Phoenix Empire

Chapter 171 Selling for Love

Lingyue climbed on the white tower near Jingyang Palace alone. The cyan dot rolled up the white snow and flew away from the blue shadow. She was condescending and independent, lonely and noble. Looking at this battered country, her heart was almost cold to death. Within half a year after her succession, there were four major disturbances: Ling Zilu's mother revolted, and Ling Yuxiang colluded with foreign enemies to seek the throne. Shufei City was used by the enemy to break through Kyoto to save her. Now even her most trusted cousin Ling Yufei raised the anti-flag and attacked the palace under the slogan of revenge for the moon lord Lingyue. One after another of disturbance made the palace unknown. How much blood has been shed and how many white bones have been buried. How ironic it is that her relatives, her lover, and her people have thrown their heads and blood on this political stage because of her!

The Ling's country is really precarious. Has the gas been exhausted? What is ridiculous is that it was destroyed in the internal power struggle of their Ling family, and she is the last disaster star to end the fate of this family. She is really not a good country leader! No matter how hard she tried, the Muyue Kingdom was finally defeated because of her cowardly and incompetent state. The war continued, and the people were unable to make a living. The people complained. It was natural to scold her, the moon lord who had not made any contribution to the country. Of course... The hearts of the people have turned to the Lord of the palace, and the spirit rain is Exposing her identity as the daughter of Lingyun, the lord of the upper palace, to fight against Hua Che, who is the prince of the Royal Dragon Kingdom of the Central Plains, and her, the fake moon lord who has stood on the same front with Hua Che... It is so difficult to distinguish between true and false...

She can't explain anything to the people. Who else in the world will understand her or him?

Is it that I am wrong, or is the world wrong?

"Moon Lord, it's too windy here. Let's go down! If the moon lord phoenix is at peace, the slaves and maidservants..."

"The lonely king is sound..." Ling Yue interrupted the maid of honor and then asked, "What is Emperor Hua Che doing now?"

"The emperor... the emperor won't let the maidservant say..."

The maid's face was full of fear and anxiety. Lingyue smiled faintly and looked at her and said, "Are you afraid of me? Why?"

"No, no... I don't have a maidservant..."

"The lonely king ordered you to say it, why? Why are you afraid of me?"

"Damn it!" The maid of honor ploped on her knees and said tremblingly, "Because... Because everyone said that the moon lord has died, and some people still saw the moon lord in a cottage in the east of the musk moon kingdom... The body of the moon lord Lingyue. They all said that the moon lord Lingyue left the palace as early as the Shufei City uprising against the Zhou Dynasty and left the palace. He was soon assassinated to death... So, so..."

"So, my owner this month is fake, isn't it?" Lingyue smiled coldly, "Don't even believe in the lonely king?"

Someone saw the body of Yuezhu Lingyue in a cottage. Isn't that her twin sister Xueyan?

It turns out that her cousin Ling Yufei used such a fact to reverse the truth and falsehood and gave her a righteous name for her conspiracy, and her mentor Hua Che has already lost the hearts of the people because of her life. If she still governs with Hua Che, will she also succumb to the enemy and betray the country for glory?

So, the people would rather believe that her moon owner is fake than see their moon owner betraying the country for glory?

"Oh..." Lingyue smiled bitterly. In the end, she turned out to be a fake and a traitor. Cousin Yufei's move was really fierce enough to play chess. First of all, she defeated her reputation. In this way, whether she won or failed, she was a thief hated by the people. No matter whether she lived or died, she was no longer the moon of the moon of the moon country. Lord, may leave a bad reputation in history. Although she wants to take good care of her country, how much she wants the people to live and work in peace, and how much she wants the people to believe in her Lord of this month, the world has been confused. How can she seek knowledge? What is good?

The whole world is drunk and I wake up alone. Lingyue raised her hand and took a six-petal snowflake. Unexpectedly, she saw the bright red blood on the snowflake. She looked at the sky in disil and gently read: "Mother--"

The snow has stopped. Lingyue's face became extremely sad and ignored the maid beside her who was so scared that she dared not look up. She walked down the white tower alone and was a little distracted. After a slight mistake, she actually fell from the jade steps of the white tower. Hua Che came to meet her. Seeing her fall from the tower, her expression changed miserably and immediately jumped up. , caught her from mid-air, and Lingyue herself was also scared to be pale and short of breath. Lying in Hua Che's arms, her first move when she woke up was to touch her lower abdomen and gasped with fear, "Master, my body... Can I have another child? Just now... Just now, Yueer's headache broke out again. As she was walking, she felt dizzy and fell down from it. Will she... Will she... fall off our child..."

He has asked the imperial doctor who quietly diagnosed her while she fell asleep. The royal doctor told him that the moon owner's body is too weak. If he doesn't take good care of it, it will be difficult to conceive another child. If you want to conceive God, you must first take good care of yourself!

"If you want to conceive God, you must first take good care of your health..." Hua Che said to himself in pain. Lingyue looked at him with disappointment and said sadly, "It's all my fault... It's all my fault that I didn't protect the first child well..."

"Don't say any more, Yueer, we will definitely have many lovely children in the future. As long as you take good care of yourself and don't be too tired... Yueer, leave all these national affairs to me alone, okay? Don't worry too much. You're not in good health. Don't worry about it anymore..."

"Has cousin Yufei entered the palace now?" Lingyue didn't listen to Hua Che's words, but still took out the national political affairs and asked, "How's the teacher sent troops to suppress it?"

Hua Che smiled bitterly, was silent for a long time, and asked, "Yeer, if I kill her, will you hate me?"

She is also your relative. I just want to know, if I kill her, will you still hate me as before?

"No." Lingyue's expression also became extremely indifferent. She opened her mouth faintly in Hua Che's surprise and smiled, "If the teacher doesn't kill her, it will be difficult to suppress the rebellion. I have no peace in the moon country. The teacher has always been decisive in doing things. Why did he ask Yueer now?"

Hua Che was shocked and didn't expect that Lingyue would become as cold and ruthless as him. After all, she was forced to this extent by those so-called relatives, but when he saw her become like this, he was not happy and only bitter.

"I will never forget my mother's current ending. She is dedicated to the people, but the people only see her one shortcoming. They only remember that she married an enemy man betrayed the motherland. Unexpectedly, no one praised what she had dedicated to me to the musk moon country, and my teacher and I were also doing our best. Working hard for this country, we did not collude with the enemy to do something unfavorable to the musk moon country. Instead, Lingyun, the lord of the upper palace, colluded with the prince of the Royal Dragon Kingdom of the Central Plains. She killed our people and committed adultery with the enemy's men. However, how can people like her win the hearts of the people and leave a good reputation in history? The strong win, the weak are afraid, become king, defeat the bandit... I, Lingyue, not only want to wash away my grievances, but also return my mother's innocence..."

"The whole world is turbid and I'm alone, and everyone is drunk and I wake up alone..." Lingyue muttered, looking at the sky from afar and crying, "My Lingyue is not wrong, and my teacher Hua Che is not wrong. They are wrong. The people in this country are all wrong..."

Hua Che looked at Lingyue in distress and looked at the sky with her without saying anything. The whole world was turbid and I was alone. Everyone was drunk and woke up alone. We were not wrong. The world was wrong. Does Lingyun's words also make sense?

It's just a different position!

Hua Che did not tell Lingyue that in fact, half of the military power of his military headquarters had fallen into the hands of the enemy. He also found out that the talisman he had given to Mr. Pengbo before had been copied and recreated, which was no different from the military charm in his hand. Half of the army of the military department was transferred out, which was really beyond his Unexpectedly, this time the enemy's coming was more fierce than the rebellion led by Shufei City, and the army led by Prince Yaoguang also invaded the royal city together. This was the largest coup in history. Even he was helpless.

Now, he has lost San Shaolang, lost his secludedness, and lost his right-hand man like Tongbo. He can only help him fight against the enemy with him!

Another thing that surprised him was that the vanguard general who led the Lingyufei rebel army turned out to be the 15-year-old cold wind. He had long seen that this teenager was extraordinary, but he did not expect that the teenager who was studying beside Mr. Lubo would think of copying the talisman and take it out of his hand. The army is so bold, but it really makes him admire it!

Leng Safeng also reported his true identity. He was the second son of Lingyun, the younger brother of Ling Yufei. The childish teenager also provoked him and told him that they had the help of Mr. Lubo and came to attack the city. The purpose was very simple. The purpose was to avenge all the brothers and sisters killed by the Ling clan and regain the kingship belonging to the Ling family. Revitalize the musk moon country. When fighting with him, the teenager also told him a secret reason for the uprising: "I want to take away the moon lord Lingyue from you and sit in your position and dominate the world. Although I am young, I also love the country and the beauty more, hahaha..."

What an arrogant 15-year-old boy, cold and sas, no, it should be spiritual!

This will be a protracted battle. The army of Lingyufei and Lingfeng has camped outside the royal city. The two armies are fighting in Xingyang City. All the people in the city fled, and the war is full of war. The bodies of the soldiers are covered with battlefield and blood flows into rivers.

This battle finally ushered in winter. The north wind roared, snowflakes all over the sky, and half a year passed. Lingyue occasionally participated in the war controversy and worked hard. This was the first time she saw a real battlefield. It turned out to be a battlefield where she fought desperately with her relatives. Because of her weakness, she was too After being sad, her condition also worsened day by day. Hua Che felt pain in his heart, but he did not dare to imprison her to protect her as before. He could only report the good news rather than bad news, and tried to hide some bad news. But Lingyue's ** degree and insight are also getting stronger, and he can't lie or cover up many things to her.

Watching her getting haggard, he was really afraid that one day she would suddenly fall into his arms and never wake up.

Can he return his soul for her once, can there be a second time?

Impossible. The first time she could be saved was only because of the prince Lianxi, and God will not allow her to live for the third time!

There is only one way to make her feel better - a quick truce!

Therefore, he chose a bright night and broke into the barracks of Prince Yaoguang alone. In the barracks, he met Prince Yaoguang alone. His eldest brother was the eldest brother of the previous life and the eldest brother of this life!

He made a request for a truce for Prince Yaoguang, on the condition that he was willing to return to his father and brother and return to the Royal Dragon Kingdom of the Central Plains, but in his lifetime, the Central Plains must not lead troops to invade the musk Moon Kingdom.

"Since you chose to belong to my Central Plains Royal Dragon Kingdom, the people of the musk moon country are our people. Why do you ask your father what other reason to attack the musk moon kingdom? I'm afraid the royal brother is too worried!"

"I have one more request?" After reaching an agreement, Hua Che turned around and said seriously, "I want the life of the lord of the palace! Will the royal brother help me?"

"So, you want to form an alliance with me, turn enemies into friends, and deal with the lord of the palace together!"

"If this woman doesn't die for a day, the musk moon country will have peace for a day. Brother, why don't you help me?"

"Hahaha..." Yao Guang laughed, "Yesterday's friend, today's friend, today's friend, tomorrow's enemy, I and she are both friends and enemies. Sooner or later, there will be a war, but I don't want this day to come so early, brother, do you want to kill her or for your weak and beautiful concubine? Even if you want to belong to my Central Plains, you want to pave the way for Lingyue without worries, right?

Hua Che smiled silently, and Yao Guang laughed even more: "Brother, you are good at everything, but you are too careless about women. If you hadn't had such a weakness, how could you be your opponent?"

"It's hard to decide whether to win or lose. Love is not necessarily a weakness!" Hua Che retorted and smiled, "I'll wait for the royal brother's decision!"