Phoenix Empire

Chapter 158 and Link

"Brother Feicheng, where are we going?"

"I, I want to take you to a small mountain village in a rural area. Follow me, and you will suffer in the future!"

Is that right? Brother Feicheng is a thief. Isn't it common to steal some money to spend money? How can you be poor?"

"Well, Yueer, you can't look at me like this. Although I'm a thief, I'm a noble and tasteful thief. I don't steal those vulgar things!"

"Brother Feicheng, what did you steal?"

"What did I steal? Tut, the best treasure I stole in my life is in the sky and nothing on the ground. Guess what it is?

"What is it?" What the hell is it?" What the hell is that?" Humph, Brother Feicheng, if you don't say anything, Yueer will be angry."

Surrounded by mountains, the mountain stream is clear and low, and the falling waterfall converges into a shallow river, with golden pebbles dotted at the bottom of the water, and the water is reflected by towering ancient trees. Feicheng looked at Lingyue's shadow from the water, and there was always a little uneasiness and fear in his heart. Why did he still feel sad and lost after walking together after going through hardships? Just like looking at her reflection at the water, it was unreal and seemed that it would disappear at any time.

While Lingyue was not paying attention, Feicheng suddenly turned around, held her into his arms, and said softly, "The best treasure I have stolen in my life is you!" Saying it again, as if he was afraid that she would not hear it, he shouted at Gao Shan again, "It's your Lingyue!" It's your Lingyue!" His voice echoed in the valley and came into Lingyue's ears over and over again.

Lingyue heard it with tears in her eyes, pondered for a long time, and suddenly made a request: "Brother Feicheng, shall we get married, okay?"

"cheng... get married..." Isn't that what he wants? However, such a request came from Lingyue's mouth, and Feicheng actually blushed and was a little at a loss. He took his hands off her shoulders, but she didn't know where to put them. Lingyue couldn't help laughing when she saw his surprised expression. When she smiled, Feicheng was even more embarrassed. She simply turned around and jumped into the lake. , and took out a lot of pebbles from the bottom of the lake, threw them to Lingyue, and laughed loudly, "Then I'll prepare a bride price for you immediately and invite some brothers to drink our wedding, okay?"

"Whatever you want! You can do whatever you like!"

"Then I won't prepare anything. Today, I will worship you and take you into the bridal chamber!"

Lingyue pretended to be angry, and Feicheng ran to her with a smile, picked her up and turned around several times. Lingyue's body was as light as a white butterfly flying in his arms. Suddenly, he thought of something. He carefully put her down and said awkwardly, "I forgot that you have a child, no It's time for you..."

Lingyue's face changed slightly, and she smiled again and said, "It doesn't matter, Brother Feicheng, you will mind..."

"Of course I don't mind! It's my wish to marry you! Come--" He took her hand and knelt down to the towering mountain, facing the stream flowing down the mountain stream, raised his hand and swore, "I would like to marry Lingyue today..."

"No--" Lingyue suddenly interrupted him anxiously, grabbed his hand and asked, "Brother Feicheng, don't say, marry Lingyue as a wife, okay?"

Ah? Why? Who will I marry if I don't marry Lingyue? Do you want me to marry someone else?"

"Not either. Brother Feicheng, we will hide our names in the future, and I won't be called Lingyue, so don't say that you will marry Lingyue, okay?"

"If I don't want to marry Lingyue, what should I say? You won't let me say a name randomly, so it's not you. I won't agree to the unreasonable request. I'm going to say, marry you Lingyue..."

As soon as Feicheng's words fell, he saw tears oozing from Lingyue's pupils. He panicked and quickly changed his words, "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you. I'll say whatever you want me to say. Is that okay?"

Lingyue smiled and fell on his cheek quickly and said in a delicate voice, "I want you to marry me as a wife in front of me and never be separated forever!"

This kiss fell on Feicheng's face again. Unexpectedly, he was at a loss and speechless. After a long time, he straightened Lingyue's shoulders, stared into her eyes, and said seriously word by word, "My book Feicheng is willing to marry you and never be separated. God can testify. Mountains and rivers can testify, flowers and trees can testify, and everything here can testify..."

Lingyue finally smiled contentedly. There was a trace of gloom hidden in her ridiculous eyes, but Feicheng's face was really full of happiness. He jumped into the river again. This time, he did not touch the colorful pebbles, but two big red carp.

The fish struggled in his hands, and the splash of water thrown out splashed on his face, causing him to tighten his sword eyebrows. A pair of extremely bright eyes emitted an angry light, shining brightly, but it was very beautiful. "If you move again, move again, it doesn't matter if you move again, it doesn't work. My wife and I will eat you!"

Lingyue couldn't help laughing again, crisp as a jade plate, and wept lightly in the water.

Seeing Lingyue's bright and calm smile, Feicheng suddenly felt that everything she had done for her was worth it.

Although the sun was shining, the two of them raised a fire in a mountain, and two worn carp were roasted on the fire. Before long, a strong fragrance floated out. Lingyue couldn't help sighing: "It turns out that Brother Feicheng can still roast fish in the wild! Is this grilled fish delicious?

"Absolutely delicious! If you don't believe it, take a bite!"

"Well, I don't know if it's familiar?"

"How can it be uncooked? If you don't believe it, I'll take a bite to show you first!"

Feicheng picked up one of the fish and nibbled it down. There was a lack of bite on the fish's back, but he immediately grinned and shouted. Lingyue frowned, worried, and quickly came to him and asked, "Brother Feicheng, what's wrong with you?"

"Wow, it's so hot, so hot! I ate it in such a hurry that it burned my heart... However, it's delicious. I will never lie to you. Try it. The fish I roasted is so faceless!"

"Okay, I'll give you face. I'll take a bite." Lingyue took another fish in Feicheng's hand, gently took a bite, and tasted it carefully. Feicheng stared at her very nervously and frowned. She couldn't help tightening her eyebrows, but suddenly, Lingyue laughed and shouted delicately, "It's delicious! Brother Feicheng's grilled fish is delicious!"

Finally heard the sentence I wanted to hear most, and Feicheng laughed proudly for a moment.

"Brother Feicheng doesn't look like an official eunuch at all! It seems that you can do anything!"

"It's already! Except for dancing like Ziyi, I can do everything else. I have been wandering around the world since I was a child. I have made many friends in the world, and many things they have taught me.

Lingyue nodded and was silent, as if she felt the same, and there was a trace of sadness in her eyebrows. Seeing that she didn't say anything, Feicheng asked her in turn, "Yeer, what can you do?"

"I don't know what I can do. I don't seem to know anything..."

Ah? You can't do anything, so why should I marry you home?

"I can only kill..."

With a "dong", half of the fish in Feicheng's hand fell into the fire. He looked at Lingyue with a stunned smile and asked in a low voice, "Yueer, what did you just say?"

"I..." seemed to come back suddenly. Lingyue looked at Feicheng and was a little dodge. "Brother Feicheng, Yueer means that with your teacher, he will only teach me how to smeltify the country, and the country will inevitably kill some unfaithful and unjust people..."

Hearing this sentence, Feicheng also became sad and took Lingyue into his arms: "Yeer, I know you are kind. You must hate killing people, right? In the future, Brother Feicheng will not be in the world. We will find a paradise world that belongs to us, where we can grow flowers, plants, vegetables and anything. We can raise chickens and ducks. In the future, we will only slaughter chickens and ducks. What do you think?

"Good. Giggling..."

Feicheng settled down in a cottage with Lingyue. The cottage was also the place where he made friends with his brothers and sons, and it was also a place where he settled in the world. The residents in the cottage welcomed them very much and reorganized a more complete and festive wedding for them. The two finally got together. As a husband and wife.

But after the wedding night, Feicheng felt a little unhappy and always felt a little different!

Lingyue also felt that there was something hidden in his heart, but she never asked. Instead, she carefully learned some female work from the girls in the cottage, and embroidered a pair of mandarin duck knots for Feicheng. Of course, Feicheng was very moved, and every time she saw her smiling like a flower, she would blame herself and was full of guilt. .