Phoenix Empire

Chapter 87 Wedding Dress

Hua Che gave her the happiest few days since she lost her memory. These days, he took her to see the mountains and rivers, the waterfalls and silver rivers, the blue sky and the sea, the moon and stars, enjoy singing and dancing, tasting tea, racing dragon boats, and playing various games. In the past few days, she has been with him day and night. She has never had a headache again. She is as happy as an innocent angel. The only thing that makes her sad is a vague shadow left in that vacant memory.

That was when Hua Che hugged her to sleep every night, the faint shadow would appear in her mind, and once the shadow appeared, her head would be slightly painful. Hua Che asked her not to think about it and not to miss the past. He also promised to give her the future she wanted.

Every word he said moved her, so she could completely accept him from the initial vigilance and rejection to the end, accept his cares, accept his kisses, and accept his domineering and gentle lingering, accept everything he arranged for her, be a obedient wife, and like him. Love is the same as husband and wife.

"Brother Cheer, how many days have you ignored the national government? Have you read all the medals sent by those ministers?

For the reincarnation's warning against him, he only smiled and replied, "Ten thousand scrolls of twists, I only need one day to make Yue'er happy, but I need at least ten days. The national government is far less important than Yue'er's smile in my heart."

He was very casual when he said this sentence, because he was fascinated and tasting the "scent" wedding clothes drawn by Yu Shuziyi for Lingyue, with beautiful phoenixes, nine days in the evening, holding the hand of his son, and aging with his son.

There is also a happy smile on his face, which makes the lonely lonely one who is watching silently. Maybe in the near future, he will no longer need her or remember her again!

"Youqi, I ordered someone to call Mr. He over. There are still shortcomings in the place he drew. I want to discuss with him how to decorate it more perfectly."

He didn't even raise his head, and his eyes were still focused on every inch of the wedding dress on the picture scroll. Even a wedding dress demanded perfect. It seems that Lingyue has occupied his whole heart, but there is still a corner left for her?

"Yes, you obey."

The woman in blue looked at him and saw that he still didn't look up. She sighed and quietly walked out of the ink study.

"I must make the most beautiful wedding dress for Yueer and make her the most beautiful bride in the world."

At this moment, the smile on Hua Che's face is also pure and without stains. It is an unprecedented expectation and happiness. It exudes endless tenderness from his heart, just like a teenager who first met his lover, with the best yearning and desire.

Suddenly, reincarnation lifted the sandalwood table in front of Hua Che, stared at him and roared, "Hung Jun, do you know what you are doing now? A woman will wear out your ideals and fighting spirit?"

Hua Che nervously went to grab the picture scroll that slipped down from the table. When he picked it up, he found that there were stains on the picture. Suddenly, he was also furious and furious: "You don't have to worry about my business. Get out of here--"

The reincarnation eyes instantly became angry and desperate, and sighed hoarsely, "I misread the person. You are just a drunken man living and living in a gentle countryside--

He was about to leave, but Hua Che suddenly calmed down and called seriously, "Wait, what do you want to tell me?"

The reincarnation paused and said coldly, "Are you finally awake?" He turned around, condensed a golden bird with magic power, and ordered it to fly to Hua Che's shoulder. "Listen yourself. This is the message from the Central Plains Royal Dragon Kingdom from the female bird. The Royal Dragon Kingdom has sent the crown prince to visit my musk moon country, which is related to the fate of the two countries. This person may have now arrived in our country, and the comeer is good and evil. I don't know. I think the Great Wall is likely to be related to these messengers of the Royal Dragon Kingdom, and there are likely to be internal response of the Royal Dragon Kingdom in our country. You should always be prepared and be more vigilant.

"Sending the prince as an envoy minister, it seems that the Central Plains Royal Dragon Kingdom thinks highly of my musk moon country." Hua Che smiled slightly, and there was an inexplicable light of hatred in his eyes. He whispered to himself, "Prince...haha..." After laughing, his eyes were cold, "Aren't you afraid that there will be no successor?"

"It is said that the emperor of the Central Plains personally drew up a joint letter and brought it to the prince to show his sincerity. Brother Che'er, the emperor of the Central Plains is also a traitor. He ordered his own son to go to China. Although he has shown sincerity, he will not have good intentions. You must be careful not to be tricked by the enemy. When reincarnation came here, he sighed with some worry, "The night talk also said something that I didn't understand. I don't know Brother Cheer--"

"What are you talking about?" Hua Che's expression also revealed a trace of doubt and eager to ask.

It says that the emperor of the Central Plains seems to know your origin and holds your handle. If you don't agree to fight with the Royal Dragon Kingdom and make friends with the two countries, he will let the prince make his last move——"

Hua Che suddenly changed his eyes, brushed his sleeves, and waved a punch in mid-air. The sandalwood table broke and made a few dull noises. Seeing that his mood had changed, he also asked anxiously, "What's wrong? Brother Cheer, what kind of handle do you hold in their hands?

"Sooner or later, this old fox, I won't even have a chance to kneel down and beg me." An unforgettable light of hatred also flashed in Hua Che's eyes.

The reincarnation was stunned and said, "How did the emperor of the Central Plains know your origin, brother Cheer, who you used to be?"

With a gloomy and desolate smile, Hua Che raised his eyes and looked at the reincarnation and said, "Aren't you able to see my past with magic?"

"Yes, I can see your past, but I only saw that your childhood memory was fire, swords, and blood. A beautiful woman ran away with you in her arms, but in the end, that woman was also killed, and you..." The voice of reincarnation paused and lowered a little choked, "Brother Cheer, yours Childhood is not happy, and reincarnation doesn't want to mention your past. What's more, even if I see these, I don't know who you were at that time?

"I don't know the best. I don't like my past very much. I'm very happy to be a soldier of this musk moon country." Hua Cheyun smiled and suddenly changed the topic and asked, "What else do you want to tell me?"

"There are other conspirators in the palace, and even your military policy office has hidden spies. Brother Che'er, you have played with Lingyue every day these days and relaxed your vigilance against the enemy. I hope you don't forget about it in order to please women, or even forget your ideals, otherwise--" His expression changed sharply, "Run We will also remove all the stumbling stones that are harmful to you for our common ideals - just like last time.

His look was serious, and Hua Che's expression was more cold. After a moment of silence, Hua Che suddenly laughed and replied, "Thank you for your reminder. It seems that I have been too relaxed these days. Don't worry, no one in the world can really deserve my match. Hands, let those people be proud for a few days. When they are sharp, I will catch them all.

"I hope you can do it."

The reincarnation fell. Seeing that Hua Che's face changed, his eyes penetrated his shoulder and looked out of the house.

Lingyue was standing by the door with a purple veil cloak, looking at him with a sick red face.

"Yeer, why did you get up so early? You're not in good health. Just take a little more rest. I'll help you arrange everything."

Hua Che said softly, went to the door, held some sick girls in his arms, smelled the faint fragrance between her hair, and sighed, "Yeer, the master ordered the best painter in the world to draw the most beautiful wedding dress in the world for you. You must be very beautiful in it. I'll take you to have a look, okay?"

"Teacher, how long has it been since I went to court? Has anything big happened in the court? It's still my musk moon country--

Lingyue shifted the topic and showed indifference to the wedding clothes, which made the enthusiasm in Hua Che's heart fade.

"Nothing is a big deal, nothing is more important than your body, Yueer--"

"But I am the moon owner of the musk moon country. I have the responsibility to know what happens in the country I lead every day, and I have a responsibility to care about how my people are doing. Teacher, let me take a look at the memorials presented by the ministers these days, okay?

Lingyue asked, and Hua Che couldn't find a reason to refuse, so he took her hand, took her to the high platform, took out the memorials of recent days, and put them in front of Lingyue. Of course, he knew the content of these memorials very well and knew the importance of them, so he took their irrelevant memorials to Lingyue until Lingyue played all the plays. After reading the folded content carefully and nodding with satisfaction, the two smiled eagerly.

"The teacher promised Yueer not to kill people indiscriminately. Why did you just say who to catch?"

Lingyue suddenly asked, and Hua Che smiled and replied, "I'm talking about the traitor, the spy of the enemy country, Yueer."

"Is there anyone who judges the opposite? Are there any spy of the enemy country?" Lingyue asked again.

"Yes." Hua Che nodded, "Soon, the envoys of the enemy will come to my palace of the musk moon country. At that time, we will also go to meet the demeanor of the powerful country of the Central Plains, okay?"

Lingyue also nodded with a smile and agreed, and asked, "This is also a national event. Why didn't the teacher tell Yueer before?"

"Yueer, you need to rest more. You can't work too hard and worry too much. Let me do these national major events, okay?" Lingyue didn't answer, so he held her in his arms and continued, "Yueer, do you know? Women are crystal rain and dew, which needs to be cared for and protected by men. Since the founding of the Moon God, our musk moon country has been a country of equality and equality, but the ancestral rules have been passed down for thousands of years, which has led to the marriage of many moon lords and moon kings to become political transactions, lacking the feelings that should have between husband and wife. However, I won't let our marriage only be attributed to the transaction on politics and metallurgy. I swear to heaven that I will definitely give you the happiness of Lingyue's life. I just want you to live a healthy and happy life.

Facing his affectionate eyes, Lingyue was so moved that she could hardly say it. Her long eyelashes were covered, closed her eyes, and let the warm kiss gently swim on her delicate cheeks, and finally slipped between her lips.

Unconsciously, Lingyue's tears slipped down, and she suddenly remembered a person--

"Flying City Brother-"

He sighed and broke the intoxicated gentleness. Hua Che's heart was cold and let go of her. His falling fists intertwined with heartbreaking voices. It turned out that he could not let her forget that person and could not completely occupy her heart. What is the meaning of such a thing? What's the meaning?