After soaring

Chapter 400 The Buddha and the Unexpected Change

The space is unpredictable. In the universe. There are some special points. These points restrict some form of spatial communication. If you want to jump from one space to another. You have to go through these points.

And I inadvertently paused at such a special point. That's exactly what it is. It attracts the gaze of some eyes in the dark. After a long observation, I really can't see what kind of intention I want to move. These forces have to take action.


In the void.

"The demon clan?" The Emperor of War stared at the huge magic shadow slowly rising from the black hole with an ugly face. Even with his cultivation, it is difficult to empty the strong magic spirit outside the huge magic shadow. The only place you can see. There are only layers of overlapping shadows, and... three heads, which are clearly shown. Xing Tian invited a third party to help the identity of the earth: "Fing Tian. You even invited the demon clan!!!"

The meaning of accountability in the voice of the War Emperor's voice shows that the demon clan and the human race have never been good neighbors under normal circumstances. Judging from the breath of the other side, the War Emperor can even be sure. Among the demon clan, this master who came to help is the top demon clan with a high status.

"Don't look at me like this," Nongtian was a little uncomfortable by the sharp eyes of the War Emperor. Don't show your face. Looking at me in the war grave, "I'm just using these demons."

The Emperor of War turned his head and looked at the huge earth shadow, and the humanoid overlapping shadow in the magic fog slowly collapsed inward. Shrinking, a sharp rift from top to bottom, cut open the huge magic shadow in the magic shadow. One is dressed in gorgeous clothes. The gentle-looking teenager slowly came out of it and saw the eyes of the Emperor of War. An indifferent smile appeared on his face.

"It seems that. You demons. In order to save him, he had nothing to do," the War Emperor quickly withdrew his eyes: "6 Use. Humph. I hope it can be as you imagine!"

"Don't worry about this. It's measured, and I still have a clear grasp of it." Xing Tian said. The voice is neither high nor low. It seems that the demon clan is not afraid to hear it.

"It's not profitable. How can the demon clan help you?" The Emperor of War said in his heart. However, his eyes skimmed at Xing Tian's confident face and swallowed it back... At this time, it was impossible for Xing Tian to hear any sound.

"The War Emperor?" In the distance. The high-ranking demon clan, who turned into a human figure, slowly came over and said to the war emperor from afar, with a strange color in his eyes: "I've been looking forward to your name for a long time."

The pupils of the War Emperor suddenly contracted. A trace of murder came out of his eyes. Then I thought of something and quickly restrained. With a big sleeve, he said coldly, "Demon World. I have been in the name of this seat for a long time. He has never been a nobody!"

The smile on the teenager's face could not be quickly restrained, and a trace of murder in his eyes was fleeting. The War Emperor didn't seem to pay attention to him, but in fact, his attention had already been focused on him. The murder was quickly caught by him.

"Okay, Emperor of War. Don't forget the purpose of inviting you here," Xing Tian saw the trend of the atmosphere and stiffness, and hurriedly came out to make a round sound. At the same time, he turned his head to the demon clan who tried his best to hide his identity and said, "I don't care what your name is, the emperor sent you to help. You should understand how to do it!"

"It's the ground," the demon clan bowed respectfully.

'You guys..." A cold place. I couldn't hear any biological emotional voice coming from one side, and all three of them were stunned. His whole body was really happy. He looked at the one who stood up slowly, and his faces were full of vigilance.

My silver eyes swept over the three people and said coldly, "Leave. Or. Die!"

After saying that, he raised his hand slightly. All three of them had a jump in their hearts. Xing Tian suddenly shouted, "Quick retreat!" Then he retreated hundreds of feet. The body shot at the same time. And the high-ranking demon teenager who just appeared.

However, when he withdrew hundreds of feet, he found that I had not made any attacks at all. A strange look came over. No need to look. Xing Tian also knows it. Whose eyes are those?

"You don't know. This man is so horrible. Otherwise. I won't call you up either!" Xing Tian quickly explained, but he explained it again. Xing Tian also knows it. I have just lost my face in front of the War Emperor.

"To be honest. I'm also afraid of him!" On the other side. The high-ranking demon clan, which turned into a human appearance, said calmly, "Before calling you to come, we have followed him many times. Have you seen the dead bones?"

The teenager then pointed to the dark void, and the War Emperor looked at it carefully. Until now. I just found out. Around the war grave. Countless broken bones floated and sank in the dark void. If it's not intentional. It's hard to notice this in this void.

"It's just a few months. Our family has lost dozens of Heavenly Demon God-level masters! So. Let's be careful! It's not too much to be careful." The teenager said indifferently. After saying that, he glanced at Xing Tian inadvertently.

The more murderous the war emperor's heart is, the stronger it is, "This scheming is too heavy. Never stay. With Xing Tian's reckless brain that he thinks he is smart, it's hard to say that he won't be used by him!"

"Well, yes, it's not too much to be careful," Xing Tian said a little embarrassed and gratefully. Suddenly, his face changed: "What's in his hand?"

Everyone subconsciously looked at me when they heard the words, but saw me raise my palm and spread out, looking at the thing in their hands -- it was a small stone.

"Ah!" With the calmness of the war emperor, he couldn't help but change his face dramatically. The exclamation attracted the attention of the other two people to the Emperor of War.

"What's going on?" Xing Tian is in a hurry.

"How can it be! So fast!!" The Emperor of War's heart fell sharply, and the small stone in my hand. The War Emperor is very familiar with it - that's part of the War Monument!!!

The fragments of the battle monument are constantly decomposed in this hand. Shrink. At the same time, the Emperor of War was under his robe, but he emitted a brilliant light, and a circle of faint ripples continued to focus on him. Spread all around. The center of the strong light. The body of the War Emperor gradually became transparent, and the edge of the body was constantly changing between clarity and ambiguity.

"It's not good. We have to stop him - he is entering the country too fast!"

The Emperor of War suddenly rose. At the same time, he shouted, "Do it!"

Emperor Zhan's move was far beyond the expectation of Xing Tian and the demon youth. After being slightly stunned, Xing Tian's body burst out. The palm full of barbs explored in the void. After the ripples spread. Xing Tian took out a dark giant axe from the void, which burned a thick black magic flame. The magic flame is beating.

The giant axe appears in the void. The buzzing sound was endless, and Xing Tian waved his hand from all directions. The extremely dark nihilistic species, countless substances like fog and smoke. A wisp of wisp rolled into the giant axe.


The ground demon flame on the giant axe suddenly soared dozens of high. A wave of extreme evil. Extremely dark, the crazy breath soared from Xing Tian. The magic armor all over the body is buzzing and trembling.


A loud shout! The giant axe in the sky balance turned into a wildly long sticky black knife and broke out...


The whole vast void trembled, where the narrow axe shadow passed. The space is wrinkled inch by inch. After the giant axe. Leave a large area of broken space cracks. In that piece of nothingness. Different cross-sections are fleeting at a glance. In the plane, faces looked up at the void, full of shock!

Further ahead, the closer it is to the war grave. The light on the body of the War Emperor became more and more brilliant, and it was less than a few hours away from the wind and clouds. The light bursting out of the body. He set Emperor Zhan up like a sun falling in this piece of nothingness. Thousands of rays of light fell in all directions. Immerse yourself in the depths of darkness!


A cry of hatred, in the sound of a knife. From the blazing light source. The majestic knife stretched out obliquely from both sides up and down, and formed a huge translucent thin knife in the void on both sides, which was in the void. I want to empty this universe.


The huge knife shape breaks through the void. From the top, the narrow momentum is towards the head of the small war grave in front of that side. It came out quickly. Under the knife body. Pieces of white frost are thin. In this darkness, a vast land of frost has been formed...

On the other side, the high-level demon clan, which turned into a human appearance, suddenly threw a long halberd at Fengyun Wuji. My sister scratched through the dark void with a long halberd. After a loud roar. After the long gun. Dragging the thick magic fog, the magic fog suddenly dispersed. After the black fog. A translucent huge dome field extends to a huge range in this nihil, the tail of the field. A crack suddenly broke in the demon teenager's chest. A black gas roared into the field. Form a huge multi-horned shadow, step on the void, and hold the top of the field.

The huge dome field expanded rapidly and burst into the shining grave...

I frowned slightly. Hold your right hand and open it again. His hands were empty, and the three top masters took action at the same time. Under pressure, the whole ground of the war grave began to break into pieces.

I slowly stood up straight. The robe is agitation. Then he stood on the edge of the war grave and watched the attack from all three parties. Then the sleeve robe was lifted gently. The five fingers were as light as boneless and stretched out from the depths of the sleeve robe. This series of actions. I'm not in a hurry to do it. It's not in a hurry. It's as strong as the Emperor of War. It feels extremely strange.

"What's going on?" That strange feeling almost happened in Xing Tian's heart. Xing Tian believes it. In the time when that weird guy does this series of operations. He can completely put the huge axe on him, and then remove him into eight pieces.

It's not just Xingtian. Everyone feels this way.

"What's going on? This has been a long time. The field hasn't expanded too far yet!" The high-ranking demon clan in the field looked strangely at me with an indifferent face. "... I have been besieged so many times, how many abilities have not been revealed!!"

A scorching wave of air followed my raised hands. It burst out of his body. When the dazzling waves surged out. The three of them felt that the whole silent void shook crazily, and the feeling of losing time returned to their hearts. At the same time, the three of them were shocked, and they felt that in their hearts, the divine consciousness and demon thought that was firmly locked on me was suddenly shaken away by a strange force, completely losing the lock of me.

The three divine consciousnesses that are enough to change the color of heaven and earth expand again and explore the void where I stand. However, above the pupils of the three people are empty. On the dark pupils, except for the empty tomb. There is no one at all!

"It's not good!" A slight feeling surged up from the hearts of the three people at the same time.

The War Emperor incarnates a giant knife. In this piece of nothingness, in front of him. My body appears like a ghost in the void in front of me. Above the pupil of the left eye. The strange image of the war grave made the Emperor of War feel a fore in his heart.


The sound of the void knife is endless, and his eyes look into the depths of the void. The face was blank behind me. The dazzling shadows are entangled in the void according to certain rules. In the blink of an eye, a black and translucent war monument was formed. The moment when the battle monument was formed. I show my right hand. Exploring into the void, a handle is the same as the incarnation of the Sword Emperor, and his face is indifferent. The index finger flicked slightly, and the huge black knife was swept out with the momentum of everything. He hit the huge knife shape transformed by the War Emperor

The long and narrow crack appeared in the axe cut out by Xing Tian into the road, and the crack pulled up and down. The one with long hair stepped out of it. In Xing Tian's stunned eyes, he pointed to the huge axe mark and pressed it, and the ripples spread faintly from the fingertips of his thumb. The ripples passed, and the space was closed. The black flames dispersed. In the thick magic flame. The bright blade of Xingtian's giant axe broke through the heavy fog waves. Appearing in front of me,

The two fingers of my right hand flashed out. With a gentle clip, he believed the axe that Xing Tian wanted to cut off the void.

If the giant axe is removed. He didn't move, but a destructive breath gently followed my arm. But when the breath of destruction passed lightly to the shoulders. Under the action of an invisible rule. He went straight into the void behind me.


Two fingers and one clamp. Xing Tian only felt a light hand and had not yet reacted. A strong wind blows on the face. The familiar giant axe came out of his hand. Rotating, cutting to the other side, hitting the field with a 'bang', stirring up a ripple in the field that was as light as a splash. Sink into it and disappear.

A shadow flashed in front of him, and Xing Tian looked at himself strangely. Like a fool. Ren Benzun's palm was imprinted on his chest, although the consciousness of the brain told himself. It should be dodged, but the body of heaven and earth did not make any regular movements, boom!

The stone is shocking. The endless scorching sword roared on Xing Tian's chest. Shoot out into the depths of the endless void. Wistles of burning sword spirit pulled out tens of thousands of gorgeous lights in the void, and bursts of clicks came. Xing Tian heard the sound of broken chest armor, and a burst of strength came. Xing Tian was directly bombarded to the depths of the void by the violent force...


The screams are dragging from high to low. Disappearing in the depths of Haohan's void, disappearing...

The time is fixed here. Everything is silent. In front of the War Emperor, I was motionless, and my eyes were blank. And in the original place of Xingtian. The other one's right hand kept the blasting posture. The body is motionless. His face was domineering. Further away. Another Buddha appeared in the void as if he were quiet. The three masters, with different movements, appeared in front of the three top masters at the same time. The expressions are inconsistent!!!

The void trembles, in front of the field opened by the demon master. The wooden index finger gently clicked on the field corridor. Where it fell, there were ripples all over the sky, the whole field fluctuated endlessly, and an indescribable strange feeling surged into my heart. In a trance, the high demon clan only felt that the famous god was controlling his own field. A rule beyond his feeling was extended in the space of this field, and caused a change in the rule system of the whole support field. I haven't realized it yet. Then I found that the base point of the field was suddenly moved!!!

"How can it be!!" The huge magic shadow in the middle of the field was shocked. My heart is like a thunderbolt.

not far away. The Emperor of War looked shocked, above his eyes. Reflecting a completely different impact, on the left is a huge black knife body that fell to the ground. And the right eyes are the huge field of the high demon clan in nothingness. At the forefront of the field. A long halberd appears in the depths of the field. The front of the halberd. It's another one.

My eyes suddenly opened. When you open it again, the whole right hand turns into a thin shadow. He penetrated into the field as if there was nothing, and he clasped his five fingers and held the halberd.


The moment when the five fingers are in one hand. The whole field has expanded a few feet outward. Then the whole explosion burst, in the furious airflow. A long halberd rotated and flew up. Zheng went into the depths of darkness...

Ah! ~

The field is scattered. In the field, a pale teenager was lifted to the void...

In the four directions, the three Buddhas are like flowing water, from the Sanfang River to the edge of the war grave. Together into one. The original figure appeared again.


A shock. Countless fragments of the knife body turned into a meteor belt and crossed the void before the war grave. Into the depths of darkness, suddenly, I seemed to feel something abnormal. He turned his face indifferently. An indifferent voice came to my ears...

"I took the battle monument away. With your cultivation. The ginseng department is almost done. Leave the rest to me to fulfill my last wish..."

A force that is enough to make the whole universe change heavily on Benzun, and the rest of the force is to blow out a huge black hole with a radius of tens of thousands of feet in this void.

A confused expression appeared on my face, and then turned into a meteor, and was bombarded into the huge black hole by this huge force that has never appeared in the world...

"You, you...?" An inexplicable voice came from his head. The War Emperor turned around indifferently, looked at the high-ranking demon clan that turned into human beings, pointed to himself, and his mouth was nervously. It seems to want to say something. But there was only a simple word 'you...' that came out of his mouth.

"Aren't you surprised," the Emperor of War showed a faint smile on his face. Seeing this smile, the high-ranking demon clan felt a trace of fear.

"Don't be surprised," the Emperor of War restrained his smile. Suddenly, the powerful force that changed the whole universe froze half of the void of the prairie. Including the high-ranking demon clan, it is also frozen.

"Because, I'm the Emperor of War!"

A trace of lonely voice drifted in this void, and the sound disappeared without a trace of the emperor and disappeared with him. And the war tomb monument that has existed for hundreds of millions of years! ...