Phoenix Empire

Chapter 27 Yulu Meet

Lingyue ran to a wisteria tree and began to vomit constantly. The petals of the wisteria floated away like rain and were blown away by the wind, just like the passing temperature.

Lingyue suddenly felt heartache, incomparable heartache. Her pale little hand pulled Hua Teng hard, and the wisteria flower was also sad and sad, falling into the depths of her almost transparent pupils.

Silent crying, integrated into this sad scenery.

Suddenly, there was a noisy scream not far away, and it was barely heard that someone was shouting the order to "catch the traitor". Countless officers and soldiers came with secret codes and chased a blue shadow flying around in the sky in eight directions.

Feicheng is avoiding these officers and soldiers, but Feicheng plays these officers and soldiers like monkeys to satisfy his temporary playfulness and fun. When the officers and soldiers chased east, he flew west. Anyway, the officers and soldiers were tired and dizzy, and his figure could be seen in all directions for a moment.

"Haha... A bunch of stupid donkeys, it's so funny to say that I'm a traitor, a group of uneducated things. Can the word traitor be abused? Let's see how I play you to death!"

Flying City flies on palace walls, pavilions and hundred flower trees at an arrow-like speed, and the strong wind blows down waves of rain.

Lingyue got up dizzy and staggered in the rain. Suddenly, a blue wind blew. Lingyue circled several times with the wind and fell to the ground. No, to be precise, she fell on a person.

"Oh, beauty, you can't run anywhere. You have to bump into me! Well, I'm a man. At the critical moment, I'll be your meat cushion. Hey, beauty, don't you hurt!"

"Hey, beauty, get up and don't lie on me all the time!"

"Oh, what's going on? If you don't talk, are you dumb? Oh, forget it, I'll pick you up!"

Fly City helped Lingyue up and was close at hand. For the first time, he saw Lingyue's face clearly. Feicheng had seen many beautiful girls and liked to talk to beautiful women, but this time, he was extremely calm and quiet, and he was a little embarrassed.

There is no compelling beauty, no gorgeous decoration, no so-called gorgeous and ecstasy, but it is difficult for people to forget, at least he will never forget it.

There is a trace of spiritual charm in the Qingyan jade show, and there is a trace of melancholy and mystery hidden in the pure and transparent, not too delicate, not too enchanting, not too flamboyant and gorgeous, and naturally exudes a noble temperament and attraction in tranquility and elegance.

"Hey, beauty, where do I seem to have seen you?" Feicheng can't connect the girl in front of him with the woman in Hua Che's bedroom, so even if he remembers it many years later, he still can't believe it.

"I must have seen you in my dream!" The corners of his lips evoked a smile, and the spring sun also had a breeze-like warmth.

Lingyue was still immersed in the fear of drowning in the depths of the sea. Hearing the sound, she looked up a little muddle-headedly and saw her face wearing half a bronze mask. Her eyes were very bright, which made her seem to see the first ray of sunshine in the morning. Pu's lips were slightly squeezed into a beautiful arc, and the water was shining brightly. The charm of being cynical.

This accidental encounter is the spiritual comfort she needs most.

Lingyue would like to find someone to help, or even if this person only wants to listen to her. Therefore, she hugged the man standing in front of her and buried her head in his chest and cried.

"Hey, beauty, why do you throw a hug without saying a word!"

Feicheng shouted like this, but Lingyue didn't hear it at all. She just wanted to vent and drain all her fear and pain with tears.

"I didn't expect that no matter where I went, I would be loved by beautiful women! Sure enough, he is still handsome and particularly charming!" Feicheng suddenly became proud. It was not good to have a beautiful woman in his arms. He smiled secretly and hugged Lingyue tightly. However, he was only trying to take advantage of beautiful women. What if he was caught by those damn officers and soldiers?

"Hey, beauty, I have to run for my life today. It doesn't matter if I lend you my shoulder next time. Let me go first, okay?" Feicheng discussed it. Suddenly, his arm hurt and he couldn't help shouting. How could he think of it? Lingyue actually bit his arm without saying a word, and tears soaked his skirt.

"Hey, beauty, why are you biting me! Oh, my God, no matter how much you like me, you can't bite me. Do you want to eat me?"

Feicheng shouted with incomparable grievances, which unexpectedly attracted the pursuers.

"Beauty, I really can't accompany you today. I have to go. Next time, I'll come to see you next time!" Slowly pushed away Lingyue's body, and Feicheng flew to the purple flower tree in front of him, but turned around with some worry and saw Lingyue falling to the ground softly.

The rising wisteria flowers shrouded the blue coat, and the bright spring light flowed on her glazed fragile face, showing an unspeakable haggard sadness in the depths of her eyes. The green silk with the fragrance of petals stuck to her pale and transparent cheeks, wet with crystal tears and flashed with cold sadness.

It's like a soulless puppet doll, which makes him can't help pitying and wants to take care of Wei.

"Hey, beautiful sister, what's wrong with you?" Feicheng sighed, quickly turned back and picked up Lingyue, but felt that her body was as cold as ice, and her whole body emitted a piercing coldness. Her heartbeat was also unusually fast, as if it was twice as usual. "It's so cold. What the hell is going on? Hey, beauty, you won't be reincarnated as a snake!"

Lingyue was not sober, but repeated: "Grandma Yue, Aunt Zilu... Father, Mother..." Tears gushed out like pearls, wet her face, and shining brightly in the scattered sunshine.

The pursuers were approaching, and the flying city felt helpless. He put Lingyue's body on his back: "The prince said that the man who left the woman behind is not a man. How can I be looked down upon by that woman? Well, beautiful sister, follow your brother to play hide-and-seek with those stupid donkeys! It's fun and exciting! Get ready, let's go!"

In fact, before the words fell, he had already flew to the top of the tree with an arrow. After a few showers of rain, he fell on a white jade palace and jumped several palace walls. Finally, he was a little tired and stopped in a corner.

As soon as he calmed down, a familiar and fierce voice interrupted his breath that had not yet calmed down: "Bad boy, you have a conscience and know how to come back to me?"

A thrilling spirit, Feicheng suddenly raised his head and saw Lianxi, the prince who was stroking the wound in his chest.

He didn't come to find her, he just met her by chance, but he had this opportunity to be loyal, so why give up?

Feicheng smiled and drooled his face: "Of course, what is the relationship between you and me? How can I leave you alone? However, it seems that such a tough woman as you never needs the protection of men!"

"Of course, I don't need men's protection. Don't laugh at me like this, or I really want to smash your stinky face!" After saying that, the prince Lianxi raised his palm like lightning and suddenly slapped half of the bronze mask on Feicheng's face.

A very handsome face, but unfortunately there are three more fingerprints. Feicheng couldn't free his hand because of Lingyue's back. He was slapped in vain and scolded angrily: "Your brother really doesn't look like a woman. If you can get married in your life, I will be your horse!"

"I have lived for a hundred years, and I am still so young and beautiful. I don't have to worry about getting married. You still worry about yourself. If you are uneducated and uncultivated, you will definitely not marry a beautiful wife."

"Cut, old woman, I don't care about you."

Son Lianxi changed her posture, stood up and patted the dust. Seeing a man lying on the back of Feicheng, she asked, "What is on your back?" Put it down and show me!"

"I stole the baby, and it's a living baby. If you want to see it, take some silver first." Feicheng is used to joking with Gongzi Lianxi. To be precise, all bad habits are learned from Gongzi Lianxi.

"You boy still play this game with me. I won't give you a penny, so it's up to you!" Prince Lianxi was so competitive that he spread his arms and flew high behind Feicheng, but Feicheng turned around cleverly, whistled and smiled proudly at her.

The prince Lianxi chased again, and Feicheng hid again. After dozens of rounds, the two stopped exhausted, nestled in the corner together, and kept gasping.

"You are really bold. You dare to steal women in the palace. Be careful of being caught and beheaded one day. Don't be afraid that I have no face to save you!"

"I'm bold, but I won't be caught and beheaded. Who is my god thief Feicheng? That's an old goblin who is famous thousands of miles away, handsome jade trees and fascinated countless beautiful girls with light skills. How can you be like you, neither male nor female!"

"You boy, if you dare to say one more word, I will kill you immediately!" Prince Lianxi's slap raised again, and Feicheng immediately surrendered and said with a smile, "Well, how can the prince be so generous that he can be so easily angry? Let's say something else, something else..." Pointing to the surrounding palace wall, Feicheng coughed and smiled, "Son, we have also visited the palace in the past few days. With your intelligence, this map of the palace should be able to be drawn, right?"

"Why do I draw a map of the palace?"

"Yeah? We agreed to get my sister out!"

"If I want to save you, I'm too lazy to save you."

"Why? Why did you go back on your word?

"First, that girl actually lives a very romantic and happy life in the palace. Second, the man around her is too strong. I'm not his opponent."

"No way! Son, you have always claimed to be the smartest person in the world. Why do you sometimes admit defeat? What kind of man makes you so afraid?

"It's the fifth brother..." blurted out that she forgot that this was the secret in her heart. She suddenly regretted it. She suddenly grabbed the skirt of Feicheng again. "Don't try to trap me. This palace is now in chaos, not a place to stay for a long time. Let's find a way out immediately!"

"Oh, can you be gentle? You always touch it like this. If I can't marry a beautiful woman, it's all yours."

Mr. Lianxi stared at him fiercely. Seeing that he was honest, he didn't care about it. He pointed to Lingyue and said, "And this woman, where did you steal it from and where did you send it? Don't let her hold us back."

Like Feicheng, Prince Lianxi did not recognize Lingyue. Last night's assassination, she did not see Lingyue's face clearly from the dim light, or she did not look at it at all.

"That won't work. How can I return the beautiful woman I stole?"

"Do you know who this woman is?" Prince Lianxi suddenly asked a serious question.

"I haven't asked, I don't know."

"Everyone in the palace is not simple. Send it back and don't let her implict us."

Feicheng also suddenly realized something and restrained his stubbornness. He looked at Lingyue's delicate but pale face. Looking at the fear in her dream, he still had a little pity. Because of pity, he inexplicably gave birth to a trace of reluctance. After a moment, he reluctantly agreed: "Okay! I'll send her back, but I'll ask her where she lives first!"

Lingyue, who was dizzy, was still calling "father and mother" gently. I don't know why, her breathing became more and more rapid, and the blush on her face all passed away.

"Hey, prince, there seems to be something wrong with this sister. Her whole body is cold and trembling, and she has been talking in her sleep. She seems to be very uncomfortable and painful. Come and have a look!"

Feicheng stroked Lingyue's forehead, a little worried and anxious. He quickly pulled the prince Lianxi to explore her pulse and asked, "Look, her heartbeat is extremely abnormal. Also, her body is as cold as ice cubes. Is she sick?"

After exploring Lingyue's pulse, Gongzi Lianxi's face was not very good-looking and sighed, "This girl seems to have been greatly stimulated. If there is something wrong with her heart, she may not live long."

"What should I do? Find a way to save her!"

"I'm not a doctor. How can I save her? What's more, I can't live too long. It's not that she's about to die, but she doesn't live long. Why are you so anxious? Do you really treat her as your wife?

"Hey, prince, just treat her as my wife. I have something to ask my eldest brother to help me. You can't refuse, can you?"

Looking at Feicheng's polite appearance, it was really difficult for Prince Lianxi to refuse, so he had to admit defeat and said, "Okay, I really admire you and saved others. I don't know if you can save yourself. I'll take a look..." Again, I took the pulse for Lingyue. Looking at her speechless, Prince Lianxi suddenly said, "She has a little difficulty breathing now and is seriously deficient in oxygen. If only you had an oxygen tank here."

What is an oxygen tank? Tell me what it looks like, and I'll find it right away!"

"Look for you! You don't have this product here at all." Pulling back the flying city, the prince Lianxi pointed to Lingyue and said, "Come on, give me artificial respiration!"

"Artificial breathing?" Feicheng's eyes widened, "Just like the last time you gave me artificial respiration?"

"Yes, that's it. Whether you do it or not, I'll do it!" Mr. Lianxi simply bent down, but Feicheng stretched out his hand, held up Lianxi's face, and said with a smile, "I'll do it. You're a woman. It's not good for women to kiss women. Give me a chance!"

"You stinky boy, you know how to take advantage of girls. All right, you come!"

Feicheng secretly bloomed. When he wanted to kiss Lingyue's lips, he realized that the prince Lianxi was still watching. He immediately got up, picked up Lingyue and smiled, "It's inconvenient here. I have to avoid it. I'll do it with artificial breathing, and I'll send him back. Can you wait here to come back?"

"Get out of here and go back!"

"What a good buddy!"

In an instant, Feicheng held Lingyue and rushed straight to the sky, and the blue cloak swept like a blue sky.

Flying eaves, chasing the wind and shadows, the figure changes as fast as ghosts.

Looking at the direction of Feicheng's figure disappearing in an instant, Lianxi couldn't help sighing: "Sure enough, light kung fu can be called the first in the world!"