Phoenix Empire

Chapter 18 Zilu Heart Machine

At this moment, the drums on the tower sounded, and this was the time of the early morning.

The musk moon country also has nine-grade officials, and the ministers from the four grades have the opportunity to talk to the lord of the moon and report on the memorial.

The most prestigious and powerful in the country are the five national divisions: soldiers, magicians, literary masters, ceremonial masters, sword masters, followed by the ministers of the four palaces: Dongfang Wei, the lord of the East City, the Nangong Jue, the lord of the South City, the Ximen banquet, the lord of the West City, and Luo Chengxia, the lord of the North City.

Now, the military division Hua Che is in charge of the musk moon national military charm, and his power has overshadowed all the ministers who have been on an equal footing with him. The magician is indifferent and does not compete with each other. Although the literary scholar Shurong is worried about the country and the people, he does not dare to do anything dangerously. The teacher Boya is a person who is very good at judging the situation, as long as it does not endanger his personal interests. It doesn't matter who is the king and who is the minister to him, while the swordsman Ling Yue is a lonely person who is used to being alone. No one can investigate what he really needs, but his loyalty has been passed down as a "myth".

But what is ridiculous is that his loyalty is not to the country, but to people. That is to say, he is loyal to only one person. This person is the heir of the musk moon country, that is, Lingyue, the owner of the small palace.

Strangely, in the early morning, Yuejun did not go to court, and even the military division Hua Che and the swordsman Ling Yue were not in the early morning team.

The ministers waited for a long time before a sentence:

"If the old moon lord says, it will be cancelled in the early morning today. All ministers should go back!"

In a sentence, the quiet square began to boil slightly, with whispers, laughter and sighs.

The crowd gradually dispersed, left the square and headed for the Long Bridge in Yueshuiwan.

Wen Shi Shurong looked at the empty green and white phoenix seat symbolizing the king's power, shook his head and sighed deeply.

This is not the first time that Yue Jun ignores the national government and does not go to court.

If it goes on like this, the country will decline. If the enemy invades again, the country will soon face death!

Who did all this? Can you blame the old moon owner for being stupid and incompetent? Can you blame the new Yuejun for being strong and bullying?

When the magician saw that the writer Shurong's face was full of sadness, he approached him and joked, "Lord Shangshu, don't worry. If you worry again, your wrinkles will grow to your neck."

"Well, what do you know? You're just a child." Shurong, who is nearly half a hundred years old, sighed angrily and funnyly.

Reincarnation is indeed just a child. After the death of the previous generation of magicians, this 18-year-old child with amazing spiritual power inherited all his father's skills and abilities, and also passed the 18 assessments of the musk moon country. With the ability that made all ministers have to admire, he ascended the throne of the magician, located in the chief minister of the musk moon country. Column.

"Although I'm just a child, I can see the problems in your heart, oh, by the way, and the problems of your brain." Reincarnation pointed to his head and smiled, "Lord Shangshu, don't think that you are the only one who knows how to worry about the country and the people. A person's strength is very small. Why don't you tell me? Maybe, I can think of some good ways for you."

"You are just a child. What can you do?" Shurong insisted that children are children and not more mature than adults. But although reincarnation is a little childish, he is really a young boy.

"It's a child again. Don't think that the child has no thoughts. The future moon owner is also a child under the age of 18. The owner of Lingyue is younger than me!"

"So, this is a very unwise choice, and that's where my concern is. Lingyue, the owner of the small palace, is young and junior, and she is powerless at all..." Shurong was angry for a moment and actually amplified her voice. Reincarnation immediately covered Shurong's mouth and nose and whispered, "Your Excellency, let's talk about it elsewhere. There are many ears and eyes here, and it's not good to hear."

Shurong blushed and turned his eyes a few times before he realized that he was too impulsive and really followed reincarnation.

The two walked to a relatively remote place and stopped and began to chat. Shurong's sigh is still continuous, saying nothing more than that the treacherous minister is in power, the moon lord is incompetent, and the national fortune will decline. The reincarnation first listened quietly, and then laughed sullenly.

"Alas, you son of a bitch, I've said so much. You heard a few words. What are you laughing at?" Shurong's belly full of fire was squeezed out, and he couldn't wait to twist the ears of reincarnation and reprimanded him like an education child.

The reincarnation stopped laughing, pulled Shurong's sleeve, and said seriously, "Lord Shangshu, your worries are not unreasonable, but what's the use of being in a hurry here? Yes, the old moon lord is old and mediocre, and the upcoming moon lord has not experienced training. It is too simple. The military power of the musk moon country falls into the hands of the military division Hua Che, and the Ling family's rivers and mountains are in danger. However, don't forget that in the war against the war 20 years ago, who made a plan to drive the strong enemy of the Central Plains out of the musk moon country and save the Ling family. He smiled and put his mouth to Shurong's ear, "I don't think the military commander Hua Che is the traitor you mentioned. Without him, those coveting foreign enemies would have been bold again. Think about it?"

"What did you say?" Shurong's eyes turned green. The reincarnation ran far away like a child, and waved as he ran, "Your excellency, don't worry so much. You have to protect this Lingshi country!"

The reincarnation is far away, but Shurong's worries will not stop because of his words. He had to sigh: "Oh, child, no matter how capable he is, he is always a child. Why am I so confused to talk about national affairs with a child? I'm old, old, I'm really confused!"

Shurong lowered his head and walked forward. As he walked, he bumped into a man. When he looked up and saw Dongfang Wei, the lord of the East City, he immediately arched his hand and said with a smile, "Lord of the Oriental City, it's rude!"

"Lord Shangshu, you're welcome. It's rude first. Shouldn't you compensate? The lower official is still trying to invite you to the humble house for tea!" Dongfang Wei is also over half a hundred years old, and the smile on his face is too kind and false.

"Oh, drink tea! I happen to have it now..." Shurong just wanted to find a reason to refuse, but three more people came to face: Nangong Jue, the lord of the South City, Ximen Banquet, the lord of the West City, and Luo Chengxia, the lord of the North City.

The three palace ministers all saluted Shurong. After Shurong returned the salute, they thought about how to leave. Unexpectedly, the four city owners surrounded him in the middle affectionately.

"Lord Shangshu, you see, we all want to get together in the Oriental City Master Mansion, but we just want to have such an opportunity to communicate with each other and enhance our feelings. There is a good tea in the Oriental City Master Mansion, called Wolong Zixu. Don't live up to the beauty of the Oriental City Lord." Nangong Jue said this, and the other city owners were in line with admiration.

"Yes, yes, we all want to sit together and have a good drink!"

"It's another season when plum blossoms wither, and there must be another beautiful scenery on the Oriental City Master's Mansion..."

Shurong was forced to be speechless by your words and me. In the end, he was pushed and pulled to Dongfang Wei's house.

In the Zilu Yunxiao Palace, someone soon went to report to Ling Zilu, the master of the three palaces, that Wen Shi Shurong was invited to the Oriental Mansion.

"Although Wenshi Shurong is an old man who has no fighting wits, he is responsible for writing my musk moon national literature and history books. This person is pedantic but also has also some talent. Moreover, the ancestral rules of my musk moon have been passed down, and the edicts of the monthly master in all dynasties must be drawn up by the literary master, so this person can't be killed, but it can't be left."

There was a fierce murderous atmosphere in Ling Zilu's eyes, so that her close servant couldn't help shivering.

"So, what is the palace owner going to do?"

"Since I have been forced to this, there is no way out, and I can only make a desperate bet. What's more, this time, I don't believe that I will fail if I can get the help of the ministers of the four palaces."

"The key is Hua Che..."

"Hua Che?" Ling Zilu suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, "That man has put all his thoughts on my lovely and poor little niece. What else can he do besides pleasing women?"

"However, Hua Che's wisdom is well known..."

"Shut up!" Ling Zilu interrupted extremely boredly, "Do you only know that Hua Che is intelligent, but you don't know that my wisdom is peerless. I have kept a low profile for many years. Will I still lose to him in 18 years of careful planning?"

"I have a lot of ways to deal with him!" With a meaningful smile, Ling Zilu's eyes shot far away, "What's more, they may not be able to reach Jingyang Palace alive now."