Phoenix Empire

Chapter 146 Pursuit

"You old monster, when are you going to use me and what you want to achieve? Just tell me!"

Looking at Feicheng protecting Lingyue's nervous expression, the girl in white stood firmly on the water and made a dull and hoarse laugh, as if she were watching the children's farce. She only felt funny!

"Son, although I took advantage of you, I also helped you! If you don't want to get married today, is it possible for you to be with your sweetheart? The girl's white clothes shook, and her thin figure swayed on the water like a dead leaf. "As long as Hua Che does not marry her, you will have a chance to be together. Moreover, Hua Che has said in front of the world that he will not marry Lingyue again. The king of a country, in a word, what he said will never be taken back, even if he regrets, It's useless! So, kid, I'm helping you a lot! You can now take your heart to wander around the world and live a free life!"

As the voice of the girl in white gradually faded away, her figure also disappeared like fog in the green mountains and clear water.

Feicheng is the first in the world, but he has never seen such a fast speed. That's simply not the speed that can be achieved by people. Is this girl in white really not human?

Whish whether she is a human or a ghost, it's not a good thing anyway! Feicheng cursed with hatred in his heart, wrapped Lingyue's body in a cloak, jumped to the shore, found a clean rock, and sat on it. The cold air on Lingyue's body gradually faded, and her face began to slowly return to red. When Feicheng saw her lips moving and seemed to say something, he softly called her to wake up, but the first thing Lingyue said when she woke up was: "Teacher, I'm sorry for you--"

This sentence made Feicheng more guilty. In the final analysis, did he disturb her life? She could have completed the national marriage with her mentor Hua Che, continue to be the moon owner of the musk moon country, and continue to enjoy the man's shelter and spoiling. Her life should have continued like this, but because of him...

He wanted to say sorry, but the weight of the three words would be heavy, and he was speechless.

"Brother Feicheng, what's wrong with you?" Lingyue opened her eyes and saw his depressed expression. She comforted her, "Don't worry about Yueer. Yueer is much better now!"

"Yeer, do you regret it?" Feicheng suddenly asked uneasily.

"What do you regret?"

"In fact, as long as you don't say that sentence, as long as you beg your teacher Hua Che, or as long as you say that you don't love me and drive me away, then... the result will be very different!"

"I know that the teacher may just wait for me to say a word, but I can't lie to him. He is actually very good to me, so I can't lie to him even more..." Ling Yue muttered to herself, as if she was still immersed in the scene of the marriage. "It's good for the teacher to marry Yougu! I can see that Youyu loves him very much... They should be happy together..."

"Yeer, what about you? Do you think you will be happy with me?

The sunset has set in the west, and the egrets in the mountains are flying in groups. There are crimson fallen leaves floating on the water. The gentle ripples are so quiet that you can hear the sound of spring water flowing gently, and the sound of the flying city falling between the valleys is so ethereal, just like the girl in his arms. Although he gets it, it is that It's unreal.

Maybe a part of your heart has already been missing, but you haven't even noticed it. Otherwise, you won't be reluctant and nostalgic after escaping with me. How many feelings have you lost in the use and being used by the man who took away your throne?

Just like my sister...

"I will. Brother Feicheng, we will be happy..."

Get the answer to this sentence, Feicheng smiled happily. She gave him confidence and hope, so that he could not doubt himself. As always, he would take her hand and wander around the world and grow old together...

Luoxia lay on the Ziyun Hall, like spilled blood, dyeing the man standing in front of the hall in a white robe with bright red and shockingly red. She looked at his lonely and lonely figure, as if she also felt the sadness in his heart. She sent a warm pot of his favorite wine to him: "Emperor Jun, it's getting cold. You've been standing here for almost three hours. Why don't you drink a glass of wine..."

"Have you done everything in the palace?" Hua Che interrupted in a low voice, "You are my queen and the first queen of the Zhou Dynasty of the Muyue Kingdom. You need to set an example of the mother's world and lead the three palaces and six courtyards, that is, the harem!"

"The harem?" Youqi was slightly surprised.

"Yes, since I became the first emperor of this musk moon country, I naturally have to have enough harem to extend my descendants!"

The wine pot gradually trembled in Youqi's hand. At this moment, Yuqi's heart sank, and even she will be cold? From now on, will he become more indifferent?

"The emperor, Xingyang County guard fast news, saying that the envoys of the Central Plains Royal Dragon Kingdom will arrive in Kyoto Imperial City tomorrow!"

When he lost his mind, the soldiers in silver helmets and potassium rushed to come, point on one knee, and presented a purple secret letter to Hua Che, reporting: "This is a secret letter sent by the messenger Prince Yaoguang to the county guard to the emperor!"

Hua Che took the secret letter and sneered: "Prince Yaoguang?"

"Yes, emperor, the messenger claimed to be the crown prince of the Royal Dragon Kingdom, and said that you are..."

"What is it?" Hua Che's eyes emitted a sharp and slightly angry light.

The soldier replied with a little fear: "The messenger said wildly that you are your own brother with the emperor, and that he is four years older than you. You are his younger brother..."

"Presumptuous!" Hua Che's eyes were awe-inspiring and waved his robe sleeves. He said coldly, "What is he and he is also qualified to marry me? How many people have heard this sentence?

"The lord of Xingyang, the county guard, and the families of the city owner and the county guard, the little ones... have heard it!"

"Is that right? Some rumors are spread by people, which will make the whole country unrest, restless, and moreoverturn a country and kill those who hear this rumor!"

"Your Majesty, I..."

"Don't you understand my will? In addition, I also want to warn the messenger of the Royal Dragon Kingdom that if I dare to speak wildly again, I will ignore the friendship between the two countries and kill him first!"

"Yes, the little one obeys!"

Looking at the soldier running away in horror, he felt cold and finally couldn't help saying, "Emperor, why do you need to kill those people? If this rumor spreads, it's too late for you to kill them now. Kill your family or two families, but you can't block the mouth of the world!"

"In the future, you don't have to care too much about national affairs!" Hua Che turned around sharply and told her harshly, "As a queen, you just need to take care of my woman and do your job!"

Her body suddenly shook, and she couldn't help but take a step back and looked at him in horror. Sure enough, he was no longer the same as before, not even the last tenderness. She, who could only laugh, also lost her last smile from this moment, and her eyes were full of bitter and crystal tears.

It's still a smile, but it's more desolate than tears!

"You go back to the military policy house to rest first! I'll be back later!"

With this order, Youqi did not refute anything more, but bowed his head obediently and retreated.

After seeing her leave, Hua Che closed his eyes and looked up at the sky alone. The sky was finally about to change! Unexpectedly, after he planned to hold a happy national marriage, he pushed Lingyue out of the political situation. From then on, he came alone to guard this devastated country. From then on, all the enemies will be pointed at him...

A flying bird fell down. He took it in his hand and handed it to Lan Shaolang, who was staying beside him, and said, "The four secret agents are ordered to hunt down Shufeicheng and Yuezhu Lingyue. When they see these two people, kill them, don't talk about it!"

"Yes, I'll do it right away!"

Lan Shaolang received the order and wanted to leave, but Hua Che suddenly repented. He stopped him and said in a low voice, "Wait, just need to kill Shufei City, the moon lord Lingyue, and you must bring it back alive!"

"Yes, I follow the order!"