Phoenix Empire

Chapter 61 Introduction

In the council hall of Xinyang Hall, Gao Peng was full of seats and raised their glasses to celebrate.

Hua Che was sitting on the crystal jade Fengluan throne in the middle of the Fengcai Fan Pavilion in the hall, brushed the clouds and spread his sleeves, toasted the wine, and talked happily with the ministers. The Lord of the Palace sits on its right, only one step lower. This seat also shows her noble status above tens of thousands of people under the Moon Lord Moon King. Under the eleventh jade steps, the ministers of the court sit down along the two steps according to the number of seats.

Officials of more than four grades gathered here to discuss state affairs with Yuejun. The protagonist who attended the discussion of the court meeting this time is naturally Ling Wan, the Lord of the Shanggong. No minister in the court does not care about what the Shanggong Lord brought back to the Yulong Kingdom after ten years of study in the Central Plains Royal Dragon Kingdom?

Since the Ximengchuan mainland was divided into five countries, the musk moon country on the island has never interacted with outside human beings. It can also be said that it has been closed down for thousands of years. If it hadn't been 20 years ago, the musk moon country would have been invaded by foreign enemies, and no one in the country would have known that there were countries abroad. There were more continents overseas, and there were more people outside the world.

It was also after that war that Lingxiao, the lord of Taiyue, realized that the national power must seek diplomacy for development. For the first time, she boldly put forward the policy of appointing a bachelor of China to visit other countries to form friendship. The minister of the country did not agree with Taiyue's bold proposal at first, because no one had enough confidence to survive in the enemy country, which is also the nature of people to be afraid of the unknown world. However, when Taiyue's policy could not be implemented, Lingyun, the lord of the palace, took the initiative to stand up and asked his mother to issue an order her to send her to the Royal Dragon Kingdom, and she only accompanied Taiyue's main hundred elite soldiers and guards. The group of horses floated on the sea, and the lonely sails were far away in the sky, and only saw the flow of the Bohai Sea. Lord Taiyue waved his tears to bid farewell. After returning to the court, he ordered the writer Shurong to record the matter in history. Since then, the deeds of Lingyun, the lord of the palace, have become a myth praised by the people, and the martyrdom of the moon lord Linghui.

However, although people are afraid of the unknown world, they are also curious. When they see the triumphant return from the enemy country, the first reaction in their brains is like seeing a miracle. Therefore, all kinds of strange or childish questions were raised by them, such as what do the people of the Royal Dragon Kingdom look like? What kind of clothes do you wear? What are the streets and alleys of Yulong Kingdom like? How gorgeous is the palace? How many princes and grandchildren are there in the Royal Dragon King Clan? How does its smelter manage the country?

Hundreds of officials scrambled to ask questions, and the "Spirit of the Lord of the Palace" also answered vaguely. This is also the unique trick taught to her by the young man in white. The minister of the court will definitely ask some questions, and no matter what the question is, she must answer. As for whether the answer is right or wrong, it doesn't matter at all. After all, these people have never seen the real The Royal Dragon Kingdom, as long as her answer is not contradictory, but she must also answer carefully. If there is a flaw, those ministers may not be able to hear it, but the military division Hua Che will definitely detect it.

If you want to deceive Hua Che, you must first make yourself fully believe your lies, otherwise, even if he looks at your eyes, you can see whether you are lying or not.

Maybe that after drinking too much wine, the court suddenly became very lively, and the questions of the ministers were still endless, and the "Lord of the Palace" was also happy to answer excitedly. Her eloquence was not bad. She could also respond to a hundred questions randomly. It was also because she successfully deceived these ministers that she would inevitably have some When he was proud, he drank to celebrate.

"Come on, the future Yuejun, let's have another drink. The development of the musk moon country has also been half of your credit so far. On behalf of the Ling family, I thank you, you..."

Even after drinking wine, the smile under the veil is still snow-white, radiant and beautiful. A wine bottle was accidentally pushed to the ground by her, and a crisp sound made her suddenly wake up.

She looked at Hua Che and was a little panicked, but soon smiled again.

It is not surprising. It is not easy to cultivate such a quality. She has tried her best to hide the fear in her heart.

"Lord of the palace, are you drunk?" Hua Che smiled indifferently and said that whenever he smiled, his eyes were always crystal clear and bright, as if a sharp sword penetrated people's hearts.

"Oh, is it?" Lingyun straightened his hair, looked away, and smiled slightly, "'s okay! Yuejun can imagine that it is not easy to survive in the enemy country. Hiddening his identity for ten years can also be said to hide his courage. However, if I can spy on the military situation of the enemy country, no matter how hard and tired I am, I have to survive. Now I have returned to my motherland. Oh, I may have lost my manners because I was too happy to make Yue Jun laugh.

"I have never seen the Lord lose his temper today." When Hua Che said this, his star eyes were bright, like the night star fire, and he was mysterious.

"Lingyun" was stunned and laughed stiffly: "Really? I haven't seen you for ten years. I may have really changed a little.

"The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. The Lord of the Palace will always be the most perfect woman I respect. Hua Che praised and raised another glass of wine, "This glass of wine should be my respect. The lord of the palace has made an envoy to the enemy and contributed to the friendship between the two countries. It is the first person in the history of the musk moon country. It will be immortal and immortal."

"Ha ha... is that right? Merit and fortune, and eternal fame will always be the highest sense of achievement that people pursue! In those years, I made the first contribution in the musk moon country. My reputation spread far and went deep into the hearts of the people, and I also got the help of Yuejun!"

"There is no need to mention the past." Hua Che jumped over the topic with a smile and suddenly asked, "After their questions have been raised, can I ask a few questions to the Lord of the palace?"

"Lingyu" picked up a glass, took a bite, and smiled, "No matter what question Yuejun asked? Lingyun should answer truthfully, but Yuejun should not be polite.

"The Royal Dragon Kingdom is the most powerful country in the Central Plains. Can you know how powerful it is and where is it?"

"Spirit" was slightly stunned. Hua Che smiled and said, "The enemy is strong and I am weak, so we have to analyze its situation. Why is it strong and why does it oppress us? What places such as national law policy or military forces are worth learning, aren't they?

"This is indeed a powerful country in the Central Plains. It not only occupies an important geographical position, chokes the world, has a wide area and rich products, but also has ten times as many people as the musk moon country. Their regime is very perfect, and their military strength is also very strong, with millions of heroes, which is really not comparable to our musk moon country.

"With such a strong power, why didn't you launch another war of aggression against the musk moon country? Twenty years ago, although China won a one-to-ten victory, it also suffered heavy casualties and further weakened its military strength. If the Royal Dragon State has one million heroes, which is more than ten times that of my musk moon country, it is not a matter if the 100,000 army has been completely destroyed?

"Lingyun's face turned slightly white, and he couldn't find an answer to deal with for a moment, so he smiled awkwardly: "It's my Lingyun's negligence..."

She was about to answer when there was a message from the gatekeeper outside the Xinyang Hall: "Mr. Qiu Shuihe met Yuejun."

Autumn crane? He is not in the Militaryce fu now to cure Yue's disease. What is he doing here?

Hua Che was a little unhappy and waved his hand and ordered, "chuan--"

"It is said that Mr. Qiu Shuihe entered the hall--"

With a long cry, the "Qiushui Crane" in white nod into the middle of the hall, bent his knees and arched his hand and said, "Grasman, see Yuejun and the Lord of the Upper Palace."

"Mr. He, you will be the imperial doctor in the palace in the future. Just call yourself a minister and be flat!"

"Yes." Qiu Shuihe stood up and said, "I have issued a prescription for the moon owner, and I am now preparing pharmaceutical materials. If the medicinal materials are complete, I will be able to get rid of the disease within three days, but there is still a lack of medicine--"

"What kind of medicine? Isn't there in the palace?" Hua Che asked unhappily.

"No." Qiu Shuihe answered decisively, "This medicine requires the flesh of a person to be used as a medicine, and it is very important."

"Do you need one person's flesh?" Hua Che was slightly surprised and looked at Qiu Shuihe's eyes with a trace of suspicion. After a pause, he asked, "Is it okay to use my meat?"

"No--" Qiu Shuihe still answered decisively, and Hua Che's face became very angry and difficult to look, but Qiu Shuihe did not realize it and said calmly, "It must be the flesh of people who are related by blood to the moon owner to be effective."

"You mean, the people of the Ling clan, her relatives?"

"Exact." Qiu Shuihe's words are not many, but the meaning is very obvious. Now the only person in the palace who has a blood relationship with Lingyue is Lingyun, the master of the palace.

Hua Che turned his eyes to Lingyun, the master of the palace, and Qiu Shuihe still lowered his head and stopped talking, as if waiting for something.

After being stunned for a while, Lingyu laughed and pretended to be pitiful: "Lingyue is my niece and has lost her parents since childhood. As her own aunt, if the meat on my body can cure her illness, I should be willing to give up and contribute to the Lord of the moon, which is also my honor to be an aunt." At this point, she also looked solemn and waved to Qiu Shuihe and said, "Mr. He, in this case, bring a knife!"

Qiu Shuihe glanced at Lingyun and said coldly, "Then please come to the medical room with me."

"Lingyun" took a look at Hua Che and saw that his face did not seem to have any objection, so he answered, "Okay."

Hua Che watched the two walk out of the hall without saying a word, but there was a deep doubt in his eyes.

Who are the two people, "Qiu Shuihe" and "Lingyu"?

After dispersing the ministers, he entered the secret room, summoned Xue Yan, who was a shadow spy, and delivered the task: "From today on, your duty is to follow Qiu Shuihe and Lingyun all the time to find out their true origins."

"Yes. Xue Yan took the order.

After receiving the order, the girl in snow cloak quickly found the "Qiushui Crane" and "Spirit" and followed them like a ghost. They didn't notice it at all. They went all the way to the medical room and closed the door.

The snow coat was dyed cherry red, and the girl jumped on the roof, attached to it like a paper man, and lifted a tile with her hands.