Phoenix Empire

Chapter 149 Prince of the Enemy

"Flying City, Flying City..."

Whose voice is soft and full of care? Feicheng fainted in bursts of pain and woke up in severe pain. In his eyes, the sky is blue, the sun is also very bright, and the wind is fresh, but it can't dispel the fatigue of the body and the desolation of the heart. It is so difficult to love a person, so difficult... A soft The slippery hand touched his cheek, and he heard the voice whisper in his ear again, "Flying City, why do you suffer? Your whole body is hurt! If I don't come in time, if..."

There are blue clothes attracted by the wind, bringing an orchid-like fragrance. Feicheng stretched out his hand and held a light soft veil, which was covered by the veil on the woman's face. He gently pulled down the layer of veil and saw a beautiful face. Only one woman in the world has such a charming and nearly perfect face. ——you nuo

"Sister..." Feicheng made a dry tone and said guiltily, "Sister, why did you get out of the palace?"

The woman in blue kneeling next to him shook her head with tears in her eyes and advised, "Flying City, give up!" All right?"

Feicheng was stunned and added, "If you give up the moon lord Lingyue and give up her, your life will be complete and go on freely and safely as before!"

"No, no..." Feicheng blurted out and pushed away his hand. He got up from the ground and looked around for Lingyue's figure. This was the top of the mountain. The boundless fog filled his heart with panic. "What about Yueer? Why isn't she here? What about her..." He grabbed the faint shoulder and asked nervously, "Sister, have you seen her? Did you see her when you saved me?

"Flying City..." He looked at him in amazedly, looking at his expression as helpless as a helpless child.

"Tell me, have you seen her?" His voice gradually changed from nervousness to begging. A slap hit his face, making a sad crisp sound and scolded in a solemn voice: "Flying City, wake up, okay? Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your godfather and brother. As the son of a scholar, how can you do such a ridiculous thing as robbing marriage in a national marriage? How did you let your adoptive father gain a foothold in the court in the future, and what did you let the eldest brother do in the future? Have you ever thought about these problems?

Feicheng's eyes were full of pain and gradually became sad like fragile glass. He knelt down weakly with his hand and moaned in a low voice: "Sister, I really can't give up. I really love her very much... I have thought about all of what you said... But I can't control myself. I really can't control it... I can't see her, I feel so miserable... She is poisoned by the 'Tianquanyan', and I worry about it all the time..."

Yougu has never seen Feicheng release his emotions and crying. He knows that it will be very difficult, tired and painful, but he still has to go on as always. Knowing that it is wrong, he has to keep going wrong. Is this love?

Can't anyone escape the disaster of love in this world?

No one can escape. Flying City is like this, big brother is like this, and so is she, not even Lingyue and Hua Che.

Who can be ruthless without vegetation? Youqi sighed, held Feicheng in his arms, and comforted him softly, "Then find a place that no one can find and live an anonymous life!" Don't ask about the world anymore, and don't remember those who have passed through your life, including your relatives, friends, those who have loved you... Just for one person, give up everything in the world and cut off the connection with everyone. Flying City, can you give up these for her?

Feicheng raised his head in astonishment, looked at the sadness on his face that was no longer covered with a smile, and asked, "Sister, everyone in the world has the right to love a person, and they don't have to give up anything. Why am I the only one? Why... I just want to see her live a safe, healthy and happy life, and I can't get her in my life. I can really do it... I just want to love her well, I don't want to see her sad, I don't want to see her hurt, I don't want to see her suffer from the poison of 'Heavenly Spring Eye'... But it's all... But Why is it so difficult, why..."

"The poison of Tianquan's eyes is cold?" Youqi was a little surprised and asked, "Flying City, did you tell your sister what happened between you? Why did the moon lord Lingyue get this kind of poison?

"I don't know where the old monster jumped out. She gave me the cold poison of Tianquanyan and used me to transfer the cold poison to Yueer. Now she uses Yueer to threaten me to do things for her. If I don't do what she ordered, she won't give me the antidote. As soon as Yue'er's cold poison occurs, she will... ..."

"Old monster?" Hearing this, Youqi was even more puzzled, so he asked at the bottom of the bottom. Feicheng also told her what happened in the underground secret room under the fragrant forest of bell fruit in the palace. The girl in white, the mysterious man who had never been able to find his identity and origin, had a strange skill. He roughly said it. Even Youqi was creepy and thought, "There is such a person hidden in the palace. Why don't you even know the emperor?"

Feicheng was not in the mood to respond to the last question. Previously, he just said something confusedly along the mysterious question. Maybe he didn't even know what he had said.

"Flying City, where is the girl in white now? Do you know?"

When asked anxiously, Feicheng shook his head and did not answer. Youji's face gradually sank, as if he remembered something and said to himself, "When I just saved you, it seemed that I saw a white shadow floating across the lake..."

Feicheng raised his head and asked, "Sister, what did you just say? What did you say you saw?

"Because I drove the golden silkworm flying butterfly in the sky, and I only noticed you, so I didn't see it clearly at that time. I just felt that a figure rushed over the lake and couldn't find it..."

"It must be her, it must be her!" Feicheng suddenly shouted angrily, "The old monster must have taken away Yueer. I'm going to find her--"

"Flying City--" cried the green shadow that left in an instant and wanted to catch up with it. Unexpectedly, there was a pain in her abdomen. She squatted down with her body in her arms. It had been more than three months. Seeing that her abdomen was about to rise, she couldn't hide it from him for a long time, right?

In fact, on second thought, she is now the queen of the musk moon kingdom and his righteous wife, so why hide it from him? This is his child. He should be happy to know that in the future, right?

She plans to tell him about this when she goes back, at least to surprise him!

The butterfly wings gently unfolded, and she tied the silk net hanging from the flying butterfly to her body. The wind rose and flew back in the direction of the royal palace. Occasionally, she looked back and looked at the direction of Feicheng running. Feicheng, you must take good care of yourself. That's all my sister can help you.

Lingyue was wrapped in a sheepskin roll, and the people holding her gently threw her to the ground. The sheepskin roll unfolded, and her people rolled on a white lotus platform made of jade. The fire was shining around her. She was still wearing a 'scented' wedding dress, and the shining wedding dress was spread on the lotus platform. It sets her off like budding stamens, suppressing the beauty of the essence of thousands of years, just for the last moment of blooming, peerless fragrance!

There was an amazing noise around! Lingyue was woken up and looked around. Gao Peng was full of seats. Everyone's eyes turned to her or her wedding dress!

"This is the woman my second brother likes. She is really beautiful and delicious, and the country is beautiful!"

Suddenly, someone praised her and held her chin with one hand. As soon as she woke up, she saw a very tall man. Unlike all the men she had seen in the musk moon country, this man had a strong and magnificent body, and his whole body exuded the momentum and wild charm of Mount Tai. The man's eyes were particularly When she looked at her, her eyes flashed with a terrible light: "It's a pity, it's just a broken stamen that is easy to wither! I'm really afraid that if I work hard, this girl will die in my hands! The queen of the musk moon country is such a weak female doll, which is really beyond my imagination... Without the wisdom and heroic posture!"

"Who are you? Let go of me!" Lingyue shouted angrily and wanted to get up, but found that her hands and feet could not move. Just as she was afraid and stunned, a huge body pressed down on her. She was turned over by a pair of big hands, and a face with a medium long beard appeared in her sight, getting closer and closer to her. "Who are you? Let go of me, let go. Me! Beast, let go of me..." Lingyue was so scared that her tears were about to fall down. Unexpectedly, this man was not close to her body, but just shrugged his nose, sniffed inch by inch from her face to her feet, like a dog. What was he doing? Was he smelling anything on her?

"Where are you from? Why did you arrest me here? You pervert, what the hell are you doing?"

Lingyue only felt ashamed and angry, and struggled to twist her body to stay away from this man!

"Don't move! If I move again, I can't help it..." The man teased her like a doll, pressed her shoulder and smiled, "The woman in the Muyue Kingdom is different. She is soft and strong, can be enjoyed by people, and can also march to fight. No wonder the second brother is reluctant to go back when he comes to this Muyue Kingdom. It turned out that he was trapped In the gentle countryside, I am drunk and forget to return..."

What is this man talking about? The words were so light that she was like a plaything.

She just wanted to suppress the man's spirit as the moon lord, but she heard another voice followed the man's words, "Your Highness, have you had enough fun? Don't blame me for not reminding you that this girl is very fragile. If you play to death for a while, what gift do you have for your second brother?

What are they talking about? What gift? His Royal Highness?

Lingyue tried her best to look at the woman who was talking. It turned out to be the girl in white!

"You, you..." Lingyue gasped and looked at a pair of tiger-like eyes around her. She couldn't help but be shocked. These people are not the characteristics of the people of the musk moon country. They all look barbaric, and they are so rough and burly that it is scary. "You are not the people of the musk moon country. Who are you? Why did you arrest me? What do you want to do when you catch me?"

"It looks so weak, but the voice is not small! Give her medicine!"

The man who should have been the leader seemed to be disappointed. Although he had a smile on his face, his voice was terrible. Under his orders, a young man held a medicine bottle, walked to her side, peeled off her lips vigorously, and poured half of the medicine in the bottle into her mouth. After drinking these drugs, Lingyue He fell into a coma again and heard the man say in a daze, "Well, the time has come. Let's go to the city as soon as possible. I believe my second brother should have a banquet and wait for us!"