After soaring

Chapter 389 Demon Lord

"No, spare my life, spare my life!" Bartista sweated coldly, pounding his head like garlic, fear filled his body and mind and body, the huge difference in body shape, and then the opposite difference in strength. Bartesta was scared: "Your Excellency, no, no... Master, I am willing to submit to you and serve you, great master, please don't kill me! ..."

In order to survive, the demon lord completely abandoned his dignity. In his eyes, the three people in front of him have become synonymous with invincible. So many men have been killed by the three of them. Thinking about it, Baldista trembled all over. As for the one in front of him, who has a slap in his back to himself I can't even think about it.

The threat of the soul, far more than the powerful force, makes Baldista feel fearful.

The devil lord's humble knees made Ximen Yibei frown slightly and look up at Fengyun Wuji.

"Give me a reason to leave you."

"This, this..., I can pretend to work for my former master and provide his information for my master," At the critical moment of life and death, Bar's Star was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and suddenly flashed the wind and clouds in his mind, who was particularly concerned about the one in the past... Bar's Star was anxious

"Hmm! Seeing that you are afraid to be like that, you are asked to explore his news. I'm afraid that as soon as you see him, you will immediately reveal your frails. Besides, with your strength, you are too weak. You can't get too close to 'he' and come into contact with too many secrets. "Fengyun Wuji disdained and I feel that the power of the ancestral witch is strange. As for how powerful it is, I don't know much about it. To this day, Fengyun Wuji really realizes the power of those ancestral witches!

"With soul power, send another person to the source of time and space - what kind of power this is!" Even with the current power of Fengyun Wuji, he can't send the soul of another person whose soul is not very powerful to the source of the rules.

However, such a powerful ancestor witch was actually destroyed by the emperor of the land of gods and demons. Even the whole ancient battlefield of gods and demons completely broke off the connection with all planes, drifting endlessly in nothingness, and no one could find its place, and those headless gods and demons, together with the whole battlefield of gods and demons, sinking. Into the dark abyss, but temporarily, or eternal.

In the emptiness of hundreds of billions of planes and the void of plane storms, it is really like looking for a needle in a haystack to find a broken plane body!

"Master, great master, in the name of the supreme Lord of the Lord of Darkness, Bar's Star originally intended to submit to you," the demon lord lowered his head, covered with two dark bird claws, moved wrongly, and whispered, "Only master, don't kill me..."

After saying that, the lower half of the beast, with its knees bent, knelt on the water of the dark abyss, and circles of black ripples rippled under his feet.

Feng Yun Wuji murmured and reflected in Bar's Star's dark eyes. Only the long hair flying up and down, his heart was like that hair, beating uneasily.

"Your life has been saved!"

The cold voice, at this time, heard in Bald's Starr, was so warm.


The demon lord took a deep breath and relaxed his whole body.

"However, I need to keep a part of your soul," Bar's Star had time to celebrate, and a vast force entered Bar's Star's soul and abruptly stripped his part of his soul.

"No! ..."

The demon lord screamed in pain, and the black flames all over his body were scattered. A clump of clumps spit out from the scales burst into a ball of broken smoke. A huge pain swept over his whole body, making him unable to help howl and struggle.

However, all the struggles are for work. In front of Fengyun Wuji's powerful soul power, a small cluster of translucent, flame-burning soul fluid slowly drifted out of Baldista's body and gradually drifted to Fengyun Wuji.

Fengyun Wuji turned around, stretched out his right hand, five fingers, and put part of the fluid-like Baldista's soul into the palm of his hand...

Zizz! ~

From the open palm of Fengyun Wuji, a burst of green smoke rose. The dark breath soaked in the soul of every dark creature was refined by Fengyun Wuji. The pure soul body quickly disappeared into Fengyun Wuji's wrist and disappeared without a trace.

Baldista only felt that the soul was empty, as if something was missing. The extreme pain of the loss of the soul made him completely lose control of the body in a short time, and the whole thing was like a puddle of mud, falling into the black water that I don't know how deep it was.

The control of the soul belongs to the most profound and unpredictable thing among the hundreds of millions of rules. With today's cultivation, it is only a little bit of experience in the way of the soul, even if it is difficult to compare with those legendary ancient witches, but for uniforms like Baldista

For the demon lord, it is enough.

"Just stay here at ease. The next time I summon you, I hope you have gathered enough demons as your men to guard this portal, and don't let your master notice those two planes - this is the order I give you. Complete this task, and you can continue to be your demon lord. If I find that you have revealed something that should not be disclosed to your former master, hum!" Feng Yun's voice was like a frost, threatening, "You know what will happen."

"Brother Ximen, Elder Dugu, let's go."

"Hmm." The two nodded and followed Feng Yun Wuji, and gradually disappeared into the vast and nihilistic darkness, leaving only in the abyss. Baldista, who was alone, opened a pair of blank copper faces and lay weakly in the water of the black abyss.

"What the hell is going on? A dream?" Baldista only felt confused, as if he had a dream. In the dream, all his men were dead, and then three powerful human beings who were more demon than demons came.

"Is that the case? Did they... put me like this?" Bardista's mind was full of paste, but suddenly he thought of something. His expression was clear, and then he showed a depressing look. He muttered to himself in the abyss: "He has taken my soul. What else does he need to do? My life and death are in his hands. What else does he need to do? ..."

On the way back to the extremely hot plane, Dugu couldn't help but express his doubts in his heart: "Wuji, that avatar... Is it the emperor you once said to destroy the land of the gods and demons of the twelve ancestors of the witch clan?"

"Well," Fengyun Wuji nodded with a dark face. The appearance of the emperor of the land of gods and demons was greatly surprised by his surprise. Obviously, he had learned to gather his own strength, and made a very wise choice. First of all, he recruited wandering demons and lone demons outside the demon world, so as to slowly increase his own power, the At that time, it does not attract the attention and dissatisfaction of other powerful demon worlds.

"Well." Dugu showed his thoughtful look: "I'm afraid the first distraction should be careful of this 'Emperor'. It seems that he is also in great pursuit of the power of the demon world... I'm afraid your distraction will meet him sooner or later."

Fengyun Wuji nodded: "The strength of the 'Emperor' is too terrible. At the beginning, I witnessed the death of a group of ancestral witches. I once learned from one of the ancestral witches that the land of gods and demons is a chaotic place caused by the collision of divine forces. I'm afraid there is another mystery about the appearance of It's not appropriate to alarm him at the moment, Baldista, which may become a useful ambush.

"You forcibly stripped a soul from this demon. As long as you pay a little attention, I'm afraid it's not difficult to find that there is something wrong with Barr's Star." Ximen stood with his sword in his arms, with white hair flying and calmly.

"It doesn't matter. The life and death of a demon has nothing to do with us at all, and it will take a long time for 'it' to find this... While stripping off part of the demon's soul, I have done some tamps in his soul, and it will not touch the prohibition set by 'it'. As I said, although Baldista has the field, his status is not high. I'm afraid it will take a long time to find a problem with the soul of one of his demon lords... And then, I have another plan!"

Fengyun Wuji remembered the first distraction of the demon world: "Bal's Star, in the future, let's send it to the first distraction - for him, any power is precious."

Among the three gods, the situation of the first god is the most difficult, and its task is also the most important and annoying. The third god is still supported by the sword domain, but the first god is completely nothing. The establishment of all forces needs to be completed by himself.


The west gate opened a passage to the incoming plane with his hand. The wind and clouds jumped out of the crowd and stepped into it. The three of them quickly passed through a dark and long space channel and fell to the end of the light...

"Brother Simon, although you have just woken up and need to be cultivated, I'm afraid we don't have so much time - I need your help again."

"Tell me."

Fengyun Wuji glanced at the disciples of the Sword Pavilion who were dark on the ground, pointed to the ground, and said coldly, "Wind clan! ..."


The earth shook, and the three people who had just returned to the position broke a passage to the ancients again, stepped into it, and disappeared. At the gradually shrinking dark passage, there was only a shining incarnation and the divine consciousness in it.

"Fengfei..." The light on the incarnation suddenly restrained, and she turned her body stiffly. When her eyes glanced at the figure of the phoenix concubine, she suddenly burst out and shot at the phoenix concubine...