Phoenix Empire


"Flying City, has your wife come back to life again?"

When Feicheng returned to the village, three teenagers gathered around him happily and scrambled to ask, "You really have the ability, and the dead can be saved by you. By the way, why isn't your wife with you now? Did you go home to learn to weave clothes again? Let's go to see her too! Such a fairy-like lady remains in our cottage, but it is a beautiful scenery in our clear water cottage..."

"Hey, Feicheng, don't be so stingy. Everyone is yours. Don't even let us look at it..."

"What the hell are you talking about?" After nearly half a year of torture, Feicheng was decadent and his face looked a little vicissitudes. He was not in the mood to answer these bad brothers at all, so he pushed them away and continued to move forward.

"Oh, it's really strange that the little lady has survived. The boy Feicheng should be happy! Is it possible that we just saw the ghost..."

"Bah, what nonsense? Maybe we are dazzled, and the girl is just like the little lady of the Feicheng family..."

"It's also right. It should be the wrong person..."

The three teenagers were talking behind him. Feicheng was suddenly shocked and seemed to think of something. He immediately turned around and opened them and ran down the mountain, leaving a surprising questioning and sigh behind him.

Yeer, have you been here before? Are you the one who looked at me outside the cemetery just now?

What the hell happened? Why did you come here?

When Feicheng left Bishuishanzhai and arrived in Kyoto, he heard the news that the emperor Hua Che had died. Today's emperor was actually Ziyi, who changed his name to Ling's surname. Ziyi actually called himself emperor, became the monarch of the musk moon kingdom, and sealed the clouds and smoke. Where on earth did Yueer go?

Where did Yueer go? Why did she go to Bishui Cottage, and why didn't she meet him and leave at a distance?

He has never asked about the world, but he did not expect that the outside world has changed again. Hua Che is dead and Ziyi became emperor. Yun'er finally married Ziyi, but why is there no folk legend about the moon lord Lingyue?

Some stories about her ended before Ling Ziyi became emperor. What about after that?

What happened to her after

? Where did you go again?

It turned out that he still couldn't let her go, as if he had planted a poison in his mind that could be called eternal memory. He could never pull it out and never be at peace. He could have lied to himself. If she lived a good life, then he could leave her forever, no longer intervene in her life, and stay in Bishui Cottage for life. Accompanying Xueyan's mausoleum, but why did he still panic and feel anxious and heartache when he heard the news of her disappearance?

Be sure to find her, at least to see if she is doing well? Even if you just look at it from a distance——

can be at ease.

He sneaked into the palace, found Yushu Ziyi, and asked Yushu Ziyi to tell him everything that had happened in the palace in the past six months. After listening to the story, he flew out of the palace and went straight to Fengyu Mountain.

****Vertical and horizontal dividing line*****

The white snow shines on Li Shang's dream.

The fragments of memory turn into a snowy sadness.

The cyan cloak turned into the only color in the vast snowy sea. Next to her is a looming slender figure. The white robe flutters like clouds, but when the wind blows, the shadow will float like a piece of Pu paper without any weight--

Fungzi Lianxi!

"Lianxi, thank you very much these days. It is you who have made me strong, optimistic and independent. It is you who have made me realize myself more clearly and understand what I want and should do most. Your soul has always lived in my body. You should also be very tired, right?"

"In fact, many years ago, we should have been alone, so your business is also my business. I can feel what you love and hate, whether it is life or death."

Lingyue was puzzled, and the prince Lianxi smiled and said, "Maybe thousands of years ago, Dream God divided his soul into two halves of love and wisdom, turning into the endless reincarnation of the two spirits on this Ximengchuan continent, and now you and I should be her reincarnation, the reincarnation of the Dream God... Yue, don't you think it's very strange? "

Lingyue was slightly stunned and smiled: "Now I also understand why I have a strange feeling when I see you for the first time, just like seeing another self... another completely different self."

"Yes, I am more rational than you, and you are more affectionate than me, but our hearts are the same..."

Lingyue turned her head and looked at her with a smile. Her body was almost empty, and snowflakes fell from her head, drowning her body. She smiled cheerfully and said, "That is, we can't get rid of the fate of falling in love with the evil spirits. The souls of my seven brothers I reincarnated have been poisoned by the evil spirits, so they It will be wise and cruel, ruthless and painful. In this world, your fate has been tied to the fifth brother Hua Che, who is deeply poisoned by evil spirits. You are destined to love each other, but you are also destined not to stay together for a lifetime. What is left to each other is endless torture and regret... Now although the fifth brother has passed away, but because he can't let you go, his spirit The soul will not be at peace, and I believe he will come to you again.

"If love is endless, the pain will only last forever! After reincarnation, what can we do about the torture and regret of another life? Lingyue sighed and answered, "I hope we can forget each other--"

"Ye, have you really decided?" The prince Lianxi was a little sad. The two have unconsciously reached the end. Lingxue Peak, the highest peak of Fengyu Mountain, is covered with snow all year round, white and dazzling. "Have you really decided to sacrifice your body and soul to the gods and seal it here forever?"

Lingyue smiled and looked at the snow peak as if she was relieved, but she was also very relieved: "I, Lingyue, have not made any contribution to the musk moon country in my life. It's just like my mother, turned into the goddess of icebergs, and always pray for the musk moon country here! The ancestor of the musk moon country is the moon god. It has been said that he has believed in gods since ancient times, and the dedication of the moon lord will certainly bring blessings to our country. As long as the country is smooth and the people live and work in peace and contentment, it is also worth doing so.

"But no one will remember you, Lingyue..." There was a trace of pity in Lianxi's heavy voice, but Lingyue smiled indifferently and replied, "I know, no one will remember, but it doesn't mean that God can't see..."

There are still snowflakes falling in the sky, and each pure white elf drops cool marks on the skin. Prince Lianxi was silent for a long time, suddenly hugged Lingyue, and then smiled, "Just do what you think is right. As long as you can be happy, Yue, I'm going to leave..." When she said this sentence, her body was also disappearing little by little, and her voice echoed in the air. He said, "I must be reincarnated and reincarnated. I must leave my contribution to this Ximengchuan mainland in every life and gather full merit and virtue to take my seven brothers back to my hometown!"

"Goodbye, Lingyue."

Finally, the corners of her lips bent a beautiful arc, leaving a bright and crisp voice. Even if she left, she left with a smile, hiding the sadness in the memory of the afterlife. Lingyue knew that she would not choose to forget that no matter how painful it was, she had enough ability to bear it and always remember her seven brothers in her previous life.

This is her, Prince Lianxi, a strong woman carrying the rational soul of the dream god. Even if the sky and the earth collapse, it can't destroy her determination and will to find seven brothers.

But can she really forget it?

"Goodbye, Lianxi."

When the prince Lianxi completely disappeared in front of her eyes, the snowflakes floating around her also danced in a strange way, like white clouds rolling, scrolls coming, and the snow was woven into gorgeous clothes little by little, covering her cyan. She looked up at the peaks opposite the side and smiled, with a clear and gentle expression in It stagnated in an instant.

With the art of "fog and snow silkworm", ice is used as bones, weaving snow and clothes, sacrificing yourself forever and sealing forever.

She doesn't know if she can break through the seal and wake up in the future. Maybe she can see him when she opens her eyes again, and maybe she will never open her eyes again.

A bright yellow gem shines in her chest, and the moon-like brilliance covers her body, as if building a bright wall.

She has completely eliminated her consciousness and fell into a permanent sleep. She will not move again, just like an ice sculpture.

When Feicheng rushed to Lingxue Peak of Fengyu Mountain, he only saw this ice sculpture.

He couldn't get close to her, because the faint wall of light around her protected her. The moment he hugged her, he was bounced out. It turned out that she would never come back. The loss was so thorough. When he insisted on pursuing her, Xue Yan left, and when he gave up Xue Yan to bury her At the time of burial, she also left.

Why can't even one be protected?

Why can't even protect one?

Touching her face from the air and looking at the peaceful and quiet expression on her face, he couldn't help kneeling down with his sword.

The memory hidden in the wind and snow is so clear, and every memory is so cruel. The wound on his hand has not yet healed, and new scars have been added, and every scar is engraved in his heart.

"Flying City——"

Yu Shuziyi came over from behind and saw Lingyue incarnate as an ice sculpture. There was also an indescribable sadness in his pupils. Maybe he expected such an ending. Maybe he no longer had the ability to vent his emotions. He walked calmly to Lingyue and stroked his hand on Lingyue's cheek, very For a long time, he also lifted his cyan robe, knelt down to Lingyue and whispered, "I came here to find her, and sent batches of people here to search the mountain, but I couldn't find her. God was so cruel. She was obviously here, but we couldn't meet..."

"She has been to Bishui Cottage, and I clearly felt that someone was looking at me from afar, but I didn't look up. Maybe as long as I look up, she won't come here and everything will change. Do you think this is also the cruelty of God?"

Yu Shuzi was speechless, and Feicheng said with a wry smile, "Why didn't you leave her in the palace?"

"Because she yearns for freedom and hates the land of the palace, she said that land will only breed evil..."

"So, you let her go?"

After a long silence, Yu Shu Ziyi suddenly sighed, "Flying City, let go! We should respect her decision.

"Ziyi, why do I think you have changed? How can you become so calm and full of joy and anger? Now you make me feel a little terrible and even remind me of another person?

"Is it Hua Che?" Yu Shuzi sneered. Feicheng was even more shocked: "So you know!"

"Yes, it was my change that forced her away and forced her to make such a decision."

"What did you say?"

Feicheng asked angrily, and Yu Shuzi smiled indifferently and said, "Because I became like Hua Che, she was afraid of me and hated me, so she quietly left the palace alone."

"Yu, Shu, Zi, Yi--" Feicheng was so angry that he couldn't help lifting his skirt. He clenched his fist and was about to punch down, but he took it back in an instant. He looked at Yu Shu Ziyi's calm eyes to death and shook his head and said, "Ziyi, don't walk after Hua Che, okay? Otherwise, you will regret it!"

Yu Shuziyi clenched his fist, smiled astringently, and said reproachfully, "You too, don't stick to it anymore. Look at your current appearance. Hasn't you been injured enough this year? You should have given up and gone to find your life! Flying City, don't destroy yourself, she won't feel at ease when she sees it..."

"This is what belongs to my life!" Feicheng roared, laughed, and repeated softly, "That's my life. I will live here and take care of her body every day. Don't let her be exposed to the wind and sun, or be disturbed by others..."

With these words, there is a longing joy on his face. Will this kind of mutualism also make him feel a little happy?

Even if she can't see, hear or feel it, it's enough as long as she is by her side.

"Flying City..." Yu Shu Ziyi's eyes finally overflowed with tears, "Are you stupid or not? Find an ordinary woman to live a simple and happy life. I will protect her country..."

Looking at the waves in Yushuzi's eyes, Feicheng also smiled with tears: "I have married a wife!" I won't marry a second woman in this life, Ziyi, you should understand that if you don't love, you will only hurt others..."

Yes, if you don't love, you will only hurt others. It turns out that they no longer have the ability to love another person.

His love for her has surpassed ordinary love and surpasses all the feelings in the world, silent and without regrets.

"In this life, I will only have the wife Yun'er." Yushu Ziyi also smiled bitterly, stood up, looked around, looked up at the snowflakes falling all over the sky, and suddenly stretched out his hand to Feicheng and smiled, "Every year during the Spring Festival, I come here to cook wine and drink with you. How about that?"

Fly City was stunned at first and didn't seem to react, but after a moment, his hand was held tightly with Ziyi, raising his eyebrows and smiling cheerfully, "Deal--"

"by the way, brother, don't be stingy and bring more wine. It's better to bring all my wine ready for a year!"

Returning to his previous joking look, Yu Shuziyi couldn't help smiling and looked at Feicheng silently for a long time, maintaining a tacit understanding, and said, "Goodbye."

Goodbye! I guard her country, and you guard her for the rest of your life!

The snow flew, the green robe flew around, one person left, and the other saw it.

Since then, there has been an additional hut on the snow peak, and there are some small dolls in front of the hut. The sunny teenager in Qingyi will play puppet games from time to remember such a past, or expect the frozen Lingyue to wake up again!

After Yushu Ziyi returned to the palace, he withdrew from the position of Fengya Temple and sent him out of the palace. From then on, he will no longer look for Hua Che's soul. From then on, he must be a good king who is kind and loves the people like a son.

Can't make her sad or disappoint her any more.

Under the plum tree, the wine of the year has been buried, waiting for a drink on New Year's Eve...

