After soaring

Chapter 417 Gather the old department, kill and show the right body; requisition in all directions, famous abandoned land


As if from the flood, the ancient desolate roar shook in the miasma fog, and the strong murderous spirit formed a huge demon head coming out of Fengyun Wuji's body. Around him, a famous killing follower trembled all over, knelt on the ground, and did not dare to gasp for a long time. The abandoned land The strong and murderous spirit of achievement, like the tide, the endless flow of Nanai Fengyun Wuji in the mouth of the hazy demon statue outside the body.

In the open space where Fengyun Wuji stood, he was motionless, and the killing demon in his body ran fast. Pure killing magic has an absolute ability to absorb the killing spirit. The so-called method of killing servants Mafeilos and Kaguros is very simple, which is to use the Lord of Kill's restriction on the killing followers in the killing spirit to quench the body with killing spirit.





After a muffled sound, the killing followers who knelt on the ground fell to the ground in circles, sweating coldly one by one, and their faces were extremely weak - when the murderous spirit was combined with the soul, Fengyun Wuji absorbed their murderous spirit and also absorbed their souls.

When nearly 3,000 killing followers fell to the ground, Fengyun Wuji's killing head outside his body let out an endless moan, and then gradually melted away and disappeared into Fengyun Wuji's body.


Gently relieved, Fengyun Wuji slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the elbow joint, but listening to the sound of 'pop, the sound was endless in his ears. The tips were long, and the dark bones bounced out of his elbows and knees. At first glance, Fengyun Wuji was like an inverted humanoid.

"Master. How do you feel?" Mafeilos and Caguros quickly greeted them.

"Not enough, far from enough," Feng Yun Wuji said, sweeping over a group of killing followers lying on the ground like mud. In terms of scale mastery, Fengyun Wuji is very well controlled, just to leave a breath for these future teams. In this way, as long as a period of time, they will naturally recover as before, but. In terms of soul, it will definitely be affected.

"Master. There are a large number of other followers here. If the master comes forward, they should submit, so the quenching effect should be better. Mafeilos suggested.

Fengyun Wuji's palm stood upright, and his bow gradually shrank from more than ten feet. The horns fell into the top of his head, and the thick black hair pulled out from the top of his head, and the long coat scattered to the back of his head. In a moment, the human body like a hero in troubled times appeared in front of a demon, with a handsome face, unruly temperament, and evil and vicious, blinking. The murderous eyes, all of which make the people after the change of Fengyun Wuji have a kind of evil charm. Even a powerful demon can't hide the existence of this weak human.

With a big hand raised, the one was taken from the followers. At this time, the black robe seemed to be too wide and floated high into the air, and a cold light burst out of the palm of the wind and clouds...

sneer! ~

The wide black robe was divided into several pieces. Fengyun Wuji stretched out his hand, and then grabbed a piece and wrapped it around his body. Ma Feilos's eyes were sharp, and he saw the strange blade that popped out of Fengyun Wuji's body at a glance. He looked a little strange and said, "Master... Is that the blade of killing?"

"The Blade of Killing? ..." Fengyun Wuji glanced at the magic knife in his hand and said coldly, "Now, it's called the magic knife!"

"Now, restore your true bodies!" Feng Yun Wuji said indifferently.


A powerful airflow rolled up from the ground in front of him, blowing Fengyun Wuji's black robe. The bodies of Caguros and Maffiros made a crackling sound. The original huge body became taller, and the clouds floated on the top of his head, which was very powerful.

"Master!" Caguros restored his original body, lowered his hand and stuck to the ground.

Fengyun Wuji stepped on the palm of Caguros's hand, and then he raised it to the top of his head and swept around. Fengyun Wuji pointed to the southeast and said, "There."

"Deal, master!"

Boom, boom!

When the earth shook, the two killing servants held their small masters towards the east. Behind them, they left the followers of the main land of the killing place. At this time, they were all extremely weak. If they encountered other malicious beings, only one of them could destroy the whole army. However, whether it was Fengyun Wuji or two killing servants, They have never looked back at them, as if their life and death are not considered at all.

It is useful to survive.

The tall bodies of the two killing servants crossed the world. At each step, they had to go dozens of feet away. After a desolate bald mountain, the three people arrived at the destination.

"Maeros, Caguros, why are you two here?" When the huge bodies of the two people appeared in this space, they immediately attracted the attention of the killing followers living here. A demon who was no less than the height of the two killing servants stood up and looked at them angrily. In his hand, he grabbed a thick black stick-shaped weapon. Such a kind of strong body exists above the demon level, which can exert a terrible attack power with pure physical attack alone.

Maferos and Cagulos hesitated slightly, glanced at the corner of the strong existence on the opposite side, and finally raised their heads, rolled up their eyelids, and looked at Fengyun Wuji.

This is also a demon servant, whose name is Jegula. His existence time is longer than that of Ma Feilos and Cagulos. Ma Feilos vaguely remembers that this is a follower of the Lord of Killing before the twentieth generation, and the details are not clear.

"What are you two looking at? Haven't you seen enough of the sky of this abandoned land for so long? ...I hope you can give me a reasonable reason, or you want to start a war!"

"What are you looking at? ..." A cold and cruel voice came from above, and Feng Yun Wuji took a few steps forward, standing in the forehead of Mafilos, condescending. Staring at the pale golden rune on Jegura's forehead, he said coldly, "Is this my seat so small? So much so that you can't see my existence, Jegula, raise your head and look into my eyes!"

Jagula was surprised and subconsciously looked at Mafeilos' forehead when she heard the words. At this time, she found that. The one he just followed just now is like an ant in his eyes.

"Huh? ...Humans? ..." Before Jegula's words stopped, he felt that the tiny human eyes suddenly changed. A strange black light burst out of his eyes, in a loss. Jegura suddenly found that she couldn't move.

"Jessgula, do you know me?" A phantom magic shadow appeared around Fengyun Wuji. Although there was only one head, the murderous spirit of heaven and earth immediately attracted the land, lazily distributed in all directions to kill the followers, and a famous killing follower woke up for the shocking murderous spirit. It gushed out of the gray palaces with varying degrees of damage in all directions, and looked at Fengyun Wuji with a frightened face.

"You are..." Jegula's huge copper bell-like eyes were at a loss, and in his forehead, the strange golden rune kept flashing. In a trance, the imprint in the depths of his mind was shaken, and Jegura's huge body knelt down on one knee. At the same time, he said with a similar whisper: "Master..."

Fengyun Wuji nod slightly, Mafeilos stretched out his arms obliquely, and Fengyun Wuji walked along his arm. The shadow of the killing around him was like a shadow, and the majestic and majestic voice resounded through the sky: "I, the Lord of the killing, officially came to this space cursed by the gods, and my glory ..."

"Kill my lord!! ...Kill my lord!! ..."

The shadow of the killing has undoubtedly revealed the identity of Feng Wuji. In the long wait, these judges were almost desperate, but they did not expect that at this moment, they would meet the Lord of the killing again. In the long river of time, the lost fanatical worship appeared in their eyes again, kneeling on the ground one by one, crazy Shouting hotly.

The sound was bursting, but Feng Yun Wuji seemed to be unheard of, and his eyes swept over the messy palaces on this gray brown land. These palaces are very old and can't be compared with the huge palaces that are hundreds of feet outside the abandoned land. Judging from the outer walls of the palace, the palaces here have existed for a long time and seem to collapse at any time.

"Master, these were built when we first came to the abandoned land..."

"In the future, I will live here," Fengyun Wuji threw his right palm, and the magic knife turned into a shadow and threw it to the ground...


The magic knife fell to the ground, and the earth shook. A gray air column came out from the handle of the magic knife, straight to the sky, in all directions, the killing air gathered above the abandoned land formed a vortex, crazily rushing to the magic knife...

"Mafeilos, Cagulos..., you will build a palace for me in this place where you fell. From today on, I will sit in this place, Jegula..., spread the news that this seat has come to the abandoned land. No matter how many people you die, don't let everyone know the coming of the Lord of killing! ..."

"Yes, master! ..."


When the killing opportunity of the magic knife rushed out of the sky, the news that the Lord of the killing came to the abandoned land also spread all over the ancient times. What Jegula did was indeed in place. Within three days, many killing followers came from all directions. Among these followers, among these followers, in the tall demon god, there were also monsters with wisdom Yun Wuji even saw the fallen angels with black wings that impressed him in the ancient battlefield of gods and demons.

Jygula's position here is really high. Soon, the killing followers who originally lived here, together with the killing followers who came from all directions, began to rebuild the old palace here. Next to the magic knife, a new palace is under construction, limited to materials. Obviously, it is impossible to build a palace outside Fengyun Wuji's abandoned place, but it is also acceptable.

Through these attached killing followers, Fengyun Wuji gradually learned more about the abandoned land, but the situation of the whole abandoned land is still unclear.

Everything here is a mystery. The magic power obtained by Fengyun Wuji in the extraterritorial sky can't escape from this place at all, and the contact with me has also been blocked.

The abandoned land is amazingly murderous, but for Fengyun Wuji, leaving here is the most eager thing. In the perception, Fengyun Wuji felt that many strange places around him could pose a threat to himself!

"The anti-god..., what kind of existence is it?" Fengyun Wuji sat next to the magic knife, thinking in his heart that for those who rebelled against the gods, Mafeilos and Caguros were also vague, as if they were not very clear about it. Fengyun Wuji knows about this and also stays in that the anti-god man stands on the opposite side of the god and has such a crude cognition of the divine style...