Phoenix Empire

Chapter 14 The Punishment of Love

"Do you know why I left you here last night?" Hua Che withdrew her hand, let her curl up in **, and wrapped the bedding tightly. "Because someone wanted to assassinate you last night, several of your maids have now gone to Huangquan, and they are in the right place."

"What?" Confused and in a trance, Ling Yue suddenly looked up and looked at him. "It's impossible. Lingyue Palace has always been quiet. Grandma Yue said that since the rebellion was suppressed 18 years ago, no one dares to rebel."

"What a fool." Looking at the indeterminable innocence in Lingyue's lacquer pupil, Hua Che pressed his forehead with a headache. "Who can be sure about the long-planned things? The night before the storm is always very quiet, just like last night, isn't it?"

"So now..." As if she thought of something extremely terrible, Lingyue threw a begging light on him again.

"Now, we just need to identify who wins and loses?" Smiling, Hua Che moved the lotus lamp and took a glass of wine from the table. He liked to drink very much, transparent glass cup, red and blood-red wine, unthinkable, unforgettable, intoxicating, bone-enchanting, like his smile.

"Teacher, you can't be a spectator. You have to save them." Lingyue was anxious for a moment, hugged the bedding and fell off the bed. She stood in front of him in a mess. The light reflected from the wine glass was projected on her ** skin. The faint blush was dizzy. "I beg you to help them. They are all from the Ling family and my relatives. I can't watch them die."

"Is the counter-conjudant innocent?" Hua Che frowned and felt incredible. The wine made a gentle sound in the glass. He looked at her, and there was already an intoxicated and greedy look in his dark eyes. As he said, he couldn't restrain it, so he drank another sip of wine, delayed the time, and asked with interest, "Who do you want me to save?" Your grandmother, or your aunts, uncles or brothers and sisters, or other people, is the world's world?

"Help, save everything." Lingyue was strangled by his rhetorical question, and she was a little incoherent for a moment. "No matter who rebels, it is wishful. Grandma Yue doesn't deserve to die, and they don't deserve to die. Therefore, Lingyue begs you to stop them and let nothing happens."

"My God! What kind of idea is this? He knocked on his forehead with a headache, and Hua Che laughed again, "Do you want me to save their hearts or their hearts?"

"Save people, save the heart?" Lingyue was confused for a moment and looked at Hua Che, only to find that Hua Che's eyes had obviously covered every corner of her body, with a trace of mockery and desire. She lowered her head, wrapped her arms around her chest, and retreated back to the soft collapse. Her shyness opened a flush on her body, like spring plum blossom blood, a seductive fragrance.

"The reason why they rebelled is that their hearts have planted a curse of evil. Even if you save their people, as long as this evil heart is there, the judgment will never end, or even disappear because of the disappearance of their lives."

"Then save their hearts." After listening to Hua Che's words, Lingyue naively grabbed the way.

seemed to have expected such a simple answer. Hua Che laughed, picked up Lingyue's chin and said word by word, "I never know how to save people, let alone how to save my heart." His voice was cold and cold, like holding cold water in her heart. He suddenly grabbed her hand, put it on his chest, and told her, "I can't even save my own heart. Can you feel my heartbeat?"

Ling Yue suddenly stopped and looked at him in horror and surprise. How could this happen? How can you live without a heartbeat? Is he a human? It is said that her Lingyue is not a human, but he...

"No, how could this happen? You..." Lingyue's eyes stopped on his chest. Because she felt incredible, her shoulders began to tremble again. "What the hell are you... mentor, what's wrong with you? Why is it like this?"

"I don't know why this happened? It seems that I was born like this." The handsome face still had that evil smile, "Or from the day when I was ten years old, all my relatives left me!"

"The teacher's relatives?" Lingyue couldn't help but feel a trace of inexplicable pity in his heart. He was pitiful because of the sadness in his eyes, "Where on earth did the teacher come from?"

Where did it come from? He can't remember it himself! There is only a vague picture in his mind: under the afterglow of the sunset, he stood barefoot on the peak of the roaring wind and sang: "The flowers are gurgling water, the blood stained with the ice lake, the lights go out overnight, and from then on, he stepped on the road alone." At that time, he was only ten years old! However, at the age of ten, he seems to have seen through things that others can't see through in their lives. The reincarnation of life and death, black and white of good and evil, and all sentient beings are just like clouds!

"Cheer, remember, be a good person in the future!" His mother repeatedly told him before his death that he did not answer, so that he did not look at his mother's death. In fact, he wanted to say to his mother, what is it right? What is evil? What is a good person?

He only thinks it's ridiculous to have such a childish question! Buried the bones of his relatives, he embarked on the road of conquest with a great ideal that he didn't even know himself.

From the age of 12, Mao Sui recommended himself as the military division of Lingyun, the master of the upper palace, and began to find the first pleasure in his life - fighting wit and blood. He disdains the games played by children of the same age, but what he wants to play... is the world's life!

Then there is power, status, women... There seems to be nothing in the world that he can't get, but why does he still feel so terrible emptiness and loneliness, so lonely that he doesn't care about anything!

Is it because his heart is empty? What a terrible joke God made for him that he didn't even know what he was?

Is it a human? No heart, it doesn't seem to be.

Is it God? He has strong skills but no idea of redemption, nor is it.

Then what the hell is he?

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that he was distracted, Lingyue wanted to escape in this space. She still rolled up the bedding and accidentally pulled down a curtain and wanted to pass by him quickly.

However, only the next moment, he stopped her and smiled at her like a demon: "You forgot what I said, don't move, and don't** me with such timid and frightened eyes."

The more he said this, the more frightened she trembled. The magical smile burned her heart, instinctively retreated, and wanted to escape like falling into hell**.

But how can you escape?

"However, this is very good. Since you have forgotten, please accept the punishment!" Without waiting for her explanation or the poor begging, he couldn't help holding her body and covering it on the soft collapse. The bed curtain floated down, and the golden embroidered cotton was covered their bodies. Even her moans were drowned by his domineering kiss, but the sound that could not even break the air could break. He finally fell, and she was finally forced to give in. Her struggle angrily left teeth marks on her tender skin. Once the desire for encroaching was aroused, it could not be stopped. He did not reserve the last reserve and dignity for her. Although he didn't mean to think so, the pain was caused by him and left to her. Her painful cry and crying did not change him. Pity, he just possessed and enjoyed her body and everything about her.

He did not feel her unwillingness or her pain and helplessness, and there was no pity and pain after the joy. Because he has no heart for a long time.

He kissed her hair, lips, her eyebrows, her earlobe, every inch of her skin and her tearful soul, and regarded her fragility as a good medicine to repair her empty heart and her pain as a weapon to stab his soul. His movements did not hesitate, even if he kissed When it came to the tears that fell from the corners of her eyes, there was also a bitterness and a heartbreaking beauty that he could not taste. It was not until the desperate melancholy flashed in her clear pupils that he slowly stagnated and gasped to appreciate her helplessness and grief as if he had fallen into hell.

Will he fall in love with such a girl without any resistance?

He wanted to, but he had no heart.

He wrapped her weak body in a quilt, and he held her in his arms and almost thought she would die like this.

Inadvertently frowned, and he gently woke her up.

"Teacher, let me go, let me go now, okay?" Her eyes wandered in a distant place, but when she was forced to pull it back, it was still so weak that she looked at him pitifully, "Let me go, no matter what you want, I have already given it to you. I just beg you to let me go now!"

"Where are you going?" Hua Che stroked her sweat-soaked forehead, green silk, silk-like smooth skin, as if he had seen through everything and sparked a sarising light in her eyes, "Do you want to save your relatives? Have you ever thought about how disappointed they will be when they see you?

Lingyue's eyes were crystal clear, but in an instant, they changed many emotions alternately, condensing a lot of sadness and beauty that made him unspeakable. He smiled with satisfaction again, or told her seriously like mockery or teaching: "If you don't die, they will be very disappointed. Many people have been ten years. Grinding a sword is to shorten your youth and plunder your life. Many people have painstakingly managed a 20-year plan to turn you into ashes, and some people stare at you from afar with hatred or jealousy, thinking about how to make you completely disappear from the world in a more clever way. Many of them are from the Ling clan. What you think are the relatives, but these relatives want to kill you the most. Do you still think you have relatives?

The sadness in Lingyue's eyes was stronger, her red lips trembled and muttered, there was no cry, no sound, her eyes drooped, and she tried to hide her haggard and dead heart.

"So, don't go!" He said like **, gentle and infinite, almost making people think that it is the words of angels and the well-being of gods.

She did not nod or shake her head, but lay between his arms like a fragile porcelain doll, slowly fluttering his long eyelashes. What a poor and lovely child." He couldn't help laughing and wanted to put her in the quilt to keep thinking about sleeping. Her ideas are always so strange and simple and almost unreasonable.

Then let her think about it!

"No, I still want to go! Let me go! Teacher, please!" She suddenly fixed her eyes in his eyes and begged. He was surprised that his weak body was so stubborn. She grabbed his hand and only asked to save others, but forgot that her body had bloomed like a flower under his **, leaving only remnants.

He looked at her, stunned and stunned, as if he felt ridiculous, as if he was shocked. Suddenly, he understood a little why the old woman chose this female doll as the moon owner, and wanted to carefully carve her as a piece of jade?

This power made him feel a trace of emotion and shock that he had never seen before. He couldn't help nodding his head involuntarily: "Okay."

One word flashed a strange surprise in her dim eyes.

However, he stroked her soft cheek and added, "But I'll go with you!"

At this moment, his smile, evil charm, at this moment, her heart is like falling.