Phoenix Empire

Chapter 85 Revenge

Hua Che poured another cup of tea for Lingyue. Lingyue did not dare to drink it again. Hua Che drank it by himself and handed it to Lingyue to drink. After such a cup of tea, the servants in Hua Che's house sent a box of memorials to Lingyue and said, "Please have a look."

"Ptall the memorials on the table!" Hua Che gave an order, and as he said, he unfolded the rolls of memorials and arranged them on the table.

Lingyue randomly selected a volume from it, browsed it carefully, and asked, "This is the order issued by my teacher three years ago to build the Great Wall. Now that more than half of the Great Wall has been completed, and it is about to complete the work, he encountered an unexpected collapse. The teacher thinks how to solve this matter. ?"

"This is not an accident." Hua Che laughed and said, "How can this be an accident after three years?"

"According to the teacher's opinion, what's the problem?" Lingyue asked anxiously.

"It can be investigated from three places." Hua Che said, "First, someone may have done it intentionally, second, it may be a construction error, and third, it may be a natural disaster."

"Someone did it on purpose? Is there a mistake in the construction? Natural disaster?" Lingyue asked puzzledly.

"Someone deliberately can be divided into two kinds. First, the people of my Muyue Kingdom are dissatisfied with the government of our dynasty and want to vent their hatred to disobey the court. Second, there may be enemy spies in my Muyue Kingdom. Naturally, the enemy will not hope that our military defense base of Muyue Kingdom is strictly defended and difficult to attack, and malicious destruction is also in them. Among the reason, construction errors can also be divided into two types. The first is that the slave workers are lazy and cutting corners, and the second is that the design of the construction engineer who inspected the Great Wall base and drew drawings is wrong. Natural disasters can also be divided into two types, the first is seawater torrents, and the second is earthquakes.

"Seawater torrent? Earthquake?" Lingyue was surprised. For her, she has never heard of these words. How could her teacher know so much?

His words not only made Lingyue feel incredible, but also "Bai Shaolang" and Yu Shuziyi, who listened quietly, were stunned. No wonder there were rumors in the world that Hua Che, the military division of the musk moon, was indeed a genius, and there was indeed reason not to be convinced.

"The rise and fall of the Bohai Sea will also produce a force, which is enough to cause the collapse of the Great Wall that has not yet been completed, and the earthquake can also be understood as moving."

"Is the ground moving?" Lingyue was shocked and said, "Why does the earth move? That's not--

"Is it the punishment of the gods?" Hua Che's deep eyes showed a trace of ridicule, "Haha... Those are some ignorant and ridiculous ideas of ignorant human beings. I have never believed in God. If there is a god in this world, then this god must be me, me, Yueer." He emphasized again and wanted to hold Lingyue in his arms, but Lingyue suddenly got up, picked up another memorial and looked at it carefully. After reading this volume, her look became more and more painful. The memorial fell from her trembling hands. She stared at Hua Che and asked harshly, "This is the whole family of Aunt Zilu. Order, you also ordered someone to investigate whether Aunt Zilu has any power in the people?

"Yes, this is my purpose." Hua Che did not avoid it and answered calmly as a matter of course.

"Did you find out? You killed Aunt Zilu's last son. What else can you find out?

"I found out." Hua Che smiled and intentionally or unintentionally turned his eyes to Yushu Ziyi dressed as "Qiushui Crane" and said to Lingyue, "Your Aunt Zilu still has a son in the folk. Do you want to know who it is?"

"Who is it?" Lingyue asked with surprise, joy and fear.

"Yu, tree, son, Yi." Hua Che said word by word. Yushu Ziyi only felt that his whole body was watered with ice water, and he couldn't help trembling. He tried his best to restrain his deep fear under a frightened look.

As soon as these four words came out, even Feicheng, dressed as a book dressed as "Bai Shaolang", couldn't help but change his face. Yu Shuziyi grew up with him, and he was also his brother. The two were more affectionate than his own brothers. He only knew that his father was a depressed old man. Every time he asked his mother, Yu Shu Ziyi avoided I didn't answer, but I never thought that this boy would still have such a background.

"Is Yushu Ziyi the young man in white who drew 'Yuxin Weeping Blood, Han Shuo Yongchun' in the Dragon Pavilion that day?" Ling Yue suddenly became nervous and grabbed Hua Che's hand and asked, "Did you kill him?"

Hua Che did not answer for a moment, so Ling Yue raised her voice anxiously and asked, "Answer me quickly. Did you kill him?"


After waiting for a long time to answer, Lingyue's violently undulating chest finally calmed down a little, and her face returned to a faint blush, but she was still very nervous and afraid: "Teacher, don't lie to me. You have been lying to Yueer, you have been lying to Yueer all the time. You promised that I would not kill Brother Feicheng, but why are you? Or send someone to force him to jump off the mountain? She suddenly pointed her finger at the "Bai Shaolang" standing aside, her eyes were full of hatred, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Is that him? Did you send him to kill Brother Feicheng?

"Bai Shaolang"'s body was shocked, and the hatred in Lingyue's eyes was nailed into his heart like a nail, but he could only be speechless. His eyes were full of deep feelings but he could not speak. It turned out that the silent watch was such pain. He really wanted to take off the mask of disguise, embrace Lingyue in his arms, and tell her that he It's her flying brother...

But he can't! You can't collapse!

After hearing Lingyue's words, Youqi and Yu Shuziyi changed their faces, but they didn't dare to say anything.

Huache still did not deny it, but still smiled and said, "If you want to avenge Shufei City, you can kill him."

This sentence was said lightly and casually, but it was like hitting a hard blow on the head of "Bai Shaolang". He never thought that Lingyue knew that he had been hunted down by Bai Shaolang and fell to the cliff, let alone that Lingyue would hate Bai Shaolang so much because of him. If she really wanted to avenge him, then...

Lingyue smiled bitterly: "Why should I kill him? Teacher, didn't you give the order? He is just a weapon you use to kill people. The real murderer is you!"

"So, Yueer, do you want to kill me to avenge him?" Hua Che asked.

The whole hall was quiet for a long time, and suddenly there was a cold and clear voice of Lingyue: "I think, if I can, I really want to kill you!"

A trace of imperceptible sadness flashed in Hua Che's look, but he could still stand up with a smile, put a dagger in Lingyue's hand, and gently said to her, "If you want to kill me, I will never fight back, Yueer, if you really want to avenge Shufei City, use this Stick the dagger into my chest and don't be soft."

Lingyue clenched the dagger and looked at Hua Che with hatred. Her expression was complicated and tears on her face. She had been with her teacher since childhood. If she had no feelings, she was deceiving herself. He gave her endless care and love, but also gave her endless pain and hurt. Is it kindness or hatred? Do you love more or hate more?

If she really ends his life with her own hands, she really can't do it, but he must be lying to her again, right? He is so powerful, how can he die in her hands? He must have lied to her...

"Bai Shaolang", Youqi and Yu Shuzi all waited nervously and expectantly for the next scene. They only heard Lingyue sneer and suddenly took a quick step forward and pushed the dagger into his abdomen. In an instant, blood surged like a spring, dyeing her delicate little hand bright red. Ling Yue never thought that he would really avoid it. However, he looked at Hua Che's face in horror: "Teacher, you, you..."

Youqi also ran over in horror and said anxiously, "Solder, why don't you avoid it?"

Shufeicheng and Yushu Ziyi looked at the two of them in surprise. At this time, if they both did it, it would be a good time to take Hua Che's life. But for some reason, both of them did not move.

They are not extremely evil people, and occasionally they will be soft and moved.

Hua Che stretched out his hand to signal Youqi to retreat to one side, but suddenly hugged Lingyue tightly in his arms, so the dagger that pierced more than half of his body entered another inch and all fell into his abdomen. Ling Yue couldn't help blurting out and exclaiming, "No, don't - you're lying to me again, you're lying to me again..." Her body was tightly tied by his arms and couldn't move half a step, so she only waved her fist and pounded hard on his back. "Let go of me, you let go of me..." She screamed and couldn't break free from his arms. Hua Che hugged her tighter and tighter until she was exhausted and collapsed in his arms. Teacher, why? You killed all Yueer's relatives, why did you treat Yueer so well? Why don't you let me hate you completely? I hate you so much, I hate you so much--"

Caressing the tears on her face, he replied, "I said that no one in the world is your relative except me. Those so-called relatives want to kill you. All such people deserve to die."

"No, that's not the case, teacher, why can't you listen to Yue'er's words? Not everyone is damned. After all, Yue'er's relatives are Yue's relatives. Aunt Zilu rebelled. It's natural that you killed her, but her children are innocent. Why don't you even let go of the baby?"

"Cut the grass without rooting, and the spring breeze blows again. Yueer, if I leave you first one day, can you take care of yourself? Do you have the ability to protect yourself? Hua Che sighed and gently stroked Lingyue's cheek. "My teacher is much older than you. Although I have a way to keep my face old, I can't live forever. My life expectancy will not be too long. Maybe it will be shorter than you. If it comes to the day I leave you, the political situation of the musk moon country will become chaotic again. There must be many princes and ministers who rebelled and seized the throne. At that time, can you control the overall situation and protect yourself?

After saying this, Hua Che's eyes were a little lax, and his arms around Lingyue gradually softened. Lingyue couldn't help crying: "Is it good for me again? It's for me again..." Seeing that Hua Che's body gradually fell backwards, Lingyue suddenly panicked and quickly summoned you and shouted, "Go and call the royal doctor, go quickly--"