After soaring

Chapter 497 Dynasty War 3

Before Taixuan could insert a mouth, the gluttonous voice completely disappeared from his mind. Taixuan knew that it really left this time.

Suddenly, Taixuan remembered that Fengyun Wuji once said that in the sphere of influence of the ancient demon clan, he once subdued a peerless beast, and he was not even an opponent!

"Is it possible that the Lord is talking about this glourage?!" Tai Xuan wondered that this is the only possibility after thinking about it!

Suddenly, under the horizon in the distance, a hurricane-like violent breath swept out, and then a loud voice resounded through the earth: "Your Majesty Nicholas has an order. Don't pay attention to the monster. Destroy this central dynasty quickly!"

"The Devil on the third day!" Hearing this familiar voice, Gulie's face changed.

Below the horizon, a new wave of silver armor troops surged out, filling the vacancy of the army devoured by gloured.



In the shout of killing, the army of the Central Dynasty tore up with the army of the Nicholas dynasty after destroying the Dragon Tide Army.

The ancient demons turned into humanoid Tyrannosaurus Rex one by one, with protruding bones all over their bodies and horrible images. Although they faced hundreds of times more troops, they were not afraid at all. While waving, the knife gas rose to the sky one after another, and the gray knife gas broke through the sky. Every time, a large number of demons must be pierced by the knife gas and meteorite from the sky.

But at the same time, tens of thousands of people of the Legion of Destruction were divided up, and each of them was surrounded by more than a hundred demons. Only the sword spirit and bursts of roars proved that they were still alive.

After all, the Dark Legion and the Seventh Heavenly Demon Legion are different from the Legion of Destruction. For Fengyun Wuji, there is no such loyal minister. Almost at the moment of contact, the front of the army will collapse.

Guriel and Bel Sparta killed hundreds of fugitives in a row. Only then did this stop the trend of collapse!

The army of the Nicholas dynasty kept advancing, like a roaring sea of hell, unstoppably annihilated the army of the central dynasty!

At every moment, a large number of demons and ancient demons fell from the sky. Seeing that the army of the Nicholas Dynasty has flowed through the position of the three major armies of the Central Dynasty, the front end of the great army is close to the foundation of the Central Dynasty, the Central Magic Mountain. The destruction of the Central Dynasty is imminent, and at this time...

"The fifth trick of the devil's nine ways to break the prison with the magic knife!"

As soon as the voice fell, the top of the central magic mountain was across the world. The huge knife-shaped shadow suddenly fell heavily.


Before the magic knife fell, the sound of the magic roar between heaven and earth rose everywhere. Above the battlefield, countless black gas formed the Taoist shadow, making the sound of the magic roar.


Over the battlefield, the air within a height of thousands of feet was suddenly squeezed out, and the air shook, making a landslide-like sound.

With the complete opening of the bright eyes hanging in the void on the top of the mountain, the top of the central magic hall. The huge magic blade fell heavily, and the blade crossed the whole battlefield!


To the east of the central magic mountain, a huge dent crosses the whole battlefield, in which flesh and blood are flying. In the original scope of the knife, the army of the Nicholas dynasty, which was as dense as the crucian carp crossing the river, disappeared!

As soon as the 'magic knife broke the prison' came out, it was a hundred feet wide and nearly ten thousand feet long, silent. The corpses are piled up like mountains. Among the broken corpses, one person is dressed in a black robe, hunting and dancing, and the cold electricity is shining in his eyes, looking forward to it. It shows supreme majesty.

"Lord!" Tai Xuan killed a row of troops of the Nicholas Dynasty with one knife, glanced at the demon-like figure in the distance, and was surprised.

"He is the emperor of the Central Dynasty. Kill him!"

At the eastern horizon, the army, which had been motionless and armored, finally moved. Hundreds of strong breaths, and demons with power at least above the Heavenly Demon Emperor gathered. At the same time, both sides of the blank area cut off by the magic knife. A large number of demons gathered, and the Nicholas army gave up the three armies of the Central Dynasty and surrounded the central wind and clouds.

Only at the moment when Fengyun Wuji appeared, tens of thousands of powerful gods were locked on him. The strongmen of the Nicholas Dynasty from another space shouted fiercely, turned into a black rainbow, and broke through the air.

"Humph!" Seeing that tens of millions of high-level demons gather from all directions like mountains and rivers, Fengyun Wuji is fearless, although there are many strong people at the level of demons and gods among them. That is, it is equivalent to the late master of human gods!

At the last moment when the magic tide closed, Fengyun Wuji flicked at his feet. It turned into a sharp arrow to break through the air and bounced straight into the void of hundreds of feet.

With a long hair, it made a shrilling sound. Feng Yun Wuji's face was cold. After snorting coldly, he suddenly looked up at the sky. In the shocking eyes of the Nicholas Dynasty and the central dynasty's army, his palm shuttled like a flash, straight over his head, and the wide gray sleeves hunted and dance

"Suck, star, big, law, number, nine, heavy!"

The indifference and cruel voice resounded through the whole world, and Taixuan's body shook several times in a row: "Star-sucking method!!!"

Although Taixuan has not practiced the skill of sucking stars, he also knows something about it. At the beginning, the ancient Fengyun Wuji passed on the changed Northern Mingshen Gong to Ximen Yibei. He had solved his sword, and his whole body was no longer reserved. A child could knock down his weakness.

In Taixuan's cognition, although Fengyun Wuji is mixed, what he is really good at is only three magical skills: the method of absorbing stars, the mysterious skill of life and death, and the method of thinking of sword body!

The star-absorbing method is compared with the Xuangong of life and death. How powerful it is, so it can also be measured.

The star-absorbing method is divided into nine levels, and the highest level is the ninth level. What is the last layer of power of this magic skill? Tai Xuan doesn't know, Ximen Yibei doesn't know, loneliness and injury don't know, even the wind and clouds don't know themselves, and they don't know

So far, Taixuan has only reached the eighth boundary of the nine-turn life-and-death Xuangong, and it is still far from the ninth day. The ninth heaven of this star-absorbing method is the same realm as the ninth level of the nine-turn life-and-death Xuangong. Looking at the leopard in the tube, perhaps from the ninth level of the star-absorbing method, you can also infer the power of the ninth layer of the nine-turn life-and-death Xuangong -

Fengyun Wuji closed the practice of killing demons and robbing demons. The ninth level of the demon road, the demon disaster of heaven and earth, can crack the whole demon world. And the third level of the killing demon will not be much worse.

Neither of these two magic skills can be achieved overnight. From the retreat to today's dynastic war, although it has been a period of time, it is not enough to make much progress.

If you have the intention to plant flowers, you can't do it. If you don't want to plant willows, it will become yin! Fengyun Wuji tried to practice the devil's way of robbing and killing demons, but he didn't expect that inadvertently, he was quiet and incapacitated, but he achieved the method of sucking stars.

This ninth day of the star-sucking method is also inevitable. Starting from the incarnation of a magic worm. Fengyun Wuji kept using the star-sucking method to collect the demons in the bodies of other monsters. Long before the distraction, the star-absorbing method has reached the seventh level of earth. After practicing again, although I still start all over again, with the previous experience, I will undoubtedly get twice the result with half the effort.

Whether it is the promotion of the killing demon decision or the promotion of the nine ways to rob demons, there are all the star-absorbing method or direct or indirect contributions! That is to say, the improvement of every magic skill of Fengyun Wuji is closely related to the star-absorbing method.

After the eighth level of the star-absorbing method. This star-absorbing method has never entered, and the ninth floor seems to be never there. Fengyun Wuji was almost desperate about this, but he did not know that the achievements of the ninth level were a process of slow accumulation.

The star-absorbing method has been making slow progress, but the progress of each time is very small, so Fengyun Wuji is not aware of it. Until this retreat, inadvertently, it achieved the star-absorbing method, this unworldly magic skill. Finally, it's done!

With the right hand held out by Fengyun Wuji, his eyes gathered to the sky, and suddenly touched the sky that cut through the space of the universe. It was getting closer and closer, and the stars were brighter and brighter, and everyone's faces changed.

"Taixuan. Bersparta, Gulliel and Peris all gathered around me!" Feng Yun Wuji's voice sounded in the ears of the four people.

As soon as the voice fell, Feng Yun Wuji turned into a strange blue smoke through the gaps of layers of shadows and floated in the direction of the Central Magic Mountain!


Above the nine heavens, in the depths of the dark and blue, there are tens of thousands of stars in the mountains, and they are getting closer and closer. The 'buzz' vibration of heaven and earth is like being put in a box and shaken by an invisible giant. Up and down, left and right, as if you move hard on the top.

The darkness quickly faded, the bright starlight was connected, and the light even covered the light of the five stars.

Through layers of space, but under the introduction of an inexplicable force, a meteorite belt suddenly changed the ancient running track, crossed the darkness, and escaped to the plane of the demon world...

The bright starlight removes all the darkness between heaven and earth. The sky and the earth are as bright as day, and a canopy of heat is released from the sky. The earth seems to be about to burn.


The void trembles, and in the sharp roar of the ears, huge stars fall from the sky wrapped in thick flames. The radius of each star is at least a hundred feet, while the stars in the sky are more than ten thousand, and there is no time to escape at all. The dense meteorite drags the bright tail flame, with the sound of sharp Falling from the depths of the underworld!

Looking from a distance, it was as if there was a dreamy rain of stars between heaven and earth.

Fengyun Wuji stood in the air, within a radius of a hundred feet, full of the whole central demon army, among which are some of the most powerful forces. At least those low-level demons, Fengyun Wuji is basically like grass mustard, so they let them cover the whole vision in this wave, and even cover the horizon. Extinction.


One after another, the meteorites fell not far from Fengyun Wuji. Where the huge meteorites fell, the demons all over the sky and Nicholas' army on the ground screamed, were completely pressed into meat cakes, and then ignited by the high temperature on the meteorites, and the whole thing was burned to ashes!

Originally, the flat ground, fell everywhere. Taixuan even saw the uneven and rough rock surface of the inner surface through the thick flame.

Such a huge meteorite fell from such a depths of Qingming, and the mixed forces involved, even Fengyun Wuji did not dare to fight with force, let alone other demons.

The dense explosions are continuous, and the whole Central Magic Mountain and the territory of the Nicholas Dynasty have been completely turned into a sea of fire.

Avoided the huge meteorites bombarding the demons, and was soon crushed by a new wave of meteorites, and the whole crashed into the formation. The meteorite was mixed with the momentum of the ground. Almost at the moment of contact, it broke their hearts and fell to the ground. It's already a dead body!

The heat wave came from all sides, and the thick earth under his feet moved up and down every moment. Around, the army of the central dynasties looked at Fengyun Wuji's eyes, which had changed from fear to fanatical worship. Fengyun Wuji stood tall, with his hands behind him, and his black hair danced up and down on his forehead. Cover that face, exuding an abyss-like atmosphere all over. At this moment, Fengyun Wuji is no different from the gods in the hearts of demons!

The whole red light filled the four fields, the demons had to close their eyes, and the screams of panic in their ears were endless...


With a huge crisp sound, Taixuan's mind moved, his eyes were closed, and the magic knowledge broke through the air. Search along the crisp sound.

In the field of vision, Tai Xuan clearly saw that a huge fiery red meteorite hit the dark pyramid in the sky heavily. The huge dark pyramid tilted, and then fell heavily from the air...

Farther away, one

shouted angrily and looked at the 'fire rain' falling from the sky in horror. The chariot roaring with the black flame of hell smashed in an instant, while the hunter screamed and fell from the air. Pressed to the ground by meteorite!

The army of the Nicholas Dynasty was disintegrated by the meteorite that accidentally landed in the sky. Several members of the Heavenly Demon Emperor's Army, the soldiers of the Heavenly Demon Legion, had not yet fought with the army of the Central Dynasty. He was pressed into powder by meteorites and armor!


The silver war horn sounded again, but this time there was a strong panic in the horn. The horn sounded for a moment, and a huge meteorite fell from the sky crashed the silver dragon into the vein, and the horn stopped abruptly!

Countless Heavenly Demon Emperors, Heavenly Demon God-level masters, in the face of the meteorites falling all over the sky, finally remembered to break the void and leave, but when they tried to break the void, they found that they could not break the passage to any plane at all.

A panicked look crawled into the faces of these Nicholas generals: "Forbid to break the void!"

In front of the Central Magic Mountain. Fengyun Wuji's black wide coat was rolled up by the rolling heat wave, and a ferocious and cruel smile gradually appeared on the cold eye hole - it was he who cut off the whole void, and the only exit was above, and there, tens of thousands of meteorites were breaking through the air in waves...

The forbidden void, the power consumed changes with the scope of the forbidden void, and the larger the range. The greater the consumption required. It is forbidden to cut off such a large battlefield space, in the case of Fengyun Wuji. After sucking the stars far away from the starry sky with the star-sucking method, it is naturally a little reluctant to do this. But the strong magic of the battlefield makes these no longer a problem.

To break the forbidden void, the other party needs to be stronger than those who use the forbidden void, at least not too weak. Of course, when the forbidden void is a group of people, it is different. Fengyun Wuji had already calculated accurately before - the ninth weight of the star-absorbing method, no one can escape!

In the whole battlefield, except for the time when the wind and clouds are on foothold, there is no 'care' of the stars, every space is within the range of the stars.

I don't know how long it took, and finally there was no more scream. After the stars in the sky still lasted for half a quarter of an hour, everything returned to calm. Looking around, between the Central Magic Mountain and the Nicholas Dynasty, it is dense, with huge spherical meteorites hundreds of feet in diameter, and the surface of the meteorite has become black due to excessive friction and burning. On the surface, there is still a trace of black smoke. Under the meteorite, a piece of scorched black sheet can be faintly identified as part of the armor!

"Those who follow me will prosper, and those who rebel against me will die. Hey hey, do you really think I'm joking?" Fengyun Wuji coldly threw down this sentence, and then stepped into the void, and then walked along an oblique straight line to the hall on the top of the Central Magic Mountain,

After him, the army of the central dynasties still fell into a strong shock and could not call themselves.

"So powerful, even if the nine turns to the nine rounds of life and death, in this round of star impact, I'm afraid that I will die after spending nine chances to survive!" Taixuan was shocked at the bottom of his heart.

"The army of the Nicholas dynasty was completely destroyed this time. When the news came back, I was afraid that the whole dynasty of the Nicholas dynasty would be shaken. Since then, I believe that the Nicholas dynasty will never dare to use force against my central dynasty easily!" Peris sighed.

"The master's skill has already squeezed into the top strong people in the demon world. Even compared with such a strong man as Nicholas the Great, it will not be much different! Now the master's magic skills have been great. In a few days, when he completes the practice of other magic skills and looks at the whole demon world, there is no fear to meet the dark monarch!" Gullel lowered his head and thought about it.

The most powerful person, in the war, played a vivid role in Fengyun Wuji.

Immediately after the wind and clouds, the three legions of the Central Dynasty converged towards the Central Magic Mountain.

After the air of killing in heaven and earth accumulated by the fifth move of the magic knife to break the prison was exhausted, the sharp knife spirit on the Central Magic Mountain suddenly weakened a lot, and even the strong darkness was also weakened.

Shortly after Fengyun Wuji re-entered the Central Devil's Hall, Perris followed him and quietly followed.

In the hall, Fengyun Wuji suddenly stopped in front of the throne. He swung his robe and said coldly, "Perys, what are you doing here?"

It was dark in the hall. With intuition, Perris knelt down behind Feng Yun Wuji and said respectfully, "Master, have you ever remembered our agreement?"

"What's the agreement?" Feng Yun Wuji frowned.

"My lord spared my life. I helped my lord create a new dynasty on an equal footing with the other thirteen dynasties. Rao's subordinates said bluntly that in this dynastic war, the Nicholas dynasty was only an ordinary force, and these casualties could not shake anything for the Nicholas dynasty. No matter what kind of Heavenly Demon Legion or Heavenly Demon Legion, it is not the real trump card of the Nicholas Dynasty. If it can exist for so long, it is absolutely impossible for the power of the Nicholas dynasty to stop like this. As far as I know, the real ace power of the Nicholas dynasty is definitely not under the army of destruction under the throne, but only above!"

"Although the Lord has annihilated the army of the Nicholas Dynasty with his power this time, the military strength of my Central Dynasty is too weak after all. As a result, a legion on the periphery of the Nicholas Dynasty was used to suppress souls and supply the faith of the Lord God, which almost caused heavy casualties in my Central Dynasty. And in terms of military strength and the size of the royal court, we are far from a dynasty. A simple central magic mountain can't match the identity and status of the lord!"

"So, as you can see, what should I do?" Feng Yun Wuji turned around and stared at Perris coldly.