Wind moves the world

Chapter 1 Eating

Spring has passed and summer has come.

But who said that spring can't be seen after spring?

Robin, the mustache owner of "Union Hotel", is now leaning on the counter, peeking at the infinite spring in the store.

The first floor of the hotel is a place to eat. Originally, when this place was set up, it should be well lit and pleasant, but when it came to the little beard, it looked a little dark.

This is actually designed by the bearded Robin. The reason is that his Union Hotel is relatively remote, so that even if there is enough light, there are not many people coming to visit at ordinary times, so the business is not to mention increasingly depressed, it is facing bankruptcy from the beginning!

But the good thing was that when Robin couldn't stand it, he suddenly came up with a special method.

Robin thought, remoteness may have the benefits of remoteness, so what are the benefits of remoteness? Who will come to a remote place? Beard loved to read novels when he was a child, and the passages in the novel seem to say that shady things are done in remote places, right?! Then what's the shady thing?

Robin's mind thought and never thought. At this time, he saw a young man and woman passing by the door with red tide on their faces, and the inspiration flashed - what was going on in a remote place? Cheating!

Robin jumped up at the thought of here - there's nothing I can do, I'm excited! So Robin began to decorate the hotel, first changing the first floor of the hotel, making the light dark, changing the hard seats with soft leather and long strips, then spraying a little perfume that can make young people excited, and then decorating it. The first floor was completed. So he learned how to decorate the warm room and finished it. Several floors of housing upstairs, this "Union Hotel" has changed a lot!

Not to mention, as soon as this idea is implemented, the business in the store will get better - there are even several fixed customers!

One of them once praised Robin face to face, saying that Robin was really thoughtful. This first layer is really not covered!


It turns out that Robin took advantage of many people's "can't wait" mood! Many young people look more elegant than anyone else, but their hearts are more anxious and hungry than anyone else. Therefore, there is often such a phenomenon in the United Hotel. A handsome man pulls a woman and enters the hotel with an anxious face. He doesn't even look at the boss with a moustache, but directly goes directly on the first floor. On the suitable soft seat, it starts directly!

Look! Now there are several pairs of young men and women working hotly in that dark place! Moans, shouts, and even comparable to the symphony played by the Royal Orchestra!

Robin is peeking at this moment and swallowing a mouthful of water from time to time. This guy is really awesome, really awesome... Ah, it's wonderful!

But just as Robin saw **, there was suddenly a standing person in his vision.

Hmm? People? When did you come in?

Robin's head was short-circuited, but then he put aside this problem. Maybe he was too fascinated by it! Oh, you'd better treat him quickly. Don't neglect any noble young master!

Robin, who thought so, immediately looked at the young man with a flattering smile, but this made him look slightly different: No one with a woman? Could it be that the rich young man of some family sent servants to book seats or rooms? But anyway, this teenager is a subordinate who comes to run errands?

Thinking like this, Robin's waist immediately straightened up. Although his expression was still so flattering, it was obviously a little different from just now. It's not bad for me to give you such a smile! Robin, who thought so, decided to take a good at this subordinate to run errands:

He is ordinary-looking and young, only 15 or 16 years old. He seems to be still a teenager. His face is a little pale, with long black shawl hair, black eyebrows and black eyes, slightly thin, wearing a black suit, empty hands, um, it seems that there is a decorated ordinary black ring on the index finger of the left hand, huh? Why is it black from head to toe?!

Black is black. At this moment, Robin, who is still full of spring, is not in the mood to care about other people's clothes, so he quickly took out a pen and asked skillfully, "Rebooking or reservation?"



"What?" Robin's eyes were fierce, and he seemed to hear words he hadn't heard for years? Eating?


Robin is angry! I have the name of "Union Hotel". Do you really think I'm a hotel? Didn't you see the hot people in the room? Didn't you hear the call full of spring? Are you the legendary combination of the blind and the deaf?!

Anger is burning! So Robin decided to reprimand the teenager well! Let him know what the world is like!

But when he looked into the teenager's eyes with angry eyes, his anger was extinguished in an instant. Even in this sultry summer, he felt the coolness of winter!

The moans and shouts can no longer be heard, and the fierce movements around them can no longer be seen. Even the tables, chairs, counters and houses have disappeared from sight. All you can see in your eyes is the endless darkness in the young man's eyes! Deeper and deeper into the darkness!

Robin suddenly hit a rope and involuntarily bent his upright waist slowly. He dared not look at the teenager again. Instead, he turned to look at the notebook recorded on the counter. He only felt that the black numbers on the notebook were constantly flying, but it turned out that his head was a little dizzy.

"Anyone. I'm full."

After saying that, the teenager found a dark corner and sat down. The teenager's voice was very plain from the beginning, as if he didn't care about everything in the world, and what the teenager said was always very short, like a big man who had been in power for many years, cherishing his words like gold.

Robin walked into the kitchen with his dizzy head. As soon as he walked into the kitchen, he suddenly became excited and came to his senses. Mom, what kind of teenager is this?! That look...

It's like an undead in the 100,000-foot abyss, roaring silently! Although the surface seems very calm, the flashing black sharp light is so dark that it can even split the endless black night sky at once!

That's murderous!

Robin is scared! Because this is a world that says that if you want to kill people, you can kill people! What's more, the teenager is still dressed in black, which is obviously not a three-legged cat!

May well... Maybe he is still a magician!

Oh, my God! Robin's hand holding the shovel shook, and the magician... the way! Teenager, isn't it? Is this teenager here to take the legendary school exam?!

Mom! This Lord is absolutely out of trouble! Robin kept saying to himself...

When Robin carefully brought the prepared food to the teenager, he was still thinking about whether the teenager would say that his food was not to his taste, because the Union Hotel did not know when he would stop cooking. When he cooked, Robin still cooked for himself, but Robin always eats regularly. It's thrifty, so there are no good dishes in the kitchen at all, just a few street stalls! Even... the cabbage was bought the day before yesterday!

But when Robin saw the teenager eating, he did not let go of his hanging heart, because the teenager's performance proved his guess even more!

He must have come to take the exam! Robin thought.

Just as Robin was full of fear and looked at the back of the eating teenager, two people came in the door - oh no! To be precise, there are three people!

A middle-aged man with a face full of flattery, a noble teenager with an anxious face, and a girl who was carried on his shoulders by a middle-aged man and was already in a comatose.

Robin has been in business for so many years, and he already has a view of women's vision: although the girl is carried and her head is down and she can't see her appearance clearly, Robin can still imagine that this must be a pure and beautiful girl!

"Is this the place you are looking for? Drew?" The noble teenager looked around the environment on the first floor and saw the hot men and women, and their faces were more thirsty. When he saw the eating teenager eating, he frowned, snorted coldly, and asked the middle-aged man beside him.

"Ha, young master, this floor is indeed a little messy. There are wild cats and wild dogs. But the upstairs is really good, and this place is also secretive. I promise not to let others know you are here!"

"Secret? Um...very good! Are you the boss? The noble teenager was obviously happy with the secret of what Drew said, and his eyes narrowed slightly with a smile.

The smile is so obscene! Robin secretly shouted and scolded in his heart, and then faced forward with a more obscene smile and said flatteringly, "Young master, you are really good-sighted! The facilities in the small store are a little poor, but I dare not say anything else, just say it's secret! It's definitely one of the best in the city!"

The noble teenager raised his head, snorted coldly, and said sarcastically, "Really! In this shabby place, I still think my feet are dirty when I pass by! If those guys hadn't been well protected, hum, would I have come here?!"

"Yes, yes, you said!" Robin bent deeper, the smile on his face was more, and he constantly catered to the noble teenager.

Drew saw that the boss only catered to the young master, but forgot himself. He couldn't help but be a little annoyed. Aren't you the owner of a small store? It's not that you are shabby and hidden, but I haven't brought the young master here!

Thinking of Drew here, he was even more angry. He immediately slapped Robin, who was constantly catering to the noble teenager, and snorted coldly, "Don't be there. Don't you see our young master still standing? Hurry up and clean up the room upstairs. We need to go up! If someone comes to ask you about the young master, I think you should know what to do, right? Huh?"

Drew hummed and put his right hand on the hard wooden counter. With just a light touch, he saw a large piece missing from the counter. Robin was a little dissatisfied with Drew's slap, but now when he saw that this guy quietly wiped a large piece of the counter, he was shocked and dared not say anything again. He quickly bent down and bowed and agreed, and quickly went upstairs to tidy up the room.

On this side, Drew faced his master, also changed his face, full of flattery, swung his waist, repeatedly invited his master to go upstairs, and kept saying some limited content in his ear.

The noble teenager laughed repeatedly when he heard it. When he got to the back, he actually looked up and laughed, and fiercely grabbed the buttocks of the coma girl on his shoulder. Then he held his head high and quickly walked upstairs. Obviously, he was impatient!

And here, when the noble teenager and the middle-aged man disappeared at the top of the stairs, the eating teenager also ate the food on the table without leaving a drop and clean. He reached out and touched the black ring on the ring finger of his left hand, and there was a black and purple crystal coin between his right finger.

The teenager gently put the black and purple crystal coin on the table, stood up quietly, looked up at the stairs, and walked slowly towards it...