turned her head and looked at Feng Yun Wuji. Her lips moved, and her voice was almost low and said to herself, "Promise him..."

Thinking of the dark, foggy underground riverside of the wind clan, facing the quiet and gentle girl who is full of gray environment all day long and the unchanging river, it is really difficult to say a word.

"Yes, no matter what the wind clan is, this girl has nothing to do with the wind clan!" Lang Ran sighed, and Feng Yun Wuji was facing Feng Wuliang and said, "Go back. I don't have to be afraid about her affairs!"

"Thank you, Sword God," the old man bowed to Fengyun Wuji with joy and gratitude, and said excitedly, "I thanked you for your majesty... Princess Youruo, I have taken him out of the Feng clan cave without authorization and handed him over to other ethnic groups to lead him. After a while, I will let them go If you know that the princess will die, let her stay there!"

After saying that, Feng Wuqi bowed to Fengyun Wuji again. The old and sad look swept away. Looking at the people, he slowly retreated. Everyone could clearly feel the joy and gratitude in his heart. After withdrawing tens of feet, the old man suddenly turned around, turned into a whirlwind, and emptied into the sky...

"Where are you going?"

"Go where I should go! ..." The old man's voice came from the air, with a kind of bitterness and pleasant explanation. Everyone felt the old man's voice, a sense of 'the strong man will never return'... Fengyun Wuji and others looked at the direction of the old man's departure, and couldn't help but respect...