After soaring

Chapter 433 Wonderful luck and demons, have to peep into the mystery; the existence of the sea of knowledge, forced blood to destroy the deed

"Master..., don't... I'm willing to submit..." A trace of instinctive danger made the soul of killing suddenly give in weakly, with a trace of panic in the originally insipid voice.

"It's late..." Reply cold and ruthless, faintly extremely violent...

The breath of Fengyun Wuji suddenly disappeared from the void. In the distant area, the king of purgatory, who had just reached a contract with Fengyun Wuji, was originally immersed in endless killing and plunder. At this time, I suddenly realized the change at the other end of the contract, and I couldn't help but be shocked, and my mind temporarily calmed down...

The extraterritorial celestial demon sky is the most mysterious place I have ever been to before, the heart demon paradise, and the great free extraterritorial celestial demon gave a heavenly demon heart method. This day's magic heart method is the most mysterious skill for the extremely magical demon. For the first god, even sighing is tailored for himself.

Heavenly Demon God's power traveled through space, and the soul had great magical power at that time. During the period of reaching the abandoned land, although it failed to find a way to escape from the abandoned land from the heavenly demon magic power, it gained unexpected results - the foreign minister of heaven and demon.

It's just a moment, at the moment when the body of Fengyun Wuji's body is blurred, the soul fluctuates again and again...


Aren's not far away, the standing killing armor suddenly made a buzzing sound, slowly turned around, facing the wind and clouds...

In an instant, a dragon chant, from the killing armor, a huge Mengmeng dragon-shaped armor broke out, folded in the void, and rushed to Fengyun Wuji.

"How can it be?!! ...No, that's mine!" In the killing helmet, there was an exclamation, and then a strong consciousness shook. The dragon-shaped spirit that turned to the wind and clouds folded, and then shot at the killing helmet in the void. After a sound of the dragon chant, the dragon-shaped killing spirit sank into the helmet like a whale swallowing...

"Sure enough, there is a problem..." After the change, Fengyun Wuji's voice was extremely strange. Every word is spit out, and the sound is different, either hoarse, or loud, or low, or like metal vibrating... In the end, it was like the sound of the soul of killing.

When the last word was spit out, the ethereal faint shadow of Fengyun Wuji and the killing helmet of the killing soul floating in the void shook at the same time, and then froze...

When using the heavenly demon phaseless to make the soul fluctuation consistent with the soul of killing, Fengyun Wuji's mind was suddenly shocked. Later, belonging to the soul of killing, Fengyun Wuji once questioned in every way, but the soul of the killing refused to disclose a large amount of information that was not enough to be revealed. A large amount of information poured into Fengyun Wuji's mind crazily...

"This bastard has been lying to me..." An angry voice passed through the wind and clouds. Although a large amount of miscellaneous information annihilates all emotions, the sea of consciousness is full of violent external information flows...

Two souls share a huge memory in an instant...

Back up the long river of time, the silent heaven and earth, all the memories of everything, are the extremely quiet moment that begins in the killing...

There seem to be two huge unimaginable virtual shadows between heaven and earth colliding with each other on the sky. From the two palm-like parts, unparalleled blazing flames were emitted, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the order was unbalanced. Originally, all kinds of demons were as dense as locusts on the ground. Swept by this strong flame, it suddenly became empty. Only the ashes of the sky, an unfinished flame fell from the sky and drifted away with the wind. In the blink of an eye, from the dark clouds all over the sky, heavy rain fell. And all the memories began with a golden blood dripping from the cracked void in the rain...

God's Blood!

A drop of blood began the beginning of an armor across the demon world...

After a bloody battle, the accumulated blood whales like rivers and seas sank into the underground point in the middle of the bloody battle of Asura. The strong demon clan who passed a dominant side from the air suddenly stopped and dug out the black iron from the ground. Day and night, he kept quenching this huge black iron with magic fire. After countless days and nights, on a day of thunderstorms, on the peaks, in the long and enchanting magic fire, the killing magic armor was born...

"...I, that is, kill, kill, Lord!" At the moment of putting on the killing armor, the purple electric flower was entangled in the same body, and his eyes suddenly opened violently, and there was a purple-black flame beating in his eyes...

The inheritance of the killing magic formula is very unique and has no source. When the first Lord of Killing got the armor of Killing, this magic secret of killing seemed to fall from the sky. With the thunderstorm all over the sky, it appeared in the mind of the earliest Lord of Killing. With this formula, the demon world set off a killing all over the sky and finally achieved the fierce reputation of the killing master who shocked the demon world!!

Killing as a name, fighting as merit, black flame as support, withered bones as evidence... When the first generation of the Lord of Killing cut the powerful dark monarch under the knife, the whole demon world was moved. It also officially unveiled the long inheritance of Killing Armor...

Pictures show in front of Fengyun Wuji: "The long killing, the crazy collection of followers, and the increasingly powerful killing army. The killing dynasty and the killing army that continue to disappear in the dust of history, and the hundreds of millions of magic tricks...

Killing, bloodthirsty shouting, indifferent murderous spirit and overlapping dead bones are the only scene left by the killing army...

Among the successive dynasties of killing inheritance, there have also been some amazing geniuses, carrying ups and downs with the darkness, and there has been the most glorious era in the history of the killing dynasty. In the hands of the master of the killing, the whole land of the demon world was moaning and shuddering under the iron hooves of the killing dynasty. They even created a brilliant killing civilization. Even the demons who are addicted to killing at the same time are trembling when they hear about the reputation of the Lord of killing...

In the most glorious era of the killing dynasty, the thirteen dynasties bowed down. The dark monarch did not dare to take it lightly, and the gods all over the sky, somehow, condoned the existence of this dynasty for hundreds of thousands of years...

After the most prosperous killing dynasty, the legend of killing is gone forever, and the existence of the hidden place marks that the flame skeleton flag will never appear in the land of the demon world. What's more strange is that since then, when the killing magic formula of each master of killing has been cultivated to the extreme height, it can no longer be kept calm and one by one. All subordinates were killed or expelled. The history of the killing dynasty no longer exists...

"There must be a problem with this. It hides a lot of things..." An anger flows in the chest of the wind and clouds...

Generations of killing followers, the generals of powerful killing dynasties, are gradually separated. Hidden in the long river of history, quietly lurking, waiting for the opportunity to come back. However, in the memory of the soul of killing, Fengyun Wuji rarely sees the reappearance of these buried forces...

Secrets are displayed in front of Fengyun Wuji: the whereabouts of the killing masses who are still loyal and ready to follow the footsteps of the master of the killing, from the first master of the killing to the master of the last master of the killing. The place where those powerful men still live in seclusion..., the place where countless great tricks are engraved..., the burial place of the killing dynasty forgotten by the demons in the demon world..., the law of the appearance of the turbid demon pool..., the third layer of the killing magic formula...

The passwords that could not be taken out of the mouth of the soul of killing were forced one by one by one. Under the mystery of the heavenly demon, it was exposed...

"Stop it, you will regret doing this..." The sound of the soul of killing, which had been insipid and waveless, suddenly became gloomy and violent, no longer like a thoughtless spiritual weapon, but more like a violent monarch. His voice was extremely hoarse and fierce, and his mind fluctuated hundreds of times in a short time, trying

The inner peace is just a blink of an eye. The soul fluctuation of Fengyun Wuji also changes with the soul of killing, and the frequency of change is always consistent with the soul of killing. A large number of treasures are constantly coming from the sea of soul consciousness of killing. This is the memory of billions of years. For a newborn like Fengyun Wuji, it is definitely an unparalleled treasure! Like a baby, Fengyun Wuji is crazy about sucking this precious knowledge.

With the influx of a large number of killing secrets into the sea of consciousness, the ethereal magic of Fengyun Wuji's body became stronger and stronger. Stimulated by this massive amount of information, Fengyun Wuji's spiritual energy is also growing crazily at a very fast speed...

The magic is unscrupulously searching for the memory of the soul of killing. Suddenly, a seal sealed in the sea of soul consciousness of killing attracted his attention - at that time, a deeply hidden mark, and as soon as Mo Zhifu approached the periphery of the seal, Fengyun Wuji's heart suddenly had an inexplicable feeling: the sleeping person here was a powerful existence.

At the moment when the consciousness touched each other, the soul of Fengyun Wuji couldn't help but shudder. The thrilling shudder passed in the blink of an eye. Feng Yun Wuji didn't even understand why he instinctively felt a trace of shock, and a trace of Ao sex from the devil made him constantly bombard the seal, trying to unlock the secret of the seal...


In the time of thought, the magic of Fengyun Wuji bombarded the seal 100,000 times. However, the bluestone-like seal is motionless and can't shake the pennounce at all.

"Shut up... That's not something you can peep at. You're looking for your own way!" The soul of the killing was furious, and the two blood crystals on the helmet became brighter and brighter, and the dazzling blood reflected a bloody space in the void.

However, Fengyun Wuji ignored it at all - the soul of killing itself has too many secrets, but in this group of secrets, there is still such a secret hidden, and even the magic power can't open the secret... Feng Yun Wuji was curious. He couldn't stop and went crazy to unlock the secret...

"I will never allow the secret existence that I don't know under my eyes..." This is the nature of the devil, and the more dense magic attack bombarded the seal...

Perhaps no matter how strong the seal is, it will be loosened. Finally, in the sea of consciousness, the bluestone-like seal was loosened, and what Feng Yun Wuji did not notice was that the soul of killing, which had been noisy, suddenly became quiet. In the blood crystal that shoots tens of feet of light, there is a faint confusion - the consciousness fluctuation of the soul of killing, for no reason, is slowly disappearing...

"Dangerous..." The seal was loosened, and Feng Yun Wuji was ecstatic. Unexpectedly, after the ecstasy, a trace of instinctive warning appeared in all his hearts. Fengyun Wuji didn't have time to react. An incomparable and horrible soul force suddenly came out of the seal. At the same time as the terrible spiritual power, there is also a gradually sobering soul..."

"I've given you many warnings, but you ignored them..." An ancient and evil voice directly broke through the heavy protection and sounded in the heart of the wind and clouds. At the same time, a magnificent spiritual storm swept out of the killing helmet suspended in the air. Fengyun Wuji immersed in the sea of soul consciousness of killing, shocked out in an instant...


Nothing is blocked, and Fengyun Wuji's heart is full of surprise and shock. In the midst of surprise and anger, his body was swept out like a broken kite by the sweeping mental storm. Throwing away from afar, in the air, I couldn't help snorting, with one mouth, spitting out a mouthful of blood...


The armor shakes, and the headless killing armor is automatically attached and fully connected with the helmet. The body shook, and an extreme smell of killing broke out of the air, rolled up a dust storm from the sky, and the dark clouds converged from all sides.

A pleasant sound of metal came. With the sound of thunder all over the sky, the empty shell of the killing magic armor pointed to the sky, one right arm, above the sky, a thin shadow rolled over the sky, folded in the air, and the sharp roar fell into the hands of the killing magic armor...


A strange sound came, and Fengyun Wuji was originally lying down in the dust. At this time, he heard this strange sound and endured the severe pain. Looking back, he saw a ray of blood shooting out of the chest of the killing armor, and Fengyun Wuji's pupils suddenly contracted - that was his blood!

"Now, you are no longer the master of this killing armor!" Killing armor turned around strangely, facing the wind and clouds, and his voice was hoarse and ancient.

At the same time, Fengyun Wuji was cut off cleanly with the trace of the connection between the contract and the killing armor with the ejection of a trace of blood...

Zan Zheng Zheng!!

At the seam of the armor, a handle of more than two feet of inverted thorns popped out one after another, and the ferocious nails pointed obliquely to the sky one by one, flashing cold light...