Phoenix Empire

Chapter 115 Teaching

"Brother Lingbo, did you really give up? The golden silkworm flying butterfly was carefully designed and created by you in ten years. While gathering your painstaking efforts, you also put a lot of feelings for her! You find a way to enter the palace this time..."

"I never thought of taking her out of here."

With a break, he was stunned and asked, "Have you never thought of taking her out of here?" Then you said earlier..."

"I'm just trying to test how far her feelings for Hua Che have been?" He smiled astringently, "But I really didn't expect her to be so deep."

"Hey, we have been together for ten years, and it's false that we can't have feelings." Leng Safeng said as if to comfort, "Brother Lingbo, you should give up. Such a woman is not worth your love. If you really like a woman, how about introducing me one to you? My sister is gentle, intelligent, and very smart and capable!"

"Your sister?" Leng Bo smiled and said, "I always hear you mention that you have a sister, but I have never seen her. Who is she?"

"My sister!" Leng Safeng just wanted to show off endlessly, but suddenly stopped again, staring in the previous direction, and was stunned with surprise.

Shubo also looked forward inexplicably. Only then did he find that the two of them wandered around the palace so casually. Unconsciously, they arrived near Jingyang Palace. An exquisite white tower was printed into his eyes, towering and spectacular, with an invisibly solemn light, and a palace was standing under the white tower. Dressed maid.

The maid kept looking back at Jingyang Palace not far from the White Tower, staggered her hands and paced back and forth, as if waiting for something or guarding something in a hurry.

is Xiaoyu, the close maid around the moon owner! Seeing that Leng Safeng stared at the maid for a long time, he patted him on the back and asked loudly, "Why are you looking at a girl's house like this?"

The cold wind hit a thrill, woke up, and said, "I, I'm just..."

"I just fell in love with that girl's beauty?" He said half a lesson and half jokingly, "Bad boy, you have seen a lot of beautiful women today. In addition to the moon lord and the maidservant beside her, how many do you like?"

"I...Hey, Brother Lingbo, don't talk about me so badly. Whoever sees a beautiful woman doesn't want to look at it more, I just appreciate it. Hey hey, appreciate..."

"But what I see in your eyes is obviously shyness and timidity."

"Do you have it?" Leng Safeng patted his chest and said disdainfully, "I'm a man, will I be shy? Will you be timid?"

Lan Bo laughed, and only when he was with the teenager, he would occasionally make a joke and occasionally show a little teenager's heart.

When the cold wind saw him smile, he couldn't help laughing. After laughing, they looked at the maidservant Xiaoyu under the exquisite white tower. In front of them was an emerald tree, so the maidservant did not notice them, but looked around and suddenly fixed her attention on a painting in the east of the white tower. The direction of the corridor.

The maidservant seemed to see something, and her expression instantly showed surprise and fear, that is, she regained her composure and nod her head.

"Brother Lingbo, she seems to have encountered something difficult. Shall we go and ask?"

"It is indeed a little strange that the maidservant of the moon lord does not wait beside the moon lord. All right, let's go and have a look!"

"Wait - there are still people -" interrupted in a low voice, signaling that the cold wind pushing the wheelchair stopped.

The White Tower and Jingyang Palace are also a hundred steps away. A dark shadow instantly jumped from the roof of Jingyang Palace to the White Tower. The slender figure stood between the sky and the White Tower like a pine, with a light golden light around it, hazy and mysterious.

is a young man wearing half a white jade mask on his face and even wearing black gloves on his hands. He also fell down and looked under the tower, as if observing something?

"Brother Tongbo, the man wearing a mask must be Brother Feicheng!" The cold wind concluded.

The book's face also became gloomy and sighed, "Is it true that the Flying City and the Moon Lord Lingyue..."

"The moon lord is so beautiful and cute that it is not impossible for Brother Feicheng to fall in love with her. What's more, Brother Feicheng is such a romantic man. You don't have to doubt anything at all."

"My half-brother and Feicheng and my half-brother relationship is not too deep, and he has liked to wander around the world since he was a child and was stained with the bad habits of the world. His father was angry and expelled him out of the house for a moment, but he did not expect that he would not go home for eight years as soon as he left. His father sent people to inquire about him. Only then did he learn that he had a deep friendship with the prince Lianxi and created the Dragon Pavilion with the prince Lianxi, and also broke into the name of the thief prince in the world. Feicheng was so stubborn that his father couldn't persuade him to go home, so he had to ask Prince Lianxi to take care of him and teach him!"

"Poo, how could the adoptive father think of having the prince Lianxi come to teach him? Does Brother Tongbo know who the prince Lianxi is?"

"Oh? Do you know who he is?"

"Of course, although this son Lianxi is a woman, I'm afraid he is more romantic than a man. His adoptive father would actually think of teaching him. The bad habits of Brother Feicheng were learned from this woman."

"What did you say?" After listening to it, he was a little surprised.

"When it comes to this woman, this woman comes! And not only this woman came, but also another woman came, Brother Tongbo, you see--

What is this woman, that woman? How can this child suddenly behave stubbornly and unruly and suddenly behave old and steady? He really learns from anyone--

Looking at the white tower, I saw a tall woman in a white robe dressed in men suddenly appeared behind Feicheng. Is this woman the prince Lianxi?

There was an indescribable strange expression on his face, which seemed to be unbelievable and sighed in astonishment.

Maybe such a prince Lianxi is really a little different from what he imagined--

It's not a little different, but very different!

Feicheng suddenly shook under her slap and looked up to see her. He breathed a sigh of relief in shock, but he didn't expect that the woman would lift him up and asked harshly, "Where have you been?

"Shh, keep your voice low!" Feicheng was very surprised to see her, but when the prince Lianxi did this, his face was full of helplessness and embarrassment. He tried to lower his voice and said, "Sir, can you not be so rude to me as soon as we meet? You are always like this, not like a woman at all. How can I marry you?

"Bad boy, don't talk nonsense. What are you doing on the top of the tower? Isn't it you who peek at beautiful women like this?

Feicheng knocked on his forehead with a headache and said awkwardly, "Sir, I tell you the truth, I don't have time to see beautiful women now. If you are idle, just stay here with me and don't say anything. Just watch and listen quietly."

"You boy is pretending to be serious now. OK, okay, I'll stay here with you!" After saying that, she suddenly lay down together with Feicheng's shoulder and crawled on the top of the tower. Her movements were so fast that she couldn't cover her ears. Feicheng was pressed under her. She couldn't move or cry or laugh. She moved her body a little and wanted to stay away from her, but she stopped her sharply: "Don't move. What do you want to see? I'll watch with you. Enough!"

Feicheng's face was embarrassed and speechless.

There was indeed a group of people coming under the White Tower, led by a young woman in a dignified and gorgeous dress. The woman's figure is also extremely fair and beautiful, but the way she always makes people feel a pretentious and vulgarity.

A strange fragrance suddenly came from the wind. The cold wind couldn't help shrugging its nose and sighed, "Where did the fragrance come from? It smells terrible!"

"The fragrance is not the fragrance of flowers. It should come from that woman." Shubo replied, and the words turned around and asked, "Can you guess the identity of this woman?"

"Now there are few people left in the palace. Except for the moon master Lingyue, there is only the upper palace master Lingyun. I see that this woman is elegant and embroidered with Luan phoenix on her clothes. People of extraordinary status must not wear dragon robes and phoenix clothes. Then, this person must be awesome. The identity should be the spirit of the Lord of the Palace.

"The spirit of the Lord of the Upper Palace?" Tong Bo was slightly stunned, "What did she do when she came to Jingyang Palace?"

"Maybe it's because the moon owner just returned to Jingyang Palace to rest in the early morning. When she came to Jingyang Palace, she naturally came to see the moon owner. Leng Safeng squeezed his lips and smiled evilly, "Brother Tongbo, there is a good show!"

"Good show?" Shubo was stunned again. Seeing a wisp of unfathomable deep meaning on the teenager's face and the cunning meaning in his bright eyes, he asked, "Feng'er, tell me honestly that you insist on going to the palace with me. What do you really want to do? You don't seem to be unfamiliar with the people and things in the palace?"

The cold wind restrained his smile and said childishly, "Oh, Brother Lingbo, you just want to have some fun when I'm bored. If I can catch a good show, of course I want to support it. And it's time to play at my age. If I'm bored like you every day, I will be suffocated sooner or later. Don't you think so?"

This child speaks without scruples. You say he has a scheming, and sometimes he is indeed as innocent as a child. You say he has no scheming, and he can always analyze some things.

"Brother Lingbo, stop thinking about it. Let's hurry over and listen to what these women are talking about?"

With the consent of the book, the cold wind pushed up the wheelchair and chose a relatively hidden and secluded path to quickly approach the white tower.