After soaring

Chapter 528 The Rule of Chaos 3

In the sky, the five stars are hanging, and the sky and the earth are cold. In the faint starlight, the lonely peak of the Sword Pavilion slanted into the sky. In the shadow of the lonely peak, the ancient ape, which turned into a human form, sat quietly in the shadow under the cliff, and its furry face was clear. Between the eyebrows, the innate violence has faded a lot.

"Qi Tian, come in!" Suddenly, a plain and majestic voice came from the ears of Ape Qitian.

"Master!" Yuan Qitian suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of light radiated in his eyes. As soon as his body shook, he pulled up from under the cliff, folded in the air, turned into a golden smoke, and sank into the sword pavilion.

"See Master!" Yuan Qitian put his hands together, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed respectfully: "Master, do you want to pass on my martial arts?"

Before the plan, Fengyun Wuji suddenly raised his head, as if he had found a new continent, and looked at the ape Qitian: "You have only repaired a short period of clear mind, and you have actually had some enlightened traces... Come here."

"Master..." The ape was blessed to the heart. He crawled up and stood in front of the plan: "Master, please pass on my great ability!"

"This article is tailored for you, called 'Ninety-nine Xuangong', which means eighty-one changes. This set of skills. There are nine floors in total. Every time you concentrate on one layer, you will be enlightened, and your perception of the world will also be refined. There are eight layers and nine layers in the front, and seventy-two changes, which contains the meaning of seventy-two evil. You are a very heavy evil thing, and this mysterious power with seventy-two evils is in line with you. Waiting for you to reach the eighth floor. Get the evil spirit. Then you can get through the strongest power in heaven and earth. Among all things in the world, there is nothing to defend you head-on. As for the ninth weight, it is also divided into nine layers. In the first eight layers, each layer corresponds to the change of a heavy sky. After you integrate the 72 changes of the first eight layers and realize the meaning of the ninth and ninth layers, the Xuangong will be completed.

"The master recently realized the magic and martial arts, and only realized the total of 72 layers of the eight changes in front of the ninety-nine Xuangong. For the time being, it is named 'Eighty-nine Xuangong', and the next nine-layer changes are the essence of the whole Xuangong. It will take some time to realize it. Feng Yun Wuji paused and said, "Qi Tian. As a teacher, I only accepted you and two disciples. All the teachers know are integrated into these nine-nine mysterious skills. When you achieve great success, you can take off your original form and become the ultimate place like human beings. What is the thing between heaven and earth is immortal and immortal.

Ape Qitian nodded as if he didn't understand, and suddenly asked, "Has the master reached the ultimate of immortality and immortality?"

Fengyun Wuji shook his head: "Not yet... but it won't be too far!"

"Don't think so much. If you can practice the mysterious skills tailored for you by your teacher. Even if you can't achieve 'nine-nine Xuangong'. The 'eight-nine Xuangong' that has been cultivated into the first eight or seventy-two layers is enough for you to cross the whole universe. As for the ninth, when the teacher reaches the ultimate realm, he can realize it, and then it can be passed on to you. Now, let's pass on your 'eight-nine Xuangong' for the time being!" Fengyun Wuji's double pupils condensed, and his powerful consciousness was directly bombarded into the ape's mind. After leaving a sign of consciousness, he retreated.

"Qi Tian. You remember it clearly.' Eighty-nine Xuangong's eight-fold sky, seventy-two layers, each one layer. You can turn into an animal. From big to small. By the time you can turn into an invisible mayfly, your body will be completely refined. Each layer is repaired, and it can be turned into one thing. When you change seventy-two creatures, that is, you can cultivate eighty-nine Xuangong. Only by completing eighty-nine mysterious skills can you continue to 'nine-nine mysterious skills'.

"Thank you, Master!"

"Go ahead! See me when you have mastered the 'eight-nine Xuangong'!"

Fengyun Wuji waved the white sleeve robe. The ape broke through the air and disappeared outside the Sword Pavilion.

After the ape left, Feng Yun Wuji left the case. He took a white shadow and appeared at the door. On the left side of the threshold, the saint appeared on the side of Fengyun Wuji.

" Throughout the human race, there will be an ancient ape that can transform into an apprentice. You are still the first," the saint smiled.

"This is also caused by fate." Feng Yun Wuji looked at the direction where the ape left.

Both of them looked at the western sky and were silent. In the distance, the ape turned into a black spot and quickly disappeared.

"Wuji, this time the temple calls you to cross the holy mountain. Do you have any countermeasures?" The saint is concerned.

Feng Yun Wuji nodded indifferently. On the opposite side, a strong wind surged from the void and passed by both temples.

"Wuji, you have never agreed to marry Princess Feng." The saint's lips moved and stopped talking. After all, he still asked, "What do you think of Princess Feng?"

After a pause, the saint said, "Actually, I'm also very optimistic about you and her. But you seem to have some grudges with her.

Fengyun Wuji turned his head and said solemnly, "I don't have any grudge against her."

"So, is it because Princess Fengfei is not soft-hearted?"

"It has nothing to do with this," Fengyun Wuji said indifferently, "In fact, Xuanyuan Supreme once asked me to take care of Princess Fengfei with a message of consciousness."

It was the first time the saint heard about this matter. He raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words: "Xuanyuan Supreme?"

"Well," then Feng Yun Wuji told the original things one by one. Finally, he said, "Xuanyuan Supreme, although I am entrusted to take care of Concubine Feng, taking care of her is not the same as marrying her. After a long time of practice, I have already lost the so-called feeling of love. She won't be happy when she is with me!"

The saint sighed: "If you look at the ancient times, how many people dare to talk about the word 'happiness'?"

"Xuanyuan Supreme has paid a lot for the human race, and I don't want to see her only blood become a victim of a political marriage. If the victory of Taikoo needs to be based on the sacrifice of a woman, I think the whole Taikoo man will be humiliated. Besides--"

Fengyun Wuji stared at the saint's eyes and said, "So far, the temple, the North Sea, the fluorescence, you have been asking me how I feel, but why, I have never asked Princess Fengfei's feelings, no

Ask her what she thinks?"

The saint was silent, and he couldn't help avoiding it in the face of the wind and clouds.

"But you haven't asked Princess Fengfei. How do you know she doesn't want to?" The saint is still unremitting.

"I never believe that there is no other way to achieve the same goal except sacrificing a woman."

After saying this, Fengyun Wuji jumped down from the sword pavilion, half of it, was swept by a strong wind, and disappeared into countless light spots...

Holy Mountain.

Countless light spots converged on the edge of the cliff, the void twisted, and the wind and clouds in white fell from the air like a leaf of light feathers.

"I've seen the sword god. Please follow me. Several controllers have been waiting for a long time!" As soon as Feng Yun Wuji appeared, a temple messenger quickly greeted him and bowed.

"Well, please lead the way!"

As soon as the messenger stretched out his right hand and led Feng Yun Wuji across the gate of the temple and entered the interior of the holy mountain, after several twists and turns. He stopped in a hole.

"The controllers are waiting inside, Sword God, please come in!" After saying this, the messenger turned around and left.

The candlelight is dim, and the columns are lined up.

When Fengyun Wuji pushed open the door, the space in front of him changed and he had already entered another open space. The seven masters of the temple, 18 elders in the North Sea, and the top strong among more than a dozen potential practitioners. The confusion, as well as the lord of the liberal faction, the Great Light Wang Yangzun all appeared here.

Among the elders sitting in the North Sea. Fengyun Wuji saw the figure of Fengfei, lowered his head, squeezed his lips, and said nothing. Fengyun Wuji came in. She didn't seem to find it either.

"This time, the temple summoned me and the Great Guangming Wang Yangzun. I'm afraid that this time it will decide the ownership of the power of the ancient peak." Feng Yun Wuji suddenly had such an understanding in his heart.

"Wuji, you're finally here. Now I'm waiting for you," Fengyun Wuji stepped into this space, and everyone's eyes were focused on Fengyun Wuji.

Beside the elders of the North Sea, they have been squeezing their red lips, lowering their heads, and the phoenix concubine suddenly raised her head and stared at Fengyun Wuji. The charming face showed some weakness at this time.

"Well," Fengyun Wuji nodded and sat opposite the Guangming Wang Yangzun according to the arrangement of the temple, adjacent to the elders of the North Sea.

In this way, judging from the intensity of the seats, Fengyun Wuji is adjacent to the North Sea elders who support him. The great self-indant Wang Yangzun is adjacent to the top strong among the self-cultivators, and at the same time, the two sit opposite each other. It represents the two forces of this ancient power struggle. At the same time, the temple, as a dispatcher, stood in the middle - at least on the surface.

As the ruler of the temple of his predecessor, Ying Confusion does not represent any side, just like Concubine Feng, just listening. If it hadn't been for his former temple controller, now, the meeting convened by the temple would not have his place.

After Fengyun Wuji sat down, the whole atmosphere became strange. As far as the elders of the North Sea are concerned, they are in full support of Fengyun Wuji. Especially when Fengyun Wuji and the Qinglong Holy Beast meet. Even if Gongsun Zhishang really has no problem, compared with his identity as the son of the white tiger, it is obvious that the fifth supreme identity can be more supported by the elders of the North Sea.

The only thing that puzzled the elders of the North Sea is that Fengyun Wuji has been recognized by the Green Dragon Holy Beast Land for some time. But even when Gongsun Zhishang made a high-profile comeback, Fengyun Wuji did not disclose his fifth supreme identity. The elders of the North Sea have every reason to believe that if Fengyun Wuji discloses his fifth supreme identity, its influence will definitely be on Gongsun Zhishang. Moreover, these forces that originally turned to Gongsun Zhishang are also likely to turn to Fengyun Wuji immediately. The problem is:

The elders never knew what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd. The only thing that is certain is that Fengyun Wuji must have his plan.

"Wuji, this time the temple summons you and Gongsun Zhishang. What countermeasures do you have? Judging from the current situation, you don't have an advantage," the elders of the North Sea communicate with the gods and the wind and clouds.

"The situation is still under control, and Gongsun Zhishang has not revealed any disadvantages to Taigu so far. We can't do anything to him. However, the only thing to care about is where Gongsun Zhishang's ontology is. Yangzun, the king of great light, is obviously just his split, not his body. But not long ago, Gongsun Zhishang came back with this height adjustment. And his body, so far, has been hidden behind the scenes!"

"Well, even we can't find out the whereabouts of his body!" The elder said, "He hides too deeply. A person who acts frankly and has a clear conscience, why hides his head so much? - Even if he can't find evidence that harms ancient times. With this alone, it's hard for us to believe him!"

At this moment, the chief controller of the temple said, "Gentlemen. At present, we have clearly rejected the excessive demands of the demon world. According to the past practice, they will soon send a messenger to officially convey the attitude of the demon world. If the demon world does not regress at all, I'm afraid we have to make two preparations: First, give in temporarily. According to the requirements of the demon world. Three million people were sent to the demon world. Second, prepare to officially fight with the demon world, and the two sides will go to war!"

"No matter what the situation is, it is not what we are happy to see. According to the situation we are facing now, we need to integrate the ancient forces as soon as possible. At the same time, at the beginning of the establishment of the temple, there was also a rule when anyone meets the conditions. The temple needs to hand over the power. And it's this time. Only the two of you can meet this condition," the controller paused, and then said, "Sword God Fengyun Wuji..., and Gongsun Zhishang."

"This time, I will call you, and at the same time, I will invite all the elders of the North Sea, and all the people who are quite dignified among the potential practitioners. I hope everyone will discuss it together. From these two ethnic groups, one was selected to integrate the major forces of Taigu. Get ready for war!"

"Elders. What do you mean? The controller looks in the direction of the elders of the North Sea

The elders of the North Sea pondered slightly and said on behalf of the elders of the North Sea, "I support both. Relatively speaking, I think the Sword God is more suitable for this responsibility. I believe that the temple should also rise from him and start to pay attention to his growth. His achievements and changes during this period. Everyone shares it with the eyes. In ancient times, now, below the supreme. He is the first person. No one can refute this point. So..."

"Wait a minute," a strong man interrupted, "Elder, I'm not referring to you. It's just that this time, it's so big that we can't give in. - If the elder chooses him just because of his martial arts, we recommend the supreme son of the white tiger, Gongsun Zhishang. In terms of martial arts, Gongsun Gongzi's 'the derivative of all demons' may not be worse than the sword god's kendo!"

Hearing the name of 'All Demons', several controllers of the temple and the elders of the North Sea couldn't help frowning slightly, and then quickly unfolded.

"Tiger father has no son. We support Gongsun Zhishang's joint marriage with Princess Fengfei and integrate Taigu."

When the latent monk said this sentence, Feng Yun Wuji caught a glimpse of a fiery red phoenix robe, and the body of the princess phoenix with thin shoulders suddenly trembled, as if she had been struck by lightning. The beautiful eyes were wide open, and the blood on his face faded in an instant and became extremely pale. She held her hands tightly against her lower lip, trembling slightly. That look was like a frightened deer.

Fengyun Wuji suddenly looked cold. He turned his head and stared at the liberal master who spoke, emitting a cold breath all over his body: "Who are you?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, he suddenly felt that his shoulders were equal. A huge pressure was locked on his shoulders, and his face couldn't help changing. He just met Feng Yun Wuji's eyes and subconsciously said, "Don't leave people randomly."

"Mo Ruo Xin?" Fengyun Wuji raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Do you still know your name is Mo Ruoxin? ...It's your turn to interrupt Princess Fengfei. Have you ever asked the princess herself? Humph!"

With a cold snort, Fengyun Wuji's consciousness broke his body and bombarded in the sea of Mo Ruoxin's consciousness.

"Bun!" Mo Ruo's heart and body shook violently, and his face was as pale as paper in an instant. His consciousness could not even last for a second of resistance, so he was torn up in the defense and bombarded by Fengyun Wuji in the sea of consciousness. The second most harmful is that what really shakes the heart is the strength shown by Fengyun Wuji.

When Fengyun Wuji's magnificent consciousness broke out, everyone looked at each other. However, when he saw that the potential monk had no real harm, he was relieved.

When Wang Yangzun of Great Light took action in Fengyun Wuji, there was a trace of shock in his eyes. Although it was almost recognized in ancient times that the Lord of the Sword Pavilion was the first master, when he felt the void, the sudden and fleeting power of the universe and the starry sky was discolored, the King of the Great Light knew where the strength of Fengyun Wuji had reached. When looking at Fengyun Wuji again, his eyes were full of fear.

"Fengyun Wuji!!" Feng Yun Wuji's action made all the strong practitioners angry: "Have you forgotten that this is the temple!"

Fengyun Wuji heard it as if he hadn't heard of it. Seeing a discussion, it was about to evolve into a dispute between the two forces that supported him and Gongsun Zhishang respectively. Fengyun Wuji looked solemn, revealing a rare domineering momentum all over his body. At the same time, he slowly stood up, slowly but giving people a

"Now that both sides have seen each other, it will not be difficult to reach a conclusion," At this point, Fengyun Wuji glanced at his father-in-law Shang, but when he saw Gongsun Zhishang thoughtfully glanced at Fengyun Wuji, his lips squirmed, and he wanted to say something.

But Fengyun Wuji will not give him a chance to breed more trouble. As soon as he stood up, he broke the biggest trump card in his hand: "The temple obeys the order, I will issue the first order in the name of the fifth supreme!"

"Ah!" Everyone was so sorry, and the strong potential practitioners were even more shocked and stunned. Originally, they thought that the fifth supreme was Gongsun Zhishang's...!!!

The wrinkled faces of the elders of the North Sea finally smiled: "Kid, you have finally learned to be a little domineering!" ......


Clarify a few things.

I. The so-called buyout refers to the purchase of electronic and physical book rights by the starting point. The starting point plan is to make the new author feel at ease.

II. This book was published in traditional Chinese as Taiwan's Adventurer's Paradise as early as February this year, but it was not simplified. Traditional Chinese publishing is signed with Taiwan Publishing House. I am not restricted from updating. Moreover, the degree of electronic update of this book is far beyond the entity. If it is published in simplified Chinese... You will know by looking at the update of the boiling blood of beasts. So, don't boil it down to my money or whatever.

Three. I believe you all know that I often update it very late, and I have a record of updating it at four or five o'clock in the evening. Generally speaking, it is enough for me to submit a full manuscript to the starting point every month. There is no need to do it so late, or even not. Although I have interrupted the update, I have turned it over, and the accumulation is not much. I work overtime at night, and sometimes it breaks out. The so-called sake of money has nothing to do with it, but in a responsible attitude towards readers.

Four. Some people say that I make a promise, but I can't live up, which is the most hateful. I admit that I can't do this. Imagine, a person who is irresponsible to readers will make a promise with no remuneration without the benefits of the task? There is a good saying that the plan will never keep up with changes. Who can not encounter some unexpected situations? This year is my last year in college. I have been in college, or I am in college. I should know the extraordinaryness of this year. If you don't know, if you study in college for nothing, you may not even get a diploma. From the bottom of my heart, I am familiar with it, and everyone can distinguish themselves at a glance. So far, I am not a professional writer or a full-time writer.