After soaring

Chapter 42 Ancient Legacy!

In the distant large-dimensional space, countless planets emit faint light in the void. The chant of the hymn resounds through the universe. This is the paradise of the blood clan, but it is also the back garden of the bright gods.

The blood clan ruled nearly two-thirds of the planets in this space, while the remaining planets, which are still huge, are ruled by the gods of light.

In the area ruled by the light force, a long time ago, the thirteen light gods reached an agreement to divide all the planets and share the power of faith generated by all human beings. Subsequently, the number of Gothic Holy Church churches, which are more numerous than all the stars in the large dimensional space, appeared on the planet ruled by all the light forces after the rain, thus giving birth to the thirteen holy churches. Although they also believe in the power of light, the Lord God believed in each church is different.

Each planet is divided into countless regions, each of which is ruled by a cardinal with a powerful holy power, and the cardinal of all regions must be subject to the great pope who rules the whole planet, and the great church on each planet must obey the supreme pope on the largest star in the center of the bright region.

Rumor has it that the supreme pope can directly listen to the voices of the supreme light gods without passing through the angels of heaven.

The thirteen supreme popes have jurisdiction over countless great popes. At the same time, they believe in the gods of light. They have their own divisions and do not interfere with each other. Rumor has it that the great pope of each planet can directly summon the Four-winged angels of heaven and the angels below. The supreme pope on the thirteen largest planets in the Holy Land can directly summon the blazing angels in heaven, and can even partially borrow the power of God.

On the mainland of Otis, thick clouds are shrouded in thick clouds, and under the clouds, dense forest-like Goelic churches stand on this vast land. Most of these churches are very old, revealing the vicissitudes of time in their grandeur. Many churches look like an old man. It may collapse at any time - there are fewer and fewer new churches built by the Great Church of Redemption, and in the past hundred years, they have almost stopped building.

From the sky, on this dark clouded land, there is an ancient church standing on the top of the steep mountain, which is the most eye-catching. The church has been shrouded in a milky holy light that goes straight to the sky for many years. Under the background of the divine light, the whole church presents a strong sacred atmosphere. From a distance, in the more brilliant holy light, there is a huge and majestic hazy light and shadow, even the most unruly criminal. When approaching the hazy and majestic light and shadow in the holy light, they will repent and shed tears in pain because of the sins in their hearts, in the rumors. The light and shadow that people can't look directly at is the projection of Isaac, the Redeemer of the gods of heaven and the earth. This church is called the Temple of Redemption. It is the most important of the numerous redemption churches, because Pope Roland, the supreme of the redemption church, lived in this temple built before the first war of gods and demons.

"The Lord God left the earth spell, and it should soon disappear!" In the magnificent and ancient Temple of Redemption, the increasingly ancient Pope Roland lies on the papal throne made of agate and blood diamonds. He wears the sea eel crown inherited by the Redemption Church for hundreds of millions of years, and wears a brilliant golden papal robe. Two thin palms gently rested on the streamlined black Liuli inlaid ruby armrests on both sides, and lay lazily on the throne. A pair of turbid eyes. Squinting slightly, his eyes crossed the top of the hall in a circle of arched marble reliefs, and fell in the depths above the hall, on the shadow of the main god like a ocean.

The majesty of the Lord God cannot be blasphemed!

This is the first sentence on the title page of the Holy Book shared by the thirteen churches. What is derived from this sentence is that the projection of the Lord God on earth is also sacred and inviolable.

However, when the Redemptive Holy Emperor stared at the shadow of the Lord God shrouded above the Redemption Temple, he could not feel the legendary power that made the soul tremble, let alone the angry power of the Lord God that could make the soul burn.

On the mainland, there has long been a legend that Isaac, the Lord of Redemption, had fallen in the first battle of gods and demons. But the Holy Pope. This kind of heresy rumor was suppressed with direct force. For this reason, a large number of civilians were nailed to wooden stakes.

However, regardless of recognition. I still don't admit that all the planets ruled by the redemption church have not been miracles for a long time.

"The Redemption Church is actually the most powerful church in the Thirteen Churches!" The supreme pope old Roland sat on the throne, gently holding the golden finger of the pope on his left hand, his eyes slowly closed, and his mind recalled the glory of the peak era of the Redemption Church. Old Roland had not experienced this glory. These memories are passed on to the next generation of the supreme pope in the death of each generation.

In the ocean of light above hundreds of millions of planes, there are thirteen light gods. The ability of the thirteen bright gods is basically the same for a long time, but at some time, there will be a sharp increase in the power of a certain god.

Before the first battle of gods and demons, the most powerful of the thirteen gods was Isaac, the owner of redemption. Therefore, Isaac became the leader of the thirteen gods of the light in the first battle of gods and demons. And the growth of Isaac's new power, a large part of which comes from ordinary human beings who believe in the Lord of redemption in Haohan's large dimensional space.

The most important one of the teachings of the Holy Church is that all sentient beings are guilty, and all sentient beings need to believe in the gods of light and serve the light with a pious heart, so that they can be reborn.

That is, he is guilty, and naturally he hopes for salvation. And among the thirteen bright gods, the one who is in charge of the power of redemption is Isaac! Among all the beliefs that can produce divine power, only human beings who are eager to redeem and wash away their own sins are the purest and powerful. Therefore, although they have the same number of believers in the big dimension, the power of faith collected by Isaac, the Lord of redemption, far exceeds that of other gods. It was an era of frequent miracles, and Isaac, the Lord of Redemption, frequently showed miracles in the big dimension. Therefore, even believers on the planet who believe in other bright gods will remain devout to the Lord of redemption in the depths of their hearts, because in the hearts of every believer in the light, there is a belief in redemption.

In that era, the supreme emperor of the Redemption Church was the most powerful pope in the whole dimension. They could even directly summon a large number of high-level angels without spells. In the legend. The strongest supreme emperor of the earth can even summon the servant of God who serves the Lord God day and night in the sea of light

In that era, every church of the Redemption Church was full of people, full of the chants of priests and bishops, and the number of clergy was even more than the armies of some countries on the mainland. But all this has become a legend, and now, although the front of the church of the Redemption Church is not so crowded, it is not good to go there. The previous situation of the pilgrimage from the sea of people to the Temple of Redemption is gone forever.

"Alas! ..." Old Rolands sighed gently, and his old face was full of worry. The situation of the Redemption Church made him deeply worried, but he could do nothing. Moreover, he is old. It has reached the age of completion, and in a few hours, it will be the time for the Supreme Pope's inheritance of the Redemption Church every 60 years.

"The sound of the heavy door being pushed open came from afar, and a bodyguard dressed in a black and red cloak strode in, and the heavy iron boots sounded crisply on the smooth floor engraved with countless colorful floating pictures.

"Your Excellency the Pope. Two more hours will be the beginning of the inheritance ceremony, outside the temple. A lot of believers have gathered to watch, and the charming bodyguards of the popes of other planets bowed down from afar, knelt down on one knee, and said devoutly.

"Well," Old Rolands' loose eyelids slightly opened a crack, nodded indifferently, waved his dry right hand three fingers out, and said weakly, "I know, go and inform Cardinal Gonzalez and let him come to see me."

"Yes. Your Honor, Pope!" The bodyguard in red was quickly ordered to leave. Gonzalez has been serving Old Rolands in the Temple of Redemption for 30 years. Although he is nominally a cardinal, it is according to the structural system of the Catholic Church. In fact, it is the next supreme pope candidate. In terms of real power, even now, it will surpass the pope of other planets!

Soon after, a slow sound of footsteps came from outside the hall, and a devout voice came from afar: "Your Majesty!"

Gonzalez, with short hair and some silver-white hair on his temples, came forward in a red robe, stroked his chest, and saluted the supreme pope who looked old on the throne.

Old Rolands was condescending, holding a wrinkled chin in one hand, glanced at the Cardinal indifferently, and whispered, "According to the regulations of the Holy Church, before the inheritance ceremony begins, I will give you the crown and the teaching robe representing the Supreme Pope. At the same time, I will also pass on the greatest I will give it to you. Gonzalez, are you ready?

"Yes, Your Majesty!" From a long time ago, on the day when he served the Supreme Pope in the Temple of Redemption, Gonzalez knew his future fate. For all this today, he had already practiced many times in his mind, so that he still maintained a calm look on his face.

Old Roland stared at Gonzalez under the steps. Under the loose eyelids, the originally cloudy eyes suddenly became clear, and a dazzling light burst out in the depths of his pupils. The light was so bright that Gonzalez had a feeling of running away in a hurry, but he still resisted and his eyes were motionless. Looking at old Roland.m. Under the eyes of the old pope, Gonzalez had a feeling that his internal organs and soul were pierced.

"Come on!" For a long time, old Roland waved his hand, and the bright color in his pupils faded quickly. The body under the golden robe became more and more rickly. At the same time, a blush appeared on the old tree-like withered cheeks and coughed violently.

Gonzalez looked at the old Roland, who curled up on the throne, and slowly came forward, thinking in his heart, "It seems that His Majesty the Pope is really old!" The frightenance of the moment just now was like a return of light, which consumed the old pope's last savings.

While Gonzalez walked up the steps, old Roland finally stopped coughing and stood up. He raised his hands over his head, slowly took off the supreme crown he had worn for more than 60 years, looked down at Gonzalez under the steps, and smiled and said, "Congratulations, with your devout heart of serving God, you have won the trust and favor of Isaac, the Redee. From today on, you will become the new supreme pop Congratulations, Gonzalez!"

"May the light of Isaac visit the continent of Otims and the planet where the believers are!" Gonzalez drew a cross on his chest. He slowly closed his eyes and knelt down.

On the throne, the old Pope held the crown of the sea eel in his hands and gently put it on Gonzalez's head.

"Congratulations, my child!" Old Rolands stretched out his thin palm, gently rubbed Gonzalez's head, and gave the traditional mote ceremony: "From now on, you are His Majesty Pope Gonzalez. But before your followers hold the inheritance ceremony in front of you, I will tell you the highest secret of the highest popes of all dynasties!"

"Bun Bang Bang!!

Four sides of the hall. Suddenly, there were bursts of collisions, and all the outward doors, windows and other channels in the Pope's hall were automatically closed. There was a sudden silence in the hall, as if isolated from the outside world.

Gonzalez's heart jumped. I know that the most important part of the ceremony is coming...

"Son, I have never heard the voice of Isaac, the Redeemer!" After saying this, his right hand did not cooperate with his old image at all, clasped to the top of Gonzalez's head at a lightning speed, and at the same time, the bottom of the palm of the old Rolands burst out a vast ocean-like strong holy light. As soon as this strong holy light appeared, it filled the whole hall. Under the cover of the holy light. Old Rolands and the new pope were soon swallowed up by the holy light.

Gonzalez was shocked, and a voice shouted in the bottom of his heart, "Impossible!" He was shocked by the strength preserved by the old Rolands, but what was even more shocking was what the old Pope said.

The thirteen branches of the Holy Pope, and the thirteen supreme popes can hear the voice of the gods in heaven. This is the news that the whole dimension knows. There is only one possibility that what Old Rolands said can happen.

"Is the rumor true! Isaac, the Lord of Redemption, really fell in that ancient war era?!!" An idea subconsciously crossed Gonzalez's mind, which was still in his mind, and another old voice sounded in Gonzalez's heart: "Child. Accept the precious memory passed on to you by the popes!"

later. The overwhelming image rushed into Gonzalez's mind, and the new pope's mind was shocked and he could no longer move. You can only quietly watch the most important memory left by each pope from a bystander's perspective...

Time passed quietly, and a large amount of memories and the magical power accumulated in old Roland's body poured into Gonzalez's body. At the same time, old Roland aging at a speed visible to the naked eye is the kind of old state that can be extinguished at any time like a candle in the wind.

When this inheritance ceremony is completed, the old pope will turn into ashes because of the exhaustion of power. Only in this way can the new pope ensure that he can successfully take over power, so as to avoid the phenomenon of power struggle because of the existence of the two new and old popes at the same time.

In the middle of the ceremony, the holy light covering the whole hall has weakened a lot, and the old Roland' eyes are getting more and more turbid. The body under the Pope's robe is only a layer of skin-like bones, and his flesh and blood seem to follow the influx of the new pope. The holy light inside has been worn out.

Just as the ceremony was about to be completed, a strange feeling suddenly came to Old Roland's mind. At the last moment of his life, Old Roland's suddenly felt a magnificent breath of long separation, which was majestic and holy, covering the sky and above the Temple of Redemption.

When the old Pope saw the supreme crown above Gonzalez's head constantly flashing and shining the holy light, he was more and more shocked.

"Impossible!!" Old Rolands couldn't believe this idea - he actually felt the breath of the Lord of redemption that had disappeared for a long time in the last era of his life!

Looking up, Old Rolands saw that the virtual shadow of the main god, which had been weakening for hundreds of millions of years, suddenly became much brighter. In the bright holy pillar of light leading straight to the sky, Old Rolands clearly saw a hazy human-shaped light and shadow.

It seemed to feel the eyes of Old Rolands. The hazy humanoid shadow that suddenly appeared above the Redemption Temple looked down. Suddenly, a pair of cold eyes crossed the layers of space and reflected straight into the pupils of Old Rolands. The old Pope's slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened: "Ah!"

Indifferent and almost cruel, without any human emotional change, this is the feeling of old Rolands, and the most shocking thing is that the old Pope felt the breath of the Lord God from those eyes - the breath of Isaac, the Redeemer.

According to the memory of inheritance, Old Rolands is completely sure that this is indeed the breath of Isaac, the Lord of Redemption.

"Is that... the supreme Redeemer?!!" Old Roland Gonzalez, who still maintained a devout baptism posture, also felt the grand and familiar atmosphere above the Temple of Redemption. In the hall, it fell into a dead silence again...

In the eyes of the two old and new popes, at the top of the Redemption Temple, which went straight to the sky, the hazy light and shadow that appeared in the holy light of redemption recovered the cold and ruthless eyes, and slowly spread their hands...

For me, the two new and old popes on the earth are like ants, small and humble, far less attractive than the power of faith floating in the void of the universe.

In this world, there is no sky, no earth, no church, only drifting in the void of the universe, accumulating billions of years and months. No one has ever collected the power of faith bred by the yearning for redemption.

In the first battle of gods and demons, after the fall of the Lord of redemption, the power of faith born from the devout faith of hundreds of millions of believers in the large dimensional space will never reach the heaven again, and can only stay in this void and concentrate on the top of each church.

The bitter disaster is more and more prone to the devout of human piety. After a long time, the power of faith floating above these planets has reached a terrible and incredible point.

The Lord God has the ability to transform his unique divine power into pure divine power and use it for other Lord Gods, but he does not have the ability to convert the divine power of other Lord Gods into his own divine power, which has always been an irreversible ability.

----The Secret of the Gods

After the fall of Isaac, this precious property should have been inherited, but I don't know whether it was because I didn't want to share these huge divine powers with the Lord of the war with Dismason or something. Among the memory fragments regained by the emperor, a large dimension has always been missing, which also caused these huge power of faith to drift. Flow, no one harvested, and now, the Buddha, who comes across layers of void, has become a new successor with this redemptive god!

I looked at the top quietly. At the end of my eyes, the twelve vast torrents crisscrossed in the dark void, and finally turned into twelve huge holy light pillars, breaking through the space and sinking into the distant heaven

And under the twelve white torrents, pieces of milky holy light shrouded the planets one by one. On the planet, the power of faith sprayed by each redemption church turned into a beam of light and submerged into the sea of light that wrapped the whole planet - this is my goal!


I suddenly looked up and made a loud roar that was hard for ordinary people to hear. In the loud roar, a huge white crystal appeared from my forehead - it was Isaac's redemption

As soon as the roar was exhausted, the holy power of redemption over the whole continent of Otims fluctuated violently. The power of faith that woke up hundreds of millions of years and drifted in the void seemed to have survived at this moment. The calm sea of holy power, roaring crazily and rolling, rushed to the Buddha above the Redemption Temple...

I slowly closed my eyes, and the whole god absorbed the power of faith in all directions. In its mind, there was still an idea left: "God's power..., a lot of God's power!"