Phoenix Empire

Comments on rainy days

The middle road follows my strengths, and the origin is contrary to each other

-Comment on "Phoenix Empire"

When you are young, you will learn the hardships,

Only the effort is not complete.

To the old party,

Three minutes of personnel and seven days.

The most shocking scene of Tang Xiaoming's "Zeng Guofan" is at the end of the chapter in the middle page of the second volume. Along the way, we have seen Zeng Guofan change from a 40-year-old middle-aged man to a tired old man. Looking at him from his ambition to the end of the end of the dusk, this person has been working very hard, and his military training law is not wrong. He has experienced three defeats and almost committed suicide. His officialdom is restrained and failed. However, they all gritted his teeth. Come down... Whether such a person succeeds or not, God will be extremely unfair, and we also follow him, waiting for the final victory of Tianjing, and the shame of many years will be washed away. We waited for the second volume, but at that time, our hearts were as tired as Zeng Guofan - the unforgettable things finally arrived, but the price was beyond our expectations. At the same time, the scene of the Tianjing victory was the departure of close friends, the deliberate disappearance of close friends, and the corruption of the Hunan army that had been painstakingly for many years. He can't stop it. Inability to stop the departure of the fleet of close friends, the inability to stop the Xiang army from burning, killing and looting in Tianjing, and preventing the disappearance of important people. The victory of that period of many years is the real beginning of aging.

Many years later, when Zeng Guofan met his servant who left at the time of great glory, there was a dialogue between them. Their friendship begins with the chessboard, ends on the chessboard, and ends with the dialogue of playing chess.

"...Price, have you ever thought about it? People in the world are actually chess pieces on chess, whether it's us or long hair. Whenever I think of this, I feel very frustrated. Have you ever thought about it?

"I've also thought about it, but I think that only we are pawns. Your Excellency, you are always the one who holds the pawn." Kangfu said with a smile.

"No," Zeng Guofan shook his head and said solemnly, "including me, are all chess pieces, and they are all black and white pieces at the mercy of others."

"...who are the others?" Kangfu asked, "Is it the emperor?"

"Sometimes the emperor is a man, and sometimes he is a man. In the final analysis, the emperor is also a chess piece."

"So who is this 'other'?"


When commenting on each book, the first thing I do is to feel the most prominent thing in the book, or what the author wants to express most. In the book Fengdi, there are too many characters and the length is long. At the end of reading it, it reminds me of the four words 'beying fate'.

"When you get married, you will lose an important move." For Hua Che, the terrible thing is not to lose an important thing, but to lose one by one without stopping... Lingyue died tragically, the death of the three major generals may die or disperse, and the deviation of books... What has gathered in nearly 200 chapters has been scattered. But he sighs that he has great ambitions and ambitions to be in Xichuan, but he can't even grasp a musk moon country; it is sad to win the hearts of the people, but he can't keep the heart of a girl; it is ridiculous to be used to killing and treacherous, but he is only obsessed with purity and innocence.

Pure and innocent. This group of people tried their best, but they were paranoidly infatuated with purity and innocence. It can be seen that as far as the eyes can reach, they can still be harmless. Their hands touch and dyed white.

It is said that a stable musk moon country, a big world, but in the end, the time is gone, leaving a territory full of holes, which is not even the last companion. Thinking of the vigorous spirit at the beginning of the day, God's will turned around, and there was nothing he could do in the end. What could be more sarcastic than being intelligent but powerless!

In the past, Zhang Xianzhong's lucky path was, and the sky was ordered to disperse, and the black sun turned into Bikun. Heaven gave way for him. When his luck was over, the peasant in the countryside could kill him with a hoe. What can he do?

"The middle road follows my strengths, and the origin is contrary to fate." This first hero can't be said to have vision, intelligence, ambition and boldness. At the age of 12, he retreated from the enemy's soldiers, but his fate is not against me. He is on the verge of the verge and defeat.

The Lord of the Palace, the biggest conspirator and the greatest conspirator in the book, has the spiritual power of flying snow, which manipulates the fate of everyone and their children, and becomes gods and demons. In the end, his life is taken away by an arrow. How simply. Winning can be very long, glory can last for a long time, can win thousands of times, and as long as you lose once, you will lose your life.

Youxueyan is both talented and beautiful, and she is a mother and sister with Lingyue, but the hand of fate points to Lingyue at will. She is talented and lifeless, and she is as beautiful and elegant as plum. And Lingyue came back from the dead and finally understood the painstaking efforts of her teacher. When the time came, it was too late...

The book is full of affection, but the mechanism is so deep that it can only leave a back that turns to a wheelchair. What you love is useless to say, what you protect can't be kept, and you know that your fate is predetermined.

There are four people on the card table, and each of them has the possibility of losing money. Everyone is not sure to win money. The key is that unpredictable card. If you don't know whose hand you got it, and don't know which hour it will be in whose hands, it's fate. He ignored it, listened to it silently, and touched it silently, but there is such a force in his hands. If he succeeds, no matter how capable and wise others are, it is useless.

...Actually, I remember the books written by the four of us in the past few years, and our efforts to code words in the past few years. The middle road follows my strengths, and the origin is contrary to our lives. If we work hard, we can do it. Seven minutes of personnel can be three days. If we can succeed, it's just that we all have bad luck and can do what we can do. The rest, there is no other way. What's more, many successes in the world are just things that seem to be successful, and they can't be in vain where we can't grasp them. Hua Che didn't know what she wanted. She wanted power and beauty, but it was not what he really wanted. Lingyun laid a shocking network and set up for more than ten years. What she wanted will never get it and can't come back. As the gods of these worlds, we believe that everyone knows what they want and determines what they pursue. "It's against each other" is more real than the last demon 'hope' in Pandora's box.

I'm not talking about fate, I'm just saying 'the most sincere way can be known'. The god of fate only guides the situation. Life is created by himself and buried step by step by himself a long time ago. Seek what you get, be sincere. I'm always embarrassed to say that I want to learn my writing. My writing is read by second- and third-rate books. Naturally, it is not second-third-rate, but more terminal. For political conspiracy articles such as Emperor Feng, I think I can read Tang Xiaoming's Zeng Guofan, Xiong Zhaozheng's Zhang Juzheng, and even turn over Noffin's Education of Curus. There are several hills in my stomach, and I have a clear understanding when I write them. The political conspiracy of Emperor Feng has passed. The only embarrassment is how can the people of this country live under such a disturbance? The highest ideal of politics is "the country is prosperous and the people are safe, and the wind and rain are smooth". Struggle and blood are inevitable, but there should also be a stable place. It is said that half of the subversion of "Fengdi" will be given to Lord Qi, the governor of our young government, so that his dog official's name digs into the corner of the Murong Dynasty...

I sometimes feel that the characters have come out, and sometimes I feel tasteless. Lingyue, the first heroine, is embarrassed. Although she has received a harsh education since she was a child, witnessed the tragedy of the palace, etc., which can be used as the reason why she hates the darkness of politics, but this is a conspiracy. Everyone around her is calculating, and she seems very out of place. If you really don't like politics and take advantage of the morning, you will still be the first heroine. , embarrassed. Looking at the full text, Lingyue's political ideology is the weakest. She probably doesn't even know what she wants to do... She not only knows that she is not talented, but also wants to protect the body of the Ling family. She knows that she is not talented, but she violates Hua Che's meaning everywhere and says a big truth. Therefore, after Lingyue's political ideology was uncertain, all Lingyue became more embarrassed. Compared with Xueyan, Feicheng always quarrels with the prince Lianxi, which is more interesting; if Ling Safeng likes Lingyue and is willing to die for Lingyue, it seems that kind of sincerity of children. If you like it, you will like it, but if you are submerged in all Lingyue, you can only be counted as a head; Yushu Ziyi, why does he like Lingyue? That sentence I only Is Ai Yuner alone?

I really didn't expect that Lingyu had lived for more than 100 chapters. I thought it was an opponent who fought monsters and upgraded after a period of death. She also worked very hard to live in "Fengdi", but Yaotong's appearance did not improve her strength, but divided her IQ equally... Originally, Lingyu was also a face-known villain blood witch. After there is Yao Putong, the unreasonable disturbance is more jubilant than the clouds...

The concept of the previous section is very good, and it is really difficult for me to imagine some serial plans. In contrast, the ending is compared. Maybe we still need to balance the plan and leave one or two moves to the end. Of course, Ziyi's anti-spy setting is very good.

The four of the Dragon Pavilion have been written down from time to time... Has Concubine Yu died? In the end, Ziyi will kill even Lingyufei, and he will also kill Concubine.

Xue Yan's words, she appeared a little more in the front and disappeared in the middle. Will the readers be more surprised by the truth revealed in the end? Among the three sisters, Yougu is the best shaped. I don't know if some places will be more prominent, such as the sadness in the middle and late stage...

Some places may need to be looked at and then modified, and the meaning of some sentences can be changed more definitely. For example, Lingyue said that it would be better to change Taiyuezhu's 'you only have a grandson' to 'grandson', and some negative sentences must be paid attention to, write less negative words, and the sentence will be the opposite. Fang went away. Sand writing is relatively full. Do you sometimes consider the combination of virtual and real writing and leave a little white?

... Another year has passed since the end of this book. Thinking about us, 'If you don't do useless things, why do you have a life', you just smile.