After soaring

Chapter 65 Total War!

The Battle of Gods and Demons Chapter 65 Total War!

The actions of the black wizards were also completely beyond the expectations of the demons. In the face of the sudden expansion of the gap more than ten times, the vast army of demons in the sky was stunned. After a moment, they screamed one by one: "Wow! ----"

The wings were shaken, and the dense demons closed their wings and swooped down from the sky...

In the back of the dense army, Anji Good's pupils suddenly contracted, and it was time for the decisive battle...

"Cheng!----" I don't know when Anjigude pulled out a narrow-ed long sword from his body, held the sword in his right hand, and waved forward: "Attack!"

"Ding Dong Dong!!----"

The army of nine dynasties waved its hand, and behind them, there was a thunderous drum sound in the dense array of dynasty army.




Rows of dynasty armies that can't see the end hold magic soldiers, like the water of the sluice, pouring down from above, and the sound of drums that shocks the sky resounds through the void. In front of the dynasty army, I felt the murderous spirit of the rear dynasty army, and the demons flew faster!

"Wow! The sword is long-ming. The long knife trembled. When the final battle order of the temple is issued in advance. The ancient army in the southwest and northwest is completely boiling.

Staring at the sky and pouring down the army of the demon world. A pair of eyes suddenly turned red. The wind is cold. It's cold. The ancient army, which had been calm for a long time, finally came out...




North of the plane gap. The children of the warriors in white robes stood up suddenly. Hold a long knife in hand. There is an unparalleled fighting spirit all over his body. The spirit of war stirred like a strong wind. It makes the void blurred.


The gap in the center of the plane. A disciple of the Sword Pavilion flattened his hands and slowly floated up in the air. On the left and right of their arms, a three-foot sword appeared out of thin air, one after another, and thousands of Sword Pavilion disciples who reached the realm of the Sword Emperor performed the Sword Emperor's unique skills at the same time, in the blink of an eye. A cold water sword tide rose in mid-air, and each air sword was crystal clear. The flickering cold light...

"Sing!" ----" The sword sings like a dragon. Shocking through the sky, one sword pavilion disciple after another floated up in the sky. The sword shadow in the void has increased crazily in geometric multiples...

"Ceng Qiang!!----" The armor trembled when the disciples of the Sword Pavilion floated up. The dense golden armorer stood on his body and made a muffled sound in his mouth. The body doubled out of thin air, and the muscles rose like iron and steel, one by one like the golden god of war, staring fiercely at the front...



"Kill! ----" figures rose up like lightning, facing the sky and flew down to the army of demons. At the beginning of the earth, there were ten, hundreds, thousands... Suddenly, there was a tide on the earth, and tens of thousands of ancient armies formed a surging tide, pulling up out of the air to the sky. Empty bombardment...


A thunderbolt, the sky is covered with dark clouds, countless silver snakes shuttle through the dark clouds, and dark shadows float under the dark clouds...

"Roar! ----" A breath gushed out of the ancient army and madly bombarded into the demon army...

"Wow! ----" In the sky, the demons roared fiercely and speeded up...


Two torrents bombarded each other one by one at the gap in the plane. Lightning and thunder in the sky, huge lightning fell from the clouds and bombarded into the vast army of demons in many places. Every lightning went down, hundreds of demons screaming and rolling down from the sky with smoke...


At almost the same time, the huge sword tide composed of sword pavilion disciples moved. Thousands of sword emperor-level sword pavilion disciples spread their arms and then rotated quickly. While their bodies rotated, the dense, cold sword tide also rotated, faster and faster and faster...

The dense air sword formed a huge sword storm. In a few breaths, the huge silver sword tide storm bombarded into the dense army of demons. In the blink of an eye, it was surrounded and swallowed up by dense demons.

The storm of the huge silver sword turned into a huge killing machine. All the demons touched it and died, and were swept into pieces by at least 50 sharp swords.

"Suck!" Where the storm of the silver sword passed, a large number of demons were twisted into silk, and the fragments shot out along the edge of the storm. In the sword tide, thousands of sword emperor-level sword pavilion disciples were evenly distributed among them, completely closed their eyes, closed the six senses, and only had one mind in their hearts: rotation...


Millions of golden armored roared, plucked up like shells, and bombarded into the dense army of demons. For the vast number of demons, the golden armor did not dodge, and his hands bombarded out crazily without defense. A pair of sharp minions bombarded the golden armor, making a strong sound of gold and iron. After the golden battle secret of luck, the golden armor became extremely strong. The devil's minions could only leave shallow white marks on it at most, but they could not break through their defense at all!

"Kill all human beings!" A vast number of demons kept pouring in from the void. On the earth, tens of millions of ancient people rose up and fought with demons. The earth was full of swords and shadows, and the heaven and earth shook violently. Strong vitality fluctuations triggers of thunder and lightning fluctuations.

Behind the earth, he stood in the wind in confusion, with a solemn face. Behind him, the dense army of the queen of God remained motionless and looked at the front quietly. The army of 400,000 gods and a large number of holy beast warriors formed the second line of defense.


A sound wave with a strong magical spirit suddenly came from the group of demons pouring like a torrent in front of him. Ga! ----" The demons screamed and subconsciously turned around. Before he realized what was going on, a huge iron fist bombarded out of the vast group of demons!

"Boom!" ----" The demon screamed and was torn apart. Inside the demon all over the sky, a huge demon god as tall as black iron was on his upper body and rushed out from behind the gap in the plane with a huge chain in his hand.


The chain was thrown away, and a large number of demons were thrown away. One huge demon gods appeared on the gap in the plane, compared with the demons around them. Just like ants. A row of huge demons stood at the gap in the plane, and the huge eyes like copper bells glanced at the ancient land. Suddenly, there was a loud roar:


Earthquake. After a loud roar, these thousands of feet tall black demons suddenly stepped aside. With a ferocious face, he strode towards the interior of Taigu, behind these tower-like dark demons. A team of heavily armed dynastic demons stood up with a long halberd, like the water of a sluice. Leak it to Taigu!

"Ready!" The confused eyes stared firmly in front, the elbow of the right hand was slightly bent, and the palm of the hand was slowly raised diagonally: "Kill! ---

The last word suddenly turned into a thunder, and his palm suddenly waved down. The confused black robe swung and took the lead in killing forward. As soon as the palm was raised, a huge black palm print broke out of the palm. A hundred feet away, it hit a thousand-foot-high black demon god----

"Boom!"----" The originally powerful demon god's eyes suddenly stared wide, and his steel-like chest sank, and then pushed the golden mountain down like a jade pillar, pressing a large number of demons under him...


In the roar, the master of the 400,000 queen gods and the 70,000 holy beast guardian soldiers roared, picked up to the ground, and tore up in the direction of the dynastic legion... There was also a touch of blood in his eyes. After him, the surging army of the ancient queen roared, drawing traces in the void and killing ......

Outside the two plane gaps in the northwest and southwest, Anjigud stared coldly and kept pouring into the plane gap, and his face was cold.

"Today is the day of Taigu's destruction. I, the demon clan, will reign in the universe! ---" Anjigude roared in his heart, and at the same time, he waved his right hand again and waved heavily: "The ancient demon god obeys the order, let's go!"


In the void on the left of Dark Jigude's body, the dense army of ancient demons roared in a low voice, and a few flashes went towards the gap of the plane in the south of Taigu like a flash of light and shadow!

"The Legion of the Nine Demons obey the order, let's go!" As soon as his eyes turned, Anjigud's eyes fell on the Jiuyou Demon Legion suspended in the dark on his right.


The long hair flew, and the Jiuyou demons roared, and their bodies shook, turning into tortuous black lightnings, heading towards the east of the ancient plane...

In the blink of an eye, there were only tens of millions of the Jiuyou Legion trained by the incomplete Jiuyou magic skills, but the Jiujigude did not seem to use this legion temporarily...

Countless lights and shadows flashed over the dark pupils of Anjigud, and the back of the battlefield fell into silence. Thousands of miles behind Anjigud, the huge eyes of the fourteenth Lord God were also watching the battlefield...

"Golden Armor God! ----"

Taigu southwest plane plane gap, in the dense army of demons, suddenly there was a fierce shout! As soon as the voice was exhausted, a loud shout came from the turbulent sea of demons.


Golden figures ejected from the vast sea of demons and ejected into the air from all directions.

One, two, thousand...ten hundred thousand...million! The dense golden armor ejected into the space, the arms were knotted, the legs and feet hooked, and a huge golden arm was abruptly combined in the sea of two-winged demons, and then the right foot, body, neck... The impact of the demons could not disperse the golden body in the plane gap at all!

The world is dark, just in the black tide formed by demons. The huge golden armor giant absorbs the golden armor from all over the place at a geometric multiple, one is nearly ten thousand feet high. His arms were stretched for thousands of feet, and the huge golden armor giant with thick arms suddenly appeared between the world, and his head almost touched the top of the plane gap.


The body of the golden armor giant god is slightly tilted. He let out a roar that was thousands of times louder than that of the ancient ape. When his lips opened, a huge golden air mass spewed out of the mouth of the golden armored giant god and sank into the Taotao demon army. Where the golden air mass like a comet passed, the demons turned into powder one after another...


The golden armor giant god fell with one foot, and a large number of panicked demons could not dodge and were pressed on the ground by the huge soles of his feet. It turned into a piece of meat sauce and punched it out at the same time. Heavy bombardment poured into the demon army from the ancient times. It made a channel in the impenetrable black tide...

"Boom! Boom! Boom! ----" Every step of the golden armored giant god came out like a giant mallet pounding on the ground. The northwest land seems to collapse at any time. The golden armor giant is like a giant standing in the angry waves. Punch after punch, constantly fighting with the huge waves. Although the waves are big, the golden armor giant god is like a mainstay, towering...

The golden armor giant god is not created by Fengyun Wuji, but in the long-term cooperation, these golden armor soldiers gradually find that the golden battle formula in the body is of the same origin. If it is a joint attack, it will play a great role, thus inventing the combined attack

The more people are combined, the more powerful they will be!

A famous golden armored man is twisted into a human chain, and countless human chains are twisted together, forming arms, head, and body. With the golden battle formula of the same origin, all the golden armors are connected and integrated, which also enables the golden armor giant god to command.

"Bun Bang Bang!!----"

The golden armor giant god stepped forward, walked further and further away, and directly bombarded into the demon array. A large number of demons shouted ferociously, rushing from all sides and rushed to the golden armor giant god, trying to tear out the golden armor warrior attached to it. The surface of the golden giant body popped up layers of light golden light film as thick as dozens of feet. As soon as the demons who rushed over touched this light film, they were twisted into pieces...

"Meach Sword Array! ----"

On the earth, the remaining sword pavilion soldiers shouted loudly, their clothes danced, jumped into the void one by one, and quickly formed a strange formation!


The wind roared, and thousands of sword pavilion warriors were combined into a Maha sword array, sucking the violent vitality between heaven and earth, and the turbulent magic gas emitted by the demon clan, turned into silver storms, raging in the demon group. Thousands of Maha sword arrays emerged all over the earth, and the sky and the earth were ...


A demon screamed. As soon as he passed by the silver storm, he was scratched by the invisible sword. His body shook, and countless cracks appeared in the two demon wings in an instant. The persistence was the body. The next moment, it broke into countless blood with flesh and flesh, falling from the air...



Fields light up in the void, and every time a translucent field with a radius of thousands of feet appears, demons within thousands of square circles are involved in it and disappear. The glory of the field is uncertain in the void, the number of demons is sharply reduced at a very fast speed, and the master of the queen of God appears, directly making the devil's advantage disappear...


A huge thunderbolt burst out and bombarded heavily in the demon group. The thunder rotated and rolled away like a tide. Wherever it passed, the demons disappeared one after another...


A long halberd broke out of the air with thunder and lightning. An ancient strong man could not dodge. He was pierced through his chest by a long halberd and fell from the air. Behind the halberd, a gloomy demon general stepped out and walked out of the demon group. The main force of the dynasty army has arrived...

"Dong-dong-dong!!!----" The sound of drums was shocking, and the dense army of the dynasty roared, holding a long halberd with magic spirit, breaking through the air from the rear...


A huge boxing shadow broke out of the air and bombarded the ancient army. Dozens of ancient people, together with the demons around them, were all bombarded into powder. After the plane gap, a demon spirit was darounded, and a thunderous demon strongman appeared in the plane gap. The light in the body flashed, and the dark field broke out. A large number of demons and the ancients were involved in the field...

"Der them!" The eyes suddenly turned blood red, and a master of the gods roared and rushed into the army of demons. Go straight to the strong demon!

Hundreds of thousands of ancient strong men broke through the air one by one and directly found the heavenly demon god-level strongmen in the army of the dynasty... They were mixed at the gap in the plane. Although there were many demons, they fell one after another in front of the absolute strength of the ancient human race.

"West Gate. Let's do it too!" Lonely and unharmed, he looked at Ximen Yibei and said.

"Hmm!" Ximen nodded to the north. The two people flashed. It suddenly appeared in the front of the ancient army.

Around, the dynastic army of the brigade waved its iron fist and roared to the lonely and unharmed Ximen to the north. The west gate dances with white hair on the north forehead. I didn't even look at the demons around me. Stretch out your right hand and press it on the long sword on your waist.


A huge cracking sound. It seems that heaven and earth are falling apart, and then there is a burst of darkness. All the light on the ground was swallowed up. In the deepest part of the darkness, a mass of light that is thousands of times more dazzling than the sun spewed out from the center of the gap in the plane...

"Gah!----" In the rear of the demon army, countless demons only felt that the day was white in front of them, and they couldn't see anything at once. Before the body could react, the overwhelming light had been split...


A large area of demons in front of the plane gap turned into ashes in the overwhelming white light, and even the bone dregs could not be left. In front of the dense plane gap, it suddenly became empty, leaving only some demons that had escaped on both sides.

"Kill him, kill those two human beings!" The demon roared crazily, and all kinds of attacks broke out of their palms, turning into Taotao's magic clouds and rushing to the gap in the ancient plane.

"Wulji Kendo!" With a soft shout, then a huge S-shaped light symbol similar to Tai Chi burst out from the gap of the plane, swirling in the void, and the magic gas in the sky disappeared without a trace.

Bang! Lonely and unharmed, he gently patted Ximen Yibei's shoulder pounds, and the energy absorbed by Wuji Kendo was constantly sent into Ximen Yibei's body.

"Shot out!" He said lonely and indifferently, and then with a bang, it was another overwhelming light...

Endless demons kept pouring in from all directions, constantly drowning the knife light from the west gate to the north, but the knife light seemed to be endless, always shining, and the remaining fish that missed the net were also cleaned up by the Taigu masters in the northwest gap.


Being the battlefield, Fengyun Wuji saw a steady stream of demons using the numerical advantage to constantly flood the ancient army. As soon as the clothes were swayed, they suddenly turned into a residual shadow and broke out of the air. In the blink of an eye, they appeared in the northwest direction of Taigu. With a right palm, the rules of the


At the plane gap, the dense demons suddenly exploded in the air one after another. The blood splashed after the explosion shot backwards like a long sword, piercing the whole body of the demons in the rear, and the blood splashed all over the sky. In the blink of an eye, the demons in front of the plane gap died cleanly, and the A thick layer of rotten blood mud.

The demon god-level master who was fighting fiercely was fighting fiercely with a famous god master. Suddenly, he felt that his eyes were suddenly enlightened. The dense dark shadow in front of him disappeared for a moment. In surprise, he couldn't help raising his head.



The two palms stood up like knives, straight into the left and right chest and abdomen of the Heavenly Demon God, and the violent true spirit took the momentum to blow into it. How could this Heavenly Demon God resist the joint attack of the three masters. He was stunned for a moment, and his body suddenly exploded...

A silkless line seems to continue to extend backwards on the battlefield. Wherever it passes, all the demons below the Heavenly Demon God exploded and died, and the gap in the huge plane suddenly became empty.


Fengyun Wuji's open palm suddenly burst into a ball of powder and flew away in the void, followed by legs, body, in the blink of an eye, Fengyun Wuji's body condensed with spiritual power collapsed and decomposed because he could not stand this invisible pressure. Without the body, the rules of the sword can't continue!


The void changes. Feng Yun Wuji condensed a body again and looked at this new body. He frowned.

"This body is temporarily condensed, far worse than my original body, and I can't bear such a huge spiritual power!" Feng Yun Wuji thought silently. After condensing the spirit. He felt that his mental strength suddenly consumed a lot, which was far from normal.

"You can't take action anymore. The spiritual power must be retained to deal with the fourteenth Lord God!" Fengyun Wuji said, slowly sat down and reconciled the true qi. The key to this war is to defeat the fourteenth Lord God, and any spiritual waste may lead to final defeat. Therefore, the people can't watch the sacrifice. But if it is because of this kind of unbearance, it will eventually lead to the failure of the war. Even more stupid!

On the battlefield. Fengyun Wuji took only one action and turned tens of millions of demons into powder. Although Fengyun Wuji will no longer take action. But the ancient army has recovered and gathered into an array again...


A violent earthquake came from the east of the ancient times. Feng Yun Wuji's heart tightened, and the voice was confused: "It's confusing. It's up to you. You must keep it!"

"Well, Supreme, please rest assured."

With a twist in shape, Fengyun Wuji withdrew from the battlefield and went to the back of the battlefield like lightning. At the same time, the vast divine consciousness expanded and went to the south of the guardian land of the witch clan...

Bang Bang Bang!!----

South of Taikoo. In front of the huge plane gap in front of the witch's realm, the void flashed, and a famous breath was gloomy. Like an iron tower, the demon shadow appeared in front of the plane gap. The pair of fierce eyes hung in the dark night sky like fierce beasts that chose people to eat, which was very terrible.


Suddenly, a huge demon god more than 6,000 feet tall fell from the void, and his huge feet fell heavily on the ground on the edge of the gap of the plane. As soon as he stepped down, the ground sank deeply, revealing two huge footprints.


The huge black iron-like magic nose was also one by one, spewing out a fire fog, his eyes condensed, and suddenly burst out a murderous atmosphere: "Kill!!----"


A huge fist hit the ground as a Pangu warrior who was as small as an ant to it. The huge fist seemed to cover the sky and the sun. Seeing that it was about to fall, the ground, the dense Pangu warrior's feet bounced out lightningly around.

"Where to escape! The bull-headed ancient demon god, who was quite strong in the ancient demon god, roared, raised his fist above his head, and bombarded into the void above his head. A round of red field light suddenly burst around it. In the thick firelight, thousands of escaped Pangu warriors were involved in the field by the huge demon god, even the bull-headed Disappear.


Taotian's murderous spirit condensed like substance, and bombarded into the witchland from outside the plane gap. In the shocking shouts, the dense ancient demon gods of different heights broke into the sky like lightning from the dark void and swept towards the ancient...


In the roar of the sky, on the earth, two million Pangu warriors rose to the ground under the command of the ancient witch, with the sound of a sharp roar, and did not avoid these ancient demons who were hundreds or even thousands of times taller than them!

The ancient demon god in the demon world, the higher the figure, the more powerful it will be. The first battle of gods and demons, the ancient demons that can survive are all the elites in the first battle of gods and demons, and their strength is far above that of the nine demons!

The dense ancient demon god, with overlapping figures, completely covering the gap in the face. The narrow plane gap may be a problem for low-level demons, but it is meaningless for the ancient demons who understand the way of the rules. With the ability of these ancient demon gods, they can completely break through the plane channel and enter the ancient, causing great chaos to the ancient, but Dark Jigu has a thought. There are four supremes in the ancient times. These ancient demon gods are powerful, but if the four supremes suddenly take action, maybe the fourteenth main god has not had time to take action. These ancient It's all lost! This is by no means what Anjigut wants to see.

Pangu warriors are so powerful, but in the face of the tall ancient demon god, they suddenly fell into a disadvantage. Without autonomy, fighting only by instinct, Pangu warriors can still resist the Jiuyou demon god who only has the fighting instinct, but it seems that it is not enough to meet the ancient demon god with a strong combat consciousness and skills.

Different colors and fields are open in the void. Constantly involved the oncoming ancient warriors in the coming territory. Perhaps because of the huge body, the scope of the ancient demons is far more than thousands of feet. If you hadn't been too afraid to get involved in the Pangu warriors, you might have been besieged to death, and more Pangu warriors would have been circled in the field of the ancient demons.


Pangu warriors take action at the same time. The guardian warrior of the white tiger holy beast also took action. Bock! ! Thunder and lightning rolled in the void, and under the dark clouds, a wave of evil spirit spread from the guardian warrior of the white tiger holy beast, connecting together to form a fisting evil cloud.

Feel the breath of the white tiger holy beast in the void, and the pupils of the ancient demons contracted. A trace of palpitations flashed through his eyes. Of course, the army of ancient demons suffered heavy losses, one of the biggest reasons. That is, the four beasts are powerful! A large number of ancient demon gods died under the holy power of the four sacred beasts...

The sky is full of dark clouds. The wind and rain are swaying. In an instant, the earth was raining heavily.

"Bone of the Thunderbolt!

Lightning fell from the sky. Falling on these huge ancient demons, lightning with magnificent abilities fell from the sky. It split on the dark body of the ancient demon god. The blood bloomed one after another, and the ancient demons just frowned. After looking at the sky, I ignored it. The power of thunder is almost useless to the ancient demons.


The magnificent white tigers broke out of the air and bombarded at the ancient demon gods. The ancient demon gods are quite afraid of this real power containing the smell of white tigers.


With his arms bent down, the ancient demons waved their fists one by one to blow out the magic gas of fire or darkness. The magic gas collided with the white tiger's evil spirit, making a shocking noise.

"Kill them!" ----" An ancient demon god, who was more than 7,000 feet tall, suddenly roared and shouted. After saying that, he crossed thousands of feet in one step and directly stepped into the center of the White Tiger Guardian Warrior.


Several holy beast warriors hung in mid-air, and suddenly shouted together: "Kill! At the exit of the word killing, behind, the virtual shadow shook, and a huge white tiger roared, turning into a white rainbow and breaking down into the air, bombarding at the ancient demon god.


The huge force bombarded the chest of the ancient demon god of more than 7,000 feet, lifted the height and threw it directly into the gap in the plane!

Shh! The green smoke rose, and the ancient demon god lay in the void. The surface of the body seemed to melt, turning into a high-temperature burning white, and a large smoke rose from its whole body.

"Bun! A huge palm was supported in the void, and the ancient demon god, who was more than 7,000 feet tall, sat up again, and his eyes were full of fierce light...

At the back of the battlefield, the ancient witch stood on the battlefield with a group of witch disciples, looking up at an ancient demon god like a demon god, and the sky was full of violent wind and fire. The ancient witches were all around, and the children of the witches all looked heavy.

"The patriarch, what should we do now?"

"Wait!" The ancient witch said lightly that everything in front of him seemed to be in his expectation. Although the ancient side was at a disadvantage, the ancient witch could not find a little panic on his face. That kind of calmness and calmness infected the people around him, making the witch disciples quiet.

"Bun! Suddenly, a huge iron fist fell heavily from the sky with a rolling magic spirit, and the fist alone was similar to the scope of the children of the witches standing. Below, the witch disciples looked over their heads, and their faces turned pale.

"Boom! ----" The iron fist suddenly stopped three feet above the head of the ancient witch, and a thin circle of green light emerged from the void, covering the ancient witch and a group of witches, blocking the iron fist.

"Wow! As soon as he touched the light green witch prohibition, the huge iron fist seemed to have been electrocuted, and it was taken back like lightning, and then a painful howl came from the void above his head. After a long time, a huge and terrible head appeared outside the green ban, and the copper bell-like giant eyes stared fiercely at the witches in the ban.

"I'll kill you!" The huge ancient demon god put his head outside the prohibition, and his huge body galloped along the edge of the light green prohibition, as if to find out the weakness of the prohibition. On the forbidden edge, sixteen green jade skeletons rolled on the ground, and the green jade skeleton's eyes spewed out flames. This prohibition was launched by these sixteen top witchcrafts. And the green jade skeleton is also wrapped in the prohibition. The ancient demon god has no way to start at all, and it is forbidden. I only heard the heavy gasp of the ancient demon god.

In the prohibition, the ancient witch, which is not as big as a finger of the ancient demon god, stood on the earth indifferently, and the threat to the ancient demon god outside the prohibition seemed to be absent.

The ancient witches and ancestral witches of the witches have guarded the ancient battlefield of gods and demons. For a long time, a set of witchcraft that is particularly effective for ancient demons has been developed. This kind of light green prohibition will not hurt the ** of ancient gods and demons, but will directly hurt their souls! ......

"All the ancient gods and descendants obey the order and immediately go to the plane gap in the south to support the witches!" Witness this scene. Fengyun Wuji suddenly returned to his body and opened his eyes. He shouted violently. The sound rolled like thunder and shot in all directions.


Step into the void. The master of the ancient god, who was scattered in the void like a hundred thousand people, heard the words and shook his long hair. The robe disappeared out of thin air into the void where he was standing.

" Bang Bang Bang!!!----"

The master of the ancient demon god. There are millions, and the white tiger holy beast warriors and Pangu warriors are only 2.5 million, and the surviving ancient demon gods are all top strong men. For a while, the ancient east is full of danger.


The earth shook, and there were more and more ancient demon gods in the gap of the southern position plane. Suddenly, an ancient demon god seemed to feel something and raised his head doubtfully.


A thin blade-like invisible knife gas suddenly gushed out of the void. At the moment when the ancient demon god looked up, the knife gas had split the door of his ground.


The ancient demon god looked up at the air and remained motionless. Suddenly, a crack extended from the top of his head to his abdomen. The crack became bigger and bigger. The ancient demon god, who was more than a hundred feet tall, was split into two pieces by the knife, and the wreckage fell heavily in two directions.

In front of the fallen ancient demon god, a man with black hair and a naked upper body stood in the void, holding a long and swaying knife in his hand.


Seeing this scene, the ancient demons couldn't help taking a breath, and a pair of bronze bell-like giant eyes stared at one human man after another who appeared in front of them.

"It's them!!" An ancient demon god roared in a low voice, and the ancient demon gods looked afraid for the first time.


The strong man of 100,000 ancient gods suspended in the void with a long knife in his hand. Without saying a word, he stared coldly at the army of ancient demon gods in front of him. The army of only 100,000 gods has produced a momentum comparable to the strong of millions of ancient demons.

Their qi is fierce, condensed but not sent, which is more terrible than the fierce beasts.

"The power!

The ancient strong man of the hundred thousand ancient gods did not say a word. Suddenly, the knife light burst out, and 100,000 troops pulled out the matching knife.


Under the traction of the air machine, the army of millions of ancient gods took a step back. Seeing the scene in front of them, the army of the gods seemed to return to the fierce first battle between gods and demons. In the impression of the ancient demons, the human beings in front of them have been trained by blood and fire. What they have is a steel-like will and terrible killing skills.

Infinite light and shadow flashed through his eyes, and a tall ancient demon god suddenly roared: "Kill them! ----" After saying that, he picked up his arms, and his whole body suddenly emitted a red light.


A huge foot stepped over and fell heavily on the ground. In the loud noise, huge black cracks extended from the feet of the ancient demons to the interior of Taigu.


The short voice was calm and cold, and there were no extra movements. A famous ancient god's descendants shook their arms and suddenly ejected and disappeared into the green underworld...

"Kill the magic skills!

In a burst of shouting, a circle of light like water burst out from the body of the army of the ancient god queen. Looking from afar, there seemed to be a transparent giant suddenly in the void, and the heart of some transparent giants was a master of the ancient god queen.

Seeing the ancient gods, the army used this familiar combat skill, and the pupils of the ancient demon gods suddenly contracted, shouted with a muffled, and the rolling magic fog rose all over their bodies.


With a long knife, in the heavy rain, the invisible knives burst out of the air and cut into rows of ancient demons. Boom! ----" The knife was cut down, and a weak ancient demon sounded miserably, and the response was divided into two and fell to the ground. And the magic spirit outside the body of the ancient demon god, who is thousands of feet tall, is bulging, the magic fog outside the body is boiling, and the blood splashing in the rolling magic gas, but it abruptly blocks a wave of attacks...


After resisting the first wave of attacks, the dense ancient demon gods on the earth rose tens of thousands of feet high and rushed to the army of 100,000 gods...

Enemies are very jealous when they meet each other. The war between the strong after the ancient gods and the ancient demons has continued from the first battle of gods and demons to the second battle of gods and demons, and the war begins again!

Being the battlefield, Fengyun Wuji was paying attention to the battlefield. Suddenly, there was a fetal movement in his mind, and he felt something in his heart. As soon as he spread his palm, a transparent world light flashed and burst out of his palm.

The light flashed in front of him, and more than a dozen burly men appeared opposite Fengyun Wuji out of thin air.

"Thank you for your supreme success!" As soon as they got out of the world, more than ten prisoners in the North Sea knelt to the ground respectfully and said respectfully.