Wind moves the world

Chapter 19 Dreams are Chapter Killing.

"Final test first". Hearing such an evaluation, Matthew showed a trace of complatitude on his face. He stood up and bowed to the surroundings. After doing his style, he held his head high:

"My dream is to reach the peak of magic! And I think the necessary condition for embarking on the peak road is..." Matthew deliberately paused for a moment, then glanced at Feng Xuan, who was sitting calmly in the last row, and then said, "Defeat those flashy guys in the same school!"

"Hmm! Hypocrite..." Joanna muttered, but she didn't let Matthew hear it, but the twins sitting beside her heard their "big boss" instructions, so they looked at Matthew's eyes with disgust.

And Matthew took a look at Feng Xuan, who completely did not respond to what he said. His dissatisfaction became even more dissatisfied. He sat down and completely forgot the idea that he had to bow to the crowd and said that he had finished it.

"Hmm! Ignore my existence? Damn... I'll let you know that I'm awesome!" Matthew thought angrily.

Rowling smiled at Matthew, who was sitting down, and then said, "Okay, Matthew is right. At least I can see that Matthew has told his true thoughts. Ha ha, that's how it should be! All right, let's continue, Carl, you come."

Carl, sitting next to Matthew, stood up.

Carl's face was serious, with a sacred and proud smile on his face. His eyes looked calm, but it seemed to be extremely far-reaching. He cleared his throat and said extremely solemnly:

"God has given us food, given us light, and given us happiness! We are just a lamb waiting for sin, and every step of action is the Lord guiding us to the road of liberation!"

"What is the way to liberation?" Joanna's voice this time was heard by everyone.

Car nodded to Joanna with a sacred smile and explained, "As long as there is still war in the world and there is no peace in one day, we will not have a way to liberation!"

When Carl said this, his face was even more sacred and solemn. He raised his hand without books and suddenly raised his voice: "And our mission in the world is to calm the war and lead to peace!"

After saying that, Rowling was the first to applaud. She nodded and smiled, "It's a ** dream! Peace is a direction that countless people have been working hard for centuries! Well said!"

Joanna is also applauding. The twins applauded the boss and hurriedly followed the team. So most people in one class applauded.

Of course, Sean and Fengxuan certainly did not applaud. The two of them are like people wandering on the edge of this class.

Shaun with thick eyebrows did not fluctuate at all about such a ** dream, but Fengxuan glanced at Carl faintly.

The next person who said her goal or dream was Joanna, who obviously remembered what her mentor Rowling said, and her goal was to "become the greatest mentor in history"!

However, it is very likely that she never thought about the idea of "becoming a mentor" less than half an hour ago!

The next thing is the two Kawaii twins, who softly said that they wanted to become the "strongest duo" in reality. In the end, they didn't forget their boss Joanna and said, "I want to assist the greatest Joanna mentor in history."

After that, several people said, including Nicholas, who was marked as "special attention" by Melissa, which was very interesting and caused everyone to laugh. First, he stretched out lazily, and then said extremely unrestrainedly:

"Bask more in the sun, life is beautiful!"

When the careless Joanna saw this gesture, she immediately played the role of "big boss" and gave Nicholas a nickname: chic brother! Therefore, after that, people often called him: chic brother Nicholas!

After Nicholas, he finally arrived in the last row.

Although Sean with thick eyebrows sat in the corner, the order was in the shape of a snake, so he stood up earlier than Feng Xuan to talk about his goal or dream.

The thick eyebrows are very simple, just like him, simple. The voice of the thick eyebrows was very hoarse, and he only heard himself say:

"I have no dream. Whether it is the peak of magic, or the world is not peaceful, it has nothing to do with me. I don't want to be famous in history, let alone become a famous figure. Even, in my opinion, I have had enough of such a life. I'm alive..."

Sean's eyes were half narrowed when he spoke before, as if he was talking to himself. When he said this, his eyes suddenly opened, like a black light flashing in the night, and said coldly:

"I'm alive! But it's just for revenge!"

After Sean finished speaking, he closed his eyes and sat down, as if he had embarked on the road of no return, without any nostalgia or hesitation!

Rowling is worthy of being the tutor of the Magic Academy. Hearing Sean's murderous goal, she still maintains her long-lasting smile. In fact, the Magic Guide College is originally a "only one"! Otherwise, how can it deserve the title of "the most free school to learn"?!

To put it bluntly, as long as you have some ability, you can enter the Magic Guide Academy! Whether you are a six-year-old child or a 100-year-old man!

Of course, you still need a little special ability to enter the [Level A] class! For example, you are very good at fighting, of course you can enter, and Fengxuan enters Class A. For example, you have some special talent, magic array research or poison research, and even ordinary blade research, you can enter Class A. In fact, Fengxuan's class does have such a person.

The purpose of the Magic Guide College is to "give the best to students". So here, if you have any landmark achievements in your field, you can choose to "upgrade" at any time!

Take Feng Xuan as an example. When he was still a "first-level magician", he may still be in [Class B of Grade 1], but if his strength is in the middle and lower level of "middle-level magicians", then he may be in [Class A of Grade 1] or [Class B of Grade 2], and if his strength is in the middle and upper level of "middle-level magician", then You can be in [Second Grade Class A]!

And if Feng Xuan's strength continues to rise until the "high-level magician", then he will face two choices at this time. First, he can choose to stay in [Class A of Grade 3] or be an assistant to the tutor; second, he can choose not to stay in school, but graduate and go out.

Of course, that's the "classic" process mentioned above, and you can also withdraw from the Magic Academy at any time. But almost no one will quit halfway! Because everyone came to the college to learn! And the world is extremely turbulent, and no force can provide a place where people can learn at ease!

With a smile, Rowling nodded to Sean with thick eyebrows and did not say any comment, because she knew that for a person who was determined to revenge, any comment would not work, and instead of commenting, you might as well teach him a primary magic!

So she looked directly at Feng Xuan and said with a smile, "Okay! Then there is only one left! Let's listen, what do you think?"

Everyone, even Sean, who had not responded to others before, looked sideways and waited for Feng Xuan's performance.

So everyone looked at Fengxuan sitting in the last row. The scene was extremely quiet for a while.

Fengxuan's face did not fluctuate at all, and his eyes were still so light, and there was no fluctuation because the whole class looked at him - even the slightest fluctuation.

Fengxuan didn't even stand up. Because in his opinion, standing up is a waste of time. So he sat directly in the chair and said flatly:

"The dream is to kill people."

The dream is to kill people. This sentence, five words, came out of Feng Xuan's mouth. The tone was extremely plain, as if it was commonplace. Of course, it was as simple as eating when you were hungry and drinking water when you were thirsty.

As soon as Matthew heard this, he laughed directly. Although Feng Xuan's words were not very funny, Matthew decided to humiliate Feng Xuan fiercely!

"Hahahaha... What a bullshit dream? Killing people? Humph...haha... the dream is to kill people? Are you a chick that has never killed anyone?!"

Of course, Matthew knew that Feng Xuan had killed people, and at least 26 left ears were cut off! But he still decided to attack Feng Xuan with words. He wanted to see Feng Xuan's panicked and uneasy expression! This can make him feel very happy!

But it was obvious that Fengxuan disappointed him.

Feng Xuan seemed to have not heard Matthew's sarcastic laughter, let alone Matthew's insulting words. He still had such a calm face and plain eyes!

Even Feng Xuan didn't even move his fur!

A drop of cold sweat suddenly slipped from Rowling's temple. She looked at Fengxuan with an extremely flat face and suddenly realized that before class, the vice president Melissa deliberately told her:

"Oh, that's right! Pay special attention to the little guy named Fengxuan in your class. He is a very dangerous person! ..." Melissa paused mysteriously and then said, "May well, he will kill people!"

"It's very dangerous, it's really dangerous! It's like an undead coming out of the abyss!!" Rowling took a gentle breath and paid more and more attention to Fengxuan, who was sitting calmly.

Suddenly, an inspiration flashed in her mind: "I'm afraid that even if I'm a high-level magician, I will be very tricky against him! ......”