Phoenix Empire

Chapter 25 Strange Killing

Lingyue helplessly held the Xiangfei chair that had been tripped over by her, gasped silently, and her heavy heart seemed to fall into the deep sea, and could no longer find the other side of the sun.

Her mind repeatedly flashed through Yue's grandmother's face, her teacher Hua Che's face, or Ling Zilu's ruthlessly smiling face.

She has never been a very independent person and can't tell who is right from a black and white world.

The just persistent adherence to the little sincerity and kindness in her heart has made her tired and scarred. The muddy road that can't be seen, the blood that can't be seen, who should she believe in this cold world?

"Yeer's little niece, haven't you figured it out yet? Or let me help you!"

Ling Zilu smiled and told her proudly, "It doesn't matter if you are not psychologically prepared, because I have already arranged the most perfect killing weapon in this Lingxiao Hall. As long as Hua Che dares to step into this bedroom, I will make him a different place with ten thousand arrows piercing his heart!"

"No--" is almost instinctive. Lingyue blurted out why she still remembered his love and care for her at this moment. The love he gave her was even better than all the relatives of the Ling clan, even if this love was based on utilization.

Ling Zilu's face changed from ridicule little by little to cold, and finally turned into a ferocious laugh.

Lingyue looked at Ling Zilu puzzledly, a little worried, a little afraid, and a little unreasonable: "Aunt Zilu, you did something wrong, you did all this wrong! I can't believe what you said, because you are sick yourself.

"What did you say?" Ling Zilu turned her head, stared at Ling Yue, and couldn't wait to mention her, "Do you think I'm sick?"

"Auntie, don't make any more mistakes. You have done so many wrong things, and it's still yourself in the end." Lingyue's voice was slightly improved, with a little helplessness and sadness. "Grandma Yue once taught Yueer a word 'tolerance'. No matter what happens, you must learn to endure. If you don't have enough strength, you have to endure. And your Aunt Zilu, you have been blinded by too much jealousy and resentment, and your reason and wisdom are fierce by desire. The fire burned out, and now you only have a body dominated by evil souls. You are sick and seriously ill, and you are no longer sick..."

" shut up!" I really can't see that a simple puppet doll is so fickle. Ling Zilu angrily pointed the blood-stained sword at Lingyue, "Who taught you these? Am I sick? Am I sick?"

The murderous spirit of the sword has cut Lingyue's skin, making her unable to move.

She looked at her aunt standing with a sword and didn't know what else to say, or anything was useless!

"Haha... It turns out that you all think I'm sick, so... you might as well do it thoroughly and let me get sick to the end!" Ling Zilu's eyes suddenly flashed, and her long sword was raised and sneered. "Yueer, if you stay in a cold palace for 18 years, you will understand why your aunt is sick and why she is driven crazy. Don't blame your aunt for being ruthless. I will send you to reunite with your parents!"

A cold snowlight cut through the cold void, ruthless boundaries, and cut Lingyue's neck with a heavy and fierce murderous spirit. Lingyue's face was slightly raised, and there was no panic and fear. Only the warm light of jade protected her pink and transparent face.

" Stop!" At the dangerous moment, there was a scream.

A white dress floated in, and the robe rolled up the clouds and rain. A white soft light called "turning the soul" was held between his fingers. The white light flew out like a winding spirit snake, entangling the sword in Ling Zilu's hand.

The sword is broken and the white light is scattered.

Ling Zilu's face suddenly turned pale, and she was frightened for a moment. After sorting it out, she smiled calmly: "My greatest soldier of the musk moon country, have you always been so arrogant and ignored anyone? He broke into the Lingxiao Hall so unscrupulously, and didn't even give a notice. Don't you know that the Lingxiao Hall is the place of the holy church, and men are forbidden to enter?

The person who came is Hua Che.

The smile on his face was gentle and sarcastic. Hua Che took a look at Ling Zilu, then looked away, waved to Lingyue, and called softly, "Come on, Yueer, come to the master!"

After being ignored, Ling Zilu was even more angry: "Huache, do you look down on me?"

"For me, you are really not qualified to be my opponent. I even feel bored playing this game with you, because as early as you put down your first piece, I have seen your last move and your fate of fiasco, but I am still happy to play this game with you and lose to me. It's your pleasure!"

Hua Che said and opened his arms to Lingyue, as if waiting for the docile girl to run into his arms.

However, Lingyue did not move, or she was asking him with a questioning look.

Ling Zilu laughed hysterically and said, "So, you push the boat along the water and laugh at my incompetence in such a shameless way."

"This is a success!" Hua Che interrupted, " fulfill your ambition to be a king and fulfill your dream of being famous for thousands of years."

"Haha... It's really beautiful!" Ling Zilu laughed and shed tears. Even if she was defeated, she could never let herself be meaningless. Therefore, she wanted to break the enemy's ambition. "You even took advantage of the four palace ministers. You put spies around them and encouraged them to rebel. You also blame me for the charge of rebellion so that I could lose. "

"Actually, the person you really want to rebel is you, and I will become your scapegoat." Ling Zilu deliberately raised the volume, "What a treacherous person, what point did I lose to you?"

"What you lose is your heart, and you can't hide your sharp ambition!" Hua Che is still laughing, "Yes, your plan is actually very thorough. You have bought the hearts of the four palace ministers and want to openly ascend to the position of the lord of the musk moon country through the support of these four important figures and a rewritten edict. However, do you trust your subordinates too much, or do you buy yourself? Is the means of the heart too confident?

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, in this palace, even if you want to be a clown, you should know how to restrain yourself." The implication is that you don't know how to restrain yourself. If you are too blatant, blind people will also see it.

Ling Zilu's pupils suddenly dilated, and extreme unwillingness and resentment accumulated into devastation.

"Haha..." She laughed like crazy again, "It turns out that in your eyes, I'm not even as good as a jumping clown. You are too arrogant! It's not that Ling Zilu has come to this point. Since I have prepared for the worst, of course I will be better prepared.

Suddenly, there was a burst of applause, and the whole Lingxiao Hall suddenly became dark. Many black bat-like figures surrounded Hua Che one after another, and the hall was full of black pressure.

"I have tried to imitate you and cultivated this group of dead men. Puppets without will can't talk about loyalty or disloyalty. There is only one word in their eyes - kill! Since your soldiers are so confident that they don't need to be accompanied by soldiers and soldiers, try to play with these dead men!"

Yuhua roared and roared, and black bat-like people fluttered their wings and covered the top of their heads layer after layer.

Hua Che's figure was submerged, and Lingyue couldn't help exclaiming.

Ling Zilu looked up to the sky and smiled for a long time, but it stopped in an instant, full of horror and horror.

Because she actually saw that Hua Che's body could penetrate those people in black float by. Is such a ghost spell or is he not a human?

"Don't force me to use spells!" Hua Che's eyebrows raised a drowsiness and anger. He stretched out his hand to Lingyue again, waiting to pick her up. Lingyue looked at him, only full of fear.

"Spoul? I thought that only the magician in my musk moon country knew the magic, but I didn't expect that the soldier Hua Che was hidden!" Ling Zilu smiled and changed the topic, "What about women?"

Hua Che's face was immediately gloomy.

"I'd like to know if you don't care about women? Or, which woman do you care about?

Ling Zilu suddenly grabbed Ling Yue, and the broken sword was between Ling Yue's neck.

In another corner of the Lingxiao Hall, a man in black tied another woman and walked to Hua Che.

The blue clothes are charming and the beauty of the world.

This woman turned out to be secluded.

"A lover you get along with day and night, an assistant you painstakingly cultivate, with unparalleled beauty and frightening killing methods in the world. She can also be called a perfect woman, or a luxury beauty created by your painstaking efforts."

"The other is the puppet doll you use to stabilize your position, the core of all your power, and it can also be called a little treasure in your heart."

Ling Zilu said while admiring Hua Che's slightly angry expression and mocking: "Who can you give up, or you can give up anyone, or you can't give up anyone?"

Hua Che was speechless for a long time, and Ling Zilu laughed proudly: "The omnipotent soldier Hua Che, you also have something you can't give up! So can these two women give up compared with military power?

Without waiting for Hua Che's answer, Ling Zilu continued, "I want you to understand today that you can't get everything. You will either give up your military power or abandon these two women?" Of course, if you can give me the military power, I will also follow the example of the old moon master and retain you as a talent. If it is better, I will also let you be the moon king of the musk moon kingdom and my man!"

"Haha..." This time it was Hua Che's turn to laugh, "My taste is not so vulgar."

"Hua Che!" Ling Zilu's face turned red with anger, "Don't think you are really superior. Eighteen years ago, you were just a slave bought by my sister Lingyun, and you were just a plaything!"

Such a sentence not only greatly changed Hua Che's face, but also surprised Ling Yue and You Yu.

The strange atmosphere lasted for a long time, the air solidified, and even breathing was a kind of suffering.

Hua Che suddenly smiled and said, "What you said is also very beautiful, but - you also have to pay the price!"

The white robe penetrated the body of Ling Zilu, and Lingyue's body was across his arms, and there was a ball of blood-red things in his hand that were still beating!

He put down Lingyue and let her curl up in the corner.

Seeing that he was holding a beating heart in his hand, Lingyue screamed in horror!

She didn't dare to look anymore. She covered her eyes and flew out of the Lingxiao Hall.

Ling Zilu's breath swallowed in her throat, and finally, she could laugh: "Huache, you also have times when you can't stand it. If you kill me, you won't feel better. Although you beat me, you will definitely lose to the Ling family in the end. I will let you understand what it means to die. Although I am dead, I have died, Lingyue's The life will soon be broadcast, and then..."

A fresh heart was thrown in front of her, and she finally opened her eyes wide and couldn't close her eyes.