Phoenix Empire

Chapter 125 Out of Prison

When the prison door was opened, Yu Shuziyi was tied with iron ropes and walked out of the prison. The sun shone into his eyes, which was extremely dazzling. Because he had been in the dark space for a long time, he closed his eyes. His long eyelashes trembled slightly. He lowered his head and paused, but the prison head behind him suddenly pushed him, urging him. He urged, "Go quickly, you don't have much time."

Yu Shuzi smiled indifferently and suddenly asked, "What day is it today?"

"April 16th, they are all dying people. No matter what day it is, you just hope that someone on this execution ground can come to see you for the last time and feed you a full meal."

"April 16..." Yu Shuziyi muttered softly and asked, "Tomorrow is the wedding of Yuezhu Yuejun, right?"

"Yes! However, it's a pity that you can't see the sun tomorrow.

Yu Shu Ziyi smiled softly again and suddenly said, "Not necessarily--"

The head of the prison did not react for a moment. After Yu Shuzi walked far away, he was shocked and said, "What did you just say? Hey, don't run so fast. You must escort me to the execution ground in person, otherwise Yuejun will definitely open me. Hey, boy, slow down--you're really in a hurry to be reincarnated--

The head of the prison led some jailers to fly and chased to Yushu Ziyi. Behind him, on the top of the red tiles, a girl in red clothes suddenly appeared in the red sun and morning light. Her belts were raised, and her sleeves flew over. Her toes flew to a big tree nearby. The branches and leaves fell, and the wind whispered softly. The red shadow was like a carp. The fish generally turned several heels in mid-air, with green leaves attached to their feet, swam quickly like a ghost, and caught up with Yu Shu Ziyi and the group escorted him for a moment.

Yushu Ziyi's ear strength was extremely good. When he saw the leaves drifting, he looked in the direction of the wind. Because he was facing the sun, he did not see the woman in red, and when the prison saw that he stopped walking again, he urged him very impatiently to move forward. In fact, the head of the prison was also extremely worried and afraid. Lan Shaolang repeatedly told him that Yu Shuziyi was a prisoner ordered by the military division to guard. There must be many people who wanted to save him, and there must be many people who wanted to kill him. Whether it was the person who wanted to kill him or the person who wanted to save him, he would not let go of the prisoner in the first place. Officer.

Therefore, he, the head of the prison who escorted the prisoners all the way, actually served as a victim of burial and was ready to move his head at any time, and Yu Shuziyi, who was really sentenced to death, became the object of their lives to protect.

Therefore, the more he thought about it, the more unconvinced he became. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to scold Yushu Ziyi, but Yushu Ziyi ignored him at all, fastened the iron ring in his hand, and walked to the Qingcang Gate in front of him with suspicion, and never looked back.

When the concubine in red lying on the tree saw that they did not find her, she immediately stood up and continued to follow the treetops. But suddenly, she felt that the air had become extremely solemn and nervous. She, who had been practicing martial arts since she was a child, could intuitively feel that there must be someone hiding around her, and He must still be a murderous person.

Sure enough, did the woman send someone to stop Yushu Ziyi halfway?

It seems that Sister Lianxi's information is right. This woman will be afraid that Yu Shu Ziyi will confess her true identity and crime in front of the people of Kyoto on the execution ground. Whether the people believe it or not, the consequences are bound to be against her, so she will do everything she can. Kill people first.

Unexpectedly, this woman couldn't help being so unbearable. Before Yu Shuziyi walked out of the palace, she had sent a killer to ambush here to intercept her.

Many figures bowed and flew away like her appeared in the shadow of the tree, and several arrows were aimed at Yushu Ziyi and his party, ready to go. The concubine sighed secretly, stared at the people in black with bows and strings, and took out the prepared "umbrellas" that had been prepared. This umbrella was also created by the prince, although it was only a little thick. , small can be placed in the palm of your hand, but if it is blown away, it can cover the sky. Its toughness is indestructible. Just as the concubine wanted to use an umbrella, she saw someone blocking the road of Yushu Ziyi and others.

The concubine put down the umbrella to cover the sky and saw a handsome teenager pushing a wheelchair towards Yushu Ziyi, and the person sitting in the wheelchair was the prince.

The concubine was overjoyed, and the sudden appearance of the book made the killers who were ambushed around suddenly stop the arrows in their hands. And she can also relax and watch the change.

"Who are you? How dare you stop here!" The head of the prison did not know Shu Lubo and Leng Safeng. He put on a fierce look, pointed at them and roared.

Shu Lingbo nodded and smiled at the prison head. Before he could speak, Yu Shu Ziyi politely bowed and said, "Ziyi met Mr. Lingbo... Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been recently?"

"What, you call him... Mr. Tongbo, is he the new leader of the military division and the new Wulu official of the court?"

The jailer was stunned and looked at the book for a long time, as if he couldn't believe that a book that was rumored to be a genius who made an artifact turned out to be a paralyzed disabled person.

Shulubo also looked at the prison head, nodded and smiled, "It's Shulubo. Now there is something to ask the adults, and I hope the adults can achieve it."

"I, I'm not an adult..." The head of the prison was panicked for a moment and said anxiously, "If you have anything, don't delay the prisoner's time. I can't bear this crime."

Shulang nodded and said, "It will not be difficult for you. What I ask for is also very simple..." He pointed to Yu Shuziyi and smiled, "This Mr. Yu is also my friend. Please allow me to talk to him. After that, I will leave, can I?"

The prison head was stunned, looked hesitant, and seemed to be embarrassed. He said coldly, "Your Excellency is so complacent that he must be afraid that the prisoner will escape, isn't he?" The prison head looked up at Leng Safeng in surprise and saw him raise his hands and smiled at him, "If the adult is afraid that the prisoner will escape, you can tie me up first. I should be a hostage that can reassure the adult."

"How dare you, how dare you? Both of them are known as wizards. In the future, they must be celebrities around the soldiers. How dare they kidnap you!"

"In this case, the lord has agreed to Mr. Bo's request!" With a playful smile, he jumped in front of Yushu Ziyi, clenched his wrist, and smiled at the prison head, "Well, I'll take him away for Mr. Tongbo first."

"Take it away?" The prison head's eyes immediately widened, "Where are you taking him?"

"It won't be far away!" Leng Safeng pointed to a huge camphor tree nearby, "Just behind that big tree, Mr. Lu Bo will definitely return him after he finishes his words." Seeing that the prison leader's expression was still hesitant in panic, he smiled coldly and said, "Your Excellency, don't worry, you have so many heavy soldiers here, and it's difficult for three of us to fly. What's more, one is in a wheelchair and the other with iron fetters in his hand. We can't escape the siege of you soldiers, don't you?"

"Yes, yes... Oh, no, you..." The head of the prison wiped a cold sweat and saw that the cold wind looked awe-inspiring and unhappy, he couldn't help shivering and was forced to nod.

"That's right. Don't be so rigid, be flexible and flexible." Leng Safeng patted the prison head on the shoulder and whispered in his ear, "What's more, if you meet any assassins along the way, we can also serve you as bodyguards for free!"

This sentence is about the heart of the prison. Isn't he worried about some assassins who will intercept Yu Shu Ziyi halfway? If these two people really wanted to take Yu Shu Ziyi away, they would not appear here so soon. They must not be able to bear the charge of robbing the prisoner, but if there were one or two more powerful bodyguards to protect them along the way, it was actually beneficial and harmless. Thinking of this, the prison head also smiled happily and nodded repeatedly.

The cold wind lost a wink to Yushu Ziyi, smiled mysteriously, raised his broad sleeves and invited him to move forward. Therefore, after Yushu Ziyi walked to the camphor tree, the prison head stared at the three of them with twelve points of spirit. He saw the book talking to Yushu Ziyi while compared with his fingers on the trunk. After scratching something, Yushu Ziyi also nodded from time to time, and finally nodded and saluted, as if to thank him.

The prison leader was suspicious and worried that he wanted to come and eavesdrop, but at this time, Yu Shuziyi turned around and came out and smiled at him, "Your Excellency, we can go now."

"He, he, what did he just tell you?" The head of the prison saw that Yu Shuzi was full of smile and had no fear before death. He couldn't help but be a little scared and worried. Have they colluded to set up any conspiracy?

"The prince didn't say anything. He just gave me his last greeting and farewell as a friend. Your excellency, you are too worried."

Just greetings and farewell? Is it necessary to hide behind the tree? The head of the prison had deeper doubts and quietly glanced at the books behind the camphor tree and the cold wind. He saw that the two were also in high spirit and did not say goodbye to their friends at all.

"Sir Yu, I hope your two friends don't do anything radical. Otherwise, if the soldiers blame them, they will be blamed and may end up the same as you."

Yu Shuziyi smiled and said, "The prison leader is loyal to his duty and should worry too much. However, my two friends really didn't say anything. If you don't believe it, I can't explain anything more. At three o'clock in the afternoon, I will be executed. There is still more than an hour away from Qingcangmen to the falling wind in the north of Xinghe City. Why don't you take me away?

The prison head was shocked, and he looked at Yu Shuzi Yi for a long time in surprise. He shook his head and sighed, "Mr. Yu, why do you... why do you despise your life so much and are not afraid of death at all! All right, let's go on our way!"

Looking at Yushu Ziyi's back, he pushed the book out from behind the camphor tree.

"Brother Lubo, it seems that Mr. Yu will never escape from the execution ground to protect his reputation. If so, it will be more difficult for us to save him unless we encounter an amnesty--" Speaking of the amnesty, the cold wind flashed again. "Today, the moon lord of the moon will go to the moon temple to ask for a signature and ask for blessings for his son. People in and outside Kyoto will Gathering on the streets to Fengyu Mountain, the city must be very lively. Brother Tongbo, do you think this is an opportunity?

"This is indeed an opportunity." He smiled and muttered, "And it's also an opportunity deliberately created by someone."

"Is Brother Lingbo talking about... the moon owner?"

"Only the Moon Lord can lure the soldier Hua Che out of the palace. Who came up with this idea?" Lu Bo turned his eyes to the cold wind and asked with deep meaning, "There is only a close maidservant beside the moon Lord..."

"It's my sister, my sister Xiaoyu." Leng Safeng screamed repeatedly, and his face couldn't help blushing. "Well, Brother Lubo, I know you're still angry with me, but I haven't told my elder brother the identity as my sister, because..."

"For what?" Seeing that the cold wind blushed again, he stopped and asked with a smile.

"Didn't I say that I wanted to introduce my sister to Brother Tongbo? It's better for Brother Bo to marry her as a wife, so that I can be with my brothers and sisters, but..." Leng Safeng deliberately curled his mouth and said shyly, "Although my sister is as beautiful and smart and capable, she is only a maid. I'm afraid you will look down on--

"Ha ha, you clever ghost, everything can be reasonable by you. How can the people around Prince Lianxi be just a maid? In the words of Lubo, the cold wind changed his face. Seeing that Lubo was silent, he asked, "Brother Lubo, do you know anything?"

Lang Bo did not answer. He sighed and pondered for a moment. Suddenly, he pressed the button installed on the wheelchair, turned the wheelchair to the direction of the heavenly prison, and shouted loudly, "Brothers lying here, please come out!"