Phoenix Empire

Chapter 101 Killing

Yushu Ziyi has been in the Ministry of Criminal Justice for seven days. For him, these seven days of suffering seems to have been as long as seven lifetimes. His skin has been whipped and scarred, some bones have been deeply visible, and even begun to ulcerate. He was originally a handsome teenager who could not eat the world's fireworks and experienced all kinds of punishments. After the punishment, he also became devastated and dirty, and only a pair of butterfly-like eyelashes could be seen gently moving on his blood-stained face, as if it were the last struggle in his life.

Suddenly, a basin of cold water splashed on him. He had already fainted and woke up in pain. The executioner looked at him slowly open his eyes and seemed to be a little unbearable. He whispered, "Hey, boy, don't be so hard. Look at your bones, like a weak scholar. If I continue to fight like this, I only I'm afraid you're really going to see the king of the underle. I don't think your colleagues are a good thing. You are suffering in prison, but no one comes to save you. It's okay if you don't want such companions. Why don't you push all the blame on them?

"Will you believe that a man who betrays his companions will not betray his country?" The weak voice was irrefutable and fierce. The pawn couldn't help lowering his head in shame. Yu Shuzi continued to say angrily, "What's more, I really don't have any colleagues. I'm not a spy of the enemy. Don't you think it's ridiculous to think about my sin with an imperial history book?

"Oh, Mr. Yu, what's wrong with you?" This time, Yan Wei, the young man in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, shook his head and sighed. The man in official clothes came to Yushu Ziyi and looked at Yushu Yi for a long time. Suddenly, he took out a clean handkerchief from his arms and wiped the blood stains on Yu Shuziyi's face. He seriously and compassionately advised, "You are still the criminal who can make the soldier Hua Che come to the prison to visit. One, you should know in your heart that the military division actually value your talent very much. He just wants you to serve the court and use your ability to serve the country. There are Bole in the world, and then there are thousands of miles of horses. There are often thousands of miles of horses. Bole is not often there. It is actually a rare opportunity for you to get the appreciation of the military division. Why does Mr. Yu suffer? How stubborn do you have to sing the opposite tune with him?

"Oh, anyone can obey his orders and serve the court, but I can't--" Yu Shuziyi sneered and said in a colder tone. "I admit that the military division Hua Che is a rare talent in the world. His political means and ideals are higher than everyone. My musk moon country has not been invaded by foreign enemies for 18 years has also won his reputation. Influence, but the hatred of killing father and mother is not the same. As a descendant of the Ling family, how can I help him betray my ancestors?

"Alas, Mr. Yu, with all due respect to Yan Wei, who is more important, the king, the country or the people? Do you know what the country needs and what the people need most?

Yushu Ziyi did not answer. Yan Wei said, "The country needs stability and peace, and the people need to be satisfied with food and warm clothes. It doesn't matter to them who is the lord of a country. The important thing is that they need a lord of a country that can bring them peace and a stable life. Although the soldier Hua Che is not from your Ling clan, he has assisted two generations of Yuezhu and made great achievements in the war of resistance 20 years ago. The influence spread to overseas countries and even deterred the Central Plains. Although he brutally killed many palace ministers, he just wanted to stabilize the hearts of his subjects. How can he ask an indecisiveness? Can the cowardly lord support a country?

"If you fight outside, you must be safe inside. I can understand what he did. Yan Wei, I really have nothing to say if you want to talk to me about the way to subjuvenate the country and the policy of the people, but people have their own aspirations, so you don't have to persuade me."

"So, is Mr. Yu determined that he would rather die than obey the court?"

There was a trace of disappointment or a trace of regret in Yan Wei's tone. Yu Shuziyi nodded without hesitation. Yan Wei had to wave his hand and motioned the pawn to continue to torture him. He sighed and walked out of the prison and said to himself, "People have their own aspirations. You can't use it. It's out of reach. I want to musk moon country. Lose a peerless talent!"

"Kid, this is the last day. If you don't say anything, you will be sentenced to Ling Chi at noon tomorrow. Are you really not afraid of death?" The executioner still wanted to comfort him, but Yushu Ziyi closed his eyes and ignored him at all.

The pawn was also helpless. He hit him with another whip until he was exhausted. He stopped and found a place to sit down. But when he sat down, a red shadow suddenly floated in front of him. He smelled a strange fragrance and fainted in front of his eyes, but immediately fainted.

"Cousin Ziyi, I came to see you--" The charming voice, with a trace of sweetness, a trace of sigh and a trace of regret, Yushu Ziyi suddenly opened his eyes and saw a red dress coming out from under the ground.

Qimen Dunjia! Spiritual rain!

"Oh, you're finally here--" Yu Shu Ziyi sneered, and Ling Yu approached him. The smile on his face suddenly condensed when it was close to his cheek, as if she was distressed by his blood-stained handsome face. She sighed, "Cousin Ziyi, what's wrong with you? What a beautiful face was tossed like this by them--" She tried to touch his face with her hand, but he suddenly turned his head and said coldly, "Take away your dirty hands. What my face has become has nothing to do with you. Don't stain my face with your hands!"

"Haha... Ziyi's cousin, you are still so stubborn. Alas, you really make me hate and make me feel sad!"

"Well, if you want to kill me, why don't you just send a subordinate down? Why come here in person? Aren't you afraid of being tricked by Hua Che? Yu Shuzi sneered, but Ling Yuxiang still covered his mouth and laughed meaninglessly and said, "Who said I was going to kill people? I said I was here to save you. Do you believe it?"

"Help me?" Yu Shuziyi sneered, with a trace of disdain in his eyes, and said coldly, "I hope you came to kill me."

"I didn't walk in through the door of the prison. Even if Hua Che has great skills, he will not expect that there will be a road under this place. It took me seven days to dig a tunnel from my White Dream Palace to this prison. What else can I do if I'm not here to save you?

"I didn't know you would become so kind?" Yu Shuziyi said sarcastically.

"My kindness is only to you." Lingyu smiled charmingly, spread his sleeves, held Yu Shu Ziyi in his arms, put his lips to his ear and said, "Do you know? I really wanted to kill you, but killing you was as painful as digging a piece of meat from my heart. Only then did I understand how important you are in my heart and how much I love you are. Alas, cousin Ziyi, you are so good to Miss Yun and Lingyue. Why don't you treat me a little better? ?" As she spoke, she hugged him tighter and tighter. "Don't always look cold to me. As long as you treat me a little better, or as long as you say that you beg me to help you, I will not refuse."

Her body was full of poison powder. Yu Shuziyi choked to her throat and couldn't help coughing. Her arms were tied to him like snakes, and they were getting tighter and tighter, so tight that it seemed to squeeze out his internal organs and lungs. Yu Shuziyi couldn't speak and only heard her. He cried in a low voice like mercy in his ear.

"Please! Cousin Ziyi, as long as you beg me, I will definitely save you——"

At this time, outside the gate of the prison, a girl in blue was discussing with the prison to visit her relatives. The prison's hands were full of white silver, but there was an awkward look on her face, because the girl in blue was pulling his sleeve and begged: "Brother, please be merciful and pity me. You see, I'm still so young. I just made a marriage contract with my crush. Before I get married, I'm going to be a widow. You just let me go in and have a look at my father-in-law, okay? Just a glance, the last glance..."

"Well, little lady, it's not that I don't want you to go in, but the criminal you saw is the prisoner ordered by the military division to guard. If he escapes, or has a long story, how can I be a nobody?"

Seeing that the prison head was still a dead heart, the girl in blue took out a bright night pearl from her arms, stuffed it into the prison head, and begged again, "I know you also have your difficulties, but you look at my weak woman, I definitely can't take away a big man, can you?" With that, she wiped her tears and cried, "I have been separated from my husband for a month, and now I have found that I have his child. I heard that there is a rule in the law of the musk moon that a wife can visit her husband, no matter what crime she committed, right?"

"What? Do you already have his child? The prison head's face suddenly pulled down, and the girl in blue was stunned and nodded again. The prison leader pulled her aside and whispered to her, "Little girl, I advise you not to say this again. What your beloved has committed is the great crime of betraying the country. Maybe you will kill the whole family or kill the nine clans. You said that you are his fiancee. If you still have his children in your stomach, your life is fine. It's not guaranteed."

"Is it so serious?" The girl in blue cried loudly and seemed to say angrily, "Then you can arrest me. I just want to see my father-in-law. I want to see my father-in-law-"

While crying, the girl in blue still sat on the ground wiping her tears as if she were acting coquettishly. This kind of disturbance attracted many little pawns in the prison. The prison head was so embarrassed that there was nothing she could do. While pulling her up, she whispered, "Okay, little lady, don't make trouble anymore. I promise you that , I promised you--"

"Ah, really--" The girl in blue removed her ten fingers from her eyes, smiled at the head of the prison, and said gratefully, "Thank you, brother, I will definitely repay you--"

The prison head's face was white and red. He pulled the girl in blue to run to the heavenly prison quickly, and returned the full of silver to the girl in an empty place. He begged, "Girl, I don't want this silver, the night pearl or anything. After you see your father-in-law, leave quickly and don't let me suffer me. That's it. Get rid of it. Get rid of it--"

Looking at the prison head arching his hand and begging, the girl in blue couldn't help smiling secretly and stuffing the silver back and said, "That's not good. You've helped me a lot. I still have to pay for this--"

"Oh, my aunt, if I take this silver, my head will not be guaranteed. You take it back, take it back, quickly look at your father-in-law, and go out quickly and give you half a cup of tea. Your father-in-law is in the third execution room on the right side of the left. Go, go quickly--"

"Oh, okay, but I still want to thank the cell boss--" The girl in blue bowed to the prison head and hurriedly ran in the direction pointed to the prison head.