Phoenix Empire

Chapter 164 Soul Retchapter

There is a table of Eight Immortals in the hall of Bingce Mansion. The cups and plates on the table are in a mess, and half of the dishes are empty. Gongzi Lianxi used magic to remove those empty plates. Hua Che ordered people to put new dishes. She thanked them several times and continued to eat without saying anything. She had eaten the eighth bowl of rice, plus accompanying the maid. Eight glasses of wine poured, Hua Che did not move his chopsticks, but looked at her quietly. Seeing that she had a full hiccup, he thought she would put down the bowls and chopsticks and said that she was full. Unexpectedly, she drank another glass of wine and continued to eat. Hua Che couldn't help frowning. Although the prince Lianxi looked at the dishes on the table, he also gave him a trace of expression. Capture it clearly.

"Fifth brother, what do you mean by this expression? Have you ever seen such an eatable woman?"

While eating, she said that there was no shyness of the palace girl. However, this woman was not an ordinary woman in the first place. Hua Che smiled and said, "You are indeed the most eatable and drinkable woman I have ever seen. The wine here, ordinary women will get drunk if they can't drink a cup!"

"So those women can't drink you, so they are drunk in your arms. The warm and soft jade in the world, fifth brother, have you enjoyed it enough?"

Huiche smiled indifferently, only as if she was a child's naive words, disdain to care about and distinguish anything.

Prince Lianxi suddenly put the bowl on the table and said cheerfully, "I'm full, fifth brother, don't just watch me eat. Should I say something?"

"You are the most eatable woman I have ever seen, but you are also a lovely woman. If it weren't for her, I would really be reluctant to take your life..."

ying his faint smile but unfathomable eyes, Prince Lianxi was stunned. There seemed to be clear water in his eyes. She also said coldly, "Fifth brother, you finally said it. Are you going to kill my heart to save yours? Do you know that a hundred years ago, I was also your favorite person——"

Hua Che's expression changed slightly, and he stared at the prince Lianxi with a trace of doubt and inexplicable sadness. From the first time he saw this woman, he had a sense of déjà vu, and there was also a bright red gemstone on her forehead, and the bright yellow gemstone hanging on his forehead was nothing but color. Same.

There are always some memories that have been forgotten, and there are always some emotions that can't disappear in time. A hundred years ago, was that a matter of the previous life? Did he really love this woman in his previous life?

With a moment of hesitation, after repeated thinking and eliminating the memories that should not be in his mind, he got up and said coldly to the prince Lianxi: "Come with me--"

"Fifth brother, you still don't believe what I said?" Prince Lianxi was a little disappointed. She followed him into the inner room of Wolong and opened the door of a mechanism. Finally, she walked into an ice cave. The fog fascinated her eyes and was a little wet. She could feel that this was a place that made him sad. At least there was his regrettable sadness, and as expected, she saw it. Lingyue, a girl who can also reveal aura after death, is as pure as crystal and transparent, which is really pitiful.

Hua Che walked to the lotus jade platform where Lingyue lay, gently stroked the frost between her eyebrows, stared at her pale cheeks, and whispered, "You won't know how scared I was at the moment she left me. I was never been afraid of anything. I once Even without her, it doesn't matter..."

Prince Lianxi was stunned. She looked at the pain in Hua Che's eyes and almost melted the ice in her heart. She was really afraid that if she continued to look at it like this, she would not even have the strength to resist.

"Fifth brother, you don't belong to this world. Whether she leaves you or not, sooner or later you will leave her and go back with me, okay?" Her tone also became soft and slowly approached him. She couldn't help hugging him and comforting him, just like the nightmare city that was not destroyed by the disaster a hundred years ago. She was accompanied by seven brothers, each of whom cared about her very much. She could act coquettishly in the arms of all her brothers as she wanted. When her brothers were unhappy, she told them jokes. At that time, she didn't have to think about anything at all, and she didn't have to spend any effort to find or protect anything, because she herself was protected by seven brothers, just like Lingyue now... No, she was much happier than Lingyue, and she had no bondage. , that is a paradise fairyland, which will only be full of laughter... Fairy pool painting cave, purple and blue sky, snow butterfly rain, lotus blue lake, wind bell fruit forest, dark castle... Everything is so beautiful... But now...

"Fifth brother, we will find the other six brothers and go back to their original hometown together, okay?"

She was about to hug him from her waist, but suddenly, as if she woke up from a dream. He turned around and her hands were frozen in mid-air. His eyes were as cold as ice. Looking at her without any feelings, she suddenly trembled and took a step back. Hua Che sneered and said, "Where do you want me go back? This is my home. , my and her home..."

He seemed to have changed again, and even his calm smile had been frozen, and all his emotions were revealed. Prince Lianxi retreated repeatedly. He approached and grabbed her and said, "I don't care what our relationship is in my previous life, but in this life, I only want her, so even if you are my favorite in my previous life. In this life, I will also take your life to save her--" His hand violently ripped the skirt of Gongzi Lianxi, and his fingers gradually reached into her heart. "You can't kill me--" Gongzi Lianxi suddenly grabbed his wrist, shouted coldly, and stared into his eyes. "Fifth brother, you can't kill me, otherwise, After my death, your seven brothers will never be able to return to the nightmare city. They can only be reincarnated forever in the world, suffer all kinds of hardships, and taste all kinds of love and hate..."

Isn't it proof of his life that he has suffered all kinds of hardships and tasted all kinds of love and hatred?

First, he lost his home, lost his mother, left his hometown, and left a different place. He finally took root in this place, found warmth, and found the love of his life. However, he lost even the last love. If he hadn't tasted the coldness and warmth of the world, how could he become so indifferent, although he made The owner gave him endless glory and wisdom, but he got far from losing much, far from losing more...

"Hahaha..." Hua Che suddenly laughed, took a look at Lingyue, and said calmly, "That doesn't matter. I will always be reincarnated, so I will always be with her, live together, die together, and reincarnated together..."

"Fifth brother, I can't imagine where your heart has been lost, and now I finally understand..."

"Yes, she is the heart I left a long time ago. She is my heart!"

He muttered to himself, cohesively at his fingertips little by little, and told him that as long as he killed the prince Lianxi, took out her heart fire and soul, and attached it to Lingyue, he could condense the scattered soul of Lingyue, and Lingyue could come back to life...

If you kill her, Yueer will come back to life. If you kill her, Yueer will wake up and listen to him apologize.

Pulling the strings of the air, he condensed the essence and power that can be gathered together in the world, like the sun and the moon, and the light between his fingers illuminated the whole ice cave. The moon fell and the stars fell between his eyes. The obsidian-like dazzling, the prince Lianxi was as murderous as a sharp knife, her clothes flew over, and she seemed to be desperate. He shouted and took the glory of the sun and the moon in his hands, which was the limit of the magic. Since he didn't believe her, why did she die in his hands for nothing?

They are both people from two worlds! You have feelings for them, but none of them will remember you...

"Fifth brother, if you wanted to kill me in the past, I would not fight back, but now you... do you have to experience a thorough understanding of life and death to let you return to the past, then... I will not be soft..."

"Ah~~" shouted loudly, and the prince Lianxi hit back and smashed the light ball in Hua Che's hand. The ice broke suddenly, and there was a burst of ice and rain in the secret room. "Brother Cheer - let me help you!" Suddenly, Lianxi looked sideways and saw that the seventh brother's reincarnation also rushed to the ice cave secret room. The dust in his hand was a sharp weapon that she could not resist. With the help of reincarnation, she was really not very sure that she could beat them. Unexpectedly... she had to fight with her brother who had been struggling to find for a hundred years, no matter who lost and who won. The ending will not make anyone happy.

"Brother, seventh, if I can let you see the scene of our hometown a hundred years ago, can you remember everything, can you remember my sister..."

The roof tiles of Bingce Mansion were suddenly swept up by the strong wind and flew into the air layer by layer. The boundary of reincarnation rippled like a water wave touched. Feicheng stood under the jade steps of Bingce Mansion and saw the figures of Prince Lianxi, Hua Che and reincarnation. The three of them were shrouded in each other's light skills and wanted to fight but did not see them. In the war, Feicheng was very anxious and tried to fly to the roof again, but it was still reflected back by the layer of boundary and fell to the ground with a cry of pain. When he was about to get up, a delicate hand held him and called out with concern, "Brother Feicheng, did you fall hard? Come on, I'll help you up——"

"Ye'er - Yue'er, are you alive?" The face that suddenly came into his eyes turned out to be Lingyue's face. Feicheng couldn't help but pick her up again and shouted, "Ye'er, you finally come back to life--"

"Brother Feicheng, let me down first--" The man in his arms struggled slightly, and his voice was very indifferent. Feicheng immediately realized something and put her down disappointedly. Unexpectedly, she took his hand and ran to the corridor outside the military strategy mansion, running and called out, "Brother Feicheng, let's leave here quickly. Isn't it? It's a good place. Let's leave here and never come again, okay?

Running to the pavilion, Feicheng stopped, gently shook off her hand and said, "Are you Xueyan?"

Although it is exactly the same face, the sex is completely different! Can he deceive himself once and again?

"Yes, I'm Xueyan, Brother Feicheng. Can you finally distinguish our appearance now?"

"No, you are no different from her appearance, but your personalities are different..."

"What does she look like? What will Xue Yan become in the future, as long as you like Brother Feicheng..."

Although one is kind and vicious, they are all the same naive. Feicheng shook his head and simply said, "Xueyan, don't follow me in the future. I must be there now and wait until Yueer wakes up..."

After saying that, he turned around and was about to go back. Xue Yan suddenly fell into the air and fell in front of him. She stubbornly said, "I don't allow you to go back. The place of Bingce Mansion is always dead and an unknown place. I won't let you go back!" She took her hand nervously and begged, "Brother Feicheng, shall we go home? Xue Yan still wants to eat your grilled fish!"

Fly City is very helpless. Yes, he is marrying her, but at that time, he always thought she was Lingyue.

"Xueyan, I have never regarded you as my wife. In my heart, my only wife is Lingyue, so don't follow me anymore and find a man who loves you..."

"However, we are married. You are my husband. Everything in the world can testify, and..." Xue Yan said softly, lowered her head, and there was a trace of shyness on her face. "Moreover, Xue Yan also has the child of Feicheng's brother..." She muttered to herself. When she raised her head, she saw Feicheng. He had already run back. Didn't he hear what she said at all? Xue Yan's eyes were moist and pointed, and she wanted to catch up, but as soon as she stood up, a white shadow floated in front of her. Xue Yan suddenly fell down, turned pale, and called in a low voice: "Auntie."

It was the girl in white. She walked to Xueyan, gently pulled her up and asked, "Xueyan, did you give you the 'lock soul guide' to Shufei City?"

"Auntie, I--"

"If not, I have to feed him in person--

"Alas, no - aunt, wait, give me a little more time, and Xue Yan will definitely serve him!"

The girl in white turned around, stared at her suspiciously, and smiled, "Oh? I really made this decision!"

"Hmm!" Xueyan nodded with difficulty and forced a smile, "As long as my aunt promised me not to hurt his life!"

"Okay, I'll trust you again!"